St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group Annual General Meeting Thursday 25th September 2014 Welcome William Guest Chair Agenda • • • • • • • • • Welcome and Introduction Our Values Working WELL Together An overview of St Helens CCG’s Engagement Strategy Public Health Annual Report 13/14 Annual Report Key Highlights Annual accounts / Financial Overview Integrated Commissioning Plan Summary Our Values Making a difference – right care, right place, right time Dr Stephen Cox Clinical Accountable Officer St Helens CCG has six Core Values • Efficient and Effective • Respectful and Caring • Leadership and Ambition • Innovation and Creativity • Collaborative and Inclusive • Honest and Transparent Developing our Values – themes from review • Needs to be Jargon free and avoid too much ‘NHS speak’ • Avoid clichés and unrealistic statements that will set unrealistic expectations • Reflect our role as commissioners and some of our responsibilities as guardians of public money • Make sense to staff and partners St Helens CCG has six Core Values Behaviours underpinning our values Working WELL Together Mary Radcliffe Patient Group Member & St Helens CCG Health Forum member An overview of St Helens CCG’s Engagement Strategy William Guest Chair Why do we engage & involve the public? The law states as a Clinical Commissioning Group we have a legal duty to engage & involve the public (patients, carers & families) in; i) The commissioning of health and care services under the amended Health & Social Care Act (NHS Act 2006) ii) The engagement and involvement of individuals in their own health and care. iii) The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the work place and in wider society 2013/2014 has seen improved stakeholder relationships… NHS IQ Clinical Colleagues (Consultants) Local Authority St Helens NHS Hospitals & Fairfield St Helens Voluntary Sector Health & Wellbeing Board GP Members Patients/Public – in commissioning services & procurement panels Patient & Public Health Forum Mental Health Strategy Event Twitter – 2,500 followers The Big Health Day Facebook Working Well Together Event (150 attended) CCG Public Membership Scheme – from 56 – 210 actively involved members of the public 2013/2014 has seen Improved public Engagement… Community Group Visits – BME, LD, Homeless Patient Stories “our house of care ” Improved Patient Family Carer experiences 500 actively involved members of the St Helens public Individuals making decisions about their own health & care needs Families & Carers actively involved and engaged ‘real time” communications Patients on every commissioning panel Patient Family Carer Co-commissioned Services An effective patient group in every GP surgery Effective Communications St Helens joint public engagement Strategy Working WELL Together… Have you looked us up on the internet… Follow us on twitter @sthelensccg Look us up on facebook Look us up on Google + Join our membership Telephone us 01744 627596 St Helens Chamber, Salisbury St, St Helens, Merseyside WA10 1YF Public Health Annual Report 2014 Better Health Together Liz Gaulton – Director of Public Health September 2014 Background • The public health annual report is the independent review by the Director of Public Health • This is the first report since the implementation of the health and social care act 2012. • PHARs (and their equivalents) have been carried out in St.Helens since 1873. • The idea for this year was to reflect the reports when public health was last in the local authority. Borough Overview • St.Helens’ population is 176,221. It has recently stayed largely static in number but is predicted to increase in next 10-20 years • By 2020 the population aged 65 years and over is projected to be 37,500, over 5000 more than in 2012. This will increase pressure on services relating to old age, such as social care • Within the borough there are areas within most deprived 1% nationally, as well as the 7% least deprived. This suggests a wide variation in factors affecting health and quality of life Health in St. Helens Infant Mortality in St Helens 1880 to 2012 200 180 181 188 170 Compulsory training for midwives - 1902 168 Crude rate per 1,000 160 140 132 120 129 121 113 103 Formation of NHS - 1948 94 100 80 78 80 60 60 33 40 39 39 28 19 20 0 1880 6 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 Year Infant Mortality Rate (Crude rate per 1000) 8 2000 3 2020 Life Expectancy • Life expectancy in St.Helens is increasing, and the gap between male and female LE has reduced. • However, Still wide variations by wards Source: ONS 2014; *St.Helens Public Heath Intelligence from Primary Care Mortality Database Joint Working To Improve Health • Across the Council • Working with local organisations • Declaration on Tobacco Control. • The Parks for Life project. • ‘Other Ways of Telling’ project • 2013/14 Winter Warm Campaign • Working with providers • Work with St Helens CCG on Smoke Free Homes Project. • Encouraging uptake of flu immunisation in St.Helens. • Alcohol Liaison Service at Whiston Hospital. • Breastfeeding support service. • Projects to improve child health • Working with the public • ‘Conversations About Alcohol’ focus groups. • Public Health web pages and Council's First magazine • Working regionally • projects undertaken on a larger footprint, such as with CHAMPs and PHE. E.g. • Food Active (CHAMPs) • “Get going this summer” (PHE) Summary • Picture of improving health, but still wide inequalities and further to go. • 2013/14 was a year of transition but have achieved a great deal. • Wide range of positive projects undertaken and examples of good joint working . • Need to continue building on good relationships to work more effectively together going forward. • Range of recommendations in report to improve health and reduce inequalities. St Helens CCG Annual Report 13/14 Key Highlights Dr Stephen Cox Clinical Accountable Officer NHS Constitution Key patient rights and performance targets met eg: • 18 weeks referral • 4 hours AED wait Strengthened Partnerships • • • • • • Patients Local Authority Our local hospitals Community & Mental Health Providers 3rd Sector NHS England Resulting in: • High quality hospital care • Better access for vulnerable/frail elderly (Care Homes Scheme, Eldercare, AVS, IASH) • Improved Continuing Healthcare System • Better Services for children with vulnerability or special needs • Managing winter pressures Forward Together • Better Care Fund • Developing Primary Care Services, e.g. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment • Re-design of Community Services • Urgent Care Services • Care Closer to Home Explanation of the CCG’s Accounts Paul Brickwood, Chief Finance Officer Financial duties & targets met How much did the CCG get to spend? Summary of CCG Income & Expenditure Opening Baseline Allocation - Programme Other Allocations - Programme Opening Baseline Allocation - Running Costs Total CCG Allocation CCG Revenue - Admin CCG Revenue - Programme Total CCG Revenue (Income) 2013/14 £m 262.2 3.2 4.7 270.1 0.0 2.8 2.8 Total CCG Resources 272.9 Gross Operating Expenses - Admin Gross Operating Expenses - Programme Finance Costs Total CCG Operating Expenses 4.3 265.9 0.0 270.2 Surplus/(Deficit) Carried Forward* *This will be returned to the CCG in 2014/15 2.7 Where did the money get spent? Integrated Commissioning Plan Sarah Johnson Deputy Accountable Officer What is an Integrated Commissioning Plan? NHS England CCG Health & Wellbeing Board Local Authority Integrated Commissioning Plan Key Principals of the Strategy • Community Resilience • Integration (services & vision) • Out of Hospital redesign • System Sustainability • Quality & Safety • Access Why: What: How: Why, what and how? CCG Activity 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Elective Ordinary Admissions Elective DayCase Admissions Non-elective Admissions Total Written Referrals (GP and Other) All First Outpatient Attendances GP Sourced First Outpatient Attendances All Subsequent Follow Up Attendances 5,279 5,279 5,284 5,289 5,294 21,015 21,038 21,066 21,094 21,122 21,693 20,981 20,268 19,556 18,843 66,624 66,695 66,784 66,873 66,963 57,456 56,340 55,032 54,927 54,734 34,087 32,945 31,607 31,472 31,248 180,278 179,196 177,770 177,548 177,280 Elective and Non Elective Admissions TOTAL OUTPATIENTS 250,000 (First and Follow Up Attendances) 245,000 238,999 240,000 237,734 235,536 232,802 232,475 232,014 235,000 230,000 5 year projections from baseline year 225,000 30,000 220,000 25,000 26,350 26,317 26,294 26,271 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 26,416 26,383 23,746 21,693 20,981 Key Deliverables: 20,268 19,556 20,000 8.54% NEL Reduction in 2014/15 from 2013/14 Baseline 18,843 15,000 10,000 ELECTIVE ADMISSIONS (Ordinary & Daycase) Impact of NEL reduction in 14/15 due to re-coding of CHOBS/GPAU at STHK NON ELECTIVE ADMISSIONS Incremental reduction in Outpatients attributable to Primary Care schemes & Services e.g. ECG Telemedicine Outpatient First Attends reduction of 1.5% in 14/15 and reducing by a similar amount in 15/16 and 16/17 5,000 Minimal growth expected for Planned Electives 0 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 13% NEL Reduction by Yr 5 and maintain existing EL activity levels with reductions from growth CCG will work with Primary Care to reduce GP referrals over the next 5 years using Referral Management Schemes Assumed 0.36% population growth each year Why: What: How: Key aims of the engagement plan • To develop a robust action plan of communications, engagement and consultation in relation to the CCG 5 year Strategy and gather views, and consult with local people around key messages. • In line with Transforming Participation in Health and Care – to engage and consult local people/patients in the development of local services from strategy to concept. • To further develop CCG membership and encourage participation in all areas of commissioning. • To ensure seldom heard groups have a say in the development of the strategy and thus in key commissioning areas. Forward Together • Better Care Fund • Developing Primary Care Services, e.g. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment • Re-design of Community Services & support for voluntary sector • Co-ordination of intermediate care service • Urgent Care Services – Frailty pathway/Unit • Care Closer to Home – Mental Health 6 Characteristics of high quality health & social care systems 2014/2015 2018/2019 Citizen inclusion and empowerment PPG in all member practices. Early mobilisation of HealthWatch Services commissioned for one population. Borough based listening events. Highly proactive and flexible HealthWatch informing commissioning. Services commissioned to meet the needs of a locality model. Developed ‘App’ technology to support self-care and choice. Information sharing across organisations and sectors for the benefit of improved patient outcomes. 37 individual general practice contracts requiring commissioner support for development. No workforce planning or succession assumptions. Wide variation in quality of services and accessibility. Direct commissioning is fragmented with unclear strategies 2014/15. Individual practices running on a locality basis with a collaborative approach to extended access, back office functions and specialist clinics based within a locality clinical hub – fully supported by specialist consultants from the Hospital. High achieving practices in terms of the CCG commissioned GP Quality Contract and holistic approach to managing core contracts with the CCG acting as a cocommissioner of primary care services A modern model of integrated care Integrated Health & Social care Commissioning team. Fully approved overarching Section 75 with a pooled budget of £30m+ for CHC/FNC BCF assumptions developed and mobilised . Fully integrated health and social care services with borough based commissioning. High quality care for all. Fully developed links to education and shared Children’s services. A single integrated access point for all. A specialist Frailty Unit based in our Community Hospital will support our over 75s along with a Primary and secondary care shared ‘Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment’ Access to the highest quality urgent and emergency care Nurse led Walk –in-Centre based in a private building in the town centre with limited paediatric capability and diagnostics. Difficult to access routine primary care services OOH . StHK A&E department that consistently see’s global growth in NEL care year on year. Higher than average admission and re-admission rates. Functioning Urgent Care Collaborative – non decision making both locally and on a wider Merseyside footprint The full mobilisation of the St Helens IAP that will see first line access to ‘step up and step down community beds. Increased capacity of therapy and social services based around the locality model of working. A fully operational Urgent Care centre within St Helens Hospital that will see all minor illness and injury within first class estates with supporting suite of diagnostics. A fully operational executive level Urgent Care Board with delegated decision making across the health economy to aid system sustainability. A step-change in the productivity of elective care Higher than planned elective care episodes with growing backlog of patients on RTT pathways. GP Tutor engaged to support primary care referral education sessions. Wide variety of choice open to our population with key risks of over performance within the private sector. Planned Clinical Hubs based around localities with consultant led community referral clinics and electronic/telephone advise for GPs The CCG fully supports the reconfiguration agenda across Cheshire and Merseyside. We will see the formation of 2 ‘Super DGH’ with concentrated elective care in excellent facilities. It is also anticipated that the CCG will co-commission concentrated specialised services within Merseyside in a stand alone trust configuration model. St Helens CCG would also wish to explore the vertical integration of community and secondary care services. Specialised services concentrated in centres of excellence Inequity in access to specialised services exists despite there being a high number of Trusts within the Merseyside region. Services are fragmented with unclear intentions and strategies for 2014.15 . The reconfiguration of a single specialist centre of excellence for Merseyside with ‘spoke’ clinics delivered at an appropriate level according to population need. Wider primary care, provided at scale 40 Summary Dr Stephen Cox Clinical Accountable Officer Questions for our Governing Body? Thank you for joining us