Savanna & Tundra Biome

Savanna & Tundra Biome
Mike, Kelly, and Tina
Savanna Biome
It occurs in regions that has a distinct wet/dry
climate category.
Dry season in the winter and wet season in the
summer. Subtropical region.
During dry season most plants die and most
animals migrate to find food.
Temp. ranges from 68-86 degrees F
Mainly in low latitudes (between 30°S-30°N)
Savanna Areas
Savanna Areas
Savanna Biome
Precipitation is 15- 30 inches a year
Human Impact
Human impact: humans create savannas by
burning the grasslands and cutting down trees
in order to plant crops.
Big game hunting
Poaching animals
Animal adaptations: animals have adapted to great
variability in the food supply.
•Africa - aardvark, African elephant, African wild cat, antelopes,
buffalo, Cape hunting dog, caracal, cheetah, eland, gerenuk, giraffe,
gnu, Grant's gazelle, hippopotamus, hyena, impala, jackal, kudu,
leopard, lion,
•Australia - kangaroo, wallaby, pigeon, dove, parrot, finch, wombat
•South America - rodents (like the capybara), rhea, and deer.
•India - Asiatic water buffalo, Asian elephant, Indian rhinoceros, Indian
wolf, tiger, savanna nightjar
•Myanmar-Thailand - Asian elephant, Asiatic Water buffalo, pygmy
hog, tiger
Animal pictures
Plant adaptations: many plants have
developed adaptations that allow them to
grow quickly when there is water. When the
water is scares they turn brown to limit water
Type of plants: Baobab tree, sausage tree,
Strangle fig, Wild date palm, Tooth brush tree,
Umbrella tree, Elephant grass, and Bermuda
Savanna Biomes
Woodland: trees are spaced rather broadly
apart because of soil moisture during the dry
season is not sufficient to support a full tree
Thorn-tree-tall-grass: trees are more widely
scattered, and open grassland is more
extensive than in the savanna woodlands
Savanna Woodland
Savanna Thorn-tree-tall-grass
Tundra Biome
This tundra is the coldest of all biomes
Tree-less plane
Little precipitation (less than 10 in.), poor
nutrients, and poor growing seasons
Gets energy and nutrients from dead or
organic material
Temps cold most of year, maybe short periods
warmer than 0°C (32°F)
Mainly in high latitudes (60° - 80°N) and high
Tundra Biome
Human Impact
Increase in Earth temp melts polar ice caps.
Pollution for mining and drilling of oil has
polluted the natural resources. Nickel minds
in Russia are so polluted plants around mine
have died off.
Big game hunting
Plants and Animals
 Arctic: low shrubs, sedges, reindeer mosses, liverworts, and
grasses,400 varieties of flowers, and crustose and foliose lichen
 Alpine: tussock grasses, dwarf trees, small-leafed shrubs, and
 Arctic: Herbivorous mammals: lemmings, voles, caribou, arctic
hares and squirrels, Carnivorous mammals: arctic foxes, wolves,
and polar bears Migratory birds: ravens, snow buntings, falcons,
loons, ravens, sandpipers, terns, snow birds, and various species
of gulls, Fish: cod, flatfish, salmon, and trout
 Alpine: Mammals: pikas, marmots, mountain goats, sheep, elk,
Birds: grouselike birds, Insects: springtails, beetles, grasshoppers,
Animal Pictures
Tundra Biomes
Arctic: It is located in the areas around the
poles, the growing range is 50-60 days, the
precipitation is 6-10 in., and where there is
Alpine: It is located in the mountains at high
latitudes where trees cannot grow. The
growing season is 180 days in the summer.
Arctic Biome
Alpine Biome
1. Col, Jeananda. "Savanna Animal Printouts." Enchanted Learning. 2000.
18 Nov 2008
2. Benders-Hyde, Elizabeth. "Savanna." Blue Planet Biome. 2000. 18 Nov
2008 <>.
3. "Biomes." COTF. 2004. Wheeling Jesuit University. 18 Nov 2008
4. Thomas, Robert. "The Grassland Biome." UCMP. 2002. California
Academy of Sciences. 18 Nov 2008