Pi Kappa Phi Theta Rho Chapter New Member Education Syllabus Warden: Matthew Cain Superior Associate Member Educator: Patrick Schick Introduction - I. Congratulations, men. You have made a vital first in choosing to become men of class with Pi Kappa Phi. This experience will grow you into men that will change the face of Greek Life, make you leaders on campus, and propel you into a fulfilling career after. The process will be arduous, demanding, and taxing, but in the end, you will grow for better, and the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi are with you every step of the way. Good luck, and we will all be with you. Where We Stand on Hazing The Supreme Chapter and the National Council of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity unequivocally oppose all acts of hazing. The National Fraternity, as well as Western Michigan University and the laws of the state of Michigan, define hazing as any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule, regardless of a person’s willingness to participate. While the Fraternity’s risk management policy provides a list of activities that may constitute hazing, Pi Kappa Phi expects its chapters to provide an atmosphere where all members, associate members, and guests feel safe by ensuring that respect for human dignity is a chief priority. Additionally, members of the Fraternity are expected to hold each other accountable to our shared standards. All alleged incidents of hazing will be investigated and adjudicated in accordance with the Fraternity’s Disciplinary Code. Any member found in violation of Pi Kappa Phi’s hazing policy will be sanctioned in accordance with the Code. Such sanctions may include suspensions and expulsion from the Fraternity. Members and associate members who are aware of behavior that is inconsistent with this statement or Pi Kappa Phi’s hazing policy should contact the Fraternity’s National Headquarters at (704) 504-0888. II. Membership Commitment Membership is a life commitment to the values and initiatives of brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi. Fulfilling your role as a brother of Pi Kappa Phi includes fulfilling your time and financial obligations. Associate members will be asked to make the following commitments: A. Time Commitment a. One associate member education class each Sunday. b. One associate member education activity once a week (Day pending). c. Weekly subordinate ritual(s) during class or on activity night. d. Attendance at all chapter meetings, excluding formal meetings. e. Attendance at 75% of fraternity events (including social events). f. Attendance at 75% Ability Experience events. g. Attendance at one or more other service/philanthropy event. B. Financial Commitment a. Pre-Initiation Fee: $85.00 – Due Prior to Pre-Initiation (including Associate Member Pin & copy of The White Diamond) b. Initiation Fee: $195.00 – Due Prior to Initiation c. Member Badge: $15.00 – Due Prior to Initiation d. Associate Member Chapter Dues – $55.00 i. Includes participation in IM Sports and chapter activities. e. Outside costs may include class paddle, class project, and big brother paddle. C. Academic Commitment a. Sign a grade release form. b. Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.70. c. Provide the Scholarship Chairman with a copy of their course schedule. d. Abide by the Academic Integrity/Honor Code of Western Michigan University. e. Present a mid-term progress report to the Scholarship Chairman in order to ensure they have successfully demonstrated a desire to strive to attain the highest possible standards of scholarship. III: Expectations: The Xi associate class will be expected to complete the following prior to initiation: a. Maintain at least a 2.70 GPA, demonstrated at midterms b. Each associate member must participate or regularly support at least one IM Sports team or Greek Week event. c. Each associate member must attend another RSO meeting with a brother. d. Each associate member must make a paddle for his big brother. e. The class shall organize, execute and promote one Ability Experience event and have it completed before initiation. f. The class shall develop a project to be given to the chapter, with plans and any necessary financing done prior to initiation and complete the project before the following class is initiated. g. Make a class paddle before the following class is initiated. h. Each associate member shall get to know all active members of the chapter and obtain their signature as verification. In turn active members are also expected to get to know all associate members. i. The class shall hold weekly class meetings; led by the class officers. j. Pass the New Member Education course with at least an 80% k. Pass the Final National Exam with at least an 80% l. Complete part one of Greek Life edu. m. Fulfill requirements with the Social Plan n. Sign up for OmegaFi and be current on dues. o. Attend New Member education sessions twice a week p. Attend the New Member Education Retreat q. BOND AS A CLASS! You will need to work together to be successful. r. Learn the values the students creed s. Create a sub ritual to be presented to the chapter before initiation. You will be told what the topic is. IV: Tentative Schedule Week Date of Class 0 2/6 1 2/8 2 2/15 3 2/22 Class Topic(s) White Diamond Reading Date of Activity (ies) Sub Ritual Pinning Syllabus EC Basic Explanation The Creed Greek Alphabet Executive Council Chapter 1 Class Elections Chapter 2 2/9 Pgs21-43 “Web” Human Knot Dinner with Eligible Bigs Pgs 45-87 2/16 Pages 89-106, 145-154 2/20 Quiz Night 3/02 Living the creed 4 3/01 Campus involvement (Ch.6) Chapter 7 5 3/15 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 8 6 3/22 Chapter 3 FIPG/Risk Management 3/23 7 3/29 Gold Book/By-laws Theta Rho History 3/30 8 4/05 -Brother Bio’s -Signatures -Prep for Achievement Week 4/06 157-173 3/17 TBA Jeopardy Achievement Week 4/12 4/18 V: Goals - These are not the bare minimum to pass New Member Education, but are lofty goals that will set you apart from other men on campus. A. Have an average class GPA at 2.95 B. Have all associates in your class to pass every quiz during New Member Education C. Have all Xi class score 90% or higher on the National Exam VI: Dress code - For their New Member Education class and for Achievement Week, Associate members should be dressed in proper pin-attire. This will be khaki dress pants, a white dress shirt, tan/brown dress socks, a tan/brown belt and the tie that will be distributed to them. Nu Class will vote in their first week whether or not a suit jacket is required; unanimous vote required. If an associate member has difficulty obtaining this attire, he should talk to the Superior Associate Member Educator and the chapter may be to provide assistance VII: Contact Info Warden Matthew Cain: (517) 404-8450 Superior Associate Member Educator Patrick Schick (734) 474-2945 Email: Matthew.j.cain@wmich.edu