NR 101 Treasure Hunt Resource Department Boot Camps Date/Times Information to Discover Center for Academic Success (CAS) WEEKK 3 (note taking) WEEKK 5 (learning styles) (RM. 223) - Call the desk @ 630-953-3704 to make an apt. Email them (after done with med/surg can work in this office) (have to have a 3.25 GPA) How do I make an appointment with a peer tutor? - Call 630-953-3704 or go in and make an appt. When should I seek help in the CAS? - Long before I am in trouble or struggling with any classes. Signature _________________ Station 1 How do I make an appointment with a professional nurse tutor? Station 2 7/24/12 Rm. 208 11a.m.-12p.m Academic Success Center (ASC) How do I receive help with a presentation I am working on? - Walk in and see if someone is available if not make an appt. while you are there. What is the schedule of the tutors in the ASC? - It is posted outside of the door on a piece of paper that you can take with you and keep. (RM. 221) When should I seek help in the ASC? - When you have a problem/question about your classes assignments. Signature _________________________ How do I receive help with a paper I am writing? - Walk in and see if someone is available if not make an appt. while you are there. When should I make an appointment to meet with my advisor? Whenever I need help in registering for classes, or I have a financial aid question that is not answered online. Student Services (RM. 130) What is ASPIRE and how can they help me? Counseling professionals (24 hrs/day, 7 days a wk), for personal, financial, family, or legal. How do I check my financial status? Go to my student portal online, login, go to my finances. Signature ___________________________ Station 3 How do I register for classes? Go to my advisor: Jarryl Anderson. Who is my career services advisor? Career Services (RM. 223) Linkedin July 31, 2012 2 p.m. in Rm. 211 - Sarah Vollmer (630)-953-3674 email: What student organizations can I become involved with? - Student Government Association Chicago Metro Leadership Program Student Nurses’ Association Committee of Achievement Learning and Monitoring Kappa Alpha Rho When should I make an appointment with a career services advisor? - Anytime I am ready to start my career. (As soon as possible) Signature _______________________ Station 4 Careers in Nursing July 31, 2012 11a.m in Rm. 208 IT Help Desk (Rm. 101) What do I do if I forget my password for eCollege or Chamberlain email? - Go to the IT Dept. - Log in to Ecollege web site or call 630-787-8186 Who do I ask if I am having an issue with a computer on campus or my own laptop? Go to the IT Dept. Signature_________ _____ Station 5 No boot camps offered Where can I find a copy of my textbook in the library? (RM. 231) Librarian: Beverly Hughes 630-652-8360 No boot camps offered Station 7 - At the reserve desk in the Library (right behind the desk) How do I reserve a study room? College of Nursing Front Office: Administrati ve Assistant Where can I find videos that may coincide with material I am learning in class? - At the Library desk and sign up for a time. How do I receive help from a librarian when I am off campus? (ask-a-librarian services) - Log into Click on online reference desk Go to ask a librarian Signature _______________________ Library Services At the reserve desk in the Library (right behind the desk) (do not have ALL books.) How do I make an appointment with my student services advisor? - Go to office # Rm. 130 Call # 630-953-3670 Where do I go if I have an appointment with my faculty member? - Rm. 130. (Rm. 130) Please sign up for a clinical compliance orientation and place the day and time here: July 23rd 2012, @ 12p.m. in RM. 230. Signature _______________ Station 6 Monday 7/16/2012 @ 2-3p.m. In RM. 226.