Rounds -

CharDee MacDennis
The Game of Games
Rule Book
The Dudley Version 1.7
Remember, it's not a game, it's a war.
The game is played with two opposing teams for fifteen minutes (not including stoppage time, which is
frequent) where each team must progress through three stages with its own set of rules. The game ends
when one team has completed the required number of challenges from each level. Upon achieving victory
the winning team gets to smash the game pieces of the losing team.
Mac and Charlie have never won in 18, wait, 19 games.
“soul crushing like the transformers franchise”
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Additional Items Needed
What you will need for the game. Broken down by host and individual player’s contribution:
Game board, nails
A dog cage/crate
A timer
A stereo, complete with the CharDee MacDennis The Game Soundtrack
"Temptation Sensation" by Heinz Kiessling (Opening theme music)
Schubert's "Moment Musical (Op. 94, No. 3)” music for "The Ritual of Sportsmanship" as
well as additional classical music.
Thrasher music for the "Maori war dance"
My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion
Take My Breath Away – Berlin
Steve Winwood - Higher Love
Rebecca Black – Friday
Canadian National Anthem with English and French Lyrics
Dayman – Charlie Kelly and Dennis Reynolds
First aid kit – VERY IMPORTANT
Game cards, with questions/challenges (Trivia, Puzzles, Artistry)
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The ingredients of a cake
Zip ties for handcuffs or similar
SUPER Hot peppers (Jalapenos preferred) – At least enough for half per player attending
2x large drawing boards with multiple markers
Ping pong balls
A FANCY Cheese/Appetizer platter with A LOT grapes
Whiffle ball bat, or a stick or something along those lines
A tennis ball
Paper and pens for the group
A lot of milk and a robe
Each Player
1 bottle of wine, 12 pack of beer (individual/team should at least have three variations of lite
beer), at least 375ml of hard alcohol (80 proof or greater).
Representative piece or action figure
1x Blindfold
1x Shooter Shot glass,
1x wine glass
A ruthless attitude
A signed Hold Harmless Agreement (Appendix D)
Each Team
Each team must have an official team name
Each team must have a framed photo of their team with team name
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Game Play, Guidelines and Rules
1. Rounds:
a. "The Ritual of Sportsmanship"
b. Level 1 – Mind
Level 2 – Body
d. Level 3 - Spirit
2. Level Advancement - To advance each level, each team must collect challenge cards.
a. 6x MIND cards to advance to Level 2
b. 5x BODY cards to advance to Level 3
4x SPIRIT cards to Win.
3. To Win - The game ends when one team has completed the required number of challenges from
each level. Upon achieving victory the winning team gets to smash the game pieces of the losing
4. Pre-Round Etiquette - Classical music should be played while the participants dine and make
small conversation, it gives the illusion of respect for one's opponent. Ask any questions now
because asking questions is forbidden while the clock is running, an infraction of the question
rule results in being penalized by the team drinking for five seconds. After the reception wine
glasses should be smashed and fierce dancing and Maori war dances should occur to intimidate
the other team.
5. Clock – Although not strictly enforced during friendly play the general rules state: 15 minutes on
the game clock, with a halftime (7:30 min) and a 2 minute warning. Time stops for event related
6. Post level Breaks – 10 minute break following each round advancement
7. Time Outs – Each team is awarded 3 Time Outs
8. Add Penalty Time - Each penalty results in an additional 2 mins added to the game clock
9. First Aid Kit - Be sure to always have a first aid kit for injury stoppage.
10. Nail Down the Board - It is highly suggested that the game board be nailed down as Mac will get
angry at losing and try to flip the board.
11. Cursing (Level 2) - Cursing is not allowed in level two. If a player curses, he or she must chug for
5 seconds, but the opponents count.
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12. Questions - Asking questions is not allowed while the clock is running, and it results in drinking
for five seconds, at players discretion assuming gentlemen’s rules.
13. Spilt Drink - If a player spills his drink his team must chug the opposing team's drinks.
14. Tie - In the event of a tie the instructions on the black card must be followed.
15. Post Level Break - When one team advances to the next round there is a 10 minute break in
which the clock stocks and all rules are off.
a. After each Post Level Break, the Maori war dances resume
16. Completed Beverages – General rule applies to all drinking events. A beverage is not considered
completed if a “drinkable amount” remains. Spills also may designate an uncompleted beverage
which may or may not be redeemed by drinking the equivalent from another vessel. Judge may
enforce this definition as he/she sees fit.
17. No Vomiting: Since this is a drinking game, and the goal is to get drunk, then vomiting should be
punished. Any player who vomits from alcohol consumption must then slam a container of the
cheapest alcohol in the room. short of that, they must consume a volume of some kind of booze
greater than what they shot out. If said player fails to accomplish this task, said player must not
be allowed inside for one level. If anyone on the above mentioned players team utters the name of
the vomiting player, the ENTIRE team must consume a level appropriate beverage (glass of wine,
full beer or shot) before the game can continue.
18. Team Sizes - Only two teams may play but the size of the teams is unlimited. Odd teams may be
permitted but some events may positively or negatively influence the outcome.
19. Cheating - Cheating is a big part of this game. It's tolerated and accepted, but there are penalties
for getting caught.
a. If a player is caught cheating while both teams are at the same level the opposing team
advances one level. If the team at the higher level is caught cheating the opposing team is
advanced to the same level. If the cheating team of the lower level cheats, they must drink
a full level appropriate beverage.
b. The player whom found to be cheating must sit in a dog crate until he/she consumes the
ingredients of a cake, individually of course.
20. No cell phones or driving - Cell phones and keys will be collected during "The Ritual of
Sportsmanship". Failure to follow these rules will result in said person going to jail*. He/She will
not pass go and will not collect $200. However, certain cards may require use of a cell phone or a
phone specific to a player. At this point a Judge may allow use only for this event and recollect
phone after use.
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21. Jail - Jail is a dog kennel and the only way out is to eat the ingredients of a cake. Quantity not
specified and is up to the judge’s approval so far as it is constant throughout the game. Only one
player is allowed in jail at a time, unless you have multiple human size dog crates. If a player has
failed to eat the ingredients of a cake and another player goes to jail, first player is set free due to
22. Player Ability - Players may impartially rate or be rated on their playing ability based on obvious
abilities of Mind, Body and Spirit. It is suggested teams should be formed based on balancing
these traits evenly.
23. Judge(s): Judge or Judges may be present to officiate the game. These parties MUST have a strict
understanding of game play and MUST be impartial less be banished from their post.
24. Time Outs - Each team gets 2 time outs for bathroom breaks. Bathroom breaks may not be used
during intermission because using the bathroom is not classy. During the time out, the team that
called the timeout must drink one drink and refresh the other team's drinks.
25. Police - If the police are called, you go into a "Special Round." The clock is stopped for this
round. The host must assess the severity of the situation and make the decision as to "Play or
Pass." If the host chooses to pass all efforts must be made to make the cops leave as soon as
possible. If the host says "Play" then the first person to be arrested without getting anyone else in
trouble automatically wins the game. Losing team must wait outside of jail (as long as it takes) to
pick up the arrested player.
26. Quitter(s) - Calling it quits is for quitters and technically triggers a technical foul. Five technical
fouls are worth a point, but every two technical fouls requires a single-hole miniature golf duel.
It's generally not worth it to go down this road.
27. Cleanliness - It is the responsibility of each team to clean up after any cards after the play is over.
The losing team must clean up everything else after the game is over
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Level 1 – MIND
Trivia, Puzzles, Artistry
At this stage only wine is to be served ONLY in cans. To advance the team must complete six challenges,
taking the card to show proof of victory. Each team picks a card that contains a trivia question, puzzle, or
artistic challenge. There are also chance cards taken directly from monopoly, but can be modified.
“Open Book: Criminal Record” The player who draws this card must recite, in order, their entire
criminal record before the opposing team can poor and drink two glasses of wine. Success gets you
the card. Losing team must drink more wine.
“Open Book: Sexual History” The player who draws this card must recite, in order, the full names
of their first five sexual partners before the opposing team can pour and drink two glasses of wine.
Success gets you the card. Losing team must drink more wine.
“Lite Beer” – Teams must nominate a blind taste tester. Three one ounce “lite beers” are poured in
front of the tester, with full beers sitting to the side. If the player cannot correctly label each beer,
the player must consume the remaining beer in the cans. If one team player correctly guesses each
beer, and the other team fails to do the same, winning team gets the card and losing team has to
finish the beer. If both players guess wrong, or both players guess correctly, another player from
each team must attempt to complete the task until the correct answer is achieved by only one side.
“Shot in the Dark” – Each player must be blindfolded and attempt to pour the most amount of
wine into a wine glass without spilling. A single drop spilt will result in a voided submission. The
team with the most liquid wins the card and losing team must drink the poured volume.
Community Chest:
“Blind Artist” The artist from your team must draw the clue from the card on their
teammates back. Teammate must guess the clue solely on feel. First to guess correctly wins
the card.
“Wheel barrow Drawing” Both Teams must elect an artist and a “holder”. The holder
holds the artists two feet off the ground only using his or her hands. The artist is given a
sharpe or marker and, using only their mouth to hold the marker, must spell out the
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alphabet. Letters must be legible by 1st grade standards meaning all shapes are common
and lines connect properly. Teams have 2 minutes to complete as many letters as possible.
If the artist’s feet hit the floor, that team loses and must finish a full beer each.
“Spelling Bee” – Normal spelling bee rules. Judge will select words at random from the
rule book and quiz each player, alternating teams, in order to spell the word correctly.
Failure to spell a word removes the player from the competition and must drink a glass of
wine. Team with the last player wins. If no judge present then one player from each team
taking turns asking the opposing team.
“I’m Rich, Bitch” All Play - Player with the most amount of cash on hand wins the card.
Cash must be shown.
"Sensual Footing" - One member from each team removes their left socks and has to draw
a picture of a sexual position with their foot first team to guess within 2 guesses wins
however if both pictures are the same position everyone drinks beers equal to guesses made
in total by both teams and repeat the artist doesn’t change.
“Cheat to Win: Ghost Writer” DO NOT READ THIS OUTLOUD. You are allowed to make up
any MIND challenge you wish, with your own rules. You must quickly make something up and
say it out loud less the group gets suspicious. Of course this is cheating. However, if you are caught
cheating; Go Directly to Jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
“Charlie No Rite Gud” Uposing teem moost rite 1 centance no longer thin 15 wurds and cshow da
scentences to Prayr celec ting this kard. Player then has 1 min to righte that scentence wit there
hopposighte hand. The plrayers teem thn hAs 30 sceconds to deciffer the Charlie skratches.
“Sketch Artist: Sex Offender” Player who selects this card has 1 minutes to draw any other player
in the room, as a Rapist, A Pedophile or a Murder.” Players own team has 2 chances to 1) guess
the person drawn in the picture 2) guess is he/she a Rapist, A Pedophile or a Murder. If correctly
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guess, subject must drink a glass of wine because they were caught. If not, everyone else must
drink a glass of wine because there is a sex offender on the loose and it’s all your fault.
“Sex position charades” Opposing team chooses a sex position (if charading player is unfamiliar
with it, they must explain the position). The card-drawing team chooses a player to act out the
given position. If the player’s team guesses correctly within 30 seconds (max two guesses per
player) they get the card.
“Hide the coin” Opposing team members all place hands flat on the table, with one hand hiding a
coin. The Card-drawing team must decide which hand hides the coin. If the team guesses
correctly, they get the card. Card-drawing team may repeat BUT every player must consume a new
full glass of wine before opposing team resets coin.
“Hand Actors Studio” Opposing team chooses a movie. Card-drawing team chooses a player to act
out the movie using only their hands and sound effects. No actual words may be spoken and actor
must remain seated. If team guesses correctly within 30 seconds, they get the card.
“Shut the Fuck UP” Pontificate on a topic chosen by the opposing team for 60 seconds without any
fillers (er, um, uh, y’know) or pauses over 3 seconds. Opposing team may try to interrupt.
“THE TOWER!” -All play: See who can stack any objects in the room the highest in 60 seconds.
The team with the tallest tower wins and gets to knock the other team’s tower over.
“Digits” - Have the opposing team write down a 10-digit number on a piece of paper and hand it to
a player on your team. The player can then speak the number only once. The remaining players on
the team then have to keep the number in their heads (no speaking) for 30 seconds starting after
the last number was spoken. During the 30 seconds the opposing team can use whatever verbal
attacks they want in order to confuse the other players.
“The Big C” Opposing team selects a number between zero and fifty. Scroll through the contacts in
your cell until you find whoever corresponds to this number and inform them you have been
diagnosed with cancer. They cannot be informed of the deception until the end of the game.
Inception Maze - All Play - You have two minutes to draw a maze that the opposing team has one
minute to solve. Maze must have a solvable route or drawing team must finish their beverages.
First team successfully through wins the card.*Parkour not allowed
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Charades - All play: One teammate is given the clue, either an action or thing. That teammate
must charade out the clue while the other teammate attempts to draw it. No talking is allowed, no
gesturing is allowed by the drawing teammate. There are 45 seconds on the clock, after which the
teams present their drawing and see if they were correctly able to interpret their teammates’
Artistry - Contests must attempt to draw an object, selected by the other team, into the
sand/snow/dirt and the second team mate must guess within 30 seconds of completion. If team
loses, must down a glass of wine for every incorrect guess. If team wins, opposing team must drink
the amount of guesses made.
String Theory -Explain the first five dimensions according to string theory in under 30 seconds.
(Appendix F)
What is the Higgs Boson? (Appendix G)
Chance Cards
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*Trivia Answers in Appendix C
Trivia #1 : What is the greatest band in the world?
Trivia #2 : Denis is asshole. Y Charlee hat?
Trivia #3 : It’s not rape if…
Trivia #4: So what, you want a maid?
Trivia #5: You're thirty-three years old, you're supposed to be sexually active! You're not…
Trivia #6: When Frank was out making money, who was at home, cooking and cleaning
and raising his children?
Trivia #7: Why does Dennis hate listening to people’s dreams?
Trivia #8: What man is Charlie Gay for?
Trivia #9: There is nothing more threatening to a man than a woman who is…
Trivia #10: What is it that you call it when somebody tries to do something but doesn't
Trivia #11: According to a Lawyer after their mother past away, who is Dennis and Dee
Reynolds real father? Hint: "A handsome man with a beautiful soul and a nicer penis."
Trivia #12: It’s not that I’m ashamed of you, its….
Trivia #13: Why does Dee throw a box of kittens?
Trivia #14: According to a screaming Charlie: “YOU DON'T DO THAT! YOU DON'T EAT
Trivia #15: What does a little Mexican girl love more than anything else in the world?
Trivia#16: What is Rickety Cricket’s real name?
Trivia#17: What are the full names of The Gang?
Trivia#18: What does the acronym The D.E.N.N.I.S. system stand for? Bonus: If correct
other team must finish their drinks. What is the M.A.C. system and what is Frank’s
Trivia#19: Who is the father of Dee’s baby?
Trivia#20: “What Flyer holds the franchise record for most goals in a single season?”
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Level 2 – BODY
Physical Challenge, Pain, and Endurance
At this stage only beer is served. There is no cursing allowed either, in the event of cursing the team has to
chug a drink for 5 seconds while the other team counts as slow as they wish. The team picks a card which
has a physical challenge written on it, completing two challenges will allow the team to advance to the
third level. Five cards are needed to complete this round.
“Relay Race” – Using a predetermined area (ie. around the house) each player from each team
must chug a beer and run a single lap. Before the next racer may begin running, he/she must then
chug his/beer before being the next lap and so forth until every player has run. Runner for each
lap may not advance until the odd player has also consumed his/her beer. If a team has an odd
number, the odd team must select one player to not race but consume an entire beer for each lap
his team completes.
“Body: Dizzy palm” - Whoever pulls this card must shotgun a beer, then placing their forehead
against the bat, must spin around the bat 21 times, followed by an attempt to slap either opponent
in the face. Success wins the card. Failure or flinching means the other team must now attempt
the same challenge. Challenge continues until one team wins the card. All failed attempts require
the shot gunning of one beer. The no vomiting rule stays in effect through play. Steve Winwood Higher Love will be played in the back ground.
“Hot Shit!” Grab four or five of the hottest peppers. Cut these peppers into three or four good sized
pieces. Put salt on peppers. Both teams eat a piece, wait 45 seconds, and then eat another piece;
repeat until someone bitches out. Team that eats final piece gets the card. Losing team does not get
to drink. Until next card is won.
Community Chest:
“Paint Mixer” Select one player from each team. Slam a schooner of beer, do jumping jacks, in
rhythm for 45 seconds, slam another schooner of beer, do jumping jacks for another 45 seconds.
Repeat. The first one to puke, spray foam or give up loses and must take a shot. The winner gets
the card.
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“Rock, Paper, Scissors, Beer” Teams line up in order of age and individuals compete in order. Best
of three wins. Loser must chug a full beer before his next teammate can compete. Winner goes to
back of his team’s line until one team is completely eliminated.
“Hungry Hungry Hippos” One player from each team must fit as many grapes in their mouth
using only their faces. The player must prove how many grapes he or she has in their mouth by
spitting them out when the challenge is over; hence eaten grapes do not count.
“Ping…Pong” Player who selects this card must stand facing the opposing team while each
member of throws 1 ping pong ball each from a distance of 10 feet. If he/she flinches or shows any
sign of pain he loses the challenge.
“Feats of Strength: Arm wrestling” – Player who selects this card must arm wrestle a player from
the opposing team of their own selection. If player is successful, player may elect to steal a card
(loss of card may drop a team into a lower level) OR force the entire opposing team to consume 2
full beers.
“Feats of Strength: One Legged Foot Stand” All Players must stand on one foot. Whichever player
stands the longest wins the card.
“Feats of Strength: Drunken Pushup” Player must compete against the tallest opposing player.
Each player has two minutes to do 10 pushups, take a shot of beer and repeat. Whoever completes
the most wins the card. In the event of a tie, both players must remain above the ground in a push
up position. First to drop any part of their body (including a shirt which may be removed) loses.
“Team Drunken Wall Squad” Both teams must hold a wall squat for one minute, and then drink
a shot of beer. Repeat until there is only one player left. That team wins may elect to steal a card
(loss of card may drop a team into a lower level) OR force the entire opposing team to consume 2
full beers.
“Chugging Relay” Teams line up facing each other. In order, must consume 1 full beer to pass the
“baton.” Winning team wins the card and losing team MUST still finish their beers.
“Slap Happy” – Both Teams must select one player to remove shirt and be slapped on the back by a
teammate chosen by the opposing team. Whichever team leaves the brightest mark after 1 min
wins the card.
“SHOTGUN” - All Play - Without tools or using the pull tab on a can of beer, shotgun it. Cans
empty and down designates a completion. First team to finish their beer wins the card.
“Feats of Strength: Can Crush” – Player selecting the card elects one player from his team to crush
an unopened can of beer. Nominee has 1 minute to complete the task. Failure results in team shot
gunning 1 beer each. Success yields card and the opposing team must shotgun 1 beer each.
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“Playing With Matches” - he player must strike a match and hold it until it extinguishes itself.
The player team mate must sit across the room, away from the player. Any flinching or dropping
of the match results in a loss. Opposing team may elect to steal challenge upon failure.
“Chance: Hungry?” Eat this card whole. Now. Not that you can read this now but you won a card.
“Feats of Strength: Shot Put” Player must pick any object (from paper airplane to giant river log)
and must toss it as far as possible. Mark the distance. Opposing team nominates a player of their
own to toss the same object. Furthers throw gets the card and opposing team must finish 1 full
“Cheat to Win: ‘Show’ Muscles” DO NOT READ THIS OUTLOUD. You are allowed to make up
any BODY challenge you wish, with your own rules. You must quickly make something up and
read it out loud. Of course this is cheating. However, if you are caught cheating; Go Directly to
Jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. If you are successful getting anyone to complete your
task, your team wins a card upon the selection of the next card drawn. You must admit yourself a
cheat, but are reprieved of any jail because you are a champion.
“Charlie Work: Rat Detail” The opposing team is given 1 min to decide what “Charlie Work” the
player that selects this card must do. The work must be specific but the player need only work for
as long as one member of the opposing team is continuously drinking. This is a good opportunity
for cleaning, trash duty or killing rats. No Card Awarded for Charlie Work. Failure to do Charlie
Work sacrifices one card from the player’s team.
“The Most Dangerous Game” DO NOT READ THIS OUTLOUD. In a moment, everyone will
descend on you. The most dangerous game is Man. You are that man. PREPARE YOURSELF.
Read this: “The most dangerous game is Man. I am that man. When I say go everyone will have
two minutes to is to try and tag me. First person to do so wins a card for their team, everyone else
has to chug a full beer. If a member of my team tags me, I have to drink 2 full beers. Go.”
“Chance Card: Food Call” The puller of this card must purchase food for everyone present. It is up
to the puller to decide what each person gets, so long as each person has their own item. The item
can be as cheap or expensive as they want. It can range anywhere from an entire pizza to a soft
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drink, or even just a bag of small fries. Since gratuitous amount of alcohol are presumed to be
consumed, it is best if the food is ordered online or over the phone. The puller may not participate
until the order is called in, and the game continues without them. Once the food arrives, the other
members may swap food or share as they see best fitting. The puller may also order food for
themselves, but beware that their own food is subject to sharing as the other members see fit
(although not swapping, the puller has some rights to his own food). The puller must pay for
everyone else's food, out of his own pocket. There is no lending cash/"I'll pay you back later". No
Get out of Jail Free Card:
“Bonnie & Clyde” Two people have to be handcuffed together for the rest of the game. All
Challenges must be completed together. The opposing team chooses who is attached to the player
pulling the card for the rest of the game.
"Look at dem cans" - The player drawing this card must have every empty can consumed
so far thrown at them without flinching or being a pussy from a distance of at least 15
feet. Head shots are not allowed, but the player being pelted may not cover his genitals. If
the player does not flinch, he gets this card and the throwing team must finish his beer.
Cans can be manipulated [crushed, folded, etc] for better aerodynamics/ more pain
“Can Stand” The team that draws this card must have the drawer do a handstand (against a wall if
they need to) while the other teammate helps them shotgun a beer. If they spill the beer, fall
down, or can’t finish then they lose and the other team must try. Opposing team may steal.
“Chance card: Beer Run” Whoever pulls this card may designate an opponent of their
choosing. The chosen opponent must shotgun a warm beer, and then run around the
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block. If they can complete the run without vomiting, or spewing foam, they are entitled
to five dollars from each member of the challenging team. Losing team must shotgun a
Enriched Micro Brew – Combine all open beverages and then split in half. Player and opponent
of his choosing must race to finish each vessel. Winner takes the card.
“Round House Kick” – Round House Kick an object 6 feet off the ground. After every failed
attempt, player must drink a shot of beer. Time limit…puke…or 2 minutes.
“That is why you always get picked last, fatty.” Player selecting card and opposing team player
who selected the last card are Team Captains. Captains select fastest runners on their own team in
order. Last picked on each team are not allowed to race and must take two shotguns, one to start
their team’s relay, one to finish it. Both teams relay race predetermined distance. Winning team
gets card.
“Dog Bowl” Player selecting this card must race to consume an entire beer from a dog bowl or
similar container on all fours without the use of any other device. Player competes against
opponent of his choosing. If a “drinkable” amount is spilled from either player, player forfeits and
yields the card. Bowl must be consumed to win card.
“Flip Flip Flipadelphia” All Play- Survivor Rules - Each team lines up on one side of the table
and each player has a cup with an equal amount of beer. The start of the line must chug their beer
then flip their cup upside down on the table before the next team member can drink. The first
team member to have all players drink and land their cups wins the round and votes off a
member of the other team. The same number of cups remain on the table meaning the losing team
must consume multiple cups. Game play continues until all players on one team are eliminated.
“Boat Race” All Play - Each team stands in a line, one behind the other. Everyone holds a full
beer. On the word 'Go', the first person must drink their pint as quickly as possible. As soon as
they finish, they must put the glass on their head and the next person starts drinking. Each
member of the team must wait until the person in front of them has finished drinking before they
can start. The winning team is the first one to finish.
“Flip a lit cig” Play may pass. Successfully flip a lit cigarette into your mouth, with the right end
out, in five attempts or fewer.
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“Dragon’s Breath” Take a shot of hot sauce, no emotions allowed.
“The McPoyle Chug” one player from each team must drink as much milk as they can within a
given amount of time. Player that drinks the most without vomiting wins for his/her team. Losers
must remove their clothes and wear only underwear and a bathrobe for the duration of the game
(or complete another challenge to get their clothes back).
"Dayman"- Sing "Dayman" while chugging a beer. No card awarded, but winner can tear up (1)
card of the opposing team.
“The Shriveler” - One member from each team must try to see how many ice cubes he or she can
fit in their underwear in 45 sec. The player can only place one at a time in his or her underwear.
“Gun Show” Rip the sleeves off of the shirt you are currently wearing. IF a teammate is already
at said Gun Show OR is wearing a Duster, the opposing team must consume all beverages on the
Beer Auction - All play. Team who pulls card goes first. They pick a number of beers they think
their team can drink in 5 minutes. Opposing team can bid higher. Whoever bids the highest must
drink that number of beers in 5 minutes.
Ice Bath - Fill a large pot of water. Fill with ice. Stick your hand in it for 5 minutes. If player
in the ice bath complains in any way about the temperature, the team loses the card.
Ballon – Team must keep a balloon in the air for the rest of the level.
Night Crawlers - Each team chooses a player. The chosen players are wrapped in a blanket then
line up by the same wall of the room on their stomachs. The first one to the opposite side of the
room without getting up or using their arms wins.
Download me a hoagie - The first player to get a sandwich made by someone else wins
The pitcher hold- Player selecting card competes against youngest opponent. Hold one two
pitchers (or similar objects) up at eye level. Arms fully extended. Whoever can hold it up longer
Naughty! - Choose one member of the opposing team to strike your bare ass with a ruler. No
Planking - Player vs. opposing player closeting age. Plank until one of you drops.
Connect 4, Beer Pong Edition: Make a 4x4 grid of beer cups filled 1/4 of the way. Each team takes
a turn trying to bounce the ball off the table and into one of the cups. When someone gets the ball
in a cup they have to drink it. The cup is flipped over and marked showing which team scored.
The first team to ‘connect 4’ earns the card and the losing team has to drink the remaining beer.
In the result of a tie the card is awarded to neither team and remaining beer is split between the 2
teams. Alternately you could play this using quarters.
ATOMIC WEDGIE! Opposing team may nominate one member to give you a Wedgie. If you
make a noise, you lose this card and another previously won.
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Level 3 – SPIRIT
Emotional Battery and Public Humiliation
Your resilience to emotional battery is tested. At this stage only hard liquor is served and mix beverages
are allow as long as proportions are correct. The team picks a card which has an emotional battery or
public humiliation challenge. No mercy should be shown.
"Emotional Beratement" The opposing team has the opportunity to say ANYTHING they want.
Nothing is too far. Anything is in play. Player who selects this card must stand up and resist
flinching, smiling, crying or cowering for 2 minutes.
“Holiday memories” Whoever draws the card has to stand up to the beratement of the opposing
team, using against them any and all poor, self-serving, or generally shitty behavior they have
shown on holidays, birthdays, or at any type of festivities. The person must endure any and all
criticism without defending their behavior, getting upset, or changing to their attitude in any
way. Upon success, the person who draws the card has the right to an article of clothing and the
losing team must drink two shots a piece.
“Cold Shower” Without removing anything article of clothing including shoes, player must take a
cold shower so much as his or her entire body is wet. No towel will be provided other than to wipe
up trail of water. No change of clothes until game is complete. Opposing team may steal.
“Canadian National Anthem” (Flip a coin, Heads in English, Tails in French) Whoever draws
this card, must sing the Canadian National Anthem in French (lyrics may be used Appendix A)
while standing on a chair, while the opposing team circles around and yells boos and slurs. The
person signing must sing with the previously recorded voice and not fall more than one line
behind. Upon success, the opposing team must take a shot each. Failure results in one’s own team
consuming one shot each.
“Spirit Card: Shhh... It's a secret” The person who pulls this card has to tell a deep secret. Nothing
minor mind you, but a proper secret. One of the many things we all wish would never be
discovered. The opposing team has to decide if the secret is real of fake. The other team is given a
chance to challenge the secret. If they believe it to be real, then they say so, but if they think it is
fake ...
Golden Showers -If you want this card, the opposing team is allowed to pour their own open
beverages on you. You must not change clothes until you complete the game.
Community Chest:
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“The Shame of Shames”: The player who pulls this card has to keep their head down, their hands
behind their back, and their mouths shut, except when the game calls for them to behave
otherwise. The puller must respond to whatever shaming emotional beratement with a humbling
"i know, I’m sorry master" without defending themselves or getting angry. This lasts for five
minutes. The card goes to the opposing team if the player breaks or to the puller if they are
successful. Winning team must take a shot.
“Gender Bender” Whoever pulls this card has to behave as a member of the opposite sex for the
duration of the round. This includes voice, walk, talk, perhaps even clothing. This also requires
all players to hit on and buy drinks for that person if their gender or sexual orientation is geared
toward this person's newly assumed sex. Failure to do so the entire remainder of the round forfeits
the card.
“Human Centipede” Both teams must position themselves on all fours. The player in the A
position must place his/her legs on the shoulders of the player in the B position (like a horizontal
wheelbarrow), the player in the B position does the same with the final player moving on all
fours. Teams then race a predetermined distance, preferably outside. First team to finish wins the
“Canadian Idol” – Player selecting this card must sing “My Heart Will Go On” by that ugly,
maggot invested corpse of a Canadian. This must also be sung at a loud volume. Any smile or
laughing or deviation from the song will result in failure. Lyrics may be used see (Appendix B).
Completion wins the card.
“No Pants Dance” – Both teams race in relay style in order of their own choosing must take off
their pants and give their pants to a team mate who subsequently takes off their own pants, puts
on their first team mates pants and passes their own pants on until the entire team has traded
pants. For pants to be “on” pants waits must be a least above the knees and buttoned or zipped.
Team to finish first wins the card.
“Dance off “ Interpretive dance – Player selecting this card must do an interpretive dance of the
Song “Take My Breath Away” by Berlin. Dancer must remain in character and “dance” for the
entire song. Bonus: If completed with partner, entire opposing team must take a shot.
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“Jordan!” – Player who selects this card has 2 minutes to shoot a ping pong ball into a cup from a
“nearly impossible” distance across the room. The opposing team may yell, taunt or do anything to
humiliate the shooter except interfere with the ball. If an opposing player interferes with the ball
in play whether shooting or rolling on the ground, that player must be removed from the room
and force to take a shot. The cup will then be moved have the distance closer. The players team
may assist in tracking down the ball and feeding it to the shooter. If the player make s the shot,
his/her team gets a card and the opposing team must take a shot each. If he fails to do so, he and
his team must take a shot. No card to the other team for failure.
“I’m sorry Mom” Call your mother (if player is male) or father (if player is female), or oldest
child if needed, and either ask for some kind of sexual advice or describe in detail an explicit
sexual encounter you have had. Mentioning the game or the call is a ruse results in failure of card
and player’s entire team must finish current beverages.
“INTERVENTION” The opposing team has the opportunity to say ANYTHING they want but
must mix in “intervention themed insults”. Nothing is too far. Anything is in play. Player who
selects this card must stand up and resist flinching, smiling, crying or cowering for 2 minutes.
“Poop, it’s funny” – Player must take a poop in the closest bathroom. Player may elect another
member of his/her team to take his/her place. Poop must remain un-flushed and in the toilet.
Upon completion of defecation, player’s entire team must enter and stay in the bathroom for 2
minutes. Opposing team may mock and insult during this time. If no poop is possible or if any
player leaves the room during the poop marinating process, the opposing team wins the card.
“Six Shot Challenge” Six Shots…One player …Accept the Challenge. Player selecting the card only.
Opposing team may steal.
“Irish Tennis” All players must toss a tennis ball above their heads and attempt to pin it to the
wall with their foreheads -no hands! If they make it, everyone else takes a shot. If they miss, then
they take a shot.
“Strikeout” Player may pass to a teammate. The player must have ready a fully loaded Bong, a
shot of liquor, and a full beer. The player then lights the bowl, takes a nice, long bong hit, then
puts the bong down. While holding the weed smoke in, the person proceeds to take the shot of
liquor back and then chugs the beer back. After they finish the beer, they exhale the weed smoke.
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“Charlie Work: Rat Detail” The opposing team is given 1 min to decide what “Charlie Work” the
player that selects this card must do. The work must be specific but the player need only work for
as long as one member of the opposing team is continuously drinking (may use beer at this point).
This is a good opportunity for cleaning, trash duty or killing rats. No Card Awarded for Charlie
Work. Failure to complete task sacrifices one card.
“You ain't cool unless you pee your pants” "Hey, look everybody, Billy peed his pants." Billy: "Of
course I peed my pants, everybody my age pees their pants. It's the coolest! You ain't cool unless
you pee your pants." The card is yours if you’re cool and pee your pants. Opposing team can steal if
you are not the coolest.
"Dick Face" The player who pulls this card has to stand & allow all the players from the opposing
team to draw/write anything they want on ANY visible skin with a marker for 1 1/2 minutes (90
secs). This of course includes the face and neck area, among other possible places.
*If pulling player refuses, their whole team must each take a shot or each chug their drinks.
“Facebook Fail” The player selecting this card must grant access to Opposing team who post (1)
status update of their choosing for each shot consumed. Card only awarded to Opposing team IF
(10) comments (not likes) from non game participants are achieved in 10 minutes
“Russian Roulette” (all play) – Shot glasses are poured for each player by Judge. All shot glasses
contain water except for one filled with vodka. Judge either places one or two shots in front of
players or in the middle of the group for random selection. All players drink at the same time.
Player taking vodka shot is out IF they react in ANY degree to the alcohol. Repeat until only one
player remains. Remain player wins card for team.
“Random Number” – No pass or steal. Player selecting this card must take a picture of their
genitalia and text it to a random number. Player wins a card if the number responds within 5
mins. Player may send same picture to as many random numbers as it takes to get a response.
“Two Girls, One Cup” Watch the first 2 minutes of “Two Girls, One Cup” without reacting, 12 oz of
mix beverage must be consumed in this time.
“No Homo” Kiss one of your same sex partners on the lips, if none applicable, kiss a member of
the opposites teams choosing on the ass for 5 seconds.
“Clean Cut” Shave a noticeable amount of hair from anywhere on your body. OPTION – Challenge
opposing teammate to see who can produce the most hair in 5 mins. Loser takes shot AND winner
gets card.
“Personality Health Disorder” Player must identify a severe personality deficiency in each
member of the opposing team before they can identify as many deficiencies in yourself. i.e. If 4
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players on opposing team, opposing team must come up with 4 personality deficiencies of player
selecting card. First to 4 wins.
“Identity Theft” You must hand your cell phone over to the opposing team. You must watch and
listen as the opposing team is given 2 min to send embarrassing text messages to anyone on your
contact list. Each text can only be sent to one person at a time (no mass forwarding). If you
complain, ask them to stop, or obstruct the other team in any way you lose. If you don’t have a cell
phone a member of your team may take your place.
“Air Blow Job” - Mime sucking a dick for 60 seconds.
“Two truths and a lie” - about your teammate. Has to be the worst stuff you can think of. If the
other team gets the truth right, they get the card.
“Friday” - The recipient of this card must listen to Rebecca Black’s “Friday” on repeat via an MP3
player (preferably with headphones) for the remainder of the level. No card awarded.
“Lethal Weapon 5 – Black Face” (aka "masterpiece", "the greatest movie of all time" or "Ed Wood
sucks!") With the right color of shoe polish (or sharpie, etc.) player must put on black face.
Public Humiliation – Strip - Play the rest of the game only in your underwear.You have the card
while only in your underwear. If you do not strip down or then put clothing on, it goes to the
other team.
Shot or Send- Everyone hands their phone to an opposing player. You then get to select anyone in
their contacts list (parents, coworkers and exes not included) and type any text message you want.
You then pass the phone back to its owner and they either have to press send or take a shot. Team
with the most people that press send wins the card.
Happy Birthday! Correctly state each of your teammate’s age and birthdates. Incorrect answers
result in teammate taking a shot.
Cry -You have 1 min to produce real tears.
Emotional Battery- Straight Face - Whoever pulled the card has 60 seconds to do one job: keep a
straight face. The other team can do everything it takes to break them, except for physical contact.
Make them laugh or make them flinch. Making them flinch is usually the easiest route, so if you
make the player flinch, each member of that team takes a shot and you move on. However, if you
make them laugh, after they take their shot, you get a fake out round. You can either slap them
across their face, after which there are no further consequences, or you can try to make them
flinch. If you make them flinch, they take another shot, but if you fail, your team takes a shot.
If the 60 seconds pass and the player keeps a straight face (no laughing or flinching), your team
has failed and gets to take two shots.
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In the event of a tie;
Meaning time expires and both teams are at the same level (one card, which has been chosen
randomly and the beginning of the game is selected. Black Cards, do not involve mind body or
spirit. Since you failed to accomplish a win on your own, it is up to the gods to decide.
Black Card:
Black Card:
High…Card. One Card for Each Team.
Black Card:
Bribe the official. Silent bidding. Each player must INDIVIDUALLY make a genuine offer to
the judge and he/she will decide the victor based on the single best offering.
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Appendix A
O Canada!
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada! Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux.
Car ton bras sait porter l’épée,
Il sait porter la croix.
Ton histoire est une 28rilli,
Des plus 28rilliants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
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Appendix B
My Heart Will Go On – Celine Dion
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone
Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on
Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
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Appendix C
Answer Guide to Trivia
Answer #1: Chumbawamba
Answer #2 : Becauze Denis is a bastardt man
Answer #3: If she’s wants to do it.
Answer #4: That’s right a maid, a maid I can bang.
Answer #5: Not supposed to be fondling your uncle under the table!
Answer #6: A series of Mexican Women.
Answer #7: Because: It is like flipping through a stack of photographs. If I'm not in any
of them and nobody is having sex, I just don't care.
Answer #8: God. Charlie “I'm in love with a man... a man named God. Does that make me
gay? Am I gay for God? You betcha.”
Answer #9: Smart and Attractive.
Answer #10: A failure.
Answer #11: Bruce Mathis
Answer #12: I’m ashamed of myself.
Answer #15: Tacos
Answer #16: Father Matthew "Rickety Cricket" Mara, “Street Rat” will also suffice.
Answer #17:
- Ronald "Mac" McDonald
- Dennis Reynolds
- Charlie Kelly
- Deandra "Sweet Dee" Reynolds
- Frank Reynolds
Answer #18:
D.E.N.N.I.S. system
 Demonstrate value
 Engage physically
 Nurture dependence
 Neglect emotionally
 Inspire hope
 Separate entirely
The M.A.C. system, the acronym:
 Move in
 After
 Completion
Frank's system, SCRAPS! (no acronym)
 Answer #19: Carmen, the male to female transexual. In "Dee Gives Birth" it is revealed
that Carmen is the father of Dee's baby (she had her sperm frozen before she had her
penis removed) and that they used an anonymous egg donor and Dee was merely a
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surrogate. Dee gave the baby to Carmen and her husband Nick to raise. In the unaired
pilot Carmen is portrayed by Morena Baccarin.
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Appendix D
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Appendix E
Dayman – Charlie Kelly and Dennis Reynolds
Day man
Fighter of the Night man
Champion of the sun
You're a master of karate and friendship...for everyone
Day man,day man
Uhh ahhahh
Fighter of the Night man
Uhh ahhahh
Champion of the sun
Uhh ahhahh Master of karate and friendship...for everyone
Day man, day man
Uhh ahhahh
Fighter of the Night man
Champion of the sun.
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Appendix F
String theory
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
String theory is an active research framework in particle physics that attempts to
reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. It is a contender for a theory of
everything (TOE), a self-contained mathematical model that describes all fundamental
forces and forms of matter.
String theory posits that the electrons and quarks within an atom are not 0-dimensional objects,
but rather 1-dimensional oscillating lines ("strings"). The earliest string model, thebosonic string,
incorporated only bosons, although this view developed to the superstring theory, which posits
that a connection (a "supersymmetry") exists between bosons andfermions. String theories also
require the existence of several extra dimensions to the universe that have
been compactified into extremely small scales, in addition to the four
known spacetime dimensions.
The theory has its origins in an effort to understand the strong force, the dual resonance
model (1969). Subsequent to this, five different superstring theories were developed that
incorporated fermions and possessed other properties necessary for a theory of everything.
Since the mid-1990s, in particular due to insights from dualities shown to relate the five theories,
an eleven-dimensional theory called M-theory is believed to encompass all of the previously
distinct superstring theories.[citation needed]
Many theoretical physicists (e.g., Stephen Hawking, Edward Witten, Juan
Maldacena andLeonard Susskind) believe that string theory is a step towards the correct
fundamental description of nature. This is because string theory allows for the consistent
combination ofquantum field theory and general relativity, agrees with general insights
in quantum gravity(such as the holographic principle and Black hole thermodynamics), and
because it has passed many non-trivial checks of its internal consistency.[1][2][3][4] According to
Hawking in particular, "M-theory is the only candidate for a complete theory of the
universe."[5]Nevertheless, other physicists, such as Feynman and Glashow, have criticized
string theory for not providing novel experimental predictions at accessible energy scales.[6]
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Appendix G
Higgs boson
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Higgs boson or Higgs particle is a proposed elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics. The
Higgs boson's existence would have profound importance in particle physics because it would prove the existence of
the hypothetical Higgs field—the simplest[4] of several proposed explanations for the origin of the symmetry-breaking
mechanism by which elementary particles acquire mass.[Note 2] The leading explanation is that a field exists that has
non-zero strength everywhere—even in otherwise empty space—and that particles acquire mass by interacting with
this so-called Higgs field. If this theory is true, a matching particle—the smallest possible excitation of the Higgs
field—should also exist and be detectable, providing a crucial test of the theory. Consequently, it has been the target
of a long search in particle physics. One of the primary goals of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva,
Switzerland—the most powerful particle accelerator and one of the most complicated scientific instruments ever
built—is to test the existence of the Higgs boson and measure its properties which would allow physicists to confirm
this cornerstone of modern theory.
The existence of a particle like the Higgs boson was proposed by three teams independly of each other at the same
time in 1964[6][7][8] The Higgs boson is named afterPeter Higgs for his contribution.[9] In mainstream media it is often
referred to as "the God particle", after the title of Leon Lederman's book on the topic (1993). Although the proposed
particle is both important and elusive, the epithet is strongly disliked by physicists, who regard it as
inappropriate sensationalism since the particle has nothing to do with God nor any mystical associations, [10][11] and
because the term is misleading: the crucial focus of study is to learn how the symmetry breaking mechanism takes
place in nature - the search for the boson is part of, and a key step towards, this goal.
According to the Standard Model, the Higgs particle is a boson, a type of particle that allows multiple identical
particles to exist in the same place in the same quantum state. It has no spin, electric charge, or colour charge. It is
also very unstable, decaying into other particles almost immediately. Some extensions of the Standard Model predict
the existence of more than one kind of Higgs boson.
Proof of the Higgs field (by confirming its boson), and evidence of its properties, are seen as likely to greatly affect
human understanding of the universe, validate the final unconfirmed part of the Standard Model as essentially
correct, indicate which of several current particle physics theories are more likely correct, and open up "new"
physicsbeyond current theories.[12] If the Higgs boson were shown not to exist, other alternative sources for the Higgs
mechanism would need to be considered. On 4 July 2012, theCMS and the ATLAS experimental teams at the LHC
independently announced that they each confirmed the formal discovery of a previously unknown boson of mass
between 125–127 GeV/c2, whose behaviour so far has been "consistent with" a Higgs boson, while adding a cautious
note that further data and analysis were needed before positively identifying the new particle as being a Higgs boson
of some type.
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