Signaling interworks in PSTN and Voice-over-IP networks By Ni Zhang, Ziying Chen March, 2002 Terminology Voice over IP(VoIP) refers to the technology of providing telephone calls (voice) over IP networks. Telephony service: video, fax, voice mail… IP Telephony refers to the technology of providing telephony service over IP. networks. Terminology (Continued) Signaling: exchange of information between involved components in the network required to provide and maintain services. For example, accessing a voice mailbox. What is signaling interwork? Different signaling protocols for telephony (in different networks) work together. For example, PSTN signaling works with IP signaling, and a phone call can be set up between the traditional PSTN and an IP network. PSTN signaling IP network Why signaling interwork? Two networks: PSTN and IP-based Internet. PSTN uses SS7, the global standard. SS7 has its own architecture, while TCP/IP architecture is different. We need telephony service everywhere. We want low price for telephony service. An IP network can better utilize bandwidth, so we pay less for the resource we use. We want more service. Signaling Interwork Approaches SS7 is transported to IP networks. And more… PSTN Traditional SS7 Signaling Transport IP network Packetized SS7 VoIP Gateway Out-of-band signaling in SS7 - signaling & voice channels. The VoIP gateway interfaces PSTN and IP networks for signaling and voice delivering.. traditional SS7 signals SS7 IP packets VoIP gateway PSTN voice stream IP network voice IP packets Decomposed Gateway Architecture VoIP gateway: Signaling Gateway(s), Media Gateway(s) and a Media Gateway Controller Traditional Signaling SS7 signals Gateway PSTN SS7 IP packets Media Gateway Controller control voice stream Media Gateway voice IP packets IP network Signaling Gateway (SG) Signaling Gateway relays, translates or terminates SS7 signaling. The process is named Signaling Transport. Traditional SS7 signals Signaling Gateway SS7 signal packets (packetized SS7 messages) Media Gateway (MG) Media Gateway terminates circuit-switched network media streams, packetizes the media data, if it is not already packetized, and delivers the packetized traffic to the packet-switched network. It does the reverse function for the other traffic direction. Voice stream Media Gateway Voice encapsulated in IP packets Media Gateway Controller(MGC) Media Gateway Controller controls Media Gateway. For instance, resource management, registration, etc. The controller is also named Call Agent. Media Gateway Controller (MGC) MGCP Media Gateway(MG) … Media Gateway (MG) Media Gateway Control Protocol (1) Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP): a mechanism for communication between Media Gateway Controller and Media Gateway. MGCP allows centralized control: one controller controls multiple media gateways. Media Gateway Control Protocol (2) MGCP: a master/slave protocol. A media gateway executes commands sent by MGC. There are 9 commands in MGCP: NotificationRequest, Notify, CreateConnection, ModifyConnection, DeleteConnection, etc. Media Gateway Controller Command Acknowledgement (ACK) Media Gateway SS7 ISUP provides call control (1) SS7 ISUP sets up a call: ISUP IAM. STP X 1.IAM SSP A caller STP Y SSP B called party SS7 ISUP provides call control(2) SS7 ISUP sets up a call: ISUP ACM. STP X SSP A caller STP Y 2.ACM SSP B called party SS7 ISUP provides call control(3) SS7 ISUP sets up a call: ISUP ANM. STP X SSP A caller STP Y 3.ANM SSP B called party SS7 ISUP provides call control (4) SS7 ISUP releases a call: ISUP REL STP X STP Y 1. REL SSP A caller SSP B called party Assuming that the called party hangs up first. SS7 ISUP provides call control(5) SS7 ISUP releases a call: ISUP RLC 2.RLC STP X STP Y SSP A caller SSP B called party Assuming that the called party hangs up first. SS7 ISUP & IP signaling interwork It provides an interface for ISUP messaging between entities in the SS7 network and IP network. SS7 ISUP & IP signaling interwork Consider an example where a call originates from an IP network to the PSTN. Signaling Gateway IP net PSTN STP Media Gateway Controller Caller phone Media Gateway 1 (MG1) IP net Media Gateway 2 (MG2) SSP Called phone ISUP & IP signaling interwork example Part 1 of a call set-up: ISUP IAM IP net k. convert IAM packet to traditional SS7 IAM Signaling Gateway NotificationRequest: detect an off-hook event a. Off-hook l k l. send SS7 IAM to PSTN b. Notify: off-hook detected j c. NotificationRequest: Media Gateway Controller c Caller phone a d f b MG 1 e g h IP net PSTN collect a phone number d. Dial digits e. Notify: collection of digits f. CreateConnection g. Acknowledge MG 2 i h. CreateConnection i. Acknowledge j. constructs SS7 IAM packet and sends to SG. ISUP & IP signaling interwork example Part 2 of a call set-up: ISUP ACM SS7 ACM IP net PSTN a. convert SS7 ACM to ACM packet b. NotificationRequest: detect the ringing tone. c. Notify: ringing tone is detected d. NotificationRequest: detect the ringing tone. e. Notify: ringing tone Signaling Gateway a f Media Gateway Controller d is detected. f. Receive Notify Caller phone STP b SSP MG 1 e IP MG2 c Called phone ISUP & IP signaling interwork example Part 3 of a call set-up: ISUP ANM SS7 ISUP ANM IP net PSTN a. convert traditional SS7 ANM to ANM packet Signaling Gateway a b. ModifyConnection: sets the connection to send/receive. c. Acknowledge STP d Media Gateway Controller d. Receive ACK b Caller phone MG 1 c conversation IP MG2 SSP Called phone ISUP & IP signaling interwork example Call release: ISUP REL & RLC SS7 ISUP REL IP net a. convert SS7 REL to REL packet b. DeleteConnection to MG2 c. Acknowledge d. DeleteConnection to MG1 e. Acknowledge g STP Signaling Gateway a f Media Gateway Controller f. construct a RLC d b packet, send it to SG. Caller phone PSTN MG 1 SSP e IP net c MG2 g. convert the RLC packet to traditional SS7 ISUP RLC, sends it to PSTN Called phone SIP complements MGCP in signaling interwork When media gateways controlled by different controllers support a call, the originating controller invites the terminating one to join a SIP session. The controllers talk via SIP. MGCP is only used between the media gateway controller and the media gateway. PSTN STP SG 1 SG 2 SIP MGC 1 MGCP SSP Caller phone PSTN IP network MG 1 STP MGC 2 MGCP IP network MG 2 SSP Called phone SS7 ISUP & IP signaling interwork Call control is provided seamlessly between SS7 and IP networks. Introduction to SS7 TCAP TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part - a user part of SS7 - supports non-circuit-related telephony transactions in SS7 networks e.g. prepaid calls, 800-number service, etc. A example of TCAP messaging A 1-800 call is originated from a PSTN user within the SS7 network. SCP Caller Telephone 1.A 1-800 call 4. TCAP Response 3.TCAP Query 5. TCAP Response SSP STP 2.TCAP Query SS7 TCAP/IP Signaling interwork It provides an interface for TCAP messaging between entities in the SS7 network and IP network. Architecture of TCAP/IP signaling (1) PSTN IP network IP SCP SS7 TCAP SS7 Entity SS7 TCAP STP Signaling Gateway Packetized TCAP message Media Gateway Controller media stream Media Gateway If needed, a SCP (IP SCP) can be built in the IP network, which provides the same functionality as SS7 SCP. IP packets IP network Architecture of TCAP/IP signaling (2) • IP SCP, if it is present, provides the same functionality as SS7 SCP. • TCAP doesn’t go to Media Gateway. • Signaling Gateway converts traditional SS7 TCAP to TCAP packets or does the reverse. Inter-domain Scenarios for TCAP/IP Signaling Interwork Three major inter-domain scenarios for TCAP/IP messaging: • • • SS7 entity communicates with IP SCP. For example, a TCAP request comes from a SS7 STP to the IP SCP for service. IP entity communicates with SCP in SS7 network. For example, a packetized TCAP message from the IP network goes to the SS7 SCP for service. IP signaling transports between two SS7 networks. For example, the IP network is used to transport TCAP messages between SS7 networks. Scenario 1: SS7 entity communicates with IP SCP SCP is located in IP network – IP SCP. The call starts in SS7 network, which requires noncircuit-related transaction service, e.g. 1-800 call. SSP in SS7 originates the TCAP request. Then the SSP, which is assisted by STP, communicates with the IP SCP through Signaling Gateway. Note that Media Gateway and Media Gateway Controller are not involved in this scenario. The Network Model of Scenario 1 PSTN IP net IP SCP SS7 TCAP SSP SS7 TCAP STP 1-800 call Signaling Gateway Packetized TCAP message Media Gateway Controller PSTN user media stream Media Gateway IP packets An example: A 1-800 call is made by a PSTN user IP network Scenario 1: SS7 entity communicates with IP SCP PSTN f SSP generates SS7 TCAP message, sends to STP IP net STP e a sends to SG d b TCAP ->TCAP packets sends to IP SCP SS7 TCAP a SS7 TCAP Signaling Gateway b c responds TCAP, sends back to SG 1-800 call PSTN user d TCAP packets->TCAP Packetized TCAP message Sends back to STP c IP SCP e sends to SSP f receives TCAP Scenario 2: IP entity communicates with SS7 SCP The SCP is located in SS7 as traditional. The call starts in IP network, which requires noncircuit-related transaction, e.g. 1-800 call. Media Gateway Controller (IP entity) originates the TCAP request. Then the controller communicates with the SS7 SCP through Signaling Gateway and SS7 STP. The Network Model of Scenario 2 PSTN SCP IP network Signaling Gateway STP SS7 TCAP SS7 TCAP Packetized TCAP message Media Gateway Controller 1-800 packets Media Gateway 1-800 call An example: A phone makes a 1-800 call in the IP network Caller phone Scenario 2: IP entity communicates with SS7 SCP PSTN SS7 TCAP e SCP IP net SS7 TCAP Signaling STP Gateway d g initiates a 1-800 call, sends to MG a. 1-800 stream-> 1-800 packets, sends to c Packetized TCAP message f Media Gateway Controller h c. TCAP packets -> b TCAP, sends to STP 1-800 call Caller phone a b. generates TCAP/IP packets, sends to SG 1-800 packets Media Gateway MGC. d. sends to SCP e. responds TCAP, sends back to STP f. sends to SG g. SS7 TCAP -> TCAP packets, sends it to MGC. h. receives TCAP packets Scenario 3 in TCAP/IP signaling interwork IP signaling transports between two SS7 networks. For example, the IP network is used to transport TCAP messages between SS7 networks. PSTN (e.g. a local exchange carrier) PSTN IP network TCAP request SSP SCP TCAP response Due to limited time, this complicated scenario is not illustrated here. SS7 TCAP & IP signaling interwork Non-circuit-related transactions for service like 800 number, calling card, etc, are provided seamlessly between SS7 and IP networks. VoIP development The convergence of voice (i.e. circuit-switched) and data (i.e. packet-switched) networks for offering seamless voice and multi-media services is rapidly progressing. VoIP -> IP Telephony -> Internet Telephony Issues for Future Research Addressing and routing for IP telephony, e.g. how do we address the IP SCP (if there is one) so that SS7 entities can send it messages? QoS for voice delivery in IP networks Performance issues for signaling interwork, e.g. because there is a lot of messaging, is the delay acceptable? More… Reference SS7 ISUP tutorial and example from International Engineering Consortium (IEC), SS7 TCAP tutorial and example from IEC, SS7 Tutorial, Performance Technologies, Russell, Travis. Signaling System #7. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1995. TK5103.8.R88 1995. U. Black, Advanced Internet Technologies, Prentice Hall, 2001, TK 5105.8865 .B52 2001. Framework Architecture for Signaling Transport (RFC2719), IETF, Media Gateway Control Protocol (RFC2705), IETF, Megaco Protocol Version 1 (RFC3015), IETF, Thank you! AnyAny questions? Question?