Due-From Foreign Banks — Demand (Nostro Accounts) Policy Internal Audit Checklist [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] 1. Has the board of directors, consistent with its responsibilities and duties, adopted a written policy for “due-from foreign banks — demand” accounts (nostro accounts) for international banking activities that: a. Establishes standards for transfers and reporting? b. Defines the types of reconcilements and reports that should be produced? c. Establishes minimum data elements that should be available for reporting purposes? 2. Are “due-from foreign banks — demand” accounts policies related to international banking reviewed at least annually to determine if they are compatible with changing bank activities? 3. Determine the number of the last unissued draft of each “due-from foreign banks — demand” account and record for comparison when performing reconcilements. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] 4. Prepare, or request that bank personnel prepare, a listing of all “due-from foreign banks — demand” accounts together with their balances from the bank’s records (or daily statement) as of the audit date. The listing should give separate totals for “due-from foreign banks — demand,” due-from central banks (demand accounts), overdrawn nostro accounts, and “due-from foreign affiliated banks — demand.” Compare each total to the appropriate subtotal in the general ledger as of the audit date. (Note: Ideally, the statement cutoff should be as of the audit date; however, this date may be altered as the auditor in charge deems appropriate.) 5. Request the bank to arrange for a cutoff statement for each “due-from foreign banks — demand” account. Include instructions that the statements be done in the name of the bank on its letterhead and returned to its auditing department with a code designed to direct confirmations to the audit staff unopened (see note to step 4). 6. Arrange to have any other cutoff statements delivered unopened to the audit staff daily for several days after the audit date. 7. Request that all return items be delivered to the audit staff unopened for at least three days following the start of the audit and review them for any items that are large, unusual, or on which a bank employee, officer, or director is maker, payee, or endorser. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] 8. In preparing or reviewing reconcilements: a. Review reconciling items carefully to determine that the time period between debit or credit entries by the bank under audit and the offsetting credit or debit by the foreign correspondent bank is comparable for similar types of items. If any differences in timing occur, ascertain the reason. b. Determine that wire transfers appear on the correspondent statement the same day as entered on the bank’s books. Determine the reason for any exception. c. Test all drafts included in the cutoff statement for authorized signature, proper endorsement, dates of drafts, payee, and amounts and determine that: Date drawn is not after date paid by the correspondent bank. Drafts issued to transfer funds from the bank’s account to the foreign correspondent’s account are not outstanding more than the normal transit time. All drafts are numbered. Drafts are issued sequentially. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] 9. Using an appropriate sampling technique, select “due-from foreign banks — demand” accounts and reconcile on a reconcilement form using the following steps: (Note: Unless controls and audit procedures are extremely lax or suspect, the auditor in charge should waive the actual reconcilement of the account and direct that this procedure be performed by bank personnel under the supervision of audit staff. Before turning the cutoff statements over to bank personnel for reconcilement, the audit staff should photocopy them to prevent alteration. The audit staff should obtain a copy of the reconcilement when completed and, for the accounts selected in the sample, determine the accuracy and test the reconcilement). a. Insert “our balance to their debit” and the date as shown on the general ledger. If the balance is overdrawn, show on line “our balance to their credit.” b. Insert “their balance to our credit” and the date as shown on the correspondent bank’s cutoff statement. If the balance is overdrawn, show on line “their balance to our debit.” c. Prove the mathematical accuracy of the prior reconcilements by a machine run of the figures. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] d. Determine that “our balance to their debit” agrees to the general ledger as of the prior reconcilement date. e. Determine that “their balance to our credit” agrees to the correspondent bank’s statement as of the prior reconcilement date. f. Determine that the closing balance and date listed on the statement used in the bank’s last reconcilement agree to the opening balance and date listed on the cutoff statement as of the audit date. If any intervening cutoff statements were received, determine that new opening balances and dates always agree with the previous statements’ closing balances and dates. g. Check any open “we debit — they do not credit” item from the previous reconcilement to determine if credit has been given on a later cutoff statement from the foreign correspondent. h. Do the same for any “we credit — they do not debit” item to determine if a debit has been made on a later cutoff statement from the foreign correspondent. i. Check any open “they debit — we do not credit” item from the previous reconcilement to determine if a credit has been made to the bank’s general ledger. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] j. Do the same for any “they credit — we do not debit” item to determine if a debit has been made to the bank’s general ledger. k. If any items on a previous reconcilement do not clear, list them on the reconcilement form being prepared. l. Determine that each debit and credit entry shown on the bank’s general ledger since the date of last reconcilement is offset by a corresponding credit or debit on the foreign correspondent bank’s cutoff statement. If a debit or credit is posted in error, the item may “clear” by an offsetting credit or debit on the general ledger, if made by the bank under audit, or on the cutoff statement, if made by the foreign correspondent bank. m. Any items on the general ledger, except outstanding drafts, that are not offset by an appropriate debit or credit on the foreign correspondent bank’s cutoff statement are considered “open” and should be transferred to the reconcilement form under the appropriate “we debit” or “we credit” caption, along with the date and a brief description. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] n. Any items on the foreign correspondent bank’s cutoff statement that are not offset by an appropriate debit or credit on the bank’s general ledger are considered “open” and should be transferred to the reconcilement form under the appropriate “they debit” or “they credit” caption, along with the date and a brief description. o. “We credit” items that represent drafts outstanding should not be listed on the “we credit” section of the reconcilement form. Each outstanding draft should be listed by number on the reverse side of the reconcilement form and the total should be carried forward opposite the caption “drafts outstanding.” Any drafts still outstanding from the previous reconcilement should be included in the listing. p. Prove the reconcilement by totaling the right-hand and left-hand columns on the reconcilement form. Proof is established when the two balances agree. 10. Using the latest cutoff statement received from the foreign correspondent bank, determine clearance of “we debit” and “we credit” items, and: a. Carefully determine that all debits on or about the date of the audit are satisfactorily accounted for and are not an attempt to conceal a shortage. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] b. Enter dates cleared on the reconcilement form under the heading “date since credited” or “date since debited.” c. Indicate that the entry was proper and that transit time was normal by circling the clearance date on the reconcilement form. d. If an item is cleared by reversing the entry, that is, by a subsequent offsetting debit or credit entry on the ledger of the bank under audit, check the entry through to its source. e. If the entry involves excess transit time, confirm to the foreign correspondent bank. f. Investigate all large items to the ledger to determine that they are legitimate. g. All material “we debit” and “we credit” items that do not clear on later cutoff statements received should be confirmed, with a copy of the confirmation tracer retained for comparison with the original after it is returned. Confirmation forms and return envelopes should be prepared: By bank staff under audit staff supervision. On bank letterhead and signed by the auditor. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] h. Using the bank’s return address with a code designed to direct such routings to the audit staff. (If time does not permit the return of the confirmation tracer during the audit, the return envelope should be directed to the regional office and the copy of the confirmation tracer should be sent to the regional office for comparison.) A record of “we debit” and “we credit” items that are not considered material should be retained for review at the next audit to determine the propriety of their disposition. 11. Using general ledger or appropriate subsidiary ledgers, determine clearance of “they debit” and “they credit” items: a. All items should clear during audit either by an offsetting credit or debit to the bank’s ledgers or by the correspondent bank reversing the entry. b. Enter dates cleared on the reconcilement form under the heading “date since credited” or “date since debited.” Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] c. The reason for non-clearance should be determined for all “they debit” and “they credit” items that do not clear in a reasonable amount of time. The validity of the reason for nonclearance should be established and documented on the reconcilement form. Any material items that are not satisfactorily resolved should be brought to the attention of the auditor in charge. 12. Indicate on the master listing of all “duefrom foreign banks — demand” accounts, next to each bank balance, that the account has been reconciled and that open items have been cleared or confirmed. When open items have been subsequently verified, indicate that fact. 13. Using appropriate sampling techniques, select “due-from foreign banks — demand” accounts from the listing obtained in step 4 and: a. Trade profit or loss entries resulting from the revaluation of net open spot positions that were passed to the respective “due-from foreign banks — demand” (nostro) accounts. b. Check that at the maturity of a forward exchange contract, proper entries are made to the respective “due-from foreign banks — demand” (nostro) accounts and forward revaluation adjustment accounts. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments [Institution’s name] [Department(s) under review] [Head(s) of department under review] c. Test to be sure that when swap forward contracts are delivered, the correct entries are passed to the applicable “due-from foreign banks — demand” (nostro) accounts and swap adjustment account. d. Investigate any one-sided entries, that is, an entry only to the foreign currency ledgers but not to the dollar (or local currency) book value ledgers, which might disclose kiting or fraud. Yes No Perf. by & Date W/P Ref. Comments