Specific Types of Introductions

Think about a funny commercial, interesting book that you
could not stop reading, or even a timeless movie that you
watched over and over again. What do they have in
common? They all got your attention from the start! If you
did not like what you saw from the beginning, you probably
would not have remembered the commercial, put down the
book, or stopped the movie. Thus, a WELL-WRITTEN
ESSAY has to be the same way! If you do not get your reader’s attention from the first
lines, the chances are he or she will not finish it. If by chance the reader does finish it, he
or she will probably think it is quite boring if there is no interesting introduction.
Therefore, we are going to show you some different ways to liven up your paper and
make people (and your teachers) WANT TO READ IT.
 Give interesting background information about your topic.
o By giving background information, you can briefly introduce your topic to the reader and
give them an idea about what’s going about the subject.
o Do NOT write your entire essay about background information when it’s about cause
and effect or advantages and disadvantages though, for example.
 Give interesting facts and statistics
o The trick to this is to tell the reader something great, something they probably do not
know, something that may even shock them.
o When giving statistics, remember – Quality, not quantity. One or two powerful statistics
is a lot more valuable and interesting than including twenty different numbers in the
first two sentences. If you use too many numbers in such a small space, it will feel more
like math instead of a written essay.
 Use an anecdote
o Everybody likes a good story now and then so tell the reader a story relatable to your
o Usually, anecdotes are used to appeal to the readers emotions or to set the tone and
emotion for the essay. For example, if you are writing about the negative effects of
gambling, you may want to tell a story about how a happily married man lost everything
because of his gambling addiction.
Keep it brief. Remember, your essay is not about the story or the background
information. It is only to set the scene, to attract the reader. Therefore, once you tell
your story, that is the end of the story. Write your thesis statement and move forward
with the essay.
 Use a meaningful quotation
o Using a powerful quotation, especially a quotation that many people know, can grab the
reader’s attention. They will want to know where you are leading to with this quote.
o Be sure the quotation is relevant to the topic. For example, if you write a paper about
world peace, you could start your paper with the quotation, “Peace at home, peace in
the world,” by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
o Be sure to credit your quotation. In other words, don’t just write what someone else
said. You also need to write WHO said it.
o And, of course, be sure to use quotation marks (“quote”).
 Ask a question
o This one can be a bit tricky. Your question should be mind-stimulating, philosophical,
ethical, moral or controversial. NOT something like, “What do you do on the
weekends?” That is a weak question, and frankly, boring.
o Also, do NOT simply state your thesis in question form like “Should uniforms be required
in high school?” This is not the type of question you open with.
o When writing a question, try to avoid asking the reading directly (in 2nd person).
Instead, ask it passively, generally, or in 3rd person. For example, instead of writing,
“What do you think about the charm of Amasya?, you should write, “What is the charm
of Amasya, a little town outside of Samsun?” OR “What attracts thousands of tourist
every year to Amasya, a small town outside of Samsun?”
Using Background Information…
Example 1
TOPIC: Olive oil
THESIS STATEMENT: There are several different health benefits of using olive oil.
The Mediterranean coastline is home to one of the most beneficial foods, the olive. In this
region of the world, olives and olive oil has been an essential part of most people’s diet for thousands of
years. As several recent studies have shown, there are several different health benefits of using olive
Example 2
TOPIC: King Tutankhamun’s Death
THESIS STATEMENT: It is certain that King Tutankhamun was murdered due to three
key pieces of information.
The ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the most fascinating settlements in history. It is
known for famous pharaohs such as Hatshepsut, Ramesses II, and Tutankhamun. Also, many pharaohs
often died young due to not only shorter lifespans, but also murder. One of the most mysterious deaths
in Egyptian history is that of the young pharaoh Tutankhamun. It is certain that King Tutankhamun was
murdered due to three key pieces of information.
Giving Interesting Facts or Statistics…
Example 1
TOPIC: Mecca
THESIS STATEMENT: Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is considered Islam’s holiest place due to
several significant reasons.
Each year more than fifteen million people visit here. Every day, five times a day, most of the
1.3 billion Muslims in the world face in its direction to pray. Mecca, Saudi Arabia, is considered Islam’s
holiest place due to several significant reasons.
Example 2
TOPIC: Childhood Obesity
THESIS STATEMENT: Childhood obesity is a serious health problem that needs
to be solved in order to reduce more serious risks.
The average American consumes more than 150 pounds of sugar per year, which is twenty times
more than people ate two hundred years ago. Furthermore, obesity among children has more than
tripled in the last thirty years from 5% to nearly 20%. Childhood obesity is a serious health problem that
needs to be solved in order to reduce more serious risks.
Using an anecdote…
Example 1
TOPIC: Euthanasia
THESIS STATEMENT: Euthanasia should be legalized for three essential reasons.
John Stewart, once a healthy and prominent member of society, was diagnosed with terminal
lung cancer when he went to see the doctor for what he thought was the flu. His doctors said that the
cancer had spread and that he would only have about two more months to live. They also mentioned
that that pain would get worse, unbearable even. Within a week, John was put into the hospital where
he would remain until his death more than three months later. While in the hospital, he was put on
maximum doses of morphine for the pain, but even that was not enough. John had asked his doctors to
euthanize him. However, because of the laws in the United States regarding euthanasia, nothing could
be done, and John was required to suffer a slow, painful death. Thus, euthanasia should be legalized for
three essential reasons.
Example 2
TOPIC: Abortion
THESIS STATEMENT: Abortion should be banned because of ethics, morality, and human
There was once a woman who was pregnant for the fourth time. Of the three children she
already had, the first one was blind; the second one died a few days after it was born, and the third one
was born with tuberculosis. She was considering to have an abortion but decided to keep the baby.
However, if she had had the abortion, the world would have never known Ludwig van Beethoven.
Abortion should be banned because of ethics, morality, and human rights.
Using a Quotation…
Example 1
THESIS STATEMENT: There are several devastating effects on a society as a result
of war.
As stated by Dwight D. Eisenhower, former president of the United States, “Every gun that is
made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who
hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.” There are several devastating effects
on a society as a result of war.
Example 2
TOPIC: Learning English
THESIS STATEMENT: Learning English is essential to have a successful career for
several key reasons.
“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages opens every door along the way.”
In other words, his quote by Frank Smith, a well-known psycholinguist, means that with one language, a
person can survive in this world. However, in order to take advantage of many opportunities in life, one
should be able to speak at least one foreign language. Hence, with ever growing communications and
trade with the Western world, learning English is essential to have a successful career for several key
Asking a Question…
Example 1
THESIS STATEMENT: Several new pieces of evidence show that life once existed
on Mars.
What would life be like on Mars? In recent years, there has been much debate whether there
was once life on Earth’s closest neighboring planet, Mars. Space organizations such as NASA have spent
billions of dollars researching the mysterious, red planet. Thus, several new pieces of evidence show
that life once existed on Mars.
Example 2
TOPIC: Hunger in Africa
THESIS STATEMENT: There are many different ways that other developed
countries can help to reduce hunger in Africa.
How would it feel to live on less than a handful of rice per day? In fact, this is the case for
millions of people in Africa. Every day is a struggle to survive, to find clean water, and eat something.
Unfortunately, many days, these people go to bed on empty stomachs. There are many different ways
that other developed countries can help reduce hunger in Africa.