Eye color is an example of a- trait What are the three stages of

Eye color is an example of a- trait
What are the three stages of interphase: G1, S, G2
This person said that catastrophic events caused mass die outs of speciescuvier
A cell without a nucleus- prokaryote
Map alleles A,B, and C. If the percent crossover between A and C is 40 and
between B and C is 10: A___10___B________30_______C
2 ways to reduce niche overlap: niche specialization, competitive
exclusion, resource partitioning (kind of)
The principle that states genes act independently (the segregation of one
gene does not affect the other): 3rd Mendelian principle/ law of
independent assortment
Sex linked genes are inherited from which parent: Mother
Write an example of a homozygous genotype: rr/RR/ etc.
The genotypes demonstrated inside the punnett squares are possible:
What are three ways that we increase variation in a population: Mate
selection, independent assortment, crossover
A dyhybrid cross looks at how may traits: 2
The expressed trait is the: phenotype
Draw a logistic growth curve: S Curve
What is an example of bioaccumulation/magnification—DDT
o Why was DDT able to build up in the organisms systems? – what type
of solubility? – Lipid/fat soluble
Name one important event that occurs in prophase 1 of meiosis that is
different that prophase of mitosis: Synapsis, crossover
Score commensalism: +0
This person studied fossils- Smith
Cells must __________ chromosomes before they separate: duplicate
Many genes work together to determine one trait: polygenic
Either illustrate or explain what happens in metaphase 1: homologous pairs
line up on the equator
The genetic makeup of a trait (the two alleles) is the: genotype
The alternate expression of the same trait- allele
When you run a test cross, you cross an unknown genotype with what type of
genotype: homozygous recessive
Prokaryotic cells divide via: fission
What illness could result when you lose control of cell division- cancer
What type of succession will occur in a field after a fire?- secondary
Define Biotic potential- max offspring
Nuclear division is called: Mitosis
What kingdom is characterized by eukaryotic cells, multicellular organisms,
and abosrobative in terms of nutrient acquisition- fungi
This type of cell does not have a nucleus?- prokaryotes
Crossover can occur in meiosis during what event? Synapsis- prophase 1
What’s another word for niche overlap? Competition
Aggregate distribution is studied at what level- population
Mendel’s principal that says organisms each have two alleles and inherit one
allele from each parent: principal of segregation
The phenotypic ratio in a monohybrid experiment where you cross two
heterozygous genes is: 3-1
Linked traits violate which Mendelian principle? 3rd Mendelian principle/
law of independent assortment
The type of cellular reproduction that goes from diploidhaploid is: meiosis
What is the shorthand for a diploid cell? 2N
Parasitism, commensalism, mutualism are all examples of? Symbiotic
The maximum ability to produce viable offspring- biotic potential
Name the 5 kingdoms- monera, Protista, fungi, plantae, animalia
Give an example of how the environment can help to dictate a trait: curly
wings in flies, body temperature…
A monohybrid cross looks at how many traits: 1
Linkage violates which of Mendel’s principles: Independent
What is the shorthand for a haploid cell? N
How do we get a multinucleate cell- mitosis without cytokinesis
Human sex cells divide via: meiosis
If eye color is the trait, what could two alleles be: green/ blue/etc
The type of cellular reproduction that goes from diploiddiploid is: mitosis
The dominance principle states that one allele will be dominant over another,
who is credited with this discovery: Mendel
What is often called the “vehicle of heredity”: Chromosome
Protons are at what level? – Molecular
An organism who’s survivorship curve is concave (type 1) is?--- humans, etc.
K select
3 examples of Biotic factors limiting population size? Variable
Two important biogeochemical cycles? H2O and C
How much energy is conserved when you move from one trophic level to the
next? 10%
What is an example of incomplete dominance: Hair texture
Interspecific competition occurs at what level – Community
3 examples of abiotic factors limiting population size?- variable
3 Scientific principles?- uniformitarianism, natural causality, common
The energy and material acquisition that are key for growth are known as?
Score commensalism: +0
What is an example of co-dominance: Blood Type
If a diploid cell is 24 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are in would be
in a cell with 2N: 24 (trick question)
Intraspecific competition occurs at what level- population
Through photosynthesis, plants produce a sugar called? glucose
Define carrying capacity- max organisms that can be supported
Draw a logistic growth curve
What type of survivorship curve would an R selected species have?- convex
This person would argue that if a giraffe kept stretching its neck, it would get
longer- Lamarck
Cells have to divide to restore what ratio: SA/Volume ratio
o Why?? (just ask)- where do cells take in nutrients/they need to
survive? – membrane. So, when the volume increases faster than the
surface area, can the inner material be supported? SO what does the
cell have to do? Divide. ((4pir^2// 4/3 pir^3))
A structure that serves no apparent purpose- vestigial
Draw an exponential growth curve: J Curve
The genotypic ratio in a monohybrid experiment where you cross two
heterozygous genes is: 1-2-1
An example of a density independent factor limiting population size is((variable))
Illustrate divergent evolution: ---<
A structure that has a similar inward structure to another- homologous
A secondary consumer has what percentage of the original energy? 1%
Darwin’s 4 Postulateso 1. Individual members of a population are different in many
o 2. Some differences are inheritable
o 3. In each generation, some species live long enough to
reproduce, others do not
o 4. Chance of survival and reproduction is determined by the
organism's characteristics- the ability to survive long enough to
reproduce is natural selection
Darwin and this person had almost identical theories- Wallace
The maximum amount of a population that can be sustained for a long period
of time- carrying capacity
Cell with a nucleus- eukaryote
Comparative anatomy looks at three different types of structures, what are
they? – vestigial, analogous, homologous
Breeding is an example of what type of selection?- Artificial selection
Organisms have ______% carbon by dry weight. – 49%
A structure that outwardly resembles another structure- analogous
All humans on GSU campus constitutes a…? - population
Score mutualism: ++
Who first came up with the idea that the world is very old- Hutton
Unifying principle in biology- evolution
When using comparative biochemistry, what are you looking at?- genetic
An example of a density dependent factor limiting population size is((variable))