15 Minute Essay

Expository Essay
An EXPOSITORY essay explains, informs, or
describes a topic to the reader. It should
includes these characteristics:
 a thesis statement that answers the prompt
 strong evidence that backs up the thesis
statement (in the body paragraphs)
explanation of the evidence
a conclusion that makes a final thought for
the audience
What is an expository essay?
Narrative Writing (fiction or
Expository Writing:
non-fiction like your memoir):
• Tells a story
• Explains/discusses a topic
• Includes a setting & characters
• Includes a thesis statement
• Contains a conflict
• Contains evidence
• Includes dialogue
• Includes commentary
• Provides resolution
• Provides a conclusion
• Creative
• Informative
Narrative v Expository Writing
The 15 Minute Essay:
Role of Food
“Most of us have fond memories of food from our childhood.
Whether it was our mom's homemade lasagna or a
memorable chocolate birthday cake, food has a way of
transporting us back to the past.” – Homaro Cantu
“Food is a common ground. A universal experience.”
– James Beard
“Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a
spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill
and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the
morale.” – Elsa Schiaperelli
Read & Consider the quotes above
Your task today:
Write an essay explaining the role of food
in our society.
Be sure to:
◦ Clearly state your thesis
◦ Organize and develop your ideas effectively
◦ Choose your words carefully
For the next two minutes, write one
sentence stating the role of food in our
society. This can be your first sentence
(thesis statement).
 Hint: Use the language of the prompt to
write your complete sentence.
Write an essay explaining the role of
food in our society.
Take a breath and indent.
Think of a fictional example of how food has
played a role in society as listed in your first
sentence. Consider a scene in a movie,
television show, or book with food as a
central aspect.
For the next four minutes, explain how this
scene clearly demonstrates the role food
plays in our society.
Consider ending this paragraph with a
sentence that connects back to your thesis.
Take a breath and indent.
Think of a real-life example of how food has played a
role in society as listed in your thesis statement.
Consider scenes from your summer reading or
current events (news, magazines, online). You may
also use your own life- be careful not to write a
narrative story!
For the next four minutes, explain how this example
clearly demonstrates the role food plays in our
Consider ending this paragraph with a sentence that
connects back to your thesis.
Take a breath and indent one more time.
In the next two minutes, end your essay
by answering the question “so what?” show your readers why this essay is
important and meaningful. Remember to
connect to your thesis!
Final Step!
Take three minutes to edit and revise your
paper. Follow these steps:
◦ Carefully and slowly re-read what you wrote.
◦ Re-write sentences or add/delete words to
make sure your point is clear.
◦ Choose 2-3 “dull” words you may have used
and replace them with more interesting words.
Remember all of the work we have been doing
with strong diction!