Comprehension Questions

Name: ______________________________
Date: ___________
Week 2: chapters 4 -6
Monday: I can analyze and evaluate organizational text structures (logical order, cause and effect,
relationships, compare and contrast).
Tuesday: I can analyze and evaluate organizational text structures (logical order, cause and effect,
relationships, compare and contrast).
Wednesday: compare different perspectives in writing.
Thursday: I can define anecdote; I can recognize structural differences in paragraphs that present evidence,
provide a quote, share an anecdote, or include other types of support.
Friday: I can use information from a variety of text to explain a situation, decision or to solve a problem.
Vocabulary Activity: Opposite Meanings
Chapter 4: “Marriage, and Activism” — Chapter 6: “Secretary of the NAACP”
Directions: Read each sentence from the book. The definition of each bold word has been provided for
you. Write two to four antonyms of the word on the line provided.
1. “I had an aversion to white men, with the exception of my grandfather, and Raymond Parks was very light skinned.”
(Chapter 4, p. 55)
aversion: dislike; hatred
antonyms: _______________________________________________________________
2. “The base was integrated because President Roosevelt had issued an order forbidding segregation in the public places,
trolleys, or buses at military bases.” (Chapter 4, p. 65)
integrated: united as a whole; including all people
antonyms: _______________________________________________________________
3. “I thought it was awful that they were condemned to die for a crime they did not commit.” (Chapter 4, p. 63)
condemned: forced someone to suffer something unpleasant; blame; convict
antonyms: _______________________________________________________________
4. “In order to get registered, blacks had to have white people to vouch for them.” (Chapter 5, p. 71)
vouch: to say that someone is true and reliable
antonyms: _______________________________________________________________
5. “He was a proud, dignified man who carried himself straight as an arrow.” (Chapter 5, p. 73)
dignified: calm, proud, in control
antonyms: _______________________________________________________________
6. “They carried guns and had what they called police power to rearrange the seating and enforce all the other rules of
segregation on the buses.” (Chapter 5, p. 77)
enforce: to make sure a law or rule is followed
antonyms: _______________________________________________________________
7. “They formed the group to protest against racial discrimination, lynching, brutality, and unequal education.” (Chapter 6, p.
brutality: cruel, violent, and inhuman behavior
antonyms: _______________________________________________________________
8. “I was the only woman there, and they said they needed a secretary, and I was too timid to say no.” (Chapter 6, p. 81)
timid: shy and easily frightened
antonyms: _______________________________________________________________
9. “A Henry County grand jury refused to indict the six white men, although the driver of the kidnap car confessed and
named his accomplices.” (Chapter 6, p. 84)
accomplices: people who help others to commit a crime
antonyms: _______________________________________________________________
Comprehension Questions
Directions: Read the questions and answer them in complete sentences or choose the correct answer. Use the book to
help you, if needed. Use details from the text to support your answer. Record the Concept of Comprehension © on the line
next to each question.
_____ 1. Who were the Scottsboro boys?
a. Nine white men who threw gravel at African-Americans on a train.
b. Nine white men who attacked African-American women on a train.
c. Nine African-American men who were arrested in Scottsboro, AL and were accused of raping two white
d. Nine white men who forced African-Americans off of a train.
_____ 2. Look at the photo on page 61 of the Scottsboro boys. Why was this photo and caption used in the book? How
does it support the main idea of the text?
_____ 3. How did President Roosevelt change the law?
He passed a law that said trolleys must be integrated.
He passed a law that did not allow public water fountains to be segregated.
He passed a law that did not allow the public places, trolleys, or buses on military bases to be segregated.
He passed a law that said the public schools must be integrated.
_____ 4. Which of the following events that led to Rosa getting kicked off the bus belongs in Box C?
The back of the bus
where AfricanAmericans had to
sit was full.
Box A
There were plenty
of seats at the front
of the bus where
only white people
were allowed to sit.
The driver grabbed
Rosa’s coat sleeve
and she went to the
front of the bus.
Box B
Box C
Box D
The driver told Rosa to get off the bus and go through the back door or leave.
Rosa left the bus and went back on through the back door.
Rosa dropped her purse and sat down in the front of the bus.
The African-Americans told Rosa that she should go around the back of the bus and get on.
_____ 5. Look at the photo on page 82 of Rosa at the Montgomery NAACP. Why was this photo and caption used in the
book? How does it support the main idea of the text?
_____ 6. Why did Rosa choose to tell the reader about her experience getting kicked off the bus?
It prevented her from being able to register to vote.
It resulted in President Roosevelt changing the segregation laws.
She wanted to show how horrible segregation was and what African-Americans had to go through.
It was the only unpleasant incident that had happened to her.
_____ 7. Why did the African-American people in the back of the bus want Rosa to do what the bus driver said?
a. They were scared that the bus driver would attack them.
b. They were tired, wanted to go home, and wanted Rosa to be like the other African-Americans and not
fight back.
c. They were late to work and upset that Rosa was making them later.
d. There was room in the back of the bus.
_____ 8. Retell one of the examples Rosa gives of white violence against African-Americans.
_____ 9. Which of the following conclusions best summarizes what the author wants to tell the reader in Chapter 5: “We
Fight for the Right to Vote”?
a. Parks fought for the right to vote.
b. Rosa was thrown off a bus for trying to go register to vote.
c. Rosa did not care much about registering to vote.
d. It was difficult for Rosa to register to vote.
_____ 10. How did working as the secretary of the NAACP affect Rosa’s life?
Create a timeline of events in Rosa Park’s life up to this point in the novel (you may add on to
it later)
Complete the cause and effect chart for three events that occurred in the book so far.
Directions: Look at the photograph of the Montgomery NAACP on page 82 in the book. After you look at the photo,
answer the questions below.
1. Use descriptive language to identify what you see in the photo.
2. What information does the caption tell you?
3. Cite text and page numbers from the book that describes the subject or event shown in the photo.
4. Why was this photo and caption used in the book? How does it support the main idea of the text?