Mitosis - mrlongscience

Eukaryotic Cell Reproduction
Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis
Cell is carrying out all life functions plus
storing energy for mitosis
Each chromosome is duplicated which
forms chromatids
Chromatids: identical copies of a
chromosome, held together at
1st phase of Mitosis
Nuclear membrane dissolves
Chromosomes condense and start to move
towards center of cell
Centrioles move to opposite sides of cell
Mitotic spindle fibers form between the
 2nd
Stage of Mitosis
Mitotic spindle fibers attach to the
centromeres of each pair of
The chromosomes are lined up along the
equator of the cell
 3rd
Stage of Mitosis
Chromatids separate at the centromere
Each chromatid is pulled to a pole of the
cell by the mitotic spindle fibers
Last Stage of Mitosis
Nuclear membranes form around the two
sets of chromosomes
Chromosomes unwind
Mitotic fibers disappear
Mitosis is now complete
Eukaryotic cells without a cell wall, cell
membrane pinches inward and eventually
all the way through to form the two
daughter cells
In eukaryotic cells with a cell wall, a cell
plate forms in the middle of the cell to
divide the two cells.
What Did You Learn?
How are binary fission and mitosis
similar? How are they different?
Why is it important for chromosomes to
be copied before cell division?
What would happen if cytokinesis
occurred without mitosis?