John Jesse Minor CURRICULUM VITAE University of Arizona School of Geography & Development P.O. Box 210076 Tucson, AZ 85721 EDUCATION Ph.D. in Geography, Anticipated May 2016, University of Arizona Minor: Natural Resources Committee: Greg Barron-Gafford (chair), Steve Yool, JP Jones III, Don Falk Dissertation: Socio-ecological resilience to wildfire in Madrean ecosystems Graduate Certificate in Dendrochronology, May 2014, University of Arizona Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science, May 2012, University of Arizona M.A. in Geography, December 2008, University of Arizona Committee: Paul Robbins (chair), Jennifer Croissant, Barbara Morehouse Thesis: Scientific Research across Socialist Transitions: The Shifting Focus of Physical Science Research in Mongolia B.A. in Geology, May 2002, Bates College Minor: Philosophy Committee: J. Dykstra Eusden (chair), Carl Straub, Charles Guidotti Honors Thesis: P-T Paths of Acadian Migmatites of the Presidential Range, NH Magna cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa INTERESTS & BACKGROUND My interests and experiences lie at the intersection of ecological science, land and resource management, and environmental change. Current research topics include tree-ring based fire history, post-fire ecological trajectories in reburned areas, and social and ecological resilience in the face of altered wildfire disturbance dynamics. I have broad interests in nature society interactions, particularly with a focus on resource extractive industries such as fishing, forestry, grazing, and harvesting. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Interim Manager, Office of Sustainability, University of Arizona. Duties include managing interns, personnel, projects, and communications for the Office of Sustainability; writing sustainability goals for the University of Arizona; performing assessments and inventories of campus and organizational sustainability; and advising the UA Green Fund committee, among other tasks. Fall 2013-Spring 2014. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Graduate Research Assistant: Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona. Duties included researching and writing a report on likely climate change effects on wildlife and wildfire regimes in 1 Chiricahua National Monument and Coronado National Memorial. Final report title: Stories of the Sky Islands: Exhibit Development Resource Guide for Biology and Geology at Chiricahua National Monument and Coronado National Memorial. Supervisor, Dr. Beth Grindell. January-May 2013. Graduate Research Assistant: School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona. Duties include tree-ring sampling and chronology development; stakeholder outreach presentations, training and supervision of undergraduate research technicians; GIS analysis and mapping. Supervisor, Dr. Don Falk. August 2010-May 2011. Graduate Research Assistant: School of Geography and Development, University of Arizona. NSF Grant # 0624141. Duties included development of database and GIS of housing and population demographics; game bird and elk hunting statistics from Montana; report, manuscript and presentation development. Supervisor, Dr. Paul F. Robbins. August 2009- December 2009. MA Thesis: “Scientific Research across Socialist Transitions: The Shifting Focus of Ecological Research in Mongolia.” Science-studies approach to the effects of political change on scientific research. M.A. awarded December 2008. Field Technician: Laboratory for Tree Ring Research, University of Arizona. Dendrochronology, dendroecology, fire history of chaparral and grasslands in Arizona, California and New Mexico. Summers 2007-2014. Sea Sampling: Weekly collection of lobster population census data on commercial lobster vessels out of Little Cranberry Island, Maine. Data organization and database entry. September 2002- September 2004. Juvenile Lobster Monitoring Project: Coordinated team of community volunteers for monthly sampling of low-tide transects on Little Cranberry Island, Maine. Data collection and database entry. March 2003- November 2005. Senior Honors Thesis: “P-T Paths of Acadian Migmatites of the Presidential Range, NH.” 150 page thesis based upon detailed field mapping and laboratory work, including electron microprobe analyses, geothermobarometry studies, and petrography. Successfully defended before panel including an outside examiner. B.A. awarded May 2002. Field Mapping: Eight weeks of intensive geologic field mapping conducted in the White Mountain National Forest, NH, with partner. Emphasis upon detailed bedrock and structural mapping at 1:3,048, funded by USGS EDMAP 2001 Project. July- August 2001. Independent Study Project: “Good Vibrations: Nature and Hoomei.” Paper based upon three weeks of ethnomusicology and interviews with throat singers and musicians in Hovd aimag and Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia. May 2001. Philip J. Otis Fellowship: “Cultural Adaptations to Land-Use Changes in Mongolia.” Interviews with herders and policymakers regarding proposed post-socialist land privatization bills. June- July 2001. Phillips Student Fellowship: “Cross Cultural Musical Study, Ghana.” Immersive ethnomusicology research into Ghanaian musical heritage, drumming and lute in Accra, Ghana. June- August 2000. 2 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Field-Based, Experiential Courses Instructor, HIST 495F: Current Topics in US History (Environmental History of Landscapes and Watersheds from the San Juan Mountains to the Grand Canyon). University of Arizona. 13-day, intensive experiential field course in environmental history and political ecology covering changing relationships to landscapes and watersheds in the Four Corners region. Entirely designed and implemented by the instructors. Summer 2013. Instructor, GEOG 455: Advanced Regional Geography (Environmental History of the Santa Cruz River), School of Geography and Development, University of Arizona. Experiential field site and classroom based course on the ecology and environmental history of a dry river and its connections to multiple communities, ecologies, and narratives through time. Entirely designed and implemented by the instructors. Summer 2011, Summer 2012. Instructor, GEOG 397A: Field Study in Geography (Fire Effects and Ecological Recovery in the Chiricahua Mountains). University of Arizona. Seminar-style class covering landscape change and ecological disturbance in sky island ecosystems, culminating in a 2-day overnight field trip to the Chiricahua Mountains, where students experienced first-hand the mosaic of ecological and landscape effects caused by the Horseshoe 2 fire and post-fire geomorphic changes. Entirely designed and implemented by the instructors. Fall 2011. Online Courses Instructor, GEOG 170A: Earth’s Environment: Introduction to Physical Geography. University of Arizona. Introduction to fundamental laws of nature as expressed physical processes that govern the spatial distribution of Earth's land, sea, air, and biological environments. Focus on fluxes and feedbacks among these systems, and interactions with humans. Taught in accelerated online format. Winter 2014. Instructor, GEOG 230: Our Changing Climate, School of Geography and Development, University of Arizona. Tier-2 natural science general education requirement covering topics in atmospheric circulation, weather and climate on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Taught as accelerated online course. Winter 2012 and Winter 2013. On-Campus Courses Laboratory Instructor, GEOS/ANTH/WSM/GEOG 439/539: Introduction to Dendrochronology. University of Arizona. The scientific basis, techniques, and applications of dendrochronology. Intensive, weekly laboratory sessions teach the practical skills of specimen collection, preparation, observation, and crossdating. Fall 2015. Instructor, GEOG/ECOL/GEOS 438/538: Biogeography. University of Arizona. The role of historical events and ecological processes in determining the past and present geographic distribution of plants and animals. Crosslisted and co-convened graduate/undergraduate course. Fall 2012. 3 Instructor, GEOG 230: Our Changing Climate, School of Geography and Development, University of Arizona. Tier-2 natural science general education requirement covering topics in atmospheric circulation, weather and climate on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Spring 2012, Spring 2013. Instructor, GEOG 240: Our Dynamic Landscape. University of Arizona. Tier-2 natural science general education requirement covering critical perspectives on complex environmental problems; issues include environmental hazards, renewable and nonrenewable resources; global, regional, and local patterns, and geographic scale are emphasized. Fall 2011. Instructor, GEOG 303: Field Study in Environmental Geography. University of Arizona. Methods used in environmental geography, including mapping techniques, use of global positioning systems, collection of various types of environmental data and basic data analysis methods. Spring 2010, Summer 2010 (accelerated summer course), Fall 2014, Spring 2015. Instructor, GEOG 397A/B: Field Study in Geography (Workshop). University of Arizona. 1-unit fieldtrip experience offered in conjunction with a regular semester course. Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Summer 2012. Instructor, GEOG 391: Preceptorship. University of Arizona. Instructed undergraduate preceptors in pedagogical skills, including teaching laboratory techniques, evaluating student research and presentations, and associated instructional techniques. Spring 2010, Summer 2010, Spring 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2014, Spring 2015. Lead Teaching Assistant, INDV 102: Human Geography and Global Systems. University of Arizona. Duties include coordinating a team of graduate TAs and undergraduate preceptors, instructing honors sections, maintaining course website. Fall 2007-Spring 2008. Teaching Assistant, GEOG 303: Field Study in Environmental Geography. University of Arizona. Duties include assisting with laboratory instruction and field methods, grading exams and assignments, and delivering several lectures. Spring 2009. Teaching Assistant, NATS 101: Earth’s Environments: Introduction to Physical Geography. University of Arizona. Duties include teaching four sections of 20 students, grading all exams and laboratory and writing assignments, and evaluating student progress. Fall 2008. Teaching Assistant, INDV 102: Human Geography and Global Systems. University of Arizona. Duties include teaching four sections of 20 students, grading all exams and writing assignments, and evaluating student progress. Fall 2006-Spring 2007. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Geology 104: Plate Tectonics and the Earth's Interior. Bates College. Duties include assisting in field methods instruction and geologic mapping. Fall 2001. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Geology 230: Structural Geology. Bates College. Duties include assisting in field methods and interpretation of geologic structures. Spring 2002. ACADEMIC HONORS AND AWARDS 4 1st Place, World Geography Bowl. 5-person team. Chicago, Illinois. April 24, 2015. College of Science Teaching Award, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. $200 award for excellence and creativity in teaching, University of Arizona, 2014 Honorable Mention, Excellent Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Arizona (Spring 2013) College of Science Service Award, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. $200 award for outreach and service to the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, 2013 Best Poster Award, Southwest Fire Ecology Conference, Santa Fe, NM (Spring 2012) Central Arizona Project Award for Water Resources Research: 2nd place, $500, presented at the Arizona Hydrological Society meeting (Fall 2010) Harry and Shirley Bailey Award: best paper in Physical Geography at the 73rd Annual meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, $200 (2010) Gamma Theta Upsilon: Nominated to Geographical honors society in 2008 Phi Beta Kappa: Nominated to undergraduate honors society in April 2002 Sigma Xi: Nominated to the Scientific Research Society in March 2002 Dana Scholar: One of 16 Bates College freshmen chosen upon character, academics, and leadership. College Key: Honors society recognizing service, academics, and future potential in 10% of Bates College senior class. GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS PRX (Public Radio Exchange) STEM Story Project 2.0: Grant to create and produce a STEM story on the connections between fire ecology and climate change in the Sky Islands of Arizona. With radio producer Aengus Anderson. $3000 (Summer 2014). University of Arizona Green Fund MiniGrant: Environmental History Field Course: Landscapes and Watersheds from the San Juan Mountains to the Grand Canyon.” Grant in support of field-based environmental history course taught in Summer 2013. $1500 (Spring 2013). Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute, University of Arizona. Doctoral Research Grant. Funded pilot program of interviews with fire professionals in the southwestern United States. $1000 (Spring 2013). WEES (Water Environmental and Energy Solutions) Speaker: Co-sponsored by the Southern Arizona Geographers Association and the Natural Resources Graduate Student Organization. Grant that 5 I wrote was awarded $1000 to support a speaker on hydrofracking, Dr. Anthony Ingraffea of Cornell University. Fall 2011. Arizona Association of Environmental Professionals: Future Environmental Professional Scholarship, $1000 (Fall 2010). Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute, University of Arizona: Pre-Doc Graduate Research Grant. Funded translation of Russian-language scientific sources for MA thesis project. $600, Spring 2008. University of Arizona Foundation Grant: On behalf of the Southern Arizona Geographers Association to support purchase of duplex printer and Video Projection Unit for graduate student use, $4616. 2008. Institute of the Environment, University of Arizona: Travel Grant for conference attendance and participation. $292. Spring 2008. Graduate and Professional Student Council, University of Arizona: Travel Grant for conference attendance and participation. $500, Fall 2010. $332, Spring 2010. $262, Spring 2008. Association of Pacific Coast Geographers: Travel Grant for conference participation, $200. Fall 2010. Corporation for National Service: Education Award, completion of Americorps Environmental Educator position with Maine Conservation Corps, $4725, 2004. Summer Research Support Grant: Bates College. Funded BA thesis fieldwork. $500, Summer 2001. WORK EXPERIENCE Interim Manager, Office of Sustainability, University of Arizona. Duties include managing projects for the Office of Sustainability; writing sustainability goals for the University of Arizona, and advising the UA Green Fund committee, among other tasks. Fall 2013-Spring 2014. Crew, F/V Jesse Lucile: Commercial driftnet salmon fisherman out of Naknek, Alaska. Summer 2010, 2012, 2013. Crew, F/V Pandora: Commercial lobster fisherman out of Little Cranberry Island, Maine. September 2004- December 2005 Island Institute Fellow: Conducted community-identified projects on Little Cranberry Island, Maine. Projects included aiding the formation of an Emergency Medical Service, legalizing and outfitting the Volunteer Fire Department, participating in various marine biology projects through the island school, conducting lobster science projects, and securing project funding through grantwriting. September 2002September 2004. Americorps Volunteer: Environmental Educator position with the Maine Conservation Corps. Posting to Little Cranberry Island, Maine. Projects included beach cleanups, outreach and teaching at the island’s 2-room K-8 school, and fishery science research. 6 Crew Member, Adirondack Trail Improvement Society: Trail maintenance and construction in the High Peaks region of the Adirondack Mountains using non-powered hand tools. Duties included tool sharpening and maintenance, bridge and drainage construction, trail hardening and rock work. Summers 1996-1999. PUBLICATIONS Minor, J.J. and Arizpe, A.H. 2015. Trimming and Planing Rough-Cut Wood for Efficient Dendrochronological Sample Preparation and Storage. Tree-Ring Research 71(2): 130-134. House-Peters, L., Kelly-Richards, S., Minor, J., Radonic, L., and Quinn, J. October 22, 2013. Public Political Ecology Field Course: Report on a two-day Critical Theory and Mixed Methods Course. Public Political Ecology Lab. Published online: Hudson, A.M., Minor, J.J., and Posthumus, E.E. “Stories of the Sky Islands: Exhibit Development Resource Guide for Biology and Geology at Chiricahua National Monument and Coronado National Memorial.” Prepared for the National Park Service under terms of Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit Agreement H1200-05-0003 Task Agreement J8680090020. Principal Investigator: Dr. Beth Grindell. May 17, 2013. Minor, John Jesse. 2011. "Adaptive Management" in Newman, J. (ed), Green Ethics and Philosophy: An A-to-Z Guide. 2011. SAGE Publications. <>. Anderson, G., Dick, E., Minor, J., and Pritchard, A. 2010. "Rethinking Water in the Arid Southwest: The Need for a New Framework for Managing Water in Arizona." Central Arizona Project Award for Water Research. (Corresponding author). Published online: AwardForResearch.aspx. Minor, J. 2007. “Brucellosis”: in Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, vol 1. Robbins, P. (ed). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, p. 171-172. Minor, J. 2007. “Ecotone”: in Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, vol 2. Robbins, P. (ed). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, p. 534-535. Minor, J. 2007. “Fecal Coliform Bacteria”: in Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, vol 1. Robbins, P. (ed). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, p. 651. Minor, J. 2007. “Fire Ant”: in Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, vol 2. Robbins, P. (ed). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, p. 673-674. Minor, J. 2007. “Quinine”: in Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, vol 4. Robbins, P. (ed). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA, p. 1456. Eusden, J.D., Jr., Anderson, K.B., Beaudry, E., Dupee, M., Larkin, R.R., Minor, J.J., and Welling, D.E. 7 2006. Domes, Volcanics, Migmatites, Refolded Folds and Granites: A Transect from the Bronson Hill Arc into the Central Maine Cover, Northern Presidential Range, New Hampshire: in Gibson, D., Daly, J. and Reusch, D., eds., New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook for Field Trips in Western Maine 98(1), p. 167-180, Trip C-1. Minor, J.J. 2002. P-T Paths for Acadian Migmatites of the Presidential Range, NH. The Maine Geologist 28(2), p. 6. Dupee, M., Minor, J.J. and Eusden, J.D., Jr. 2002. Continued Bedrock Geologic Mapping in the Presidential Range, NH.: A Progress Report for EDMAP 2001: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 37(2), p. A-68. PRESENTATIONS Oral Presentations Minor, J.J. “Fire effects and ecological trajectories following multiple mixed-severity fire events in an Arizona Sky Island.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. April 21-25, 2015, Chicago, IL. Minor, J.J. “Diameter corrections for 13 important forest species in the Madrean Archipelago and southwestern US.” Tree-Ring Day Conference, University of Arizona. April 7, 2015, Tucson, Arizona. Minor, J.J. “Post-Fire Ecological Trajectories in a Reburned Madrean Sky Island.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. April 4-12, 2014, Tampa, Florida. Minor, J. (Moderator). “Student-Managed Initiatives.” Arizona Higher Education Sustainability Conference, University of Arizona, 24-25 March, 2014. Minor, J. (Moderator). “The Curriculum: Perspectives in Building Sustainability Literacy into Coursework.” Arizona Higher Education Sustainability Conference, University of Arizona, 24-25 March, 2014. Minor, J., Rudnick, J., and Barbatelli III, E. “UA Green Fund: Powerful Tool for Student Engagement.” 7th Annual Student Affairs Symposium, University of Arizona. October 24, 2013. Minor, J. “Ecological Novelties on a Dry River: the effects of water management and land degradation on the Santa Cruz River, Arizona.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. April 9-13, 2013, Los Angeles, California. Minor, J. “Spatio-temporal analysis of fire regimes in a Madrean Sky Island in southeastern Arizona.” SEES EarthWeek 2012 Conference, University of Arizona, March 28-30 2012. Minor, J. “New findings in Cryptoclimatology.” Institute of the Environment GradBlitz. November 8, 2011. Hartfield, K., Liverman, D., McEvoy, J., Minor, J., Peloquin, C., Prichard, A., Skroch, M., Spence, T., Tecklin, D. "A ‘5-A’ Assessment of the Role of Non-nation State Actors in the Copenhagen Climate Change Negotiations." 2011 Colorado Conference on Earth Systems Governance: Crossing Boundaries and Building Bridges. May 17-20, 2011, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. 8 Minor, J., Robbins, P.F. and Decker, P. “Competitive or compatible? Hunting and housing development in Montana.” 2011 Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. April 12-16, 2011, Seattle, Washington. Minor, J. “Ecological Restoration through Fire.” Tree-Ring Day Conference, University of Arizona. 30 March 2011. Marshall, L., O’Connor, C., and Minor, J. “Methods and Sampling in Dendrochronology.” Graduate Student Training Workshop in Research Methods, Natural Resources Graduate Student Organization, University of Arizona. 27 January 2011. Minor, J. and Arizpe, A. “Cryptoclimatology: Contextualizing Recent Sightings of Gigantopithecus canadensis.” 73rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. September 15-18, 2010, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Awarded the Harry and Shirley Bailey Award for Excellent Paper in Physical Geography. Anderson, G., Dick, E., Minor, J., and Prichard, A. “Rethinking Water in the Arid Southwest: the Need for a New Framework for Managing Water in Arizona.” 2010 Arizona Hydrological Society Symposium. September 1-4, 2010, Tucson, Arizona. Awarded the 2nd-place Central Arizona Project Award for Water Research. Minor, J., Robbins, P.F., and Decker, P. “Effects of rural development on an ecosystem service: Hunting in Montana.” 2010 Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. April 1418, 2010, Washington, D.C. Marston, S., Boyce, G., Minor, J., Massaro, V., and Ranek, A. “Learning Research Methods through Peer-Teaching and Workshops” (Panel). 72nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. September 30-October 3, 2009, San Diego, California. Minor, J. “Scientific Research across Socialist Transitions: The Shifting Focus of Physical Science Research in Mongolia.” 2009 Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. March 22-29, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada. Minor, J. “Transitional Science in post-Socialist Environments: Range Ecology in Mongolia.” 2008 Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. April 15-19, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts. Minor, J.J. “P-T Paths of Acadian Migmatites of the Presidential Range, New Hampshire.” 2002 Annual Spring Meeting of the Geological Society of Maine. April 5, 2002, Waterville, Maine. Poster Presentations Minor, J.J., Danza, A., Mermini, J., Coggins, C., Efting, A., Huaizhou, Z., and Keyen, F. Fengshui forest ecology in southeastern China: Preliminary Results from Tree-Ring and Stream Sampling. Asia/Environment Student Research Conference. April 16-17, 2015, Bard College, Annandale-OnHudson, NY. 9 Minor, J.J., Coggins, C., and Efting, A. Fengshui forest ecology in southeastern China: Preliminary Results from Tree-Ring and Stream Sampling. SEES EarthWeek 2015 Conference, University of Arizona, April 7-10 2015. Minor, J.J. and Coggins, C. Ecology and Management of Fengshui Forests in Southeastern China. 77th Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. September 24-27, 2014, Tucson, Arizona. Maghran, L.A., Falk, D.A., and Minor, J. Resilience and Recovery: Fire severity and patch size effects on forests ten years post-fire, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Earth Day Environmental Research Showcase. April 22, 2014, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Minor, J. Spatio-temporal analysis of fire regimes in a Madrean Sky Island in southeastern Arizona. Southwest Fire Ecology Conference, 27 February- 1 March 2012, Santa Fe, NM. Minor, J. and Arizpe, A. Cryptoclimatology: Contextualizing Recent Sightings of Gigantopithecus canadensis. University of Arizona, Graduate and Professional Student Council Student Showcase, 22-23 October 2010. Minor, J. and Arizpe, A. Cryptoclimatology: Contextualizing Recent Sightings of Gigantopithecus canadensis. Graduate Student Training Workshop in Visual Presentation of Research, Natural Resources Graduate Student Organization, University of Arizona. 10 February 2011. Dupee, M., Minor, J., and Eusden, J.D., Jr. Continued Bedrock Geological Mapping in the Presidential Range, N.H.: A Progress Report for EDMAP 2001. 37th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 25-27 March 2002, Springfield, MA. Field Trips Brice, B., Minor, J. and Minor, R.L. Sky Islands: Biogeography, Fire Ecology and Forest Management on Mt. Lemmon. 77th Annual Meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers. Tucson, Arizona, 24-27 September, 2014. Minor, J. Fire History in the Chiricahuas. Presenter and trip leader. Southwest Fire Science Consortium 2011 Fire Season Roadshow; Horseshoe 2 Field Trip. 8-9 November, 2012. Eusden, J.D., Jr., Anderson, K.B., Beaudry, E., Dupee, M., Larkin, R.R., Minor, J.J., and Welling, D.E. Domes, Volcanics, Migmatites, Refolded Folds and Granites: A Transect from the Bronson Hill Arc into the Central Maine Cover, Northern Presidential Range, New Hampshire. New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Trip C-1, 29 September- 1 October 2006. OUTREACH Tree-Ring Docent Training: Prepared document summarizing fire science, tree-ring fire science, policy and management for Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research Docents. Delivered 2-hour training for docents. November 16, 2013. College of Science ‘Second Saturday Night Downtown’: 5-hour public outreach on dendrochronology 10 and ecological science for Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, Downtown Tucson. March 2011, February 2011, August 2010. Arizona Association of Environmental Professionals: Presentation at monthly meeting, “Tree ring applications in the Sky Islands of Arizona,” November 23, 2010. Arizona Geographic Bee: Judge for Arizona state geography competition, 9 April 2010. Math, Science and Technology Funfest: 3-day public outreach on tree-ring science to Tucson schoolchildren. November 2008, November 2009. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Paper Session Organizer and Moderator, Association of American Geographers Annual Conference. April 21-25 2015, Chicago, Illinois. Chair and Committee Member, University of Arizona Green Fund. UA Green Fund annually allocates ~$400,000 for sustainability initiatives benefiting the University of Arizona community. 20112012, Committee Chair 2012-2013. Public Political Ecology Lab Instructor. 2-day training for University of Arizona undergraduate students on ecological and qualitative social science research methods. Funded by UA Green Fund MiniGrant. Summer 2013. Sky School Fellow, University of Arizona. 3-day paid environmental education and methods training for AP high school students on an Arizona Sky Island. April 2013. Committee Member, President’s Advisory Council for Environmental Sustainability, University of Arizona. Fall 2012-Fall 2013. Committee Member, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences EarthWeek conference. Organized and managed Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research interdisciplinary sessions. Fall 2011-Spring 2012. President, Southern Arizona Geographers Association, 2008-2009. Travel Grant Judge, Graduate and Professional Student Council, University of Arizona, Fall Spring 2009. 2010, Graduate Faculty Representative, School of Geography and Development. 2008-2009; 2010-2011. Graduate Faculty Representative, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. 2011-2012. Graduate Certificate in Dendrochronology Committee, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. Created graduate certificate program and coursework. Summer/Fall 2011. Invited Speaker Committee, Southern Arizona Geographers Association. Speaker: Janisse Ray. Raised $1000. 2007. 11 Invited Speaker Committee, Southern Arizona Geographers Association. Speaker: Stephen Schneider. Raised $4000. 2008. Invited Speaker Committee, Southern Arizona Geographers Association. Speaker: Melanie DuPuis. Awarded GPSC POD grant of $881. 2009. Poetry and Short Story Reviewer, you are here: the journal of creative geography. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 MEDIA APPEARANCES “Fire Prevention in the Chiricahuas” Arizona Spotlight, Arizona Public Media, KUAZ 89.1 FM, Mark McLemore. September 19-21, 2014 “Spring Break = Spring Fling!” Mrs. Green’s World, Gina Murphy-Darling, Radio interview. April 1, 2014 “Google Earth Maps Help Track Deforestation Patterns” Arizona Public Media, KUAZ 89.1 FM, Amanda Le Claire. November 22, 2013 “Q&A: The Value of Experiential, Field-Based Courses” UA News, Shelley Litton. October 8, 2013 “CAPLA Building to Upgrade with Sustainable Roof” Arizona Daily Wildcat, Katie Bickell. September 30, 2013 “ASU, UA Athletic Units Win National Recognition for Sustainability Efforts” Cronkite News, Nicole Tropp. September 24, 2013 “UA Student Revives Campus Garden” Arizona Daily Wildcat, Brittny Mejia. September 5, 2013 “Green Fund Approves 21 Sustainability Projects for 2013-14 School Year” Arizona Daily Wildcat, Sarah-Jayne Simon. April 8, 2013 “GPSC Sees Increase in Nominees at Awards Ceremony” 12 Arizona Daily Wildcat, Rachel McCluskey. March 29, 2013 “New Green Fund-Supported Sustainability Projects Named” UA News, La Monica Everett-Haynes. March 25, 2013 “Green Fund Tables Allocation Requests” Arizona Daily Wildcat, Brittny Mejia. November 28, 2012 TRAININGS S212 Wildland Fire Chainsaw Training: United States Forest Service, classroom and practical training for wildland chainsaw use and safety. April 19-22 2010. Wilderness First Aid: certified through May 2012. Red Cross CPR/AED/First Aid: certified through May 2012. High Occupancy Vehicle Training: classroom and behind-the-wheel course in vehicle safety. University of Arizona, certified through March 2017. Golf Cart Operation and Safety: classroom course in electrical cart operation safety. University of Arizona. September 2013. Fire Extinguisher Training: classroom and hands-on course on fire extinguisher types and use. University of Arizona. October 2010. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Association of American Geographers. Specialty groups Cultural and Political Ecology, Biogeography. Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Gamma Theta Upsilon Phi Beta Kappa Tree-Ring Society 13