file4 - Department of Computer Science

Instructor: Dr T.Y. LIN
One Pass Algorithm
Presented By: Pradhyuman raol
ID : 114
One Pass algorithm
Unary Operators
Binary Operations
One-Pass Algorithms
 One Pass Algorithm:
• Some methods involve reading the data only once
from disk.
• They work only when at least one of the
arguments of the operation fits in main memory.
We read the blocks of R one at a
time into an input buffer, perform
the operation on the tuple, and
more the selected tuples or the
projected tuples to the output
Examples: Selection & Projection
Tuple at a time Diagram
Input buffer
Output buffer
Unary Operators
• The unary operations that apply to relations
as a whole, rather than to one tuple at a time.
• Duplicate Elimination d(R) :Check whether
that tuple is already there or not.
M= Main memory
B(d(R))= Size of Relation R
Assumption: B(d(R)) <= M
Unary Operators
• Grouping : A grouping operation gives us zero
or more grouping attributes and presumably
one or more accumulated value or values for
each aggregation.
• Min or Max
• Count
• Sum
• Average
Binary Operations
Set Union
Set Intersection
Set Difference
Bag Intersection
Bag Difference
Natural join
Nested Loops Joins
Book Section of chapter 15.3
Submitted to : Prof. Dr. T.Y. LIN
Submitted by: Saurabh Vishal
Topic to be covered
Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join
An Iterator for Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join
A Block-Based Nested-Loop Join Algorithm
Analysis of Nested-Loop Join
Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join
• The simplest variation of nested-loop join has loops
that range over individual tuples of the relations
involved. In this algorithm, which we call tuple-based
nested-loop join, we compute the join as follows
• For each tuple s in S DO
For each tuple r in R Do
if r and s join to make a tuple t THEN
output t;
– If we are careless about how the buffer the blocks of
relations R and S, then this algorithm could require as
many as T(R)T(S) disk .there are many situations where this
algorithm can be modified to have much lower cost.
• One case is when we can use an index on the join
attribute or attributes of R to find the tuples of R that
match a given tuple of S, without having to read the
entire relation R.
• The second improvement looks much more carefully
at the way tuples of R and S are divided among
blocks, and uses as much of the memory as it can to
reduce the number of disk I/O's as we go through
the inner loop. We shall consider this block-based
version of nested-loop join.
An Iterator for Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join
• Open() {
– R.Open();
– A:=S.getnext();
GetNext() {
Repeat {
r:= R.Getnext();
IF(r= Not found) {/* R is exhausted for the
current s*/
IF( s= Not found) RETURN Not Found;
/* both R & S are exhausted*/
r:= R.Getnext();
until ( r and s join)
RETURN the join of r and s;
Close() {
R.close ();
S.close ();
A Block-Based Nested-Loop Join Algorithm
We can Improve Nested loop Join by compute R
|><| S.
1. Organizing access to both argument
relations by blocks.
2. Using as much main memory as we can to
store tuples belonging to the relation S, the
relation of the outer loop.
The nested-loop join algorithm
FOR each chunk of M-1 blocks of S DO BEGIN
read these blocks into main-memory buffers;
organize their tuples into a search structure whose
search key is the common attributes of R and S;
FOR each block b of R DO BEGIN
read b into main memory;
FOR each tuple t of b DO BEGIN
find the tuples of S in main memory that
join with t ;
output the join of t with each of these
Analysis of Nested-Loop Join
Assuming S is the smaller relation, the number
of chunks or iterations of outer loop is B(S)/(M
- 1). At each iteration, we read hf - 1 blocks of
S and
B(R) blocks of R. The number of disk I/O's is
B(S)/M-1(M-1+B(R)) or B(S)+B(S)B(R)/M-1
Assuming all of M, B(S), and B(R) are large, but
M is the smallest of these, an approximation
to the above formula is B(S)B(R)/M. That is,
cost is proportional to the product of the sizes
of the two relations, divided by the amount of
available main memory.
B(R) = 1000, B(S) = 500, M = 101
Important Aside: 101 buffer blocks is not as unrealistic as it sounds. There
may be many queries at the same time, competing for main memory
Outer loop iterates 5 times
At each iteration we read M-1 (i.e. 100) blocks of S and all of R (i.e.
1000) blocks.
Total time: 5*(100 + 1000) = 5500 I/O’s
Question: What if we reversed the roles of R and S?
We would iterate 10 times, and in each we would read 100+500 blocks,
for a total of 6000 I/O’s.
Compare with one-pass join, if it could be done!
We would need 1500 disk I/O’s if B(S) M-1
1. The cost of the nested-loop join is not much
greater than the cost of a one-pass join,
which is 1500 disk 110's for this example. In
fact.if B(S) 5 lZI - 1, the nested-loop join
becomes identical to the one-pass join
algorithm of Section 15.2.3
2. Nested-loop join is generally not the most
efficient join algorithm.
Summary of the topic
In This topic we have learned about how the
nested tuple Loop join are used in database
using query execution and what is the process
for that.
Presentation Topic 18.7 of Book
Tree Protocol
Submitted to: Prof. Dr. T.Y.LIN
Submitted By :Saurabh Vishal
Topic’s That Should be covered in This
• Motivation for Tree-Based Locking
• Rules for Access to Tree-Structured Data
• Why the Tree Protocol Works
• Tree structures that are formed by the link pattern of the
elements themselves. Database are the disjoint pieces of
data, but the only way to get to Node is through its
• B trees are best example for this sort of data.
• Knowing that we must traverse a particular path to an
element give us some important freedom to manage
locks differently from two phase locking approaches.
Tree Based Locking
• B tree index in a system that treats individual
nodes( i.e. blocks) as lockable database
elements. The Node Is the right level
• We use a standard set of locks modes like
shared,exculsive, and update locks and we use
two phase locking
Rules for access Tree Structured Data
There are few restrictions in locks from the tree protocol.
We assume that that there are only one kind of lock.
Transaction is consider a legal and schedules as simple.
Expected restrictions by granting locks only when they do
not conflict with locks already at a node, but there is no
two phase locking requirement on transactions.
Why the tree protocol works.
• A transaction's first lock may be at any node of
the tree.
• Subsequent locks may only be acquired if the
transaction currently has a lock on the parent
• Nodes may be unlocked at any time
• A transaction may not relock a node on which
it has released a lock, even if it still holds a
lock on the node’s parent
A tree structure of Lockable elements
Three transactions following the tree protocol
Why the Tree Protocol works?
• The Tree protocol forces a serial order on the
transactions involved in a schedule.
• Ti <sTj if in schedule S., the transaction Ti and
Tj lock a node in common and Ti locks the
node first.
• If precedence graph drawn from the precedence
relations that we defined above has no cycles, then we
claim that any topological order of transactions is an
equivalent serial schedule.
• For Example either ( T1,T2,T3) or (T3,T1,T2) is an
equivalent serial schedule the reason for this serial order
is that all the nodes are touched in the same order as
they are originally scheduled.
• If two transactions lock several elements in
common, then they are all locked in same
• I am Going to explain this with help of an
Precedence graph derived from Schedule
Example:--4 Path of elements locked by two
• Now Consider an arbitrary set of transactions T1, T2;.. . .
Tn,, that obey the
tree protocol and lock some of the nodes of a tree
according to schedule S.
• First among those that lock, the root. they do also in
same order.
• If Ti locks the root before Tj, Then Ti locks every
node in common with Tj does. That is Ti<sTj, But not
Concurrency Control by
Prepared By: Ronak Shah
Professor :Dr. T. Y Lin
ID: 116
• Concurrency is a property of a systems in which
several computations are executing and overlapping
in time, and interacting with each other.
 Timestamp is a sequence of characters, denoting the date
or time at which a certain event occurred.
Example of Timestamp:
20-MAR-09 PM
06/20/2003 16:55:14:000000
 We assign a timestamp to transaction and timestamp is
usually presented in a consistent format, allowing for easy
comparison of two different records and tracking
progress over time; the practice of recording timestamps
in a consistent manner along with the actual data is called
 To use timestamping as a concurrency-control
method, the scheduler needs to assign to each
transaction T a unique number, its timestamp
TS(T). Here two approaches use to generating
1. Using system clock
2. Another approach is for the scheduler to
maintain a counter. Each time when transaction
starts the counter is incremented by 1 and new
value become timestamp for transaction.
Whichever method we use to generate timestamp ,
the scheduler must maintain a table of currently
active transaction and their timestamp.
To use timestamps as a concurrency-control
method we need to associate with each database
element x two timestamps and an additional bit.
• RT(x) The read time of x.
• WT(x) The write time of x.
• C(x) The commit bit of x. which is true if and only
if the most recent transaction to write x has
already committed. The purpose of this bit is to
avoid a situation of “Dirty Read”.
Physically Unrealizable Behaviors
• Read too late
Transaction T tries to read too late
• Write too late
Transaction T tries to write too late
Problem with dirty data
T could perform a dirty read if it is reads X
A write is cancelled because of a write with a later timestamp, but the writer
then aborts
Rules for timestamp based scheduling
Scheduler’s Response to a T’s request for Read(X)/Write(X)
1. Granting Request
2. Aborting T (if T would violate physical reality)
and restarting T with a new timestamp
3. Delaying T and later deciding whether to abort
T or to grant the request
Request RT(X):
If TS(T) >= WT(X), the read is physically
I. If C(X) is true, grant the request. If TS(T) >
RT(X), set RT(X) := TS(T); otherwise do not
change RT(X)
II. If C(X) is false, delay T until C(X) becomes
true or the transaction that wrote X aborts
If TS(T) < WT(X), the read is physically
unrealizable. Rollback T; abort T and restart it
with a new, larger timestamp
Request WT(X):
1. If TS(T) >= RT(X) and TS(T) >= WT(X), the write
is physically realizable and must be performed
1. Write the new value for X
2. Set WT(X) := TS(T), and
3. Set C(X) := false
2. If TS(T) >= RT(X), but TS(T) < WT(X), then the
write is physically realizable, but there is already a
later value in X. If C(X) is true, then ignore the
write by T. If C(X) is false, delay T
3. If TS(T) < RT(X), then the write is physically
Timestamps Vs Locks
Superior if
• most transactions are read-only
Superior in high-conflict situations
• rare that concurrent transactions
will read or write the same element
In high-conflict situations, rollback will be
frequent, introducing more delays than a
locking system
Frequently delay transactions as they wait
for locks
Two-Pass Algorithms Based on
Prepared By: Ronak Shah
ID: 116
• In two-pass algorithms, data from the operand
relations is read into main memory, processed in
some way, written out to disk again, and then
reread from disk to complete the operation.
• In this section, we consider sorting as tool from
implementing relational operations. The basic idea
is as follows if we have large relation R, where B(R)
is larger than M, the number of memory buffers we
have available, then we can repeatedly
1. Read M blocks of R in to main memory
2. Sort these M blocks in main memory, using
efficient, main memory algorithm.
3. Write sorted list into M blocks of disk, refer this
contents of the blocks as one of the sorted sub list
of R.
Duplicate elimination using sorting
• To perform δ(R)
operation in two
passes, we sort tuples
of R in sublists. Then
we use available
memory to hold one
block from each stored
sublists and then
repeatedly copy one to
the output and ignore
all tuples identical to
• The no. of disk I/O’s performed by this algorithm,
1). B(R) to read each block of R when creating the
stored sublists.
2). B(R) to write each of the stored sublists to disk.
3). B(R) to read each block from the sublists at the
appropriate time.
So , the total cost of this algorithm is 3B(R).
Grouping and aggregation using sorting
• Reads the tuples of R into memory, M blocks at a time. Sort
each M blocks, using the grouping attributes of L as the sort
key. Write each sorted sublists on disk.
• Use one main memory buffer for each sublist, and initially load
the first block of each sublists into its buffer.
• Repeatedly find least value of the sort key present among the
first available tuples in the buffers.
• As for the δ algorithm, this two phase algorithm for γ takes
3B(R) disk I/O’s and will work as long as B(R) <= M^2
A sort based union algorithm
• When bag-union is wanted, one pass algorithm
is used in that we simply copy both relation,
works regardless of the size of arguments, so
there is no need to consider a two pass
algorithm for Union bag.
• The one pass algorithm for Us only works when
at least one relation is smaller than the
available main memory. So we should consider
two phase algorithm for set union. To compute
R Us S, we do the following steps,
1. Repeatedly bring M blocks of R into main
3.Use one main memory buffer for each sublist
of R and S. Initialize each with first block from
the corresponding sublist.
4.Repeatedly find the first remaining tuple t
among all buffers. Copy t to the output , and
remove from the buffers all copies of t.
A simple sort-based join algorithm
Given relation R(x,y) and S(y,z) to join, and given M blocks
of main memory for buffers,
1. Sort R, using a two phase, multiway merge sort, with y as
the sort key.
2. Sort S similarly
3. Merge the sorted R and S. Generally we use only two
buffers, one for the current block of R and the other for
current block of S. The following steps are done
a. Find the least value y of the join attributes Y that is
currently at the front of the blocks for R and S.
b. If y doesn’t appear at the front of the other relation,
then remove the tuples with sort key y.
c. Otherwise identify all the tuples from both relation
having sort key y
d. Output all the tuples that can be formed by joining
tuples from R and S with a common Y value y.
e. If either relation has no more unconsidered tuples in
main memory reload the buffer for that relation.
• The simple sort join uses 5(B(R) + B(S)) disk I/O’s
• It requires B(R)<=M^2 and B(S)<=M^2 to work
Summary of sort-based algorithms
Main memory and disk I/O requirements for sort based algorithms
Query Processing
(Two-Pass Algorithms)
Cs 257_117_ch 15_15.5
Two-Pass Algorithms Using Hashing
• General idea:
– Hash the tuples using an appropriate hash key
– For the common operations, there is a way to choose the
hash key so that all tuples that need to be considered
together has the same hash value
– Do the operation working on one bucket at a time
• Notice that the sort-based algorithms also gain a factor
of M by preprocessing. although the sorting and
hashing approaches achieve their similar gains by
rather different means
Partitioning by Hashing
initialize M-1 buckets with M-1 empty buffers
for each block b of relation R do
read block b into the Mth buffer
for each tuple t in b do
if the buffer for bucket h(t) is full then
copy the buffer to disk
initialize a new empty block in that buffer
copy t to the buffer for bucket h(t)
for each bucket do
if the buffer for this bucket is not empty then
write the buffer to disk
Duplicate Elimination Using Hashing
• Hash the relation R to M-1 buckets, R1, R2,…,RM-1
• Note: all copies of the same tuple will hash to the
same bu
• Do duplicate elimination on each bucket Ri
independently, using one-pass algorithm
• Return the union of the individual bucket results
Analysis of Duplicate Elimination
Using Hashing
• Number of disk I/O's: 3*B(R)
• In order for this to work, we need:
– hash function h evenly distributes the tuples
among the buckets
– each bucket Ri fits in main memory (to allow
the one-pass algorithm)
– i.e., B(R) ≤ M2
Grouping Using Hashing
• To perform the Y L ( R)relation,
 Hash all the tuples of relation R to M-1 buckets, using a
hash function that depends only on the grouping
 Note: all tuples in the same group end up in the same
 Use the one-pass algorithm to process each bucket
 Uses 3*B(R) disk I/O's, requires B(R) ≤ M2
Union, Intersection and Difference
Using Hashing
• Use same hash function for both relations!
• Hash R to M-1 buckets R1, R2, …, RM-1
• Hash S to M-1 buckets S1, S2, …, SM-1
• Do one-pass {set union, set intersection, bag
intersection, set difference, bag difference} algorithm
on Ri and Si, for all i
• 3*(B(R) + B(S)) disk I/O's; min(B(R),B(S)) ≤ M2
Join Using Hashing
• Use same hash function for both relations; hash
function should depend only on the join attributes
Hash R to M-1 buckets R1, R2, …, RM-1
Hash S to M-1 buckets S1, S2, …, SM-1
Do one-pass join of Ri and Si, for all i
3*(B(R) + B(S)) disk I/O's; min(B(R),B(S)) ≤ M2
Comparison of Sort-Based and HashBased
• For binary operations, hash-based only limits size
of smaller relation, not sum
• Sort-based can produce output in sorted order,
which can be helpful
• Hash-based depends on buckets being of equal
• Sort-based algorithms can experience reduced
rotational latency or seek time
CS 255
Concurrency Control by Validation
(Section 18.9)
Cs_257_117_ch 18_18.9
• Optimistic concurrency control
• Transactions are accessed data without locks.
• Concurrency Control assumes that conflicts
between transactions are rare
• Scheduler maintains record of active
• Does not require locking
• Check for conflicts just before commit
Read – Validate - Write
• Read
Reads from the database for the elements in its
read set
ReadSet(Ti): It is a Set of objects read by
Transaction Ti.
Whenever the first write to a given object is
requested, a copy is made, and all subsequent
writes are directed to the copy
When the transaction completes, it requests its
validation and write phases
Read – Validate - Write
• Validation
Checks are made to ensure serializability is not
Scheduling of transactions is done by assigning
transaction numbers to each transactions
There must exist a serial schedule in which
transaction Ti comes before transaction Tj
whenever t(i) < t(j)
If validation fails then the transaction is rolled
back otherwise it proceeds to the third phase
Read - Validate - Write
• Write
Writes the corresponding values for the
elements in its write set
WriteSet(Ti): Set of objects where Transaction
Ti has intend to write on it.
Locally written data are made global
Scheduler maintains 3 states
Transactions that are started but not yet validated
Transactions that are validated but not yet finished
Transactions that are finished
Validation Rule 1
T2 starts before T1 finishes
RS(T2)  WS(T1) = 
Validation Rule 2
T2 starts before T1 finishes
FIN(T1) > VAL(T2)
WS(T2)  WS(T1) = 
Interference –
Leads to
Rollback of T2
No Problem
RS(Tj)  WS(Ti) = 
WS(Tj)  WS(Ti) = 
FIN(Ti) > START(Tj) Rule 1
FIN(Ti) > VAL(Tj)
Rule 2 where j > i
T2 & T1
RS(T2)  WS(T1) = {B}  {A,C} = 
WS(T2)  WS(T1) = {D}  {A,C} = 
T3 & T1
RS(T3)  WS(T1) = {B}  {A,C} = 
WS(T3)  WS(T1) = {D,E}  {A,C} = 
T3 & T2
RS(T3)  WS(T2) = {B}  {D} = 
WS(T3)  WS(T2) = {D,E}  {D} = D // Rule 2 Can't be applied; FIN(T2) < VAL(T3)
T4 Starts before T1 and T3 finishes. So T4 has to be checked against the sets of T1
and T3
T4 & T1
RS(T4)  WS(T1) = {A,D}  {A,C} = {A}
Rule 2 can not be
T4 & T3
RS(T4)  WS(T3) = {A,D}  {D,E} = {D}
WS(T4)  WS(T3) = {A,C}  {D,E} = 
• Lock
Lock management overhead
Deadlock detection/resolution.
Concurrency is significantly lowered, when
congested nodes are locked. Locks can not be
released until the end of a transaction
Conflicts are rare. (We might get better
performance by not locking, and instead
checking for conflicts at commit time.)
• Validation
Optimistic Concurrency Control is superior to
locking methods for systems where transaction
conflict is highly unlikely, e.g query dominant
Avoids locking overhead
Starvation: What should be done when validation
repeatedly fails ?
Solution: If the concurrency control detects a
starving transaction, it will be restarted, but
without releasing the critical section semaphore,
and transaction is run to the completion by write
locking the database
• Timestamp
Deadlock is not possible
Prone to restart
– A more careful implementation we treat all
timestamps that are prior to the earliest active
transaction as "minus infinity” and not record
Query Execution
Index Based Algorithms (15.6)
Ashish Sharma
Clustering and Nonclustering Indexes
 A relation is '.clustered" if its tuples are packed into roughly
as few blocks as can possibly hold those tuples.
 Clustering Indexes, which are indexes on an attribute or
attributes such that all the tuples with a fixed value for the
search key of this index appear on roughly as few blocks as
can hold them. Note that a relation that isn't clustered
cannot have a clustering index, but even a clustered relation
can have nonclustering indexes.
 A clustering index has all tuples with a fixed value packed
into the minimum possible number of blocks
• Note that a relation that isn't clustered cannot have a
clustering index but even a clustered relation can have non
clustering indexes.
Index-Based Selection
• Selection on equality: sa=v(R)
• Clustered index on a: cost B(R)/V(R,a)
– If the index on R.a is clustering, then the number of
disk I/O's to retrieve the set sa=v (R) will average
B(R)/V(R, a). The actual number may be somewhat
• Unclustered index on a: cost T(R)/V(R,a)
– If the index on R.a is nonclustering, each tuple we
retrieve will be on a different block, and we must
access T(R)/V(R,a) tuples. Thus, T(R)/V(R, a) is an
estimate of the number of disk I/O’s we need.
• Example: B(R) = 2000, T(R) = 100,000, V(R, a) = 20,
compute the cost of sa=v(R)
• Cost of table scan:
– If R is clustered: B(R) = 2000 I/Os
– If R is unclustered: T(R) = 100,000 I/Os
• Cost of index based selection:
– If index is clustered: B(R)/V(R,a) = 100
– If index is unclustered: T(R)/V(R,a) = 5000
• Notice: when V(R,a) is small, then unclustered index
is useless
Joining by Using an Index
R S : This is a Natural Join
Assume S has an index on the join attribute
Iterate over R, for each tuple fetch
corresponding tuple(s) from S
• Assume R is clustered. Cost:
– If index is clustered: B(R) + T(R)B(S)/V(S,a)
– If index is unclustered: B(R) + T(R)T(S)/V(S,a)
• Assume both R and S have a sorted index (B+
tree) on the join attribute
• Then perform a merge join (called zig-zag join)
• Cost: B(R) + B(S)
 Example : Let us consider our running example, relations
R(X, Y) and S(Y, Z) covering 1000 and 500 blocks,
respectively. Assume ten tuples of either relation fit on one
block, so T(R) = 10,000 and T(S) = 5000. Also, assume V(S, Y)
= 100; i.e., there are 100 different values of Y among the
tuples of S.
 Suppose that R is clustered, and there is a clustering index
on Y for S. Then the approximate number of disk I/O1s,
excluding what is needed to access the index itself, is 1000
to read the blocks of R plus 10,000 x 300 / 100 = 50,000 disk
I/O's. This number is considerably above the cost of other
methods for the same data discussed previously. If either R
or the index on S is not clustered, then the cost is even
Joins Using a Sorted Index
• Still consider R(X,Y) S(Y,Z)
• Assume there's a sorted index on both R.Y and S.Y
– B-tree or a sorted sequential index
• Scan both indexes in the increasing order of Y
– like merge-join, without need to sort first
– if index dense, can skip nonmatching tuples without
loading them
– very efficient
• Used when the index is a B-tree or any other structure
from which we easily can extract the tuples of a
relation in sorted order, we have a number of other
opportunities to use the index.
• When the index is a B-tree. or any other structure
from which we easily can extract the tuples of a
relation in sorted order, we have a number of
other opportunities to use the index. Perhaps the
simplest is when we
 want to compute R(X, Y)
S(Y, Z), and we have such an index on Y for either
R or S. We can then perform an ordinary sortjoin, but we do not have to perform the
intermediate step of sorting one of the relations
on Y.
• As an extreme case, if we have sorting indexes
on Y for both R and S, then we need to perform
only the final step of the simple sort-based join.
This method is sometimes called zig-zag join,
because we jump back and forth between the
indexes finding Y-values that they share in
common. Notice that tuples from R with a Y-value
that does not appear in S need never be
retrieved, and similarly, tuples of S whose Y-value
does not appear in R need not be retrieved
A zig-zag join using two indexes.
 Example: Suppose that we have relations R(X,Y) and S(Y, Z) with indexes on
Y for both relations. In a tiny example, let the search keys (Y-values) for the
tuples of R be in order 1,3,4,4,4,5,6, and let the search key values for S be
2,2,4,4,6,7. We start with the first keys of R and S, which are 1 and 2,
respectively. Since 1 < 2, we skip the first key of R and look at the second
key, 3. Now, the current key of S is less than the current key of R, so we skip
the two 2's of S to reach 4.
 At this point, the key 3 of R is less than the key of S, so we skip the key of R.
Now, both current keys are 4. \Ire follow the pointers associated with all
the keys 4 from both relations, retrieve the corresponding tuples, and join
them. Notice that until we met the common key 4, no tuples of the relation
were retrieved.
 Having dispensed with the 4's: we go to key 5 of R and key 6 of S. Since 5 <
6, we skip to the next key of R. Now the keys are both 6, so we retrieve the
corresponding tuples and join them. Since R is now exhausted, we know
there are no more pairs of tuples from the two relations that join
Information Integration
Introduction (21.1)
Ashish Sharma
Why Information Integration ?
• Databases are created independently, even if
they later need to work together.
• The use of databases evolves, so we can not
design a database to support every possible
future use.
• We will understand Information integration
from an example of University Database.
University Database
 Earlier we had different databases for different
functions like;
 Registrar Database for keeping data about courses and
student grades for generating transcripts.
 Bursar Database for keeping data about the tuition
payments by students.
 Human Resource Department Database for recording
employees including those students with teaching
assistantship jobs.
 Applications were build using these databases like
generation of payroll checks, calculation of taxes
and social security payments to government.
• But these databases independently were of no
use as a change in 1 database would not reflect in
the other database which had to be performed
manually. For e.g. we want to make sure that
Registrar does not record grades of the student
who did not pay the fees at Bursars office.
• Building a whole new database for the system
again is a very expensive and time consuming
• In addition to paying for a very expensive
software the University will have to run both the
old and the new databases together for a long
time to see that the new system works properly
or not.
• A Solution for this is to build a layer of
abstraction, called middleware, on top of all
legacy databases, without disturbing the original
• Now we can query this middleware layer to
retrieve or update data.
• Often this layer is defined by a collection of
classes and queried in an Object oriented
• New applications can be written to access this
layer for data, while the legacy applications
continue to run using the legacy database.
The Heterogeneity Problem
 When we try to connect information sources that were
developed independently, we invariably find that sources
differ in many ways. Such sources are called Heterogeneous
sources. A problem is faced while integrating them, which is
referred to as the Heterogeneity Problem. There are
different levels of heterogeneity viz.
Communication Heterogeneity.
Query-Language Heterogeneity.
Schema Heterogeneity.
Data type differences.
Value Heterogeneity.
Semantic Heterogeneity.
Communication Heterogeneity
• Today, it is common to allow access to your
information using HTTP protocols. However,
some dealers may not make their databases
available on net, but instead accept remote
accesses via anonymous FTP.
• Suppose there are 1000 dealers of Aardvark
Automobile Co. out of which 900 use HTTP while
the remaining 100 use FTP, so there might be
problems of communication between the dealers
Query Language Heterogeneity
• The manner in which we query or modify a
dealer’s database may vary.
• For e.g. Some of the dealers may have
different versions of database like some might
use relational database some might not have
relational database, or some of the dealers
might be using SQL, some might be using Excel
spreadsheets or some other database.
Schema Heterogeneity
• Even assuming that the dealers use a
relational DBMS supporting SQL as the query
language there might be still some
heterogeneity at the highest level like
schemas can differ.
• For e.g. one dealer might store cars in a single
relation while the other dealer might use a
schema in which options are separated out
into a second relation.
Data type Diffrences
• Serial Numbers might be represented by a
character strings of varying length at one
source and fixed length at another. The fixed
lengths could differ, and some sources might
use integers rather than character strings.
Value Heterogeneity
• The same concept might be represented by
different constants at different sources. The
color Black might be represented by an integer
code at one source, the string BLACK at
another, and the code BL at a third.
Semantic Heterogeneity
• Terms might be given different interpretations
at different sources. One dealer might include
trucks in Cars relation, while the another puts
only automobile data in Cars relation. One
dealer might distinguish station wagons from
the minivans, while another doesn’t.
CS 257
Database Systems Principles
Assignment 1
Dr. T. Y. Lin
Rajan Vyas (119)
Modes of Information Integration
• Information Integration allows database or other
distributed information to work together.
• Three most common approaches:
 Federated Database
 DataWareHousin
 Mediators
Federated Database System
• Sources are independent, but one source can call on others to
supply information.
• One-to-One connection between the all pairs of databases
DB 1
DB 2
DB 3
DB 4
Dealer 1
NeededCars(mode1, color, autotrans)
Dealer 2
Autos(seria1, model, color)
Options(seria1, option)
Dealer 1 to Dealer 2
f or ( e a ch t u p l e (:m, : c , :a) in neededCars )
i f ( : a = TRUE) { /* automatic transmission wanted */
SELECT s e r i a l
FROM Autos, Options
WHERE Autos.seria1 = Options.seria1 AND
Options.option = 'autoTrans' AND
Autos.mode1 = :m AND
Autos.color = :c;
e l s e { /* automatic transmission not wanted */
SELECT serial
FROM Autos
WHERE Autos.mode1 = :m AND
Autos.color = :c AND
FROM Options
WHERE s e r i a l = Autos.seria1 AND
option = 'autoTrans'
}; } }
Dealer 3
Cars(serialN0, model, color, autoTrans, ...)
Data WareHouse
• In the data warehouse integration architecture, data from
several sources is extracted and combined into a global
• Copies sources of data from
several sources are stored in a
single database.
User Query
Extractor 1
Extractor 2
ce 1
ce 2
• Dealer 1
Cars(serialN0, model, color, autoTrans, cdPlayer, ... )
• Dealer 2
Autos(seria1, model, color)
Opt ions ( s e r i a l , option)
• WareHouse
AutosWhse(seria1N0, model, color, autoTrans, dealer)
• It is a software component that supports a virtual database.
• The mediator doesn't store any data. The mechanics of
mediators and warehouses are rather different
User Query
ce 1
ce 2
Extractor for translating Dealer-2 data to the warehouse
• INSERT INTO AutosWhse(serialNo, model, color,autoTrans , dealer)
SELECT s e r i a l , model, color, ' y e s ' , 'dealer2'
FROM Autos, Options
WHERE Autos.seria1 = Options.seria1 AND
option = 'autoTrans';
• INSERT INTO AutosWhse(serialNo, model, color,autoTrans , dealer)
SELECT s e r i a l , model, color, 'no', 'dealer2‘ FROM Autos
WHERE s e r i a l = Autos.seria1 AND
option = 'autoTrans'
CS 257
Database Systems Principles
Assignment 2
Dr. T. Y. Lin
Rajan Vyas (119)
Buffer Management
The central task of making main-memory buffers available to processes, such as queries, that act
on the database is given to the buffer manager.
• Buffer Manager manages the required memory for the process with
minimum delay.
Buffer Manager
Buffer Management Architecture
• Two types of architecture:
 Buffer Manager controls main memory directly : as in many relational DBMS
Buffer Manager allocates buffer in Virtual Memory: allowing the OS to decide
which buffers are actually in the main memory at any time and which are in the
swap space on disk that the OS manages.
• In Each method, the Buffer Manager should limit the number
of buffers in use which fit in the available main memory.
• When Buffer Manager controls the main memory directly, it
selects the buffer to empty by returning its content to disk. If
it fails, it may simply be erased from main memory.
• If all the buffers are really in use then very little useful works
gets done.
Buffer Management Strategies
• LRU (Least Recent Used)
It makes buffer free from the block that has not been read or write for the longest
• FIFO(First In First Out)
It makes buffer free that has been occupied the longest and assigned to
new request.
• The “Clock” Algorithm
The Relationship Between Physical Operator
Selection and Buffer Management
• The query optimizer will eventually select a
set of physical operators that will be used to
execute a given query.
• the buffer manager may not be able to
guarantee the availability of the buffers when
the query is executed.