Minor in Management - Krannert

Minor in Management
Management Minor available for students outside the School of Management - MGMT
Credit Hours: 15
Minor Requirements:
A grade of a C- or better must be earned in any course used to fulfill the minor.
Transfer credit for MGMT 20000 and MGMT 20100 may be accepted for the minor only if posted on
the student’s Purdue transcript as MGMT 20000 and/or MGMT 20100. Undistributed transfer credit
(i.e. MGMT 2XXXX) will not be accepted.
All Upper Division Management courses must be completed at Purdue University, West Lafayette.
Pre-requisite courses are listed in parentheses ( ).
Non-Management students are encouraged to take non-major Management and OBHR classes
whenever possible to facilitate scheduling. These are MGMT 304, MGMT 323, MGMT 455 and OBHR
300. They do not require permissions or overrides.
Students must complete the Request to Enroll in an Upper Level Krannert Course form on the
Krannert website for permission to register for non-major upper division ECON, MGMT or OBHR
electives each semester.
Complete the following courses:
MGMT 20100 Management Accounting I (MGMT 20000)
ECON 25200 Macroeconomics
Complete 3 Upper Division Management Electives from the following list:
MGMT 30400 Intro to Financial Management (Non-major course)
MGMT 30500* Business Statistics (STAT 22500)
MGMT 30600* Management Science (MGMT 30500)
MGMT 32300 Intro to Marketing Analysis (Non-major course) OR
MGMT 32400* Marketing Management (MGMT 20100 & ECON 25200)
MGMT 35000* Intermediate Accounting I (MGMT 20100)
MGMT 35100* Intermediate Accounting II (MGMT 35000)
MGMT 45500* Legal Background for Business I (Non-major course) OR
MGMT 35400 Legal Foundations of Business I
MGMT 36100* Operations Management (STAT 22500)
OBHR 33000* Organizational Behavior
OBHR 30000 Management of Human Resources (Non-major course) OR
OBHR 42800* Human Resource Management (OBHR 33000 & MGMT 30500)
Krannert approved Study Abroad course
Updated: October 9 2012 bab