Atheists' Myths - Evidence for God from Science

Atheists’ Myths: Part 2
Richard Deem
For the time will come when men will not
put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to
suit their own desires, they will gather
around them a great number of teachers
to say what their itching ears want to
hear. They will turn their ears away from
the truth and turn aside to myths. (2
Timothy 4:3-4)
Atheist Myth #2: Jesus
Didn’t Become God
Until the 4 Century
Jesus was Deified at the Council
of Nicaea
A common atheist myth is that the
Bible was changed at the Council of
Nicaea to change Jesus from being
Messiah to being God
 “Divergent” books were excluded from
the canon of the Bible at that time
 Is it true that there is no evidence that
Christians worshipped Jesus as God
prior to the 4th century?
Early Evidence for the
Proclamation of Jesus’ Deity
1. Biblical
Jesus presents the characteristics of
The Bible says Jesus is God
Jesus claims He is God
2. Writings of early church leaders
3. Secular writings
4. Archeological evidence
Biblical Claims of Jesus’ Divinity
Jesus Christ
Who is omnipotent (all powerful)?
1 Chronicles 29:11
Philippians 3:20-21
Who is omniscient (all knowing)?
1 John 3:20
Colossians 2:2-3
Who is omnipresent (present
Proverbs 15:3
2 Corinthians 2:14
Who is Lord of Sabbath?
Genesis 2:3
Matthew 12:8
Who is the great "I am?"
Exodus 3:14
John 8:58
Who is the only creator?
Isaiah 44:24
John 1:3
Who is the only savior?
Isaiah 43:11, 45:21
Acts 4:12
Who will judge mankind?
Isaiah 3:13, 14
2 Corinthians 5:10
Who will judge between the sheep and Ezekiel 34:17
Matthew 25:31-33
Who sent the prophets?
Jeremiah 7:25
Matthew 23:34
Who resurrected Jesus?
Acts 4:10
John 10:17-18
Who is "coming in glory?"
Isaiah 40:5
Matthew 24:30
Biblical Claims of Jesus’ Divinity
Jesus Christ
Who is our Father?
Isaiah 63:16
Isaiah 9:6
Who is the "first and last?"
Isaiah 44:6
Revelation 1:17
Who is Rock of salvation?
2 Samuel 22:32
1 Corinthians 10:4
Who is Stone of stumbling?
Isaiah 8:13-15
1 Peter 2:8
"One crying in the wilderness" came to Isaiah 40:3
prepare a way for whom?
Matthew 3:3
Who is eternal?
Genesis 21:33
Micah 5:2
Who is the fountain of living waters?
Jeremiah 17:13
John 4:10-14
Who resurrects the dead?
Acts 26:8
John 6:40
Who gives rewards to man?
Isaiah 40:10
Matthew 16:27
Who has all authority and power?
1 Chronicles 29:11
Matthew 28:18
Who gives power and authority to
Psalm 68:35
Luke 9:1
Who forgives sin?
2 Chronicles 7:14
Matthew 9:6
Biblical Claims of Jesus’ Divinity
Jesus Christ
Who sent the Holy Spirit?
John 14:16
John 16:7
Who has the greatest name?
Nehemiah 9:5
Philippians 2:9
Whom are we to worship?
Exodus 34:14
Revelation 5:12-13
Who is the good Shepherd?
Genesis 48:15
John 10:14
Who searches for the lost sheep of
Ezekiel 34:11
Matthew 15:24
Who is "Lord of Lords?"
Deuteronomy 10:17
Revelation 17:14
To whom shall every knee bow?
Isaiah 45:22-23
Philippians 2:10
Who is the righteous branch of David?
Jeremiah 23:5-6
Jeremiah 33:15
Who alone is Holy?
1 Samuel 2:2
Acts 3:14
Whose blood cleanses us?
Acts 20:28
1 John 1:7
The world was created for whom?
Proverbs 16:4
Colossians 1:16
Who is above all?
Nehemiah 9:6
Romans 9:5
Who is forever the same?
Psalm 102:24-27
Hebrews 1:8-12
Biblical Claims of Jesus’ Divinity
Jesus Christ
Who is our light?
Psalm 27:1
John 8:12
Who is the way or path?
Psalms 16:11
John 14:6
Who is in charge of the angels?
Psalms 103:20
2 Thessalonians 1:7
Who gives us rest?
Exodus 33:14
Matthew 11:28
Who gives eternal life?
Proverbs 19:23
John 3:36
We are the bride of whom?
Isaiah 54:5
2 Corinthians 11:2
Who tests the heart and mind?
Jeremiah 17:10
Revelation 2:23
Jesus is God
Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son, and
they shall call His name Immanuel, which translated means,
"God with us."
Matthew 1:23
And fear gripped them all, and they began glorifying God,
saying, "A great prophet has arisen among us!" and, "God has
visited His people!"
Luke 7:16
In the beginning was the Word...and the Word was God.
John 1:1
No man has seen God at any time; the only begotten God, who
is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.
John 1:18
He [Jesus]... was calling God His own Father, making Himself
equal with God.
John 5:18
I and the Father are one.
John 10:30
The Jews answered Him [Jesus], "For a good work we do not
stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man,
make Yourself out to be God."
John 10:33
You call Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am.
John 13:13
Jesus is God
Jesus said to him, "...He who has seen Me has seen the Father;
how do you say, `Show us the Father?'"
John 14:9
And now, glorify Thou Me together with Thyself, Father, with the
glory which I had with Thee before the world was.
John 17:5
Thomas answered and said to Him [Jesus], "My Lord and my
John 20:28
"The word which He sent to the sons of Israel, preaching peace
through Jesus Christ (He is Lord of all)
Acts 10:36
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same
Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him
Romans 10:12
…for if they had understood it they would not have crucified the
Lord of glory
1 Corinthians 2:8
...the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of 2 Corinthians 4:4
...Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did
not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
Philippians 2:6
Jesus is God
...Christ. For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form,
Colossians 2:9
God was manifest in the flesh...
1 Timothy 3:16
...our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will bring about at the proper
time-- He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of
kings and Lord of lords;
1 Timothy 6:15 these last days has spoken to us in His Son...And He is
the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His
Hebrews 1:2-3
But of the Son He says, "Thy throne, O God, is forever and
Hebrews 1:8
...the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ
Titus 2:13
Simon Peter ... by the righteousness of our God and Savior,
Jesus Christ:
2 Peter 1:1
And on His robe and on His thigh He [Jesus] has a name written, Revelation 19:16
Jesus’ Claims to Deity
Many say that Jesus Himself never
claimed to be God
 However, the gospels are filled with
such claims – for those who
understood the Old Testament
Jesus Accepted Worship
Who worshipped Jesus?
Hebrews 1:6
Matthew 14:33
Matthew 28:9
Matthew 28:17
Luke 24:52
Matthew 2:2
Matthew 2:11
Matthew 8:2
Matthew 9:18
Matthew 15:25
Matthew 20:20
John 9:38
Wise men
Woman of Canaan
Mother of Zebedee's children
Blind man
Jesus’ Claims to be the “Son of
A clear reference to Daniel 7:
"I kept looking in the night visions, And behold,
with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man
was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of
Days And was presented before Him. "And to Him
was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom, That
all the peoples, nations, and men of every
language Might serve Him. His dominion is an
everlasting dominion Which will not pass away;
And His kingdom is one Which will not be
destroyed. (Daniel 7:13-14)
Jesus is the “Son of God”
"I will surely tell of the decree of the LORD: He said
to Me, 'You are My Son, Today I have begotten You…
Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry,
and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon
be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in
Him! (Psalm 2:7, 12)
Who has ascended into heaven and descended?
Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has
wrapped the waters in His garment? Who has
established all the ends of the earth? What is His
name or His son's name? Surely you know!
(Proverbs 30:4)
Jesus is the “Son of God”
This is the faithful Shepherd; Of ,thee it is said, "Kiss
the Son," thou art the Prince of the Israelites, the
Lord of the earth... the Son of the Most High, the Son
of the holy God - -and the gracious Shekinah. (Zohar,
Gen. f6l. 88, c. 348).
Know him as your God, who is the Son of God.
(Sibylline Oracles, Lactantins p. 10 s.)
R. Huni in the name of R. Ide and R. Joshua said,
that this man is the King Messiah of whom it is said,
Psa. 2:7, "This day have I begotten thee."
(Talmud Babylonian)
Jesus is the “Son of God”
Mark 1:1, John 20:31,
Romans 1:4, 2 Corinthians
1:19, Galatians 2:20,
Ephesians 4:13, Hebrews
4:14, 1 John 4:15, 1 John
5:5, 1 John 5:20
Matthew 16:15-17, John
Roman Centurion
Matthew 27:54, Mark 15:39
Jesus’ is the “Son of God”
John the Baptist
Saul (Paul)
Ethiopian Eunich
Luke 1:35
Matthew 4:3, 6, Luke
4:3, 9
Matthew 8:29, Mark
3:11, Luke 4:41
John 1:34
John 11:27
Acts 9:20
Acts 8:37
Matthew 27:43, Luke
22:70, John 19:7
Son of God = God!
For this cause therefore the Jews were
seeking all the more to kill Him, because
He not only was breaking the Sabbath,
but also was calling God His own Father,
making Himself equal with God. (John
Jesus Claims to be the Messiah
(the Christ)
For a child will be born to us, a son will
be given to us; And the government will
rest on His shoulders; And His name will
be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty
God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9:6)
Jesus Claims to be the Messiah
(the Christ)
"The days are coming," declares the
LORD, "when I will raise up to David a
righteous Branch, a King who will reign
wisely and do what is just and right in the
land. In his days Judah will be saved and
Israel will live in safety. This is the name
by which he will be called: The LORD Our
Righteousness. (Jeremiah 23:5-6)
Word translated "LORD" is yhvh, the
personal name of God
Jesus Claims Attributes of God
Jesus’ Claim
Came from heaven
John 3:13, 8:23
Heaven is “my kingdom” Luke 22:30, John
Before Abraham
John 8:58-59
Before the world began
John 17:5
All authority... in heaven Matthew 28:18, John
and on earth
Supreme judge
John 5:22
Separates the sheep
Matthew 25:31-33
from the goats
Jesus Claims Attributes of God
Jesus’ Claim
Lord of the Sabbath
Matthew 12:8, Mark
2:28, Luke 6:5
Could forgive sins
Matthew 9:6, Mark
Return in glory
Matthew 24:30,
Revelation 1:7
Light and salvation
John 8:12
The way to life
John 14:6
Resurrection and the life John 5:21, 6:39-40,
6:54, 11:25-26
Jesus Claims Attributes of God
Jesus’ Claim
Good shepherd
John 10:14,
Matthew 15:24
Searches hearts and minds Revelation 2:23
Gives rest
Gives eternal life
Rewards His followers
Matthew 11:28-29
John 10:27-28
Matthew 16:27
Fountain of living water
John 4:10-14
Sent the Holy Spirit
John 16:7
Jesus Claims Attributes of God
Jesus’ Claim
raised Himself from the
Disciples would be
unable to do anything
significant without His
baptize new followers in
“the name of the Father
and the Son and the Holy
John 2:19, 10:17-18
John 15:5
Matthew 28:19-20
The Bible Does
Suggest Jesus is God,
but Maybe it Was
Changed to Say That?
Was the New Testament
Many atheists claim that the scribes
massively changed the New Testament
over the centuries
 Is this claim true?
Ancient Manuscript Evidence
100-44 B.C.
900 A.D.
# Mss.
1,000 yrs
427-347 B.C.
900 A.D.
1,200 yrs
460-400 B.C.
900 A.D.
1,300 yrs
100 A.D.
1100 A.D.
1,000 yrs
75-160 A.D.
950 A.D.
800 yrs
Homer (Iliad)
900 B.C.
400 B.C.
500 yrs
New Testament
40-100 A.D.
125 A.D.
25-50 yrs 24,000
New Testament
Oldest NT manuscript dated to 125 AD
 Variants account for only 0.5% of the
text (compared to 5% for the Iliad)
 So, the manuscript evidence shows
that the New Testament remained
unchanged from the 2nd century on
 Therefore, the claims about Jesus’
deity were found in the original
documents produced by the early
Christian church
Early Church Leaders
Clement (30-100 A.D.) wrote an epistle to the
Corinthian Church in 97 A.D. and quoted from Luke,
Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Titus, 1 and
2 Peter, Hebrews, and James
Ignatius (30-107 A.D.) Polycarp (65-155 A.D.), and
Papias (70-155 A.D.) cited verses from every New
Testament book except 2 and 3 John
Justin Martyr (110-165 A.D.) cited verses from
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1
Corinthians, Galatians, 2 Thessalonians, Hebrews, 1
and 2 Peter, and Revelation
Irenaeus (120-202 A.D.) wrote a five volume work
Against Heresies, quoting
from every book of the New Testament but 3 John.
from the New Testament books over 1,200 times.
Secular Sources
Pliny the Younger, governor of
Pontus/Bithynia from 111-113 A.D. wrote
(Letters 10.96-97) to Emperor Trajan:
“They asserted, however, that the sum and
substance of their fault or error had been that
they were accustomed to meet on a fixed day
before dawn and sing responsively a hymn to
Christ as to a god, and to bind themselves by
oath, not to some crime, but not to commit fraud,
theft, or adultery, not falsify their trust...”
3rd Century church in Megiddo, Israel:
“Akeptous, the God-loving, offered this
table for (the) god Jesus Christ, as a
Other “Christian” Books
Atheists claim that some Christian
books were excluded from the biblical
canon at the Council of Nicaea
 Should books, such as the “Gospel of
Thomas” have been included in the
canon of scripture?
The “Gospel” of Thomas
Fails the test of Apostolic authority
Fails to conform to the rule of faith
Never quoted by early church fathers
No support it was written by the apostle Thomas
Written around 140 A.D.
Contains 114 "secret sayings" of Jesus
Contains pantheistic concepts
Women are denied salvation unless they are somehow
changed into a man
Fails the test of continuous usage and acceptance
Only two known manuscripts
Thousands of manuscripts authenticate the Four Gospels
The New Testament, letters from early
Christian Church leaders, secular
writing, and archeology all show that
Jesus was worshipped as God from the
inception of the Christian Church.
 The atheist claim that Jesus became a
god only at the Council of Nicaea is a
More In-Depth Research Papers
Jesus Christ as God and the Trinity Was Not
Invented Until the Fourth Century?
The Bible Has Been Changed Over the
Centuries From the Original?
History of the Bible: How The Bible Came To
The Son is God
Should We Worship Jesus?
Jesus Christ Never Said He Was God?
Early (3rd Century A.D.) Christian Church at
Megiddo, Israel
More Atheist Myths