More Organized Means More Successful ACCESSING MOODLE PIN MOODLE TO BROWSER Right-click browser tab. Select PIN TAB. MAKING MOODLE YOUR BROWSER HOME PAGE Google Chrome: Customize and Control Google Chrome icon. Settings Appearance ☑ Show Home Button MOODLE HOMEPAGE MENU PlusPortals: For checking grades Courses Offered: Including clubs and athletics STM Website: Library: Databases, resources, etc. Calendar: School news and activities STM Email All school events/ activities MORE ON MOODLE HOMEPAGE School Calendar Updated with Current and Upcoming Events The Moodle homepage includes information pertaining to tablet usage, cyber safety, netiquette, tutorials, etc. LOGGING ON USERNAME: Cougars2015 TEMPORARY PASSWORD: Cougars2015 CHANGE PASSWORD Hover over your name or profile pic to get to your profile, click preferences and change password CHANGE PASSWORD Your new password should follow password rules: At least 8 characters At least 1 capital At least 1 lowercase At least 1 number Cougars2015 ********* ********* YOUR MOODLE HOMEPAGE All of your courses will be listed. Assignments show up so you know when something is due. CUSTOMIZING HOMEPAGE Select Customize and Always Show All. Click-and-drag the 4way arrows to reorder your course pages. NAVIGATING USING BREAD CRUMBS Each “breadcrumb” brings you back one step. From the course page back to the Moodle homepage. From a course assignment back to the course page. GRADE LEVEL PAGE Contains Tablet Training Resources. YOUR GUIDANCE COUNSELOR WILL SHARE GOOD INFO ALL 4 YEARS HERE TOO. ANNOUNCEMENTS Go here daily in homeroom to read daily announcements and upcoming events. LIBRARY New AR books, databases, research tips, and so much more! ANATOMY OF A COURSE PAGE COURSE CONTENT is found down the center of the Moodle course page. BLOCKS are found on the left & right of the contents. Common Blocks: Upcoming Events, Calendar, Recent Activity, Latest News, etc. ANATOMY OF A COURSE PAGE Important documents Section Topics ANATOMY OF A COURSE PAGE Instructions Turn in slot Online quiz Class files CONTENT ON COURSE PAGE Your course resources and assignments are listed as topics on the page. COURSE NAVIGATION BLOCK See only one topic on the page at a time by selecting it from the NAVIGATION BLOCK. SWITCHING TOPICS Another way to switch topics is to use the NAVIGATION ARROWS. CTRL + F = QUICK FIND FEATURE One way to find something quickly on a course page is to use CTRL + F. A Quick Find toolbar will appear above the taskbar. Search for a specific TOPIC and Moodle will help you find it. LET’S TRY IT: Find: CALENDAR DOCKING BLOCKS Block docks on the left side of the course page. Icon to Dock Blocks UNDOCKING BLOCKS Allow mouse to hover over docked block. To undock all blocks, press the > under the blocks Select the > icon and the block will reappear on the sides of the course page UNDERSTANDING THE ICONS Some icons represent RESOURCES—materials your teacher is sharing with you for class. UNDERSTANDING THE ICONS Some icons represent ASSIGNMENTS your teacher is requiring you to submit via Moodle. UNDERSTANDING THE ICONS Teachers share resources/notes through Moodle. Most document types are easy to spot. Most resources are in a Microsoft Office or PDF format. USEFUL MOODLE BLOCKS The RECENT ACTIVITY block helps you see when there has been changes or additions to the course page. The ACTIVITIES block helps you access assignments and resources you are looking for quickly and easily. USEFUL MOODLE BLOCKS The UPCOMING EVENTS block helps you see at a glance events or assignments coming up in the near future. The ADMINISTRATION block is where you go to see your grades on Moodle assignments & to see your activity reports. MOODLE CALENDAR BLOCK Mouse Hover Gives Brief Description Click Item to Get More Details CALENDAR EVENTS KEY Group events are YELLOW. YOUR events are BLUE. School events are GREEN. Course events are PINKISH. STUDENT CALENDAR Calendar on YOUR homepage shows calendar items for ALL classes. Calendar on COURSE pages show only events for THAT course. ADDING EVENTS Click on the MONTH to add an event. Click on NEW EVENT. ADDING EVENTS Fill out necessary information. Note: Moodle uses military time. 2:00 p.m. = 14:00 p.m. ADVANTAGES YOUR personal or school events now show on YOUR calendar. GOOD FOR: • • • • • • • Posting homework Quick reminders Meetings Practices Appointments Tutoring times Etc., etc., etc. DOWNLOADING FROM MOODLE Select the RESOURCE. OPEN the file at the bottom of the screen and SAVE Teachers share LOTS of resources through Moodle. You will be expected to DOWNLOAD and SAVE them to YOUR tablet, either in your DOCUMENTS or in OneNote. DOWNLOAD PLANNER Go to the course: Class of 2019 Upperclassmen Go to this course page too. You will be moved into the proper grade level course when school starts. Select 2015-16 STM Planner OPENING NOTEBOOK Open Planner from Downloads Bar You can also download it from the Downloads folder. CREATE NOTEBOOK Create the new Planner notebook. LET’S TRY PRINTING TO ONENOTE Locate Your Create 2 New Sections “TECHNOLOGY” Notebook HINT: Printing documents to the correct notebook works the easiest if the section is created first. FIND RESOURCE IN MOODLE Open the Technology Training Resources folder in Moodle Locate Basic Care and Usage PRINT TO ONENOTE Open the folder & click to download the presentation: 2 – Basic Care and Usage.pptx Open the PowerPoint from either the download bar or the download folder.. PRINT TO ONENOTE File - Print Change the printer to OneNote PRINT TO ONENOTE Select the Location in OneNote and press ok Basic Care and Usage > Untitled page SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS This icon represents an ASSIGNMENT teachers expect you to turn in through Moodle. Most Moodle assignments require students to turn a file into the teacher for grading LOCATING ASSIGNMENTS Locating Moodle Assignments: • In the course topics • In the ACTIVITIES block (left side) • On your HOMEPAGE LET’S TRY A MOODLE ASSIGNMENT STEP 1: Go to GOOGLE DRIVE STEP 2: Locate STM WEBQUEST STEP 3: Right-click STM Webquest Choose DOWNLOAD OPEN THE DOCUMENT STEP 4: Open the document through the downloads folder or from the bottom of the browser STEP 6: CONVERT TO PDF FORMAT Go to FILE – SAVE AS Locate Google Drive– Technology File Name: Last Name_STM Webquest (ex: Smith_STM Webquest) Save as Type: PDF STEP 7: FIND PDF ASSIGNMENT Go Back to Moodle Class of 2019 You can find the turn in slot under Tablet Training Resources. STEP 8: SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENT Click on the ASSIGNMENT icon, then ADD SUBMISSION. Browse your computer for the Webquest and UPLOAD the file. STEP 9: DRAG-AND-DROP FILE Locate the file on your computer. Dragand-drop the file into the Moodle window. STEP 10: FINISHING THE PROCESS Check the box above the assignment to verify that it is your OWN WORK. Save changes. SUBMISSION VERIFICATION Once you’ve seen this screen, you know you have successfully submitted your assignment. VIEWING TEACHER RESPONSE Activities Block – Assignments – Getting to Know STM VIEWING TEACHER RESPONSE Scroll down for your feedback The teacher’s typed or handwritten comments are shared with you. TESTING USING RESPONDUS LOCKDOWN BROWSER LDB provides a secure Moodle testing environment. It connects you securely to your teacher’s Moodle page. TESTING IN MOODLE When you see this icon you know you are about to take a Moodle test. Locate the QUIZ Microsoft Shortcut Keys RESPONDUS LOCKDOWN Locate LockDown Browser on your desktop and doubleclick it. Always agree to update LockDown Browser if prompted to do so. UPDATING LOCKDOWN In Lockdown Browser, some errors will occur and it may not work. Frequently, you should check to make sure it is the latest version of lockdown. To do this, click the i in the top corner and check for newer version. WHAT HAPPENS NOW? 1. You will be redirected to Moodle through a secure browser. You will lose control of all shortcut keys and will not have the ability to go to any other program. 2. You will have to log into Moodle and navigate to your teacher’s page. 3. Once you have found the test, you can begin. SUBMITTING THE TEST You determine when YOU are ready to submit the test. LDB will unlock your tablet once the test is submitted. TEST RESULTS Most teachers will allow you to see your grade upon submission. Only the objective parts of the test will be graded. All essays will be added in later. VIEWING ACTIVITY REPORTS Activity reports help you to see (and prove) where you went and what you did in Moodle . . . But remember, teachers and parents have They can be found under Moodle reports too. the RECENT ACTIVITY block. OUTLINE REPORT You can see all activity under each topic on the course Moodle page. Activity reports show what viewed, posted and/or uploaded to Moodle and when you did it. COMPLETE REPORT Complete reports provide all information including if any submission was attempted and if the assignment is graded. QUESTIONS?