The Nordic and Baltic telecommunications leader Year-End Report 2002 Stockholm, February 19, 2003 Anders Igel President and CEO Year-End Report January-December 2002 Merger of Telia and Sonera completed in December 2002 Pro forma highlights 2002 • Comparable net sales >+5% • Underlying EBITDA SEK 25,457 million (21,768), margin 31.4% (26.9%) • Strong free cash flow of SEK 9,534 million (-7,008) • Costs totaling SEK 53,278 million for restructuring and streamlining efforts, primarily within international 3G operations, International Carrier and the Danish fixed network operations, impacted operating income which fell to SEK -45,958 million (9,586) • Underlying operating income increased to SEK 7,320 million (-1,514) Improved underlying performance Pro forma underlying EBITDA (SEK million) • Strong improvement in underlying operations • Underlying EBITDA margin increasing from 26.9% to 31.4% 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2001 Sonera Telia 2002 TeliaSonera Key performance drivers • Strong mobile development in home markets – Streamlining in Sweden gives 50% EBITDA margin in Q4 – Tight cost control in Finland gives 50% EBITDA margin for 2002 – Business initiatives in Norway make EBITDA climb by 42% in Q4 – Strong customer growth in Denmark gives significant improvement of EBITDA • Swedish fixed line operation shows strong EBITDA growth with margin of 37.4%. Efficiency measures implemented. • Significant growth in eastern markets in 2002 – Russian MegaFon triples its customer base to 3 million subscribers – Fintur companies expand in respective country in Eurasia – Turkcell’s subscriber base grows by 3.5 million to 15.7 million customers Reduced investments / Improved cash flow Pro forma (SEK billion) 25 • Improved cash flow from 20.7 20 15 14.2 9.5 10 – Improved margins – Reduced investments 5 0 -5 -7.0 -10 -11.2 -15 -20 -25 -21.2 2001 Cash flow from operating activities 2002 CAPEX Free cash flow*) *) Excluding effects of other investments and divestments Taking action with problem areas Operating income affected by cost for restructuring and streamlining of SEK 53,278 million AREA ACTION TARGET International Carrier New strategic focus Cash flow positive on a monthly basis during 2003 Danish fixed network operations Refocus and streamlining program Positive underlying EBITDA at the end of 2003 UMTS projects Impairment and discontinued equity accounting No risk exposure Summary 2002 TeliaSonera • Very strong development with improved margins within our home market businesses • The exceptions are: – Danish fixed network operations – International Carrier – Group 3G • We have dealt with these problems during the year and initiated thorough restructuring programs What’s next – It’s about customers and profits • Actions to gain market shares in selected home market segments • Quick decisions in synergy implementation • Ensure competitive cost levels in all TeliaSonera operations Outlook In the current business and regulatory environment Key figures Group level mid-term targets Revenue Few percentage points growth annually Underlying EBITDA Increasing margin, approaching 34% CAPEX / Sales Few percentage points higher than 2002 In the longer term TeliaSonera expects a significant increase in profits and free cash flow Dividend • Based on current circumstances the Board of Directors will be proposing a dividend of SEK 0.40 per share to the AGM, resulting in a total distribution of SEK 1,870 million. Dividend policy • The outlook for operating cash flow generation, capital expenditure requirements, earnings growth and the amount of funds available for distribution shall be taken into consideration when proposing the level of dividend. The intention is to increase the dividend annually. Harri Koponen Deputy CEO Market development Characteristics • Advanced IT and telecom market • Competitive environment • Increased regulatory impact Positions • Strong market leader in fixed, mobile and Internet segments in home markets • Strong growth potential in Russia and Eurasia Market actions • MMS launched in all Nordic countries • 3G build out according to market demand and license requirements • Actions to win back lost market share – Focus on customer and Pan-Nordic services • Pursuing broadband growth opportunity Mobile operations – Sweden ARPU ARPU (SEK) 500 432 394 439 431 280 303 289 108 125 415 397 441 461 283 293 456 Post paid 400 Total 300 200 303 273 262 281 Pre paid 100 106 0 101 Q4 00 109 99 100 109 Q4 01 99 Q4 02 Churn 13% MoU MoU (minutes) 250 200 170 180 179 181 119 130 131 129 53 62 68 63 165 207 195 139 135 61 68 176 196 150 100 Post paid Total 124 50 54 0 Q4 00 Q4 01 121 55 127 Pre paid 57 Q4 02 Mobile operations – Finland ARPU ARPU (EUR) 60 40 39 40 42 Total (Post paid) 41 40 39 41 40 39 20 0 Q4 00 Q4 01 Q4 02 Churn 16% MoU MoU (minutes) 200 150 100 141 139 150 149 147 143 155 153 153 50 0 Q4 00 Q4 01 Q4 02 Total (Post paid) Mobile operations – Norway ARPU ARPU (NOK) 700 600 500 496 487 534 400 300 200 100 0 567 616 524 536 562 579 Total 308 292 317 341 119 107 115 128 Q4 00 317 326 346 125 121 130 377 358 Pre paid 132 Q4 01 134 Q4 02 Churn 31% MoU MoU (minutes) Post paid 300 209 210 231 238 223 230 141 147 141 144 60 59 250 262 255 162 169 163 65 65 64 Post paid 200 100 136 62 0 Q4 00 131 56 57 Q4 01 59 Q4 02 Total Pre paid Integration • Synergies work has started – Common MMS platform – Telia Homerun and Sonera W-gate roaming – Pan-Nordic IP-VPN service • Several large contracts landed because of enhanced Pan-Nordic capability – Axfood – Fläkt woods group – TietoEnator – KONE – Partek – Schlumberger SEMA • Competence center The work continues • New Group structure and new control models implemented • Customer orientation – Attractive service packaging – Cross selling – Tailored offerings for different customer segments • Fulfillment of EU requirements • Stand-alone improvements – major rationalization program will continue • Execution of synergy plan Kim Ignatius CFO TeliaSonera legal • Net sales increased 4% to SEK 59,483 million (57,196) • Underlying EBITDA increased to SEK 15,692 million (12,915) and the margin increased to 26% from 23% • Comparison affected by the consolidation of Sonera and new Baltic subsidiaries in December SEK million Net sales Underlying EBITDA Operating income Underlying operating income Oct-Dec 02 Oct-Dec 01 Change% FY 2002 FY 2001 Change % 16,756 14,970 +12 59,483 57,196 +4 4,443 3,133 +42 15,692 12,915 +22 -908 916 -199 -10,895 5,460 -299 3,587 1,011 +255 TeliaSonera legal • No significant gains from associated companies in 2002 (significant sales of shares in 2001) • A net loss per share due to significant write-downs and provisions SEK million Associated companies Financial items Income after financial items Earnings/loss per share (SEK) Oct-Dec 02 Oct-Dec 01 FY 2002 FY 2001 195 3,746 528 6,136 -201 -10 -721 -652 -1,109 906 -11,616 4,808 0.54 -0.19 -2.58 0.62 Goodwill summary SEK billion EUR billion Purchase price of Sonera securities (up to Dec 31, 2002) 56.5 6.2 Sonera’s book equity 16.4 1.8 Difference 40.1 4.4 Allocated to: Amortized over • Goodwill 28.5 3.1 20 years • Associated companies, other minority holdings 10.1 1.1 10 years 5.1 0.6 5-20 years • Deferred tax liability -3.6 -0.4 Total 40.1 4.4 • Other assets and liabilities Preliminary purchase price and allocation as of December 31, 2002. Balance sheet • Strong financial position • Balance sheet impacted by share issue of SEK 56 billion, and increase of SEK 19 billion in net debt through the merger Dec 31 2002 Dec 31 2001 53.0 46.2 Net debt (SEK million) 38,075 20,004 Net debt-to-equity (%) 35.0 33.4 Equity-to-assets ratio (%) Pro forma income statement 2002 and 2001 EU conditions1) and pro forma adjustments TeliaSonera pro forma 2002 TeliaSonera pro forma 2001 % SEK billion Telia Sonera Baltic Net sales 57.1 20.5 6.2 -2.8 81.0 80.9 0 Underlying EBITDA 14.9 7.3 3.0 0.2 25.5 21.8 17 Underlying EBITDA margin, % Depreciation, amortization and write-off Items not reflecting underlying business operations 26.1 35.7 48.4 31.4 26.9 -20.2 -5.2 -1.6 -1.2 -28.2 -22.1 28 -6.0 -4.2 - - -10.2 7.8 -231 -11.3 -2.0 1.4 -1.0 -12.9 7.5 -272 0.4 -33.0 - -0.5 -33.1 2.1 Operating income -10.9 -35.0 1.4 -1.5 -46.0 9.6 Income after financial items -11.4 -35.4 1.3 -1.3 -46.8 5.3 -8.6 -23.7 1.1 -1.7 -32.9 2.1 -7.02 0.57 Operating income before associated companies Income from associated companies Net income Earnings per share (EUR) Cash flow from operating activities Capital expenditure Free cash flow2) 12.3 -8.3 6.0 -2.5 2.2 -1.3 -0.1 0.6 20.7 -11.2 14.2 -21.2 44 -54 4.0 3.5 0.9 0.5 9.5 -7.0 227 1) Effects of excluding Telia's operations in Finland and ComHem AB 2) Excluding effects of other investments and divestments Pro forma underlying income statement 2002 and 2001 EU conditions1) and pro forma adjustments TeliaSonera pro forma 2002 TeliaSonera pro forma 2001 % SEK billion Telia Sonera Baltic Net sales 57.1 20.5 6.2 -2.8 81.0 80.9 0 EBITDA 14.9 7.3 3.0 0.2 25.5 21.8 17 EBITDA margin, % 26.1 35.7 48.4 31.4 26.9 Depreciation and amortization -11.4 -3.3 -1.6 -1.2 -17.5 -18.1 -3 3.6 4.0 1.4 -1.0 8.0 3.7 116 0 -0.2 - -0.5 -0.7 -5.2 -87 3.6 3.8 1.4 -1.5 7.3 -1.5 587 Operating income before associated companies Income from associated companies Operating income 1) Effects of excluding Telia's operations in Finland and ComHem AB Telia breakdown external sales • Strong mobile growth due to over 500,000 additional customers and increased volumes • Fixed telephony drop due to introduction of local carrier pre-selection and overall market development • Strong demand for broadband access. Increase in Internet accesses close to 200,000. • Increased International Carrier revenues despite refocusing of operations SEK million Telia stand-alone Oct-Dec 02 Oct-Dec 01 Change % FY 2002 FY 2001 Change % 14,411 14,970 -4 57,138 57,196 0 Telia Mobile 5,032 4,714 +7 20,163 17,857 +13 Telia Internet Services 1,147 963 +19 4,174 3,288 +27 Telia International Carrier 1,105 1,022 +8 4,369 3,652 +20 Telia Networks 6,860 7,687 -11 27,263 29,159 -7 267 584 - 1,169 3,240 - Other Telia breakdown underlying EBITDA • Volume growth and streamlining efforts improving profitability in Mobile, positive trend continues in Q4 2002 • Record-high margins for Telia Networks Sweden – Refocus program in Denmark continues • Price increases and efficiency measures reducing EBITDA losses from Internet Services • New strategic focus and realignment of operations improving International Carrier profitability SEK million Oct-Dec 02 Oct-Dec 01 Change % FY 2002 FY 2001 Change % Telia stand-alone 3,666 3,133 +17 14,909 12,915 +15 Telia Mobile 1,732 1,089 +59 6,123 4,705 +30 -80 -223 +64 -486 -970 +50 -414 -388 -7 -1,287 -1,569 +18 2,650 2,951 -10 11,090 11,710 -5 -221 -296 - -531 -961 - Telia Internet Services Telia International Carrier Telia Networks Other Sonera breakdown net sales • Mobile sales growth from increased usage and revised revenue sharing, negatively impacted by new interconnection and lower prices • Comparable growth in Fintur 38%. Consolidated as of September 2002. • Sale of Info Communications and restructured operations reducing sales from Service Businesses • Telecom: Primatel and Gateway sold. Data services increasing revenues. Finnish GAAP (SEK million) Sonera stand-alone Mobile Communications Finland Oct-Dec 02 Oct-Dec 01 Change % FY 2002 FY 2001 Change % 5,552 5,146 +8 20,530 20,241 +1 2,794 2,832 -1 11,332 11,226 +1 Int. Mobile Communications 632 9 - 861 37 Service Businesses 650 814 -20 2,602 2,971 -12 2,299 2,443 -6 9,079 9,477 -4 Sonera Telecom - Sonera breakdown underlying EBITDA • Strong Mobile profitability based on cost control and process development • Fintur full year EBITDA at the level of 51% • Focused strategy leading to narrowed losses in Services, beating the target • Revised revenue sharing and sale of businesses reducing Telecom EBITDA Finnish GAAP (SEK million) Sonera stand-alone Mobile Communications Finland Oct-Dec 02 Oct-Dec 01 Change % FY 2002 FY 2001 Change % 1,960 1,435 +37 7,320 5,201 +41 1,328 1,305 +2 5,662 5,590 +1 Int. Mobile Communications 339 -37 - 394 -130 - Service Businesses -92 -379 -76 -376 -2,258 -83 Sonera Telecom 357 528 -32 1,612 2,129 -24 Baltics summary Pro forma, SEK million Jan-Dec 02 Jan-Dec 01 Revenues 6,212 5,744 +8 Underlying EBITDA 3,006 2,859 +5 Operating profit 1,396 1,411 -1 Capex 1,300 1,962 -34 430 450 -4 Income from associates before goodwill amortization Change % Revenues, SEK million Growth % EBITDA margin Ownership Operator Country Latvijas Mobilais Telefons Latvia 1,815 +4 51% 60.3% Lietuvos Telekomas Lithuania 2,557 -7 53% 60% Omnitel Lithuania 1,840 +45 40% 55% Eesti Telefon Estonia 1,539 -9 36% 49% EMT Estonia 1,438 +11 49% 49% Lattelekom Latvia 2,289 -3 45% 49% Associated companies: Significant associated companies • Significant growth in MegaFon customer base in 2002 • Turkcell back to profitable results during the year, continued growth Customers, million Growth % Equity income 2002, pro forma1), SEK million Baltic associates 1.6 -1 430 MegaFon (43.8%) 3.0 +227 172 15.7 +29 620 Turkcell (37.1%) 1) Before goodwill amortization. Free cash flow – Strong improvement Pro forma free cash flow 20011) (SEK billion) Pro forma free cash flow 20021) (SEK billion) 1.1 9.5 0.9 3.5 4.0 Telia Sonera Baltic Adjustments 2) Total assets Telia -6.5 Sonera Baltic Adjustments 2) Total assets -7.0 -1.5 0.1 0.9 1) Cash flow from operating activities less capital expenditures. 2) EU conditions and pro forma adjustments. Forward-looking statements This document contains statements concerning, among other things, TeliaSonera's financial condition and results of operations that are forward-looking in nature. Such statements are not historical facts but, rather, represent TeliaSonera's future expectations. TeliaSonera believes that the expectations reflected in these forwardlooking statements are based on reasonable assumptions; however, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and a number of important factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statement, including TeliaSonera's market position, growth in the telecommunications industry in Europe, the effects of competition and other economic, business, competitive and/or regulatory factors affecting the business of TeliaSonera and the telecommunications industry in general. Forwardlooking statements speak only as of the date they were made, and, other than as required by applicable law, TeliaSonera undertakes no obligation to update any of them in light of new information or future events. The Nordic and Baltic telecommunications leader