Anatomy & Physiology 3rd Marking Period Extra Credit


Anatomy & Physiology 3 rd Marking Period Extra Credit Opportunities (10 points)

***Assignments are due Wednesday March 28 th & will be presented in class prior to spring break

Option #1  Current Event

Find a current event article or informative article from a scientific source that was published within the last

12 months. Your article should be several paragraphs long or you will not have enough to discuss in your write up. The article you choose must discus information pertaining to a topic we have discussed this marking period (anything related to the nervous system, urinary system, lymphatic system/immune system, and the senses). Print the scientific article, your typed responses to the following questions, and attach the article and your responses. Your thoughtful write up should be about ¾ of a page single spaced not including your header. Projects cannot be accepted after 3/28 due to the due date of the 3 rd marking period grades.


Summarize the article in 5 or more complete sentences (3 points)

Summarize the article. Look up unfamiliar vocabulary terms and explain them in your summary.


In another paragraph explain why you chose this particular article and your opinions about the topic? (3 points)

 What do you think? What implications does this information have for the future of medicine and/or science? What should be done about this issue? Why do you think this way?


Formulate a question (4 points)

 Think of an extension question based on of the information you read and conduct research to find the answer to your question. Your question should be fact- based. If you ask a question to which there is no definite answer, explain what information you were able to find about your question.

Suggested sites to find articles:

 Library Data Bases  Government sources (such as the NIH)

Option #2  X-rays or other Images

Obtain an image of an x-ray, MRI, CT scan, etc. Type a minimum of 1 page double spaced Times New Roman

12 pt font that includes (2 points for each):


An explanation of the accident or condition that led to taking this image.


Describe the preparation that was required for this test


Summarize the findings as the doctor explained them to you (or the person in the image)


Describe the treatment


Explain the final result—were there any residual effects? Recommendations?

Option 3  Tips for Success in Anatomy Poster

Design and create a poster that will help next year’s students know how to succeed in this class. Your poster can be a list of the top 10 things you’ve learned over the year, study tips, ways to manage their time, or an inspirational quote.

The size of your final product should be close to the size of a poster board (regular 8.5 X 11 computer paper will not suffice). Your poster should be informative, helpful, neat, and easy to read.
