www.cec.miamioh.edu Fall 2013 Advisory Council Meeting Dean’s report October 25, 2013 CEC Home Page: MY CEC tab From SEAS to CEC • School of Engineering and Applied Science regional campus departments transitioned to the newly established College of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences • We changed our name to: College of Engineering & Computing Outline 1. Highlights of AY 2012/13 2. CEC 2009-2013 Strategic Plan: progress report 3. Advancement report 4. CEC agenda in 2013/14 5. Budgetary matters College of Engineering and Computing Highlights Academic Year 2012-13 Faculty awards and recognitions Arthur Olson Generational Teaching Excellence Award Bo Brinkman Associate Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering CEC Outstanding Researcher John Karro Associate Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering Tenure and Promotion Andrew Sommers granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 2013 Miami University Distinguished Scholar Award Jade Morton Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering External Recognitions Fulbright Scholar Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. on Education Steve Keller, Associate Professor Ann Sobel, Associate Professor Chemical, Paper, and Bioengineering Computer Science and Software Engineering Ohio Magazine’s Excellence in Education Honorees • Jerry Gannod Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering • Andrew Sommers Associate Professor of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering College of Engineering and Computing Highlights Academic Year 2012-13 Our students in the spotlight Goldwater Scholar Jamie Morton CSE, ECE • James Tong Morton is a quadruple major in computer science, electrical engineering, engineering physics and mathematics • Jamie is one of three students at Ohio public universities to receive this award • The scholarship--considered the premier undergraduate award for engineering and science students – is awarded to about 300 sophomores and juniors nationwide ASEE SMART Scholar Nicole Fisher Engineering Management (Manufacturing) and Business • The purpose of this scholarship program is to promote education in STEM disciplines • This scholarship provides students with a stipend allowance, full tuition, room and board and other educational expenses • The program also offers the scholars opportunities to work on cutting edge technology in Department of Defense facilities • Only 130 awards nationwide last year Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholar • Zach is one of three MU students to receive the nationally competitive Gilman Scholarship Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, that offers awards for undergraduate students to travel abroad Zachary Liston, CSE Provost’s Student Academic Achievement Award Youxuan Jiang Krysten Kasting Eric Lee Computer Science Bioengineering Mechanical Eng. In 2012/13 – thirteen MU students awarded In the last six years, 16 awards for CEC students (out of 70 at Miami University) Recognition Ceremony Student Speakers Sean Fisher, MME and Choolwe Mandona, CPB Graduate Research Fellowship • Awarded fellowship from the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program • She was one of two Miami students to receive the award Jillian Epstein, CPB College of Engineering and Computing Highlights Academic Year 2012-13 Sampling of our students’ team efforts Lockheed Martin Leadership Institute Student Engagement The Idea Kitchen—a space designed to foster student creativity and collaboration - created between Benton and Garland Halls. Students established strong social media presence, organized series of events throughout Engineers week, revamped web pages, created a number of videos, and staffed booth at career fairs. Lockheed Martin Leadership Institute • Cohort #3 recruited • Cohort Certificate Program – intensely personal three-year leadership development program (2 credit hour class per semester) fully developed and approved • A dozen or so seasoned leaders shared their wisdom with students as speakers and mentors New Engineering Honor Society Established Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) – Lambda Omicron chapter • HKN is the electrical and computer engineering honor society of IEEE • Eleven students were inducted as Charter Members on April 22, 2013 Dr. Kenneth Jenkins, Penn State University, presided over the ceremony Miami Mobile Learning Center • Mobile Learning Center, directed by Prof. Jerry Gannod (CSE), collaborated with the Air Force Research Laboratory to offer 14 Miami students $6,500 stipend and to conduct research at the AFRL Discovery Lab in Dayton • Several new apps created in the last two years Engineers without Borders’ team returned to Ecuador They also improved the water catchment system to prevent sediment obstruction and enhance water collection. In January, the team implemented an improved chlorine delivery and mixing system to improve water disinfectant. College of Engineering and Computing New Faculty Andrew S. Paluch • BS in Chemical Engineering, BA in Mathematics from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York • MS and PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Notre Dame Assistant Professor in CPB Daniela Inclezan • BS in Computer Science from the Technical University of ClujNapoca, Romania • MS and PhD in Computer Science and MA in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Studies from Texas Tech University Visiting Assistant Professor in CSE Dannie Stanley • MS in Computer Science from Ball State University • PhD candidate in Computer Science at Purdue University (expected to graduate 12/2013) Visiting Instructor in CSE College of Engineering and Computing Our faculty in new administrative roles Qihou Zhou • Effective August 19, 2013 • Two-year appointment Interim Chair of ECE Doug Troy • Retired in June • Re-hired as Director of Agile Academy and Graduate Programs College of Engineering and Computing CEC 2009 – 2013 Strategic Priority: Recruitment and Enrollment Enrollment September 15 report Semester Number of first- year CEC students Number of CEC students incl. graduate students Fall 2007 234 799 Fall 2008 276 856 Fall 2009 231 923 Fall 2010 319 1036 Fall 2011 346 1125 Fall 2012 420 1290 Fall 2013 427 1455 82.5 % growth since 2007 82.1 % growth since 2007 Characteristics of our student body Among 1455 CEC students: • 305 (or 21%) are women • 343 (or 24%) are non-white minorities • 88 are pursuing second major in CEC Admission Report October 16, 2013 # of undergraduates First - Year Domestic Students First - Year International Students Transfer Domestic Students Transfer International students Fall 2012 Fall 2013 382 410 14 19 13 21 4 3 Enrolled Domestic Students Key Quality Indicator: Average ACT Average Academic division 2012 2013 CAS 26.13 27.13 FSB 28.02 28.46 EHS 25.30 26.05 CEC 27.34 28.77 CCA 26.22 27.31 Total 26.55 27.54 CEC Enrolled Students % of out-of-state and international students 2008 % of out-of-state and international students 22.9 % 2009 23.6 % 2010 23.7 % 2011 25.3 % 2012 33.0 % 2013 36.5 % Fall enrollment Enrollment – Dean’s message for MU Administration and Board of Trustees Enrollment of an equally academically strong, diverse (in the broad sense), and sizeable CEC cohorts in the years to come will require continuing efforts of • Admission Office • CEC administration, faculty, and staff and • allocation of scholarship $$ at least at the 2012/13 level Enrolled Domestic Students – Aid Recipients Average family income Academic division Average family income CCA $ 91.5 k CEC $ 66.3 k CAS $103.7 k CEHS $ 84.9 FSB $123.0 k Enrollment – Dean’s message Benefits 0f investing in CEC scholarships for Miami • Improving the quality of entering class: the best bang for the buck • Broadening of the socioeconomic status • Increasing racial/ethnic diversity • Meeting the needs of the state and the nation • Maximizing state subsidies Recruitment in 2013/14 (data as of May 1 recruitment deadlines) Goal Increase the number of applications 2012/13 2013/14 2,979 3,200 Oxford recruitment and retention Three-year projection Increase selectivity by lowering the admission rate Stabilize the number of first year students (yield rate in parentheses) 2,016 (68%) 1,950 (61%) 441 (22%) 441 (23%) College of Engineering and Computing CEC 2009 – 2013 Strategic Priorities: Experiential learning and global experience Experiential learning Based on exit interviews of 76 students in April 2013 Category % of students reporting experience % of students reporting experience in April 2012 Internships/co-ops 71 59 Undergraduate research 44 39 Service learning 26 28 Professional organizations 39 42 Professional training 29 35 Global experience Study abroad 2005/06 CEC MU 7% 32% 2007/08 2009/10 2011/12 24% 37% 27% 42% 28% 41% Study abroad MU CAS CEC SEHS FSB SCA 2011/12 41% 42% 28% 28% 55% 46% College of Engineering and Computing Highlights Academic Year 2012-13 Advancement Notable new gifts / pledges • $300,000 outright gift and $1,200,000 pledge from Karen Wright to establish the Karen Buchwald Wright Assistant Dean for Student Success • $150,000 anonymous pledge for paper science scholarships • $50,000 in endowed scholarships from Larry English and KBC corporation • $49,000 in faculty and staff endowments from William Scott, Clark Kelly, and Bo Brinkman • $37,000 from Linda Cornfield supporting students’ overseas studies and an Engineers without Borders project in Ecuador Others • CEC corporate development team met with 58 companies and foundations • CEC Corporate Advancement Committee developed a Strategic Plan for Corporate and Foundation Relations • CEC Development Director made 225 personal contacts with alumni College of Engineering and Computing CEC agenda in AY 2013 - 14 Agenda driven by university-wide developments • Miami 2020 plan (on today’s agenda) • Higher Learning Commission accreditation visit • Global Miami Plan Redesign • University Scholars Program • Summer Scholars Program External Affairs • Certificate and Professional Masters programs (on today’s agenda) • Agile Academy (on today’s agenda) • Phase I of the implementation of the CEC Strategic Plan for Corporate and Foundation Relations Other CEC goals • Support successful ABET visit for the Bioengineering program • Conduct comprehensive assessment of CEC IT • Operationalize Augmented Reality Center • Revamp CEC Web site Other CEC goals • Develop a new governance document for our college radically changed as a result of transitioning regional campus departments • Develop a number of online courses • Theme for 2014: Celebrating Women in Engineering and Computing College of Engineering and Computing Budgetary matters Budgetary matters in FY ‘13 • SEAS fee proposal approved by MU Board of Trustees • Year - round involvement in preparations for the implementation of the Responsibility Center Management (RCM) model • New revenue enhancement planning process finalized • Undergraduate net tuition revenues continued to grow Undergraduate net tuition revenues in million $ FY 11 CEC Oxford FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 projected Increase FY 11 – 14 8.0 9.5 10.3 11.1 38.8% 211.0 223.0 233.7 241.9 14.6% FY ’14 budget (RCM format) Notes 1. Instructional revenue allocation: 75% division of instructor, 25% division of student major 2. Net undergraduate instructional revenues: four year average /FY 11, FY 12, FY 13, FY 14 (projected)/ 3. Other revenues: FY 14 (projected) 4. Category - other E&G revenues: research overheads, university investment income, non-divisional student revenues 5. Category –other obligations (expenses) university debt and auxiliaries Academic Year 2013/14 budget Revenues in million $ Revenues CAS EHS FSB CEC CCA Oxford Total Net instructional State appropriation 110.7 31.3 50.3 10.4 14.1 216.8 29.3 10.1 9.0 4.7 3.8 56.8 Other E&G Total 7.3 1.5 2.6 0.8 1.0 13.2 147.2 42.9 61.9 15.9 18.9 286.8 Academic Year 2013/14 budget Expenses in million $ Expenses CAS EHS FSB CEC CCA Oxford Expense budget 75.3 19.8 26.9 9.5 13.9 145.4 Support Centers 64.9 18.3 27.6 7.2 8.6 126.6 Total expenses 140.2 38.1 54.6 16.6 22.5 272.0 Academic Year 2013/14 budget Revenues and expenses in million $ CAS EHS FSB CEC CCA Oxford Total revenues 147.2 42.9 61.9 15.9 18.9 286.8 Total expenses 140.2 38.1 54.6 16.6 22.5 272.0 Revenues less expenses 7.0 4.8 7.3 (0.7) (3.6) 14.8 Other obligations 8.0 1.9 3.3 0.7 0.9 14.8 Balance before subvention (1.0) 2.9 4.0 (1.4) (4.5) 0 Why are we still transitioning to RCM? • Uncertainties regarding state subsidies • How revenues and expenses related to graduate programs going to be treated remains undecided • Lack of confidence in reliability of data • Non-trivial mistakes still commonplace Hence: • Subvention will be traced for two more fiscal cycles before RCM is fully implemented Budgetary projection FY ‘14 – FY ‘17 • Assumption: First-year class at this year’s level • Net new tuition revenues: ~$800K • Outstanding CEC budgetary cuts: ~ $ 500K • Surplus of ~ $ 300k in FY’17 Net new revenues from CEC fee and additional enrollments Net new revenues (base line: FY 14) FY 2017 in thousand $ CEC fee 660 Transfer students 240 Fee-paying graduate students 120 Certificate programs 100 Professional master’s programs 80 Total net new revenues 1,200 Impact of net new revenues and overall positive outlook • Additional support for lab and computer equipment ~ $100 k in FY’14 and beyond • Searches: CPE (2012/13), MME (2013/14), two new searches (2014/15) • Faculty retiring in 2014 and beyond to be replaced in a timely fashion www.cec.miamioh.edu