AGENDA Review Last MTG Review Data from Parent Survey Build Parent Plan Review Teachers Plan Review Admin Plan IDEAS & QUESTIONS • Cut the Instructional Coaches – The instructional coaches are funded out of Prop 301 not M&O. • Cut the literacy coaches – The coaches are funded out of Indian Gaming – restrictions on use. • Prop 301 is teacher and classroom support and cannot be used in other areas or moved to M&O. • Use students as crossing guards – great idea for community service hours but you must have an adult supervising because of liability. • Local Bank fees – business office working on this idea. IDEAS & QUESTIONS • Advertise on Buses – study conducted and Districts who do this receive very little dollars -- will continue research • Raise the radius distance for Transportation to 1.5 miles – • Eliminate K-6 AP’s move to Deans ($60K) or Counselors ($214K) • Eliminate Professional Development Training or outside speakers – $15K savings • Eliminate district testing – Galileo $76K and AR $46K • Galileo meets the ARS rules for teacher evaluation • Eliminate Dreambox – already paid for expires in one more year – $0 savings IDEAS & QUESTIONS • Eliminate Gifted Specialists K-6 (add one person at DO to coordinate program) $300K savings • Only one Superintendent – Eliminate all Assistants – we have three and one is already on the District reductions for next year. One other reduced to Director. First reductions at DO $520K savings • Reduce Librarians and keep only Aides – $550K savings • Eliminate School Substitute Budget $175K • No teacher subs for school day training – all training during the school day is paid by title grants no M&O dollars spent. IDEAS & QUESTIONS • Eliminate all K-6 specials (Music, Art, P.E.) w/shortened day (45 min) and offer programs at end of day through fee based community education $1.3M (plus $550K for Librarians) • All employees pay for family health care – they do! • Half Day Kindergarten/Charge for Full Day Kindergarten. $950K • Cut Mileage Reimbursement/No car allowance for any employee IDEAS & QUESTIONS • District level cuts first – Done! As always first cuts are at the DO level - $889 K • Get Rid of Accelerated Reader $20K for grades above 4 th • Do not provide hot lunches – contract cold only? No Savings • Eliminate K-8 Lunch Monitors use volunteers or teacher assigned rotating duty schedule – $225 K • Outsourcing – custodial, grounds (2 bids show no savings, increased cost instead) TRANSPORTATION Special Education Busing $321K (Required by ARS) ROTC Busing $3K (Required by ARS) EVIT Busing $64K(Required by ARS) K-6 Busing $136K Middle School Busing $178K High School Busing $123K Zero Hour Busing $13K Late Busing $26K Cut bus washing in half $25K IDEAS TO IMPLEMENT IF REDUCTIONS AFFECT PROGRAMS Art Masterpiece REVENUE IDEAS • Activities and Technology Fee $10 month ($750,000 to $1,000,000) • Advertise on Buses, Fields, Marquees • Advertise on Buildings – roof tops • Promote Tax Credits as undesignated • School Class Fees (not allowed K-8) • M&O Override $7.5M a year • Capital Override • Increase HS Parking Fee REVENUE IDEAS • Rent, rent and rent facilities • Cell phone towers • Business partner donation for MS lease? Advertising? • Advertising on school marquees? During the summer? • Solar Panels TEACHER MEETING IDEAS • Charge for transportation (charge based on distance, per family member or flat rate for each month) • .5 dean at two sites • ½ day kindergarten (pay for full day) • Indian gaming to pay for subs? • Reduce admin stipend • 2 Furlough (PD after fall and spring break) • Cut summer school for 7th graders. Leave summer school for 8th graders for progression to high school • Have attendance clerks as a part-time position TEACHER MEETING IDEAS • 12 month employees 3-5 furlough days • No zero hour busing • Cut late (p.m.) busing after the regular bus runs • Charge $20 or $30 a month for busing • Expand busing to two mile radius (under two miles walks) • Eliminate district provided cell phones (use a personal one and take a deduction on income tax). • Eliminate Explore Test • Eliminate non-conference athletic meet • Cut 7-8 Electives Regular duties and responsibilities for the position of Elementary School Assistant Principal: Safety Discipline Student Intervention School Improvement Classified Staff Teacher Evaluation Teacher Supervisor Grant Staff/ Federal Programs Staff Development Presenter Building Services Stay current on educational trends and theories Transportation Public Relations Testing Coordinator Curriculum 504 Coordinator Special Education Other Miscellaneous Duties and Responsibilities Student Study Team Supervisor Assist with Supervision of staff BUILD THE PARENT PLAN STEP 1 : Using the spreadsheet that reflects all ideas for cuts so far, place a in the Parent column to reflect the cuts your table can live with. STEP 2: Write in any additional ideas for cuts and/or revenue increases your table comes up with. STEP 3: Using the butcher paper provided, please list all questions for which additional data is needed or for which clarification about rules/regulations/policies/statutes/etc. may be necessary.