Milton Law National Brand vendors or Private label This is a National brand Private label are products product made by ConAgra Foods for any one who wants to sell this item. developed by retailers. These are manufactured for and by the Kroger Co. for their stores like Bakers and Loaf’N Jug. National brands vendors Trade shows This trade show will have over 150 vendors showing items for anyone involved in Electronic work. Trade show are used to show and make contact with people that might want to place an order to buy national brand items, not just food but any thing that is sold in stores. Different between Wholesale Markets and Trade shows. Wholesale market Trade shows These shows are for retail These shows are in buyers it has a concentration of vendors within a specific geographic location. These are permanent showrooms . Like the Garment district in New York City. different locations. Has a larger number of vendors. The vendors show new products. Like the annual International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vagas. Private label brands Premium brands Private –label brands, also called Premium brands are one of four store brands, house brands are products developed by retailers. Retailers develop the design and specification for the product. Contract with manufactures to produce the product. The product are only sold exclusively by the retailer. categories of private brands. Premium brands offer the consumer a private label this is comparable to, or even superior to, a manufacturer’s brand quality, sometimes with modest price saving. Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Choice would be one of the items. Generic brands and Copycat brands Generic brands Copycat brands Generic brands target Copycat brands imitate price-sensitive segment by offering a no-frills product at a discount price. Commodities like milk or eggs grocery stores and underwear in discount stores. the manufacture’s brand in appearance and packaging, generally are perceived as lower quality, and are offered at lower prices. CVS and Walgreen’s brands a good examples. Exclusive co brands National brands Exclusive co-brands This brand I developed by a National brands National brands vendors devote national brand vendor, often in conjunction with a retailer, and is sold exclusively by the retailer. The retailer product will have a different model number than the one the national brand vendor sells. Maybe different exterior features between the two models. This way the prices for the items can be very different. considerable resources to creating images of their brands that build customer loyalty. The vendors of national brands assume all the expenses from start to finish product and promoting the brand. These are sold to all retailers. This makes it hard to sell with out dicounts. Sony is a good example of a national brand. How Kroger Brand defined brands Kroger Brand products play a central role in our merchandising strategy Our supermarkets, on average, stock approximately 11,000 private label items. Three-Tier Marketing Strategy Kroger brand products are produced and sold in three quality tiers. This strategy fills the needs of all our customers in the various markets where we operate. All tiers are value priced to offer shoppers big savings over other premium, national and economy brand items. Private Selection® is our premium quality brand is designed to meet or beat "gourmet" or "upscale" national or regional brands. Banner brands (such as Kroger®, Ralphs®, King Soopers®), which represent the majority of the 11,000 items stocked in our stores, are designed to be equal to or better than the national brand. These brands are backed by a "Try It, Like It, or Get the National Brand Free" guarantee. Our Value TM brand is designed to deliver good quality at a very affordable price. Manufacturing Facilities Approximately 39% of the corporate brand units sold are produced in Kroger's 40 manufacturing plants; the remaining corporate brand items are produced to Kroger's strict specifications by outside manufacturers.