Physical ,chemical properties and uses of ore forming minerals

Physical ,chemical properties and uses of ore forming minerals
Ankit mangal 559/11
Prateek gour 551/11
Inder prakash chauhan 463/11
Ore forming minerals
 Ore forming mineral is defined as a mineral which contains a metallic
element in a quantity that can be exploited and extracted for use at an
economical cost.
 All ores are minerals but not all minerals are ores.
 The difference between a mineral and an ore can be elucidated by the
following example.
 Clays are rich in aluminium but since metal can not be extracted from
ordinary clays at an economical cost,these are not included among the ore of
aluminium but bauxite is an ore of aluminium since aluminium can be
recoverd from bauxite at economical cost.
 Hematite(fe2o3)
 Physical properties…
Color-reddish brown to black
Specific gravity-4.9-5.3
Lusture-dull or metallic
Streak-cherry red browen
 Chemical properties…
Hematite ,a mineral consists largely of the iron oxide ferric oxide .
Main constitutes of hematite is iron and oxygen its chemical composition is fe2o3..
 Uses of hematite..
Hematite is the chief ore of iron .
Hematite is shiny and comes in many colors ,making jewelry design one of the important uses of
If hematite is crushed then it can be used to color paint .similar to paint dye,hematite can also be
used to color fabrics.
It is the main raw material for production of steel and iron ore..
Main occurance of hematite ore is jharkhand,orissa ,madhya pradesh,andhra pradesh,karnatka and
goa ..
We have extensive deposit of hematite around 12000 mt.
Hematite is considered as high grade iron ore
 Magnetite(fe3o4)
 Physical properties
Specific gravity-5.1
Lusture- metallic or sub metallic
 Chemical properties…
Magnetite is one of the most common oxide minerals and also one of the most common iron
Main constitutes of magnetite is iron and oxygen its chemical composition is fe3o4..
 Uses of magnetite..
Most of the magnetite mined is used as an ore of iron .iron libreated from the ore is usually used
to make iron ,steel and other alloys.
It is used as a toner in electrophotography,as a micronutrient in paints,as an aggregate in high
density concrete.
When in powdered form magnetite can be use to remove arsenic from a water supply.
A mixture of magnetite and corundum is known as emery ,which is used as an abrasive.
Magnetite is used in certain types of thermite.
Main occurance of magnetite ore is jharkhand,orissa ,madhya pradesh,andhra pradesh,karnatka
and goa ..
We have extensive deposit of magntite around 9000 mt
 Limonite(2fe2o3.3h2o)
 Physical properties…
Color-various shades of browen and yellow
Specific gravity-3.6-4
Structure-botryiodal massive
 Chemical properties…
Limonite is an iron ore consisting of a mixture of hydrated iron oxide-hydroxides in varying
Main constitutes of limonite is iron and oxygen and some amount of water molecule its chemical
composition is 2fe2o3.3h2o
 Uses of limonite..
One of the first uses was as a pigment.
Limonite is a minor ore of iron,a mid value metal useful for weapons and armor.
It is used in chinese in medicine and it is used in white paint.
Main occurance of limonite ore is jharkhand,orissa ,madhya pradesh,andhra pradesh,karnatka and
goa ..
 Chromite(fecr3o4)
 Physical properties…
Color-iron black to brownish black
Hardness-5.5 ………………………...
Specific gravity-4.5-4.8
Structure-massive commonly granular
Lusture-sub metallic
 Chemical properties…
Chromite is an iron chromium oxide mineral and the only ore of chromium metal.
Main constitutes of chromite is iron ,chromium and oxygen its chemical composition is fecr3o4
 Uses of chromite
Chromite is the only ore of chromium ,a metal used to induce hardness,toughness and chemical
resistance in steel.the alloy produced is known as stainless steel.
When alloyed with iron and nickel it produces a alloy known as nichrome.
It is used in chemical industry for manufacture of chromates.
Chromite is also used as a refractory material because it has a high heat stability.
Main occurance of chromite ore is orissa ,mysore, chennai and ratnagiri ..
 Pyrolusite(Mno2)
 Physical properties
Color-darkish ,black to lighter grey,sometimes bluish
Specific gravity-4.8
Lusture- metallic
Streak-black,bluish black
 Chemical properties
Pyrolusite is a mineral consisting essentially of manganese dioxide(MnO2) .
Main constitutes of pyrolusite is manganese and oxygen its chemical composition is Mno2.
 Uses of pyrolusite
Pyrolusite is as an important as an ore of is extensively used for the manufacture of
ferromanganese and of various alloys such as manganese-bronze.
It is used in the prepration of chlorine,green and violet paints.
It is extensively used in steel smelting and in the manufacture of dry cell batteries.
Main occurance of pyrolusite ore is madhya pradesh ,maharastra jabalpur ,nagpur chindwara etc.
We have very prominent place in manganese market of the world.
 Psilomelane
 Physical properties…
Color-black with grey pyrolusite bands
Specific gravity-3.7-4.7
Lusture-sub metallic
Streak-brownish black
 Chemical properties…
Psilomelane is probabley a mixture of sevral minerals but is composed mostely of the mineral
Psilomelane consists of hydrous manganese oxide with varable amounts of barium and
Main constitutes of psilomelane is manganese and oxygen its chemical composition is
 Uses of psilomelane..
Psilomelane is still an important ore of manganese but not as common as pyrolusite.
Used in manufacture of ferro –manganese alloys , chemicals and metallurgy.
Main occurance of psilomelane ore is madhya pradesh ,maharastra jabalpur ,nagpur chindwara
We have very prominent place in manganese market of the world.
 Physical properties…
Colour-light brown
Hardness-about 3-7
Specific gravity-2.5-3.5
Lusture- dulll
Streak-as the colour
 Chemical properties…
It is a mixture of hydrous aluminium oxides,aluminium hydroxides,clay minerals and insoluble
materials such as quartz ,hematite,magnetite ,siderite and geothite
 Uses of bauxite..
Bauxite is the principal ore of aluminium.
Main occurance of bauxite ore is jharkhand,madhya pradesh ,maharastra ,gujrat ,karnatka ,orrisa
Almost all of the aluminium that has ever been produced has been made from bauxite .
Bauxite is used in cement,chemicals,face makeup,soda cans,dishwashers,siding for houses and
other aluminium production.
Total reserves-2500MT
Used as an ore of aluminum and manuabrasives.
 Chalcopyrite(Cufes2)
 Physical properties…
Colour-golden yellow
Specific gravity-5.8-6.15
Structure-crystalline and massive
Lusture-sub metallic
Strek-greenish black
 Chemical properties…
Chalcopyrite is a copper iron sulphide.
Main constitutes of chalcopyrite is copper and iron its chemical composition is Cufes2..
 Uses of chalcopyrite..
Chalcopyrite is the main ore of copper.
Main occurance of chalcopyrite ore is jharkhand, madhya pradesh,rajasthan,andhra pradesh,
karnatka etc.
Chalcopyrite is used of ore of copper for pipes,electrical circuits,coins,ammunition,brass and
We are presently deficient in copper so we are imported in large qyuantites to meet our needs of
domestic consumption.
 Pyrite(Fes2)
 Physical properties…
Color-pale brass yellow
Specific gravity-4.9-5.7
Lusture- metallic
Strek- black
 Chemical properties…
Main constitutes of pyrite is iron and sulfur its chemical composition is fes2.
It is also known as marcasite and fools gold bcz sometimes it resembles gold.
 Uses of pyrite..
The main uses today are the production of sulfur dioxide for the paper industry and sulfuric acid
for the chemical industry.
Main occurance of pyrite ore is jharkhand, madhya pradesh,rajasthan,andhra pradesh, karnatka
pyrite is the main raw material for production of sulfur.
Iron content in pyrite is 46.6%
Galena (Pbs)
 Physical properties
Color-lead grey
Specific gravity-7.4-7.6
Structure- massive,grannular
Strek-lead grey
 Chemical properties
Galena is a lead sulfide mineral with a chemical composition of pbs.
 Uses of Galena
Galena is a very important mineral because it serves as an ore for most of the world ‘s lead
The number one use of lead today is in the lead acid batteries that are used to start automobiles.
Lead is also one of the metals used as in energy storage systems associated with power generation
and hybrid vehicles.
Main occurance of galena ore is rajasthan,uttar pradesh,gujrat,tamilnadu, madhya pradesh,etc.
Total reserve-380MT
Amount of Pb in galena is 70%.
 Sphalerite
 Physical properties…
Color-pale yellow,black,light brown
Specific gravity-3.9-4.2
Structure- massive
Strek-raddish browen to black
 Chemical properties…
It consists largely of zinc sulfide in crystalline form but always contains varriable iron.
 Uses of sphalerite..
Sphalerite is the primary ore of zinc and is often mined for its content of
cadmium,indium,gallium,or germanium.
Sphalerite is often used in making metals like copper,lead and silver.
It also shows its usefulness in jewelry business.
Main occurance of sphalerite ore is rajasthan,uttar ptadesh, madhya pradesh,tamilnadu
himachal pradesh etc.
Total reserves-380MT
Amount of zinc in sphalerite is 67%.