AP Vocabulary 4 Monday, October 19 – Friday, October 30 Name ___________________________________________________ Hr ____ SHEET AND PARAGRAPH DUE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 Word Bank: deference Review: erroneously pedantic a. palpable b. prognosticate c. f. ardent g. impertinent k. fervent l. I. RHETORICAL DEVICE: Polysyndeton laborious incessant affable arduous d. indefatigable e. predilection h. amiable i. ameliorate j. m. peruse n. effusion o. capitulate fastidious define here: II. NEW WORDS: Fill in all of the empty boxes and answer completely and thoroughly the questions for each. Word Pt of Speech Definition 2 Synonyms Other form if applicable non-stopping (usually negative) 1. Write the first two letters of this word. 2. What does the Latin root word in mean? 3. Explain how you might remember the meaning of incessant by recognizing in and its meaning. Word pedantic Pt of Speech Definition focused on or caring too much about literal accuracy, formality, or unimportant rules (about a subject) 1. Using the noun form of this word, write a sentence, making the meaning of the word clear. 2 Synonyms Other form if applicable Word Pt of Speech Definition 2 Synonyms Other form if applicable deference 1. Write a sentence with the antonym of this word. Make it clear you understand the meaning of the word. Word Pt of Speech Definition 2 Synonyms Other form if applicable 2 Synonyms Other form if applicable containing error or characterized by error 1. Look up the root words and meaning of this word and write them down. 2. How can knowing the root help someone remember the meaning of the word? Word Pt of Speech Definition hard to endure; containing much difficulty 1. Write a sentence using this word. 2. Rewrite your above sentence using one of the synonyms. 3. What slightly different meaning do the above sentences have? Consider the connotation of each word. III. PARAGRAPH: On a separate sheet of paper, type or neatly write a paragraph/story using and UNDERLINING the new words for this week. In your paragraph, use the rhetorical device and underline or highlight the sentence(s) in which the device appears. IV. SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS: Follow the directions for each. In the following group, circle the two words that are most nearly synonyms. 1. palpable arduous effusive 2. fervent fastidious ardent 3. palpable affable amiable fastidious indefatigable arduous In the following group, circle the two words that are most nearly antonyms. 1. impertinence effusion predilection laborious affable incessant deference prognostication V. MATCHING: Match the words to their definitions. Try from memory. Write the letter of the correct word next to the definition. ____ 1. insolently rude ____ 2. having or showing great intensity ____ 3. predict according to current signs or symptoms ____ 4. easy to talk to or approach (socially) ____ 5. full of passion or excitement In each of the following groups, circle the word with the closest meaning with the numbered word at the left. 1. Amiable: a. precise b. cultured c. friendly d. methodical 2. Laborious: a. foolish b. tiresome c. optimistic d. friendly 3. Ameliorate: a. amend b. ponder c. damage d. flourish 4. Fastidious: a. productive b. headstrong c. sociable d. indulgent 5. Indefatigable: a. authentic b. weary c. optimistic d. tireless 6. Effusive: a. sleepy b. unfriendly c. talkative d. mean 7. Peruse: a. browse b. play c. tease d. weaken 8. Capitulate: a. block b. relinquish c. dishonor d. eradicate 9. Palpable: a. noncompliant b. material c. idiotic d. intellectual a. wealth b. quagmire c. scarcity d. tendency 10. Predilection: VI. SCRAMBLE: Unscramble the following words. Then use the circled letters to fill in the missing words for the final answer. 1. mtteninpire __ __ __ __ 2. beamlai __ __ __ __ __ __ 3. sinyatlnsce __ __ 4. usaduro __ __ __ __ __ __ 5. etradn __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Clue for final answer: If only the danger could have been “ameliarated" this pilot’s disappearance may have been avoided. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ H __ __ __ VII. WORD SEARCH: Circle or highlight the words in the puzzle that match the definitions. Definitions: 1. respectfully submitting to or yielding to the judgment, will, or opinion of another 2. enthusiastic or passionate 3. describing someone who pays too much attention to rules and details without considering variations or nuances 4. to look over casually but it can also mean to scrutinize 5. expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner A Z K W O L T L C O B U B L Z P E D A N T I C M R P H V X A G Y V Z L R T Y Y M K W Y Y L Z P E D O S A W K E L A T N S T E U G X K J P F Y N U U X F P C R J W D R F R Z I K E T N G N Y G V E U U Y K R T Z Z G W P P T R S H J E Y X U V W O E N R K I L N O E B L C Z H E A F O V C A M Z M P L E D A F V O E X V I X G X R R L O G N W U Q K O U E U A N B A N R Z N K M E S Z Q E X V X G W D P VIII. USAGE: Write why the following words are not being used correctly and write a better sentence for each. 1. Tommy effusionly wrapped his sister’s birthday present. 2. Sally perused the cat into the yard. 3. George predilected that it would rain. 4. Cindy ameliorated her mom by doing the dishes. 5. The deference between the two houses was obvious. IX. FILL IN THE BLANK: Write the correct word in the blank based on the context meaning. Nancy was the most ____________________ young woman, with an ___________________________ desire to be friendly to everyone she met. It was a tireless effort on her part. However, one day, she met the most ______________________________ young man, who was rude to everyone, including Nancy. Nevertheless, Nancy refused to _______________________________ to her desire to be ill-mannered back. She attempted to ________________________ his impoliteness by ______________________ interrupting whenever he spoke in his offensive tone. When he seemed to grow tired of her constant interruptions, he began to __________________ to her, giving way to her opinions. Given his ability to change somewhat, Nancy _________________________ that he may one day learn to be a little more polite to others in the future. X. ILLUSTRATION: Choose three words and draw a picture with a caption that could help to remember the word’s meaning. An example is provided. ARDUOUS: “Arty and Dee, with us, climbing with a canoe. (We waited at the bottom; it was too difficult.)”