Name________________ Unit 8: Modern Times Ch. 30 Ho Chi Minh Vietminh Domino Theory Geneva Accords Ngo Dinh Diem Vietcong Tonkin Gulf Resolution ARVN Napalm-Agent Orange SDS Media & the War Draft Tet Offensive Robert F. Kennedy Vietnamization My Lai Kent State University Pentagon Papers War Powers Act Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ch. 31 AIM Feminism NOW ERA Counterculture Essential Vocabulary: Ch. 32 Richard Nixon Southern Strategy OPEC Stagflation OPEC Realpolitik Détente Watergate CREEP Saturday Night Massacre Effects of Watergate Gerald Ford Jimmy Carter Human Rights Camp David Accords Ayatollah Khomeini Silent Spring EPA Three Mile Island Ch. 33 Entitlement Programs New Right Affirmative Action Moral Majority Ronald Reagan (~omics) Supply Side Economics Strategic Defense Initiative George Bush Mikhail Gorbachev Glasnost/Perestroika Tiananmen Square Sandinistas/Contras Iran Contra Scandal Operation Desert Storm Ch.34 Bill & Hillary Clinton NAFTA Contract w/ America Election of 2000 Barack Obama Downsize GATT Internet Urban Flight Gentrification Be able to: Describe the causes and consequences of US involvement in the Vietnam War. Explain key developments, battles, politics, and protests of the Vietnam Era. Analyze the events surrounding the death of Robert Kennedy, Vietnamization, and the Watergate Scandal. Explain the significance of key political events from the 1970s and the 1980s. Describe the circumstances surrounding international Cold War conflicts in various regions around the world. Explain supply side economics (Reaganomics) and other key developments of the 1980s. Compare and contrast the contemporary fight against terrorism to other historical conflicts. Analyze and describe events in recent history as they relate to present and future politics (global & local). Test Date ___________ Protest Music of the 1960s Today we’re going to use 6 war protest songs from the 1960s to teach us more about the countercultural movement that evolved out of this powerful decade. Artist: Title: What three words best describe the mood of this What do you think the songwriter’s purpose was song? in writing this particular song? Pick the 1 most effective line/phrase of the song. Artist: Title: What three words best describe the mood of this What do you think the songwriter’s purpose was song? in writing this particular song? Pick the 1 most effective line/phrase of the song. Artist: Title: What three words best describe the mood of this What do you think the songwriter’s purpose was song? in writing this particular song? Pick the 1 most effective line/phrase of the song. Artist: Title: What three words best describe the mood of this What do you think the songwriter’s purpose was song? in writing this particular song? Pick the 1 most effective line/phrase of the song. Artist: Title: What three words best describe the mood of this What do you think the songwriter’s purpose was song? in writing this particular song? Pick the 1 most effective line/phrase of the song. Artist: Title: What three words best describe the mood of this What do you think the songwriter’s purpose was song? in writing this particular song? Pick the 1 most effective line/phrase of the song. U.S. History THE GREAT AMERICAN REFORM CONVENTION OF 1970 CENTRAL QUESTION: Which of the reform movements of the 1960s & 1970s were most important in creating a better America? THE SCENARIO: It is now early autumn of 1970. Your teacher is a news anchor (looking to inform the nation about an important cause) named Ron Burgundy. He has decided that he would like to do an two hour prime time feature about two different reform movements. In order to decide which are the two most worthy movements he is holding THE GREAT AMERICAN REFORM CONVENTION II where representatives from eight movements will present arguments for why their movement is the most important at this point in history and therefore most worthy of receiving the money. YOUR JOB: You will represent one of the following 8 movements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. AIM (American Indian Movement) Anti-war Protesters Black Panthers Chicano movement Disability Rights Gay rights NOW (National Organization of Women) Environmentalism & Earth day To see more details on what we are doing today, turn this sheet over! Great American Reform Convention Prep Sheet First: Decide your group roles A. Opening statement – Name(s)______________________ a. Give at least a one minute statement that gives an overview of your group’s goals b. Identify what problems the group is trying to solve in the statement c. Give several arguments about why your group deserves the money d. Good opening statements should be about one page long and delivered with Enthusiasm. B. Closing Statement – Name(s) ___________________________ a. Summarize your group’s major arguments b. Summarize any key arguments against many of the other groups c. Closing statements will be judged on how well you tear apart any other group’s major arguments d. Closing statements will not take place until all groups have presented. e. Closers will need to take notes during other presentations so that they can refute their key arguments C. Debaters – Name(s) _______________________________ a. Debaters will answer questions from other groups after the opening statements b. To prepare, debaters must brainstorm possible questions from other groups c. Debaters must prepare answers to questions that may be presented by other groups d. Debaters must also prepare questions for their classmates on opposing reform teams. Remember, the goal is to punch holes in the arguments of the opposing reform teams e. Debaters must be good on their feet and creative with their questions and answers. D. Artists – Name(s) ________________________________ a. Make a creative poster or banner that represents your group’s movement b. Banners should give information about the movement and key movement leaders c. Banners should include one quote from a movement leader d. Banners should include a picture that represents issues confronted by the movement Second: o Decide on any props or costumes you plan to use next Wednesday. List them on a separate sheet along with what roles each group member will play. Be sure to write down who will bring what items. More creativity in this area may convince the philanthropists to favor your group. Have fun in this area! Third: o Find information on the internet about your individual or in the textbook on the pages provided. o Write opening and closing statements due next Wednesday in writing o Debaters must come to class next Wednesday with a list of possible questions from other groups and questions for other groups. They may wish to read up on other groups to be better prepared. o Banners must be completed by next Wednesday. Information about your group should be reflected in the banners. TODAY – In Class 1. Turn in roles by the bell 2. Turn in prop/costume list with person responsible for each by the bell 3. Artists – work on banners with materials provided in class 4. Openers and Closers – meet with each other and create a list of key facts to include in your statements. Also create a list of why your group deserves money more than the others. Begin working on statements 5. Debaters – Create a list of 3-5 tough questions that other groups may ask you. Then create a list of at least two questions for the other reform groups. Resources for Research: 1. AIM (American Indian Movement) a. pp. 961-2 b. Keywords: AIM, “Red Power,” Russell Means 2. Anti-war Protesters a. pp 989-991 b. Keywords: Students for Democratic Society, Protest music, draft card burning, 3. Black Panthers a. pp 935-936 b. Keywords: Black Power, Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, 4. Chicano movement a. pp. 956-960 b. Keywords: Cesar Chavez, Brown Berets, Rodolfo Gonzales, Crusade for Justice, La Raza Unida Party 5. Disability Rights a. pp. 963-4 b. Keywords: Ed Roberts, Rolling Quads, Rehabilitation Act, Education for All Handicapped Children Act 6. Gay rights a. Keywords: Stonewall, Franklin Kameny, Barbara Gittings 7. NOW (National Organization of Women) a. pp 948-953 b. Keywords: NOW, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, ERA, 8. Environmentalism a. P. 1016 b. Keywords: Earth Day, Gaylord Nelson, Rachel Carlson & “Silent Spring”, Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, Love Canal, 3 Mile Island, Cuyahoga River Fire Modern Times Debate Series Task: You, and the rest of your team, will be involved in debating (either for or against) topic related to the Modern Era. You will each be responsible for preparing information and evidence for the debate, writing an outline (as a group), participating on the day of your debate, and reflecting back upon your experiences. Additionally, you will serve as a member of the jury on all days that you do not debate, and journal about each debate you witness. Debate Topics: 1) The Iraq war is another Vietnam. 2) Bill Clinton was the best American president since 1970. 3) The terrorist attacks of 9/11 justified US intervention in Afghanistan. 4) The Obama Administration has been a failure. Debate Requirements Debate Outlines (MUST include the following) Debate Format Maximize your time!! Thesis (provided) Critical Definitions (Define essential terms) IE. Just war, important, etc. 1st Argument Evidence Evidence Evidence 2nd Argument Evidence Evidence Evidence 3rd Argument Evidence Evidence Evidence 10 Cross Examination questions (1-10) I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Each side presents thesis a. Pre Vote Affirmative arguments (6 mins) Negative Cross Examination (4 mins) Negative Arguments (6 mins) Affirmative Cross Examination (4 mins) Affirmative Closing (3 mins) Negative Closing (3 mins) Post Vote Debate Assessment (40) Participation Use of class time Appropriate conduct Present for debate Active Participation (15) Dressed up for Debate (professional) Outline (20) Follows format Logical Evidence pattern Useful Cross-Exam questions Journals (5) Reflective Contemplative Complete Journal Reflections: Keep track of your general feeling about each debate. Also, provide specific evidence that was presented in the debate. Which arguments were the most compelling? Why do you feel the way you do about this issue? Has the debate changed your opinion? The Iraq war is another Vietnam. Bill Clinton was the best American president since 1970. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 justified US intervention in Afghanistan. The Obama Administration has been a failure.