1 Summer Camps & Programs Summer is a great time for activities to explore your interests and find out what you are passionate about. Some of these programs have letter of recommendations/GPA requirements, so being looking early. Program Website Special Eligibility Requirements Due Date Berkeley Foundation for Opportunities in Information Technology (BFOIT) http://www.bfoit.org/ Camp Cardiac – San Francisco www.capcardiac.org Cañada College Summer Engineering Institute http://www.canadacolleg e.edu/STEMcenter/highsc hoolstudents.php Cañada College STEM Institute Cañada College STEM Institute BFOIT at UC Berkeley supports historically underrepresented ethnic minorities and girls in their desire to become leaders in the fields of CS, engineering and IT. Participants attend monthly activities and a two week Summer Technology Training Institute. Participants meet with professional experts and receive scholarships and training in the production of technology. -Must be 15 yrs or older on 1st day of session - 1 week summer day camp - Care & Maintenance of the Heart - Hands on Workshop -CPR Certification -Medical Student Forum Scholarships available – application deadline 4/4/16 -check website - 3-week residential program at San Francisco State - High school seniors planning to attend Cañada College or San Francisco State University as Engineering majors - Hands-on design projects, field trips, lab instruction, industry speakers 4/01/2016 Email cybear@ber keley.edu http://www.canadacolleg e.edu/stemcenter/stemin stitute.php -Current 9th graders -Interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Must be nominated, see website 3/16/2016 http://www.canadac ollege.edu/stemcent er/steminstitute.php -Current 9th graders -Interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Must be nominated, see website 3/16/2016 Open now, spots are limited – first come first serve Check website 2 ChicanoLatino Youth Leadership Project http://clylp.org/prog rams/high-schoolprogramapplication/ -Current 10th & 11th graders -Sacramento week residential program -Two day program Oakland/Berkeley/San Francisco 3/23/2016 Computer Camp at Stanford and Berkeley http://educationunlimited .com/camp/15/computercamp.html For tech-savvy students who love programming, gaming, design and logic. Instruction in both creative and practical computer skills. Various Cornell University Summer College http://www.sce.cornell.ed u/sc/ (programs other than Biology Research and Veterinary Medicine) -Summer Residential Program - 10th, 11th 12th graders -Tuition and Room/Board -Various fields of study check website for programs. 3/11, 4/1, 4/29/2016 Depending on program check website Cornell University, Research Apprenticeships in Biology @ http://www.sce.cornell.ed u/sc/programs/index.php ?v=170 -Summer Residential Program -Complete Junior or Senior year by summer -Tuition and Room/Board 3/11/2016 Cosmos – California State Summer School for Math & Science https://cosmosucop.ucdavis.edu/ma in/application -Grades 8-12 -4 week residential program -Hands-on and lab intensive -Work side-by-side with university researchers -Science, technology, engineering & Mathematics (STEM) 02/19/2016 DEEP Summer Academy @ University of Toronto http://outreach.engineeri ng.utoronto.ca/preunivers ityprograms/DEEPSumme rAcademy.htm - For HS students around the world interested in engineering - 1-4 weeks in July Check website Digital Learning TechTeens California Academy of Sciences Teen Think Tank http://www.calacademy.o rg/youthprograms/ Program focuses on connecting digital media with science investigation and learning. HS youth participants develop skills in communicating science to the public through the creation and delivery of science stories using different media types. Check website 3 Digital Learning TechTeens embARC Summer Design Academy Expanding Your Horizons @ UC Berkeley http://www.calacade my.org/youthprogra ms/ http://ced.berkeley.edu/a cademics/summerprograms/embarc-designacademy/ http://www.expandingyo urhorizons.org/ Exploratorium Explainers Program http://explainers.exp loratorium.edu/ Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy Leadership Programs Google Computer Science Summer Institute http://www.parksconserv ancy.org/learn/youth/lea dership/ Johns Hopkins University Engineering Innovation Program http://engineeringinnovation.jhu.edu/ LEAD Engineering Institute http://www.leadprogram. org/apps/pages/index.jsp ?uREC_ID=218901&type= d Microsoft's DigiGirlz https://www.microsoft.co m/enus/diversity/programs/dig igirlz/default.aspx SMASH-Summer Math and Science Honors Academy http://www.lpfi.org/ education/smash.ht ml https://www.google. com/edu/resources/ programs/computerscience-summerinstitutecssi/#!qualificationsand-application The Digital Learning program provides HS youth’s opportunities to work alongside Cal Academy professionals. With programs ranging from one week to one year, youth collaboratively work to understand a project theme, opportunities for impact and then create a digital project. Check website embARC is a four-week design academy for high school students held at the College of Environmental Design (CED) in UC Berkeley. Check website This conference increases the awareness of young women and their parents of the importance of adequate preparation in math and science. It is designed to introduce them to the world of math, engineering, and science. - Must be at least 15 years old - Work based learning program -Explainers are trained on a variety of areas Check website Programs vary from leadership, habitat restoration, summer camp counselors, and trail building. -Current High School Senior -Intend to enroll at 4 year University for a BA/BS -Intend to be enrolled in computer science, computer engineering or related area -Demonstrate motivation & interest in computer science Students learn engineering basics, conduct experiments, take part in design challenges, and meet with research engineers. Programs are held at multiple locations in CA and East Coast. LEAD Engineering Institute accepts 150 high-achieving HS sophomores each summer. Students participate over two summers in 3-week residential Engineering Institutes at six of the top engineering schools, including Stanford & UC Berkeley. Microsoft hosts free technology programs for girls. Programs take place in various locations around the country. Tuition is free but participants are responsible for transportation and lodging. - Current 9th graders - Reside in SF Bay Area - Self-Identify as: Latino/Hispanic, African Opens 2/01/2016 4/01 – 4/08 3/01/2016 Opens 2/01/2016 Check website Check website Early App. 2/01/Due – 2/15 4 SF State Summer Engineering Institute http://engineering.sfs u.edu/News/events/s ummer_engineering_i nstitute/index.html SF Art Institute – Young Artist Program (YAP) http://www.sfai.edu/p ublic-youtheducation/youngartistprogram/summerprogram http://www.skylinecol lege.edu/biotechnolog y/index.php Green Website is under construction Skyline College Green Energy & Biotechnology Camp American, Native American, Pacific Islander Regular or underrepresented Asian App.3/01 -Summer Residential Program 3/01/2016 -Rising Juniors & Seniors that are planning on attend Canada College or San Francisco State University. -Students interested in STEM Ages 13-15 3/01/2016 -Learn new creative artistic techniques -Express yourself through art -Green Energy Camp Ongoing until -Camp is free with concurrent enrollment program is Program full. -Create Social Media Videos to Highlight Alternative Energy Solutions -9th, 10th & 11th grade http://www.skylinecollege.edu/outreach/co ncurrentenrollment.php https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKRR3 fGnc6v145TW7q4fXYg Stanford Medical Youth Science Program (SMYSP) http://smysp.standord.edu / -Summer Residential Program 2/15/2016 -Currently a sophomore or Junior -Students interested in Science, Medicine & Health -Students from low-income families -Completed Math & Science classes with B or better -Parents/family that have little or no college Stanford Summer Humanities Institute http://web.stanford.e du/group/summer_hu m_inst/cgibin/wordpress/admiss ions/ -Summer Residential Program -Juniors & Seniors -3 Week Program -Need base financial aid available Summer Engineering Seminars @ https://www.scu.edu/engin -Summer Residential Program eering/beyond-theSanta Clara University -For rising Juniors or Seniors classroom/outreach/ -No tuition; participant only responsible for transportation to and from SCU www.educationunlimited.c Summer Focus at UC Berkeley A 6-week program where students take one om/focus/index.html UC Berkeley course for 3-4 units of transferable college credit, plus two Summer Focus enrichment courses. Science related topics include astronomy and optometry. Summer Institute for the Gifted http://www.giftedstudy.org SIG offers 3-week summer residential sessions for students ages 9-17 at prestigious college campuses nationwide. Programs combine academics with social, cultural and recreational opportunities. EA-2/3/2016 RD-3/2/2016 3/1/2016 Accepting applications now Accepting applications. Check website 5 Summer Marine Lab Experience for High School Students @ USC Teen Advocates for Science Communication (aka the TASC Force) USC – Summer Science Program Commuter option available at most locations. https://dornsife.usc.edu/as -One week summer program for high school sets/sites/291/docs/HSstudents at Catalina Island to explore the MarineLab2015_v1.pdf Earth’s ocean, including the deep ocean...and life below the ocean floor. -Entering 9th, 10th or 11th grade -Must be US Citizen or have resident status. -Underrepresented & first generation students encouraged to apply. emy.org/youthprogra Youth (8th-12th grade) volunteers in the TASC ms/ Force program engage with the California Academy of Science mission of exploring, explaining, and sustaining life through the creation of innovative public programs. http://dornsife.usc.ed Entering 9th, 10th, 11th grade Fall 2016 u/uscseagrant/summe Learn about careers in marine science, build r-science-programs/ your own ROVs, snorkel, kayak, and explore the marine protected areas around the island. Upward Bound Math and Science http://upwardbound.b Upward Bound is a free program that Program, UC Berkeley erkeley.edu/about supports high school students in their preparation for college entrance. The program targets students from low-income families who are the first in their families to go to college. Email or call Kelson YMCA – Counselor-In-Training -Incoming 9th & 10th graders Pamarang – Teen & -Training Week – June 20th -24th Sports Director -Gain leadership skills (650)294-2638 – -CPR & 1st Aid Training kpamarang@ymcasf.org See attached Flyer Program pending Check website 3/25/2016 Check website Reserve your space now. Open until filled. *All deadlines and details are subject to change. Note: The inclusion of a program in this document is not an endorsement or recommendation by SMHS. As of 02/12/2016 Program and Camps Websites http://www.bayareakidfun.com/academic-summer-camps/ https://www.teenink.com/summer/ https://www.idtech.com/locations/california-summer-camps/ http://summerprogramfinder.com/ http://www.fastweb.com/college-search/articles/summer-programs-for-high-school-students?page=1 https://cogito.cty.jhu.edu/summer-programs/ https://www.teenlife.com/