The Capital Preservation Challenge May 2006 Why is Capital Preservation relevant? 2 Happiness 0 -25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Wealth Utility -2 -4 Market returns -6 -8 -10 -12 Disappointment Utility -14 1 Are traditional top-down approaches still optimal? JPMorgan capital market return assumptions (10-15 yr)) .90 .60 .50 .50 2 .40 Intl Stocks Correls (incl Japan) Intl Stocks Correls (excl Japan) Dec-97 .30 Dec-96 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-01 Dec-97 Dec-96 Dec-95 Dec-94 Dec-93 Source: Datastream, JPMAM Dec-00 Intl Bonds Correls (excl JGBs) .30 Dec-92 – Diversification needs to be sought outside of beta space Intl Bonds Correls (incl JGBs) Dec-95 .40 Dec-03 .60 Dec-02 .70 Dec-01 .70 Dec-00 .80 Dec-98 .80 5yr trailing Correlations Dec-94 5yr trailing Correlations Dec-99 – Increased intra-asset class correlation makes efficient portfolio construction difficult .90 Dec-98 Decreasing benefits of diversification in core asset classes Dec-93 – Strategies with a greater degree of market neutrality need to be utilised Dec-92 – Return objectives can no longer be met by excessive beta exposure 2000 Current Dec-99 Reduced asset class return expectations 11.5% 10.5% 9.5% 8.5% 7.5% 6.5% 5.5% 4.5% 3.5% Traditional approach to building portfolios Historically 90% of portfolio returns and risk dependent on strategic asset allocation Portfolios have historically been too dependent on a small number of decisions No. of decisions Equities Geographic region Large/ small cap Bonds Industrial sector Value/ Cyclical/ growth defensive Credit 2 Duration Currency 5 Beta /low beta Geographic region Investments Industrial sector Volatility 7 1000’s To increase returns, investors have had to increase exposure to high volatility asset classes Portfolios have been built from asset class choices. So alpha has been hostage to beta 3 If securities are held for index-relative reasons opportunities for active management are reduced Cumulative market-cap distribution of MSCI World ranked by size* 50% of global equity index is in 8% of the companies (%) 100 Focuses investments on relative size 90 80 Focuses too much on the past 70 60 May not reflect the best investment criteria 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 Number of companies * Source: Datastream Alpha is hostage to beta buckets 4 The case for a total return approach At its purest level the principal objective of our industry should be to achieve the highest risk adjusted total return for our clients Investors have an asymmetric approach to risk – the real risk is losing money Investors care increasingly less about index benchmarks In a low nominal return environment, alpha is more important than beta (choice of assets) Active management … the challenge is obvious, the question is how to achieve it… 5 Traditional total return was fixed income oriented Past: During declining inflation and yields, bonds exhibited an attractive total return profile US Core CPI US 10 yr bond yield 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 80 84 88 92 Source: MacData, JPMAM Now: 6 Interest rates low, credit spreads have narrowed Equity dividends should increase 96 00 04 How do we define total return investing? Risk is defined in terms of capital loss rather than benchmark relative performance Return objective is set independently of asset class - i.e. Cash plus More upside capture / less downside capture. Optionality Portfolios managed as one unit rather than subdivided into component parts Management is active and flexible Transparent in process and holdings ... investors have an asymmetric attitude to risk and return 7 Total return: a flexible solution Total Return: Concentrated portfolio of best company specific ideas Characteristics of Benchmarking Returns closely track index Always fully invested Risk is relative Only a small percentage of active positions Inability to use all available investment tools 8 Ability to use all available investment tools Market risk reduced/controlled Lower volatility Can hold cash Within the regulations of UCITS Characteristics of Hedge Fund Investing Star Fund Manager culture Strategy risk Short risk Leverage Liquidity constraints Limited transparency Total return positioning Performance & Diversification Absolute return strategies Alpha The Total Return opportunity set We choose the correlation with the market ‘Conventional’ Active Funds Index Funds 0 Correlation with markets (R2) • Unconstrained investing using a broad range of investment tools • Concentrated in our best company specific ideas • Flexible market exposure 9 100 The building blocks for managing total return funds Agnostic to choice of investment assets Active risk control – economic factors Top down/bottom up Identify sources of return – sectors – regions/countries – themes – security specific factors – market and security exposures – diversification – “Value at Risk” – stress testing – hard controls – equities – bonds – convertibles – currencies ... effective management of downside risk 10 Allocation to different asset classes Equity Exposure Convertibles Bonds Cash Others* Total Delta ** %03 100% 90% 80% 70% %02 60% 50% 40% %01 30% 20% 10% %0 0% Jan-05 11 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 * Money Market Funds and FRN ** Equity specific risk from stock and convertibles Jun-05 Jul-05 Aug-05 Sep-05 Oct-05 Nov-05 Dec-05 Recommended objectives and portfolio characteristics Performance target Benchmark Process Alpha Source Equities Convertible Bonds Cash Bottom-up with Dynamic Asset Allocation Best Investment Ideas 0 - 30% 0 - 50% (part of 30% total equity risk budget) Straight Bonds 0 - 100% Cash 0 - 100% Derivatives Optional, no leverage Expected Volatility Low Currency Hedging Yes A core low risk holding 12 Cash +3% Summary Target capital preservation with a multi-asset approach to get desired asymmetric risk/return profile Top down themes combined with bottom up security selection Alpha combined with modest levels of beta (beta arises solely from active positions, not from benchmarks) Flexible active management Transparency in process and holdings … objective 13 best risk adjusted return Olivia Mayell - Client Portfolio Manager, Global Multi Asset Group Tel +44 (0)20 7742 5467 • e-mail: Any forecasts or opinions expressed are JPMorgan’s own at the date of this document and may be subject to change. The value of investments and the income from them may fluctuate and your investment is not guaranteed and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Exchange rates may cause the value of underlying overseas investments to go down or up. Investments in smaller companies may involve a higher degree of risk as they are usually more sensitive to market movements. Investments in emerging markets may be more volatile than other markets and the risk to your to your capital is therefore greater. Also, the economic and political situations may be more volatile than in established economies and these may adversely influence the value of investments made. Telephone lines are recorded and may be monitored for security and training purposes 14