Chapter 4: Creation, Man, and Original Sin

Chapter 4: Creation, Man, and
Original Sin
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
Incorporate a reading of the first two chapters of the Book of
Genesis into the Opening Prayer.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
 How did the Gospel change people’s understanding of God as Father?
 What is the origin of the universe and human beings?
 What does the relationship between what faith and science teach us about
 Christ restored the conception of God as a loving Father that was present in
Genesis but largely lost due to sin.
 God is the loving Creator of everything that exists. Human beings are the
pinnacle of Creation because they are made in the image of God.
 There is no real conflict between faith and science. Faith is concerned with
truths about God and man that go beyond the reach of science, whereas
science studies how the natural world works.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
Work with a partner to list the general differences concerning the image of God
presented in the Old and New Testaments.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
How is God’s act of creation different from a human being’s act of
A human being reforms, refashions, or assembles using matter that previously
exists, but God can create out of nothing.
How many creation narratives are found in the Book of Genesis?
There are two.
What does Scripture affirm about God’s creative power and activity in the
(1) Creation is an act of God’s love; (2) God created all that exists; and (3) all of
Creation reflects God’s goodness and wisdom.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
Think /Pair/Share using the following question:
 How can the first creation narrative (cf. Gn 1:1—2:4) be seen as a
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
What conflict seems to exist between creation and evolution?
Some Christians argue that prevalent scientific hypotheses about evolution are inherently
godless, whereas others argue that Christian beliefs about creation are inherently religious
and anti-scientific.
How does the Catholic Church respond to the notion that faith and science are
The Catholic Church has always taught that faith and science are compatible; faith works
together with human reason as agents to discern truth.
From the Catholic perspective, what is the difference between science and
Science is the study of the properties and workings of the world that God created, while
God reveals to his people certain religious truths that science cannot determine.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
How does the Church read the creation narratives in the Book of
The Church values them for the truths they transmit rather than a literalistic
account of how the universe came to be.
What notions, which claim to be derived from scientific evolution, has
the Church declared to be incompatible with the Faith?
She has rejected (1) any denial that God is the Creator who infused our first
parents with an immortal soul; (2) the claim that the evolution of the universe
and of all living things took place apart from the plan of God; and (3) the
assertion that the entire human race does not derive from one set of parents.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
What is polygenism?
There were many sets of first parents rather than just one.
What is the problem with polygenism?
It contradicts a fundamental revealed truth.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
In Humani Generis, what opinion did Pope Pius XII teach could not be
held by the Catholic faithful?
“The opinion which maintains either after Adam there existed on the earth true
men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from
the first parent of all or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents”
(no. 37).
Of what fundamental revealed truth does polygenism lead to the denial?
It leads to the denial of Original Sin.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
What is ruah?
It is Hebrew for the “breath of life” or “spirit” God breathed into man.
Does the Book of Genesis support the idea that man is singular
among all of creation?
Yes. Both creation narratives show how human beings hold a unique place
among all of God’s Creation and were created in a state of intimacy with
God that is unlike anything else in visible Creation. God gave human
beings alone the “breath of life” or “spirit.” God also gave them
dominion over Creation.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
What do the terms image and likeness mean when used to describe
the relationship between God and Adam?
Adam bears qualities of God similar to the way a child reflects the
qualities of his or her parents.
What do the terms image and likeness mean when used to describe
the relationship between Adam and Seth?
All people, who are descended from Adam, bear qualities of God in the
same way Adam reflected those qualities of God. Every person thus
shares certain characteristics with God and is in a family relationship with
him as children of God.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
How are human beings like God?
Human nature is similar to the divine nature insofar as human beings have
intelligence, free will, and the ability to love.
Why is human life sacred?
Every human person is created in God’s image, who is All-holy.
Why does human labor have special value?
Human labor has dignity because it is an imitation of God the Father,
who worked to create the universe.
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
Study Questions 1-4 (p. 101)
Practical Exercise 1 (p. 101)
Workbook Questions 1-10
Read “The Fatherhood of God” through “Natural Law” (pp. 86-91)
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
Write a paragraph with the topic sentence, “The human person is
the singular crown of God’s creation,” using evidence from this
1. Creation (pp. 80-86)
Free write for five minutes in response to the following prompt:
 The world is created for human beings, and human beings are created
for God.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Incorporate the Fall of Adam and Eve (cf. Genesis 3) into the
opening prayer. Free write for two minutes about your greatest
difficulty in accepting this account as true.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
 How is God an ideal Father?
 What is Original Sin, and what are its consequences?
 What is natural law?
 Who are the angels?
 God is a good Father who provides everything that is necessary.
 Deceived by Satan, Adam and Eve committed Original Sin, which brought disorder, evil,
and sin into the world for them and their descendants.
 Some of the consequences of Original Sin were the loss of paradise, suffering, moral evils
of every kind, and death.
 While evil has no intrinsic existence but is an absence of good, God permits evil out of
respect for human freedom.
 Natural law is the internal and knowable law of good and evil that every person possesses.
 Angels are pure spiritual beings who serve God, their Creator.
 Every human being has his or her own guardian angel.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
The sidebar “The Message of Genesis” (p. 86) lists a number of truths
found in the creation narratives.
Choose the one you find the most interesting, identify its scriptural basis
in the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis.
Then free write for three minutes about why this idea is intriguing to you.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Why can people understand something about God by looking at
Faith reveals that human beings are made in the image of God. Hearkening
back to St. Thomas Aquinas’s “Five Ways,” since God possesses all
perfections, whatever good qualities are in people are perfected in God.
How can someone form an adequate idea of what God the Father is
He or she can use reason to create a model of the ideal father based on
experiences with earthly fathers. Since God possesses all perfections, he must
possess the perfect attributes of a father.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
How does God act as a good Father?
He calls each person into existence at a particular time and with a
particular vocation, giving him or her the graces necessary to accomplish
it. At the end of life, there is a share in eternal life with the Blessed
Trinity―the greatest possible good―for those who cooperate.
How is the human family created in the image of God?
The human family is a community of life-giving love. In the Blessed
Trinity, God the Father eternally begets God the Son, who is eternally
begotten by the Father, and God the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from
the Father through the Son.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Work with a partner to compose a bullet-point list of the characteristics
of an ideal father.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
What was the original condition of the world?
It was good; in fact, with the advent of human beings, is was very good
(cf. Gn 1:31). Adam and Eve lived in God’s grace in a beautiful world
without evil, pain, war, shame, sickness, or death.
What lie did the serpent tell Eve?
Were she to disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit, she would not
die as God had warned. He said, “God knows that when you eat of it
your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and
evil” (Gn 3:5).
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
What motivations does the Sacred Author assign to Eve for having
disobeyed God?
She “saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes,
and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise” (Gn 3:6).
According to the New Testament, who is the serpent?
He is the Devil, or Satan the deceiver, who works against God’s plans for his
What death did Adam and Eve experience immediately?
They lost supernatural life, the life of grace in their souls.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
What was the effect of the Fall on all of Adam and Eve’s
Except the Blessed Virgin Mary, every human person is conceived with
the stain of Original Sin and is afflicted with a vulnerability to temptation,
evil, and death. Extension: As a divine Person who took on a human
nature, Christ was not subject to any stain of Original Sin.
Why does the Church baptize infants who have not committed any
personal sins?
Everyone is born with the stain of Original Sin, which is cleansed in the
waters of the Sacrament of Baptism.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Conduct a focused reading of the passage from Veritatis Splendor, “With
this imagery…”(p. 88) using the following question:
 What is the relationship between moral obligations and human
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Had Adam and Eve not sinned, how would people’s lives be?
They would be in complete harmony with God and all Creation. The whole earth
would be a paradise. All people would recognize the truth, goodness, and beauty
of God through his Creation.
What are the consequences of Original Sin?
Women experience pain in childbirth; family relationships suffer; physical work is
more laborious; and every person will experience death.
How does free will make sin possible?
People have the freedom to reject the love of God and choose evil.
How did Abel experience the consequences of Original Sin?
Cain murdered him out of envy.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
According to the Sacred Author, did Cain have to kill Abel?
No. God told Cain he could have done well, been accepted, and mastered
How did God show mercy to Cain even after his sin?
God promised to protect Cain though he and his descendants were
doomed to be nomads.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Why is the existence of evil a philosophical problem?
God is both All-good and All-powerful. Since innocent people suffer,
these two attributes of God seem to be in contradiction.
What does it mean to say evil does not exist?
Evil is not a reality in itself but is experienced wherever there is an
absence of good. Evil is something that ought to be but is instead lacking,
a kind of vacuum.
Extension: Philosophically, evil is a privation of the good. For example,
sickness is an evil because it is an absence of health, which is good; a lie is
an evil because it is an absence of truth, which is good.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
In what way are people responsible for evil?
Everyone who does what he or she ought not to do is responsible for evil.
According to the Catechism, no. 310, why did God not create a
perfect world in which evil could not have existed?
God freely willed to create the world “in a state of journeying” towards its
ultimate perfection. This plan required the appearance of certain beings
and the disappearance of others, the existence of the more perfect
alongside the less perfect, and both constructive and destructive forces of
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
What do sins like murder, drug abuse, rape, war, and poverty have in
They abuse human freedom out of a lack of respect for human life, a lack of
love for neighbor, or out of greed, envy, lust, or other vices.
Why does God allow sin?
He respects human freedom.
Why do innocent people suffer along with the guilty?
Because God respects human freedom, he permits both the good
consequences of good acts and the evil consequences of evil acts―i.e.,
the abuse of freedom―which often causes innocent people to suffer.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
What is physical evil?
It is suffering that results from natural causes such as tidal waves,
earthquakes, illnesses, and injuries.
Is physical evil rooted in Original Sin?
Yes; disharmony in nature resulted from Original Sin.
Why will God not take away all the evil and pain in the world right
Such an act would take away free will.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Some people argue there is no objective good and evil. Divide into groups of
three or four. Formulate a rational (non-religious) argument against
committing the sin you are assigned.
 Murder (the direct and intentional killing of an innocent person)
 Theft (the taking of what does not belong to a person to which he or
she has no right)
 Lying (the willful deceiving of a person who is owed the truth)
 Adultery (the betraying of a promise made to a spouse)
 Blasphemy (the cursing or speaking evil of God or holy things and
 Showing dishonor to parents (the disobeying of reasonable orders
when under authority)
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
How did St. Paul testify that a natural moral law, open to all people, exists?
Gentiles who do not have the Ten Commandments may do by nature what the
law requires. Their consciences may condemn them or even approve of their
actions. This witnesses that the Law is written on their hearts.
What is natural law?
It is the innate knowledge of good and evil. By reason, every person can come to
the conclusion that certain acts—for example, murder, theft, and adultery—are
morally wrong.
What does natural law require?
It requires a person to choose good and avoid evil.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
What is the natural consequence of choosing good or evil?
The natural consequence is to be on a course that will help perfect that person.
What effect did Original Sin have on the understanding of natural law?
Original Sin clouded human intellects, making it more difficult to discern the
natural law. One reason God reveals himself and gives grace is to aid human
What curse did God give the serpent (cf. Gn 3:15)?
God promised to send someone who would one day conquer the serpent: “I will
put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he
shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Study Questions 5-10 (p. 101)
Practical Exercise 2 (p. 101)
Workbook Questions 11-21
Read “The First Gospel” through “Conclusion” (pp. 91-97)
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Write a paragraph summarizing the content of this lesson by
answering the Basic Questions in two sentences each.
2. The Fall (pp. 86-91)
Work with a partner to complete Practical Exercise 2.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
Incorporate the sacrifice of Isaac (cf. Gn 11:1–18) into the opening
prayer. Free write for two minutes about what you found perplexing in
this story.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
 What is the Protoevangelium?
 With whom did God make the Old Testament covenants?
 In the Protoevangelium, or “First Gospel,” which was announced as soon as God
spoke with the fallen Adam and Eve, God promised a Savior who would crush
the serpent, foreshadowing the New Adam and New Eve: Jesus Christ and the
Blessed Virgin Mary.
 God established covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David to call all
people back to himself by creating a kingdom of priests and a holy people.
 The fulfillment of this vocation was Jesus Christ and the Church he founded.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
Do human beings become angels when they die?
No; angels are entirely different created beings than humans.
What are angels, and what do they do?
Angels are spirits created by God to worship him, to serve as his
messengers, and to help carry out his will.
How many choirs of angels are there speculated to be?
There are nine choirs.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
What are guardian angels?
Each human person has a guardian angel, a powerful friend, placed by
God alongside him or her as a companion throughout life.
What does it mean to ask a guardian angel “to light and guard, to
rule and guide”?
This asks a guardian angel to enlighten a person with the truth, to guard
him or her from being harmed by anyone or anything, to help him or her
do good and prevent from doing evil, and to help him or her make
prudent choices.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
In Genesis 3, what does seed mean?
It means “offspring” or “descendant.”
To whom does the seed refer in Genesis 3?
It refers to Jesus Christ.
Why is Genesis 3:15 called the Protoevangelium, and what does this word
This is the first announcement of the Good News of Jesus Christ. It means
“First Gospel.”
Typologically, what did early Christian writers see in Adam and Eve with
respect to the Protoevangelium?
Jesus Christ is the New Adam, and the Blessed Virgin Mary is the New Eve.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
Who was Noah?
This singularly righteous man delivered and repopulated the human race
after the Flood.
What was the moral condition of people after the Flood?
Noah and his descendants fell back into sin.
Who was Noah’s righteous descendant?
His righteous descendant was the obedient and faithful Shem.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
When did the remote preparation for the People of God, which is
the Church, begin?
It began when God called Abram and promised he would become the
Father of a Multitude (“Abraham”).
How did God test Abraham’s faithfulness?
He told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac, the son of God’s
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
How did the people of Israel partially fulfill the covenant with
They were a nation called to be a light to the nations.
How did Christ fulfill the covenant with Abraham?
In Christ and through his Church, the entire world is called into
communion with God.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
Why were the descendants of Abraham called Israelites?
They were descendants of Abraham’s grandson Israel (Jacob), through
whom God’s promises to Abraham were inherited.
What was the condition of the Israelites at the time of Moses’
They were slaves in Egypt and doomed to annihilation. Extension:
Pharaoh had ordered the death of every male Hebrew child to disinherit
them from the land.
Whom did God choose to deliver Israel?
He chose Moses, to whom God also revealed his name.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
Think /Pair/Share using the following question:
 How is the sacrifice of Isaac a type, or foreshadowing, of the
Sacrifice of Christ?
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
How did God make the struggle against Pharaoh “personal”?
God called the nation of Israel his “firstborn son” and ordered Pharaoh
to let his son go or he would slay Pharaoh’s firstborn son.
What was the result of Pharaoh’s disobedience?
God unleashed ten plagues, the final of which killed every firstborn
Egyptian male, of man and of beast. Extension: God did to the
Egyptians what Pharaoh had ordered be done to the Israelites.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
How were the Israelites spared from the Angel of Death in the last
They were commanded to sacrifice an unblemished male lamb, eating its
roasted flesh and applying its blood to their lintels and doorposts. By this
sign, the Angel of Death passed over their homes.
How did Moses and the Israelites escape from Egypt?
Moses miraculously parted the Red Sea so the Israelites could pass
through it on dry ground. After they had passed, Pharaoh’s pursuing army
was drowned by the returning waters.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
What relationship did God promise the Israelites on Mt. Sinai if
they would obey his covenant?
God said they would be his own possession among the peoples of the
earth; they would be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. In other
words, they would bring all the other nations into the family of God.
What Law did God give the Israelites through Moses?
He gave them the Ten Commandments, or Decalogue.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
How did the Israelites respond to the offer of a covenant?
They agreed to it, saying as one voice, “All that the Lord has spoken we will
do, and we will be obedient” (Ex 24:7).
What was the Ark of the Covenant?
It was an ornate box, designed by God, that contained the stone tablets on
which God had written the Ten Commandments, Aaron’s budding rod, and
some manna from the wilderness.
What was the Tabernacle?
It was a moveable tent the Israelites used as a temple in the wilderness.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
How long were the Israelites faithful to the covenant?
They were unfaithful immediately and worshiped a golden calf.
What happened to the common priesthood of the Israelites after
the incident with the golden calf ?
God took the priesthood away from the Israelites as a people and
entrusted it to the Tribe of Levi. He also gave a second set of laws
intended to keep Israel separate from the other nations.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
Read aloud about the tenth plague of Egypt and the requirements for
the Passover (cf. Ex 12).
Work with a partner to compare the Passover meal to the celebration of
the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
What was God’s basic plan for Israel?
He intended to establish a holy nation and a kingdom of priests to reunite all
people to himself.
After Saul, what king did God choose for Israel?
He chose David.
How did David promote the worship of God?
He (1) made Israel’s political capital, Jerusalem, the center of worship,
(2) brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, and (3) established the thank
offering, a sacrifice of unleavened bread and wine offered in gratitude for God’s
deliverance, to be the primary worship in the Temple instead of the customary
animal sacrifices.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
How did David treat the nations he conquered?
Instead of succumbing to their idolatrous ways, David brought them under his
rule to share with them the wisdom, truth, and righteousness that God had
generously given to Israel. He did not destroy or oppress other peoples; instead,
he worked to incorporate them into God’s covenant.
What great promise did God give David through the prophet Samuel?
God promised a covenant with David’s descendants of an everlasting kingdom.
Through whom was the covenant with David fulfilled?
It was fulfilled through David’s descendant, Jesus Christ.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
Write a paragraph summarizing salvation history from the
Protoevangelium through the Old Testament covenants.
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
 Study Questions 11-15 (p. 101)
 Practical Exercises 3-4 (p. 101)
 Workbook Questions 22-29
3. Noah, Abraham, Moses, and
David (pp. 91-97)
Write a paragraph summarizing this chapter based on the
conclusion (p. 97).