Daily ISN Activities

1. Progressive story
Following the chapter which Tony makes his First Communion on Easter, have the first row of student
take a piece of paper and write the header: "For Easter, I will....” The first student writes only one line
and then folds the paper over and passes it back to the next student in his/her row only telling him/her
the last word of the line. The 2nd row of students will use that word to start the next line in the story.
The 2nd student writes only one line and then folds the paper over and passes it back to the 3rd student
in his/her row only telling him/her the last word of the line. The paper with the folds gets passed to the
end of each row until everyone gets a turn. Then after everyone contributes a line, the paper is unfolded
and the story is read aloud.
2. Synonym/Antonym for Spanish words
Bless Me, Ultima is infused with several Spanish words. Start with a Spanish word in the novel, list the
definition on the board or have student look the word up in a Spanish dictionary. The first student has to
give a synonym, or as close as possible to something similar. The 2nd student gives an antonym of the
1st student's synonym, or as close as possible to something opposite. The 3rd student gives a synonym
of the 2nd student's word and so on.
The word is "Llano"
First student: Earth
Second student: Sea
Third student: Plains
4th student: Ocean
Discussions center on why a word does or doesn't fit.
3. Cinquain poem
Following the chapter which Tony makes his First Communion on Easter, students write cinquain poems
about Easter. Students should follow this pattern:
First line- The title of the poem (Easter)
2nd line- Two verbs ending in -ing related to Easter (such as: hopping laughing)
3rd line: 3 adjectives to describe the topic (pastel sweet delicious)
4th line: a 4 word phrase or sentence about the topic (rite of spring)
5th line- A synonym for the topic (egg hunt)
The poem would look like this:
Hopping Laughing
Pastel Sweet Delicious
Rite of spring
Egg hunt
4. Newspaper Find
Bring in a newspaper clip that reminds you of a character in Bless Me, Ultima. Be prepared to present
your article and reasoning in front of the class.
5. Dress Up
Make an outfit out of clothes (preferably old clothes if you have to cut them) that matches the style of a
character in Bless Me, Ultima. Make sure to get permission from your parents before you alter (cut,
paint, etc) any of the clothes.
6. Word contest
Take a Spanish word from the novel and have students create a list of as many words as they can (for
example, "curandera").
7. Resume
Students write a resume of their favorite character in Bless Me, Ultima. They may use subheadings:
education, organizations, special skills, work experience, etc.
8. Food
Students assemble a simple fruit tostada made from ingredients detailed in the book including
blueberries, apples, jam or jelly.
9. Mock interview
Students pretend they are a newspaper reporter who interview one of the characters in Bless Me
,Ultima. The newspaper article should center on a specific scene or incident in which the character
played a significant role (e.g. Tellez witnessing pots and pans lifting in the air).
10. Newspaper clip
Students pretend they are a newspaper reporter who gives an eyewitness account of a significant event
in Bless Me, Ultima. For example, a reporter who witnesses Tenorio and his comrades arriving at the
Marez home accusing Ultima of placing a bruja curse on his daughter.
11. Editorial letter
Students write a mock letter to the editor discussing possible solutions to keeping children safe at Blue
Lake, the site of Florence's drowning. Or students could write a letter discussing ways to keep children
away from the El Rito bridge, the site of Lupito's murder.
12. Dramatic monologue
Each student creates a monologue for one character in one scene within Bless Me ,Ultima. Have
students decipher what is he/she thinking or feeling at that moment? Why?
13. Postcard
Students act as the author or a character in Bless Me, Ultima. Students write a postcard to a friend, or
another author, or another story character about this book. Questions they may answer include
1) What is the book about?
2) Who is the book written for?
3) When does the book take place?
4) Where does the story takes place?
5) How will the reader like the novel?
14. Mapmaker
Students draw a map of the book's setting. In this map, students will plot critical locations of events in
the novel's plot (e.g. Lupito's murder).
15. Moviemaker
Write a one page "pitch" to a producer explaining why Bless Me, Ultima would or would not make a
great movie. Explain your reasoning with story antidotes or examples.
16. Movie Trailer
Movie previews always offer a quick sequence of the best moments that make us want to watch it.
Students will create a storyboard using PowerPoint or narrate the scenes for your trailer. Students
should focus on action verbs.
17. Billboard
As in the movies, students take what seems the most compelling image(s) in Bless Me Ultima and create
an advertisement.
18. Collage
Provide a stack of old magazines and newspapers. Students create an individual or class collage around
themes or characters in Bless Me Ultima.
19. Dear author
After reading Bless Me, Ultima, students write to Rudolfo Anya via Grand Central Publishing. Students
may discuss themes such as their favorite part of the book or their own similarities with Antonio.
20. Oprah bookclub
Dievide students into groups of 3-4. Students will host a talkshow: one student will play the host; the
other students will play Bless Me, Ultima characters. Allow questions from the audience.