III Form/short story

Short Stories
Exposition – The opening portion of a
narrative; the scene is set the protagonist
introduced, and background info
• A&P
Tone – The attitude toward a subject
conveyed in a literary work. NO single
stylistic device creates tone.
•Everyday Use
Dynamic character
• A character who, during the course of
the narrative, grows or changes in
some significant way. Greasy Lake
•A moment of insight, discovery, or revelation
by which a character’s life is greatly altered.
Irony – A literary device in which a discrepancy of
meaning is masked beneath the surface of the language.
Cosmic irony
Situational irony
Verbal irony
Kate Chopin’s Story of an Hour
and Desiree’s Baby
•Point of View
The Story of an Hour (or The
Dream of an Hour)
Is Mrs. Mallard a dynamic character.
Does she have an epiphany? When?
What is the irony in the story? Explain.
How does the historical milieu
affect the story?
• When is the story written?
• What does freedom mean for Mrs.
• Investigate the style of the writer –
what stylistic choices does she make
in this story to create the tone of Mrs.
Mallard’s ecstasy?
Some Basic review
Analytical essay- tone
The Five Forty Eight – title*
Theme of Redemption and Guilt/Sin
Tone/ Atmosphere
pg 529, 530 rain/ description of environment
Guilt and sin – regret for Blake- Dynamic character?
530 last paragraph – ‘crooked’ –stockings
531 first paragraph – handwriting
536 dream of a volcano erupting with blood
531 Miss Dent – deprivation
536 Miss Dent was hospitalized for emotional problems
530 Blake followed by Miss Dent – tries to escape her