Astronomy Unit Lesson Plan Teache: Maher School Year: 2014-15 UNIT: Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum Standards (Ohio Revised Standards for Science) Science Inquiry and Application During the years of grades 9 through 12, all students must use the following scientific processes with appropriate laboratory safety techniques to construct their knowledge and understanding in all science content areas: • Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations; • Design and conduct scientific investigations; • Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications; • Formulate and revise explanations and models using logic and evidence (critical thinking); • Recognize and analyze explanations and models; and • Communicate and support a scientific argument The Universe In early elementary school, observations of the sky and space are the foundation for developing a deeper knowledge of the solar system. In late elementary school, the parts of the solar system are introduced, including characteristics of the sun and planets, orbits and celestial bodies. At the middle school level, energy, waves, gravity and density are emphasized in the physical sciences, and characteristics and patterns within the solar system are found. In the physical science course, the universe and galaxies are introduced, building upon the previous knowledge about space and the solar system in the earlier grades. Lesson Objectives/Goals List the parts of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and how the wavelength and energy varies. Describe how light behaves as both a particle and as a wave. Design an experiment with IR light and submit a lab report. Explain how the chemical composition of stars is studied by analyzing the light they emit. Calculate the temperature and energy of stars. Calculate the spectral class of stars. Calculate the redshift, distance and luminosity of stars. List and describe how various spectral lines are made using Kirchhoff’s laws Daily Lessons: DATES 9/29 – 10/3 MONDAY Test – Chapter 2 TUESDAY Planetarium – Winter sky and myths WEDNESDAY Make Star Finders List Winter constellations THURSDAY IR Lab FRIDAY COSMOS – Hiding in the Light Pre-lab IR light lab HW: Current Event Due HW: bring remote control and camera 10/6 – 10/10 Spectroscopy Lab Finish IR Lab Visual Interpretation Activity Wein’s Law Steffan-Boltzman Law problems Finish COSMOS episode Light Notes EMS handout 10/13- 10/17 Planetarium – -Discuss current events -Seasonal sky and myths Spectroscopy Packet Calculate temperature, energy, composition and spectral class of stars HW: IR lab report due friday HW: IR lab report due friday HW: IR lab report due friday Spectroscopy Packet Calculate Redshift Planetarium – -Discuss current events -Seasonal sky and myths NO Seniors PSAT DAY Work on Chapter 2 questions –due Monday, test Tuesday HW: IR lab report due friday Planetarium HW: IR lab report due friday Current Event Due NO SCHOOL – NO SCHOOL