CRN: 61065 ECON 2113 - 003 Business Statistics – Section 3 Fall 2011 Available: August 22 – December 13, 2011 Meetings: Room BU 301, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 09:30am – 10:45am Professor: Dr. Gauri-Shankar Guha Office: 107 B Business Building Phone: (870) 680 8465; Fax: (870) 972 3088 Email: Website: Office hours: Tue/Thu 11:00am – 12:00noon and Wed 09:30am – 12:00noon Also by appointment via email. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course trains students in conventional statistical methods used to analyze business and economic datasets and equips them with decision support skills. The coverage of topics include averages, dispersions, probability, sampling, statistical inference, estimation, test of hypotheses, correlation and linear regression. Prerequisite: MATH 1023 and CIT 1503 (or equivalent computer proficiency). LEARNING GOALS Upon successful completion of the course, students will demonstrate the skills and ability to carry out the following tasks: Learning Goals of ECON 2113 – Business Statistics Collect and organize datasets and be able to calculate both graphical and numerical univariate descriptive statistics like frequency tables, histograms, graphs, charts, mean, variance, standard deviation, etc. Calculate bivariate descriptive statistics, like contingency tables; covariance & correlation analysis Calculate general probability; and be able to use discrete & continuous probability distributions and sampling distributions. Derive inferential statistics like point estimates of means and proportions, and create confidence interval estimates. Carry out tests of hypotheses about population means and proportions Build Linear / Multiple Regression Models using MS-Excel, and interpret the results Assessment Objective(s) Technology Critical Thinking Business Knowledge Technology Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Technology Critical Thinking Business Knowledge Technology Critical Thinking Business Knowledge Dr. Gauri S Guha Department of Economics & Finance College of Business ECON 2113 Business Statistics Lecture Class Fall 2011 Syllabus EXPECTATIONS The best way to earn a good grade is to regularly review and keep up with the material. Some students benefit from study-groups since discussions with peers can shed new light on the material. Others may use tutoring (face-to-face or online) to master the material. Please do whatever it takes to remain updated. If you still have difficulties, please visit my office with evidence that you have attempted to work through the material. Learning some of the material will require MS-Excel. Please brush up your MS-Excel skills that you learnt in CIT 1503. You may also consider a tutorial like the following: This course will be exclusively taught in the classroom with lectures and interaction. I will also use ASU’s BLACKBOARD platform for assignments, announcements, and to post video tutorials and grades. As a registered ASU Student you will have automatic access to Blackboard. Please be sure to login to your Blackboard account and check for course related announcements and assignments every day. Assignments must be submitted only in the digital dropbox in Blackboard. Assignments will not be accepted in any other form. Please print out this syllabus for your reference. TEXTBOOK Basic Statistics for Business and Economics, 7th Edition Douglas A. Lind, Coastal Carolina University William G Marchal, University of Toledo Samuel A. Wathen, Coastal Carolina University Publisher: McGraw Hill (2011) ISBN-13: 97 8007 7384 470 Web: 2 Dr. Gauri S Guha Department of Economics & Finance College of Business ECON 2113 Business Statistics Lecture Class Fall 2011 Syllabus EVALUATION Number Grading Component Mid Term Exams Assignments TAPPS Quizzes Final Exam Total 3 2 10 1 Percentage points each 15 10 2 15 Percentage of the semester grade 45 20 20 15 100 Letter grades will be assigned (on the final score) as follows: A> 90% B> 80% C> 70% D> 55% F< 55% MIDTERM EXAMS (45%): The 3 midterm exams (15% each) will have 30 multiple choice questions to be answered in 75 minutes, based on the most recent material covered since the last exam. Midterm Exams will be given either on paper and pencil or on Blackboard in a computer lab (if available) on days indicated in the schedule. [We will decide this issue on the first day of class.] ASSIGNMENTS (20%) There will be 2 assignments that you will carry out using Excel: (1) on descriptive statistics and (2) on regression analysis. TAPPS Quizzes (20%): A total of 10 in-class quizzes will be given through the semester and will feature small problems on the current material. FINAL EXAM (15%): The Final Exam will be based on the most recent material, and will be given on Blackboard as shown in the schedule. MAKE-UP POLICY: Make-ups will NOT be given for Quizzes. It will be allowed only if a student misses an Exam due to an emergency or previously informed exigency. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Observing basic honesty in one's work, words, ideas, and actions is a principle to which all members of the community must subscribe. So, I expect my students to abide by the honor system and I will not condone free-riders. I will use maximum penalties available under the ASU academic policies to punish cheating and plagiarism. In an examination setting, violations of academic integrity shall include any attempt to receive assistance from any person, or of any attempt to give assistance. Any reference materials used in the preparation of any assignment must be explicitly cited. Violations shall also consist of lying to the instructor or purposely misleading any ASU administrator shall also constitute a violation of academic integrity. Please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy of ASU available at the following website: 3 Dr. Gauri S Guha Department of Economics & Finance College of Business ECON 2113 Business Statistics Lecture Class Fall 2011 Syllabus SCHEDULE FOR FALL 2011 Week. Month: Days 23 25 Topics Covered Data Collection Techniques Review MS-Excel Chapters Descriptive Statistics: Graphical Methods 2 1 Assignments Review MS-Excel 1. Aug: 2. Aug: 30 – Sep: 01 3. Sep: 06 08 Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures 3 QUIZ 1 QUIZ 2 A1* 4. Sep: 13 15 Skewness, Contingency Tables 4 QUIZ 3 5. Sep: 20 22 5 EXAM 1 6. Sep: 27 29 Covariance, Correlation Coefficient, Z-scores Experiments, Counting Rules, Simple Probability 5 QUIZ 4 5 QUIZ 5 6 QUIZ 6 7. Oct: 04 06 8. Oct: 11 13 Joint and Conditional Probability, Rules of Probability Expected Value (Mean), Variance, Standard Deviation of Probability Distributions 9. Oct: 18 20 Discrete Probability Distributions 6 EXAM 2 10. Oct: 25 27 Continuous Probability: Normal Distribution 7 QUIZ 7 11. Nov: 01 03 8 QUIZ 8 12. Nov: 08 10 Sampling Distribution Interval Estimation – Pop. & proportions Determining Sample Size 9 QUIZ 9 17 Hypothesis Testing: Null & Alternate Hypotheses 1-tail and 2-tail tests 10 EXAM 3 Fall Break / Thanksgiving Holiday ***** Regression Analysis 13, 14 ***** QUIZ 10 A2* FINAL EXAM Monday Dec 12; 08:00am – 10:00am 10, 13, 14 FINAL 13. Nov: 15 Nov: 21 – 27 14. Nov: 29 – Dec: 01 FINALS WEEK December 07 –13, 2011 A1* A2* Assignment 1 is due: Friday, September 09, by 5pm in the digital dropbox. Assignment 2 is due: Friday, December 02, by 5pm in the digital dropbox. NOTE: (1) Please remember to click the SEND FILE button in the digital dropbox. (2) Late assignments will be penalized by 1 grade per day delayed. 4