Jess_and_Becka - Locust Fork High School

The Periodic Table of
Elements: Becka and Jess
Style. =)
By: Rebekah Hollingsworth and Jess
The History of the Periodic Table....
Lavoiser--compiled a list of
23 elements (the
ones known at
that time- late
John Newlands--proposed an
organization scheme for the
Lothar Meyer-demonstrated a connection
between atomic mass and
elemental properties.
Dmitri Mendeleev- organized the
elements into the first periodic
Henry Moseley-arrranged
the elements by atomic
The Modern Periodic
The boxes arranged in order of increasing atomic
number into a series of columns (GROUPS) or
The rows of boxes are called periods.
Valence electrons- electrons in
outermost orbitals/ determine chemical
properties of element
Orbitals-describe electrons
probable location (orbitals s,p,d,f).
Atomic Radius- half the distance between nuclei
of identical atoms that are chemically bonded
trends within
periods--decrease in
atomic radii as you
move left to right.
trends within groups-atomic radii
decrease as you
move down a group.
Ionic Radius-is a measure of the size
of an ion in a crystal lattice
trends within periods-- the size of the positive ions
gradually decrease from left to right.
trends within
increase in ionic
size, going down.
Ionization Energy- energy required to remove
an electron from a gaseous atom.
trends within periods-- first ionization energies generally
increase as you move left to right.
trends within groups--first ionization energies generally
decrease as you move down.
Electronegativity- indicates relative ability of its
atoms to attract electrons in a chemical bond.
trends within groups-- decreases as you move
trends within periods-- icreases as you move left to
S- Block
The s-block metals vary
from extremely soft (all
the alkali metals) to
quite hard (beryllium).
With the exception of
beryllium and
magnesium, the metals
are too reactive for any
structural use except as
very minor components
of alloys with lead.
The S-Block
Hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table. This is why its
atomic number is one. The symbol is H. The atomic weight is
1.00794. It is a gas element, therefore, it is colorless. It is in the
first period as well. It is in the s-block, and is non-metallic.
The uses for Hydrogen.
• It can be used as a lifting agent.
• It can be used as a fuel.
• The most common use for hydrogen is in chemical reactions
and reactions.
Alkali Metals...
Lithium (Li)- number 3 on periodic table. Compounds are used
in dehumidifiers. Lithium carbonate is used to strenthen glass
and as a drug to treat bipolar disorders.
Sodium (Na)- number 11 on table. used in sodium vapor
lamps and as a heat exchanger in nuclear reactors.
Potassium (K)- number 19 on table. potassium chloride serves
as salt substitute. potassium compounds are included in
fertilizers. potassium nitrate used as an explosive for large scale
fireworks displays.
Alkali Metals... (continued)...
Rubidium (Rb)- number 37. it has been considered for
use in an "ion engine"
Cesium (Cs)- number 55. used in atomic clocks, removes
air traces in vacuum tubes, Ion propulsion systems, Medical,
Photoelectric cells, Cesium vapor, Magnetometer.
Francium (Fr)- number 87. It has been used for research
purposes in the fields of biology and of atomic structure. Its
use as a potential diagnostic aid for various cancer has also
been explored, but this application has been deemed
Alkaline Earth Metals...
Beryllium (Be)- number 4. used to moderate neutrons in
nuclear reactors.
Calcium (Ca)- number 20. maintains bones and teeth.
calcium carbonate used in antacid tablets and as
abrasive in toothpaste.
Magnesium (Mg)- number 12. used for backpack
frames, bicycle frames, and the "mag" wheels on sports
Alkaline Earth Metals..(continued)
Strontium (Sr)- number 38. Gives some fireworks their
crimson color.
Barium (Ba)- number 56. used in paints and some
types of glass.
Radium (Ra) - number 88. Highly radioactive.
P- Block Elements...
• characteristics = In the
elemental form of the pblock elements, the highest
energy electron occupies a
p-orbital. The p-block
contains all of the
nonmetals (except for
Hydrogen and Helium
which are in the s-block)
and semimetals, as well as
some of the metals.
The Boron Group...
Boron (B)- number 5.
used as a cleaning
agent and as fireproof
(Al)- number
13. used as
an abrasive.
Gallium (Ga)number 31. used
in some
Indium (In)- number
49. used to coat the
bearings of high
speed motors, also
to make other
Thallium (Tl)- #
81.Thallium sulfate, an
odorless, tasteless
thallium compound,
was once used as a rat
and ant poison.
The Carbon Group...
Carbon (C)number 6.
obtained from
coal deposits.
Silicon (Si)number 14. used
in computer chips
and solar cells.
Germanium (Ge)- #
32.used as a transistor
element in thousands
of electronic
Tin (Sn)aluminum cans.
Lead (Pb)- number
82. used in storage
batteries for
The Nitrogen Group...
Nitrogen (N)- number
7.The largest use of
nitrogen is for the
production of ammonia.
Phosphorus (P)- number
15. used to make
phosphoric acid.
essential for plant
Arsenic (As)number 33.used to
make rat poison and
some insecticides
Antimony (Sb)number 51.
antimony sulfide
used as a
cosmetic to
darken eyebrows.
Bismuth (Bi)number 83. used in
pink remedy for
nausea and
Oxygen (O)-
The Oxygen Group...
number 8. used for
welding. Liquid
oxygen, when
combined with liquid
hydrogen, makes an
excellent rocket fuel
Sulfur (S)- # 16.
used to preserve
fruit and as an
(Se)- number
34. used in solar panels.
Tellurium (Te)- #
52. used to color
glass and ceramics
and is one of the
primary ingredients
in blasting caps.
Polonium (Po)- # 84.
used to eliminate
static electricity in
machinery.also used
in brushes for removing
dust from photographic
Fluorine (F)- # 9.
Halogens..Iodine (I)- # 53.
used in toothpaste
your body needs
and water to
it. Campers use it
protect tooth
to disinfect water.
Astatine (At)- #
Chlorine (Cl)- # 17.
85. there are
removes stains from
currently no uses
for astatine outside
of basic scientific
Bromine (Br)- #
35. Silver bromide,
a chemical used in
photography, now
accounts for the
largest use of
The Noble Gases
There are six noble gases. Helium, Argon Neon, Krypton.
Xenon, and Radon are the six noble gases.
Helium is lighter than air. Its symbol is He and it is the second
element.Helium was found on the sun before it ws found on the
Earht. Helium is found in natural gas deposits. Its common uses
are low-temperature cooling systems and pressure, lighter-thanair objects and purge systems
Neon is a noble gas. It is the tenth element and its symbol is
Ne. It can be found in volcanic eruptions. It is commonly used
for lights.
Argon is the eighteenth element in the periodic table, as well
as a noble gas. It is commonly used in dating rocks with a process
called Potassium-Argon dating.
Xenon is the 54th element on the periodic table. Its symbol is
Xe. It is commonly used to replace the halogen in headlights.
It makes them brighter.
Krypton is the 36th element in the periodic table. Its symbol is
Kr. Its common uses are for photographic flash lamps for high
speed photography
Radon is the 86th element on the periodic table. At normal room
temperatures, radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas.
Small amounts of radon are sometimes used by hospitals to treat
some forms of cancer
Little is known about the elements 113-118
(Ununtrium, Ununquadium, Ununpentium,
Ununhexium, and Ununoctium). They currently
have no uses outside of basic scientific
D-Block Elements. The Transition Metals
These elements share properties such
as electrical conductivity, luster, and malleability
with other metals.
Scandium (Sc)- # 21. Alloys of scandium and
aluminum are used in some kinds of athletic
Titanium (Ti)- # 22. Since titanium does not react
within the human body, it is used to create artificial hips,
pins for setting bones and for other biological implants.
Vanadium (V)- # 23.Vanadium is corrosion resistant
and is sometimes used to make special tubes and pipes
for the chemical industry.
Chromium (Cr)- # 24.
Chromium is added to
steel to harden it and to
form stainless steel.
Manganese (Mn)- # 25.Manganese is added to molten
steel to remove oxygen and sulfur and is alloyed with
steel to make it easier to form and work with and to
increase steel's strength and resistance to impact.
Iron (Fe)- # 26. used in making steel.
Cobalt (Co)- # 27. Although cobalt is used in
electroplating to give objects an attractive surface that
resists oxidation, it is more widely used to form alloys.
Nickel (Ni)- # 28. Nickel is a hard, corrosion resistant
metal. Nickel is alloyed with steel to make armor plate,
vaults and machine parts.
Copper (Cu)- # 29. used in electrical wiring.
Zinc (Zn)- # 30.used as a protective coating for
other metals.
Yttrium (Y)- # 39. Yttrium oxide and yttrium
orthovanadate are both combined with europium to
produce the red phosphor used in color televisions
Zirconium (Zr)- # 40. Zirconium is a corrosion
resistant metal that is used in high performance
pumps and valves. Zirconium is widely used in
nuclear reactors
Niobium (Nb)- # 41. Niobium is used as an alloying
agent and for jewelry, but perhaps its most interesting
applications are in the field of superconductivity.
Molybdenum (Mo)- # 42. Molybdenum is primarily
used as an alloying agent in steel.
Technetium (Tc)- # 43. Small amounts of technetium
can retard the corrosion of steel. can also be used as a
medical tracer and to calibrate particle detectors.
Ruthenium (Rh) # 44. Ruthenium is primarily used
as an alloying agent.
Rhodium (Rh)- # 45. Rhodium is used to make
electrical contacts, as jewelry and in catalytic
converters, but is most frequently used as an alloying
agent in other materials.
Palladium (Pd)- # 46. Palladium is used to make
springs for watches, surgical instruments, electrical
contacts and dental fillings and crowns.
Silver (Ag)- # 47.Pure silver is the best conductor of
heat and electricity of all known metals, so it is
sometimes used in making solder, electrical contacts
and printed circuit boards.
Cadmium (Cd)- Cadmium easily
absorbs neutrons and is used to
make control rods for nuclear
reactors. Cadmium is also used in
rechargeable nickel-cadmium
Lutetium (Lu)- # 71. some of its radioactive isotopes
can be used as a catalyst in the cracking of petroleum
products and a catalyst in some hydrogenation and
polymerization processes.
Hafnium (Hf)- # 72.used in the control rods of nuclear
reactors. Hafnium is also used in vacuum tubes as a
getter, a material that combines with and removes trace
gases from vacuum tubes
Tantalum (Ta)- # 73. used to make surgical
Tungsten (W)- # 74.
used to make metal
to glass seals.
Rhenium (Re)- # 75. used in flash lamps for photography and
for filaments in mass spectrographs and ion gages
Osmium (Os)- # 76. primarily used to make very hard alloys.
Osmium alloys can be found in ball point pen tips, fountain pen
tips, record player needles, electrical contacts and other devices
where frictional wear must be minimized.
Iridium (Ir)- # 77. primarily used as a hardening agent for platinum.
Iridium is also alloyed with osmium to make the tips of fountain
pens and compass bearings.
Platinum (Pt)- # 78. used
to make jewelry, wire,
electrical contacts and
laboratory vessels
Gold (Au)- # 79. Thin sheets of gold, known as gold leaf, are primarily
used in arts and crafts for gilding.Gold alloys are used to make
jewelry, decorative items, dental fillings and coins.
Mercury (Hg)- # 80. used to make thermometers, barometers and
other scientific instruments
Rutherfordium (Rf)- # 104.there are currently no uses for
rutherfordium outside of basic scientific research.
Dubnium (Db)- # 105. there are currently no uses for dubnium
outside of basic scientific research.
Seaborgium (Sg)- # 106. there are currently no
uses for seaborgium outside of basic scientific
Bohrium (Bh)- # 107. there are currently no uses
for bohrium outside of basic scientific research.
Hassium (Hs)- # 108. currently has no uses outside
of basic scientific research.
Meitnerium (Mt)- #109. currently has no uses
outside of basic scientific research.
Darmstadtium (Ds)- # 110. currently has no uses
outside of basic scientific research.
Roentgenium (Rg)- # 111. currently has no uses
outside of basic scientific research.
Copernicium (Cn)- # 112. currently has no uses
outside of basic scientific research.
F-Block Elements
(The Inner Transition Metals)
They are characterized by having two selectrons in their outer shell (n) and felectrons in their inner (n–1) shell.
The Lanthanide Elements
Lanthenum is the first of the lanthanide series. It Lanthanum is
one of the rare earth elements used to make carbon arc lights
which are used in the motion picture industry for studio lighting
and projector lights. Lanthanum also makes up about 25% of
Misch metal, a material that is used to make flints for lighters.
Lanthana is used to make the glass used in camera lenses and
in other special glasses.
Cerium is the second element in the Lanthanide group. It is
found in allanite, monazite, bastanite, cerite, and samarskite. It
is used on pyrophoric alloys in cigarette lighters.
Praseodyminum is the 59th element on the periodic table. It is
the third lanthanide element. Praseodyminum is widely used
as a core materal for carbon arcs used by the motion picture
industry for studio lighting and projection. Some of the salts
are even used to color glasses.
Didymium, of which neodymium is a component, is used for
coloring glass to make welders' goggles. Neodymium salts are
also used for colorant for enamels.
Promethium could be used to make a nuclear powered battery.
This type of battery would use the beta particles emitted by the
decay of promethium to make a phosphor give off light. This light
would then be converted into electricity by a device similar to a
solar cell. It is expected that this type of battery could provide
power for five years.
Samarium oxide has been used in optical glass ro absorb the
infrared. samarium is also used in carbon-arc lighting in the
motion picture industry.
Europium is the most reactive of the rare earth elements. There
are no commercial applications for europium metal, although it
has been used to dope some types of plastics to make lasers.
Since it is a good absorber of neutrons, europium is being
studied for use in nuclear reactors.Europium oxide, one of
europium's compounds, is widely used as a red phosphor in
television sets and as an activator for yttrium-based phosphors.
Gadolinium has the greatest ability to capture thermal neutrons
of all known elements and can be used as control rods for
nuclear reactors.Gadolinium can be combined with yttrium to
form garnets that have applications in microwave technology.
Terbium is used to dope some types of solid-state devices and,
along with zirconium dioxide as a crystal stabilizer in fuel cells
that operate at high temperatures.Sodium terbium borate, a
terbium compound, is used to make laser light.
There are no commercial applications for dysprosium. Since it
easily absorbs neutrons and has a high melting point,
dysprosium might be alloyed with steel for use in nuclear
reactors. When combined with vanadium and other rare earth
elements, dysprosium is used as a laser material.
Holmium has no commercial applications, although it has
unusual magnetic properties that could be exploited in the
Holmium forms no commercially important compounds. Some
of holmium's compounds include: holmium oxide holmium
fluoride and holmium iodide.
Erbium is alloyed with vanadium to make it softer and easier
to shape. Erbium is added to fiber optic cables as a doping
agent where it is used as a signal amplifier. Erbium also has
some uses in the nuclear power industry.
Thulium is the least abundant of the naturally occurring rare
earth elements. Metallic thulium is relatively expensive and
has only recently become available. It currently has no
commercial applications, although one of its isotopes, thulium169, could be used as a radiation source for portable X-ray
Ytterbium has few uses. It can be alloyed with stainless steel to
improve some of its mechanical properties and used as a
doping agent in fiber optic cable where it can be used as an
amplifier. One of ytterbium's isotopes is being considered as a
radiation source for portable X-ray machines.
The Actinide Elements...
Actinium (Ac)- # 89. has no significant commercial
applications, although it is used in the production of
Thorium (Th)- # 90. used to coat tungsten
filaments used in electronic devices, such at
(Pa)- # 91.there are currently no uses
for protactinium outside of basic scientific research.
Uranium (U)- # 92.
most commonly
used in the nuclear
power industry to
generate electricity.
Neptunium (Np)- # 93. Neptunium-237 is used in
neutron detectors
Plutonium (Pu)- # 94. used as fuel in nuclear power
Americium (Am)- # 95. used in home smoke
Curium (Cm)- # 96. primarily used for basic
scientific research.
Berkelium (Bk)- # 97. no known uses for berkelium
and its compounds outside of basic scientific
Californium (Cf)- # 98. used in devices known as
neutron moisture gauges that are used to find
water and oil bearing layers in oil wells.
Einsteinium (Es)- # 99. currently has no uses
outside of basic scientific research.
Fermium (Fm)- #
100.currently no uses
for fermium outside of
basic scientific
Mendelevium (Md)- # 101. has no uses
outside of basic scientific research
Nobelium (No)- # 102. no uses for it outside of
basic scientific research.
Lawrencium (Lr)- # 103. currently no uses for it
outside of basic scientific research.
• Chemistry: Matter and Change (Glencoe science
book, pages 150-201)
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