1. What muscle passes behind the medial malleolus? 2. What

1. What muscle passes behind the medial malleolus?
2. What common foot injury presents with pain in the arch when weight-bearing that is relieved when
non weight-bearing, and presents with tenderness at the plantar surface of the calcaneus?
3. What condition is caused when nerves become trapped between the metatarsal heads, commonly
between the 3rd and 4th, causing swelling, numbness/tingling, and radiating pain?
4. What is the medical term for flat feet?
5. What condition commonly causes pain in the heel area, especially upon the first steps in the
6. What bone is also known as the heel bone?
7. Name the 7 tarsal bones.
8. What condition involves the 2nd toe being longer than the first?
9. What fracture is specific to the base of the 5th metatarsal?
10. What is a Tinnel’s Sign?
11. What are the 4 arches of the foot?
12. List and describe the grades of Manual Muscle Testing.
13. What muscle passes behind the lateral malleolus?
14. Where can a pulse be taken in the foot?
15. How would you manage a bruised heel?
16. List the S/S of Plantar Fasciitis?
17. What foot alignment abnormality is commonly seen with pes planus?
18. What injury is associated with a “pump bump”?
19. What is the medical term for a high arch?
20. Which toes are commonly affected by bunions?
21. Which athletes are most prone to metatarsal stress fractures?
22. What motion moves a body part away from the medial plane?
23. What is another name for the superior portion of the foot?
24. Which bone does the Achilles Tendon attach to?
25. What causes excessive suppination? (Hyper- or Hypomobility)
26. What movement decreases the angle between body parts?
27. What actions are considered special tests?
28. What type of shoe is recommended for pronation?
29. What type of shoe is recommended for supination?
30. How many bones are in the foot?
31. What bone is the most superior?
32. Which tarsal extends farthest distally?
33. Which bone is most directly lateral to the navicular?
34. Where does the plantar fascia originate?
35. What bones (not everyone has them) are located under the head of the 1st Metatarsal?
36. What structural deformity causes the most injuries?
37. What are the 2 best cardiovascular activities for someone with a foot injury?
38. What does the acronym HOPS stand for? Describe the purpose of each of the assessment
39. Name 5 things that should be observed in an athlete suffering a foot injury?
40. What is Morton’s Toe and what injury is it most likely to cause? Why?
41. Name 3 treatment suggestions for an athlete suffering from plantar fasciitis?