Short Story Literary Devices

The attitude a writer takes toward his or her
It was a dark and stormy night.
The comparison of two unlike things, using
“like” or “as”
I was so happy my heavy backpack felt as light as a
A comparison of two unlike objects without the
use of “like” or “as”
Her gloomy attitude reminded me of thorns on a
A figure of speech in which an animal, object
or idea is given human
characteristics/personality traits
The tree glowered over us.
An object, person, place or action that stands
for something larger than itself
Rose = Love
 Dove = Peace
 Butterflies = Mirabel sisters
The literal (dictionary) definition of the word
Home and House are defined as shelters for human
The emotion or association that a word or
phrase may have.
House is a colder word – more technical
Home is a cozy word – gives us warm fuzzy feelings
about our family
The repetition of similar consonant sounds in a
group of words, usually at the beginning of
Suzie sells seashells by the seashore.
Repetition of consonants close together –
usually at the end of words.
He held a broad view of the world.
The repetition of similar vowel sounds
Stu the cockatoo is new at the zoo.
 Note that the vowel sound is what is important – it does not
have to be the same vowel.
A word that imitates a sound
Bang, Meow, Woof
Over exaggeration
Hyperbole is the best thing ever!
I’m as hungry as a horse!
Language that appeals to any sense or senses