
Minimum 1500 words
Maximum 2000 words
Choose one ethical issue arising from the use of ICT that has been
reported in the press in last three years, and discuss it in depth. Show
why or how the technology creates or contributes to the problem.
Produce an article, discussing both sides of the issue (pros and cons)
drawing on both technical and philosophical literature. In addition, argue
for your own view of the matter, giving your reasons for your point of
view and showing why you believe that they are better than opposing
The text book has an obvious United States of America bias. You can
choose to provide a comparative discussion that includes how cultural
differences impact on the US-centric view of ethical behaviour in the
context of the instructions above. You should clearly identify the
differences and the country to which those differences relate.
You will be assessed on your ability to reason, analyse and present
cogent argument for the particular case. You should outline the main
statement you wish to make about your chosen ethical issue along with
your reasons and others’ objections to it. You may use any appropriate
technique to set out the basic structure of your article.
1. In the recent years there have been considerable discussions on
Internet content regulation. In an examination of this issue, I would
expect a discussion of the pros and cons of censorship in general, and
how these general principles apply to the Internet, and of the technical
issues of Internet content regulation. Your main focus statements could
be, for example: Internet content ought to be regulated; Internet content
ought not to be regulated; information wants to be free (the Hacker
ethic); and Content regulation is just censorship under another name.
2. A perennial issue is privacy. Hardly a week passes without some
report in the press about something that is causing concern, whether it
be some merger, new software, a failure of security, new legislation, or
whatever. Your main focus statements could be, for example: Privacy
on the internet ought to be protected; The government should determine
the extent of personal privacy on the internet. There are of course many
other statements that could be made about the issue of privacy.
You are required to submit the following:
• A comprehensive and coherent article containing your critical analysis
of the ICT related ethical issue.
• Your article should clearly show:
- the main point(s) of the issue;
- the pros and cons for the main point(s) (including your reasons and
objections as well as those of others); and
- a critique of the effectiveness of the arguments presented
• The ethics technique worksheet you used to analyse the issue.
This assignment relates to many of the learning outcomes (subject
objectives) for the Ethics Module. It provides an opportunity for you to:
• demonstrate factual knowledge, understanding and the application of
principles of ethics to ICT-related issues;
• demonstrate depth of analysis by examining arguments for one ethical
issue related to ICT;
• demonstrate coherent and logical presentation of ethics issues in ICT;
• demonstrate research and writing skills;
• demonstrate knowledge and application of appropriate terminology;
• demonstrate ability to integrate and apply information from various
topics and to apply understanding and knowledge to a practical
Marking criteria
Marks will be awarded as per the Assessment Criteria provided in the
Mark Sheet below.
Note: No marks will be awarded for a wrong answer.
Assignment 3 Mark sheet
Student name:
Assessment criterion
Description of scenario to be analysed
Identification of relevant ethical issue(s)
Writing and Research skills
Reasoning/Analysis (subdivided as
Knowledge and application of
ethical principles
Balance of pros and cons in
Coherence and logical
presentation of ethics
technique worksheet
Presentation (including title, subheadings,
Student ID:
Marks awarded
1 1/2 spacing, paragraphs) and grammar
and spelling
General Comments: