AD Report - July 2015 - Northwest Portland Area Indian Health

Dean M Seyler - Area Director
July 6, 2015
NPAIHB Quarterly Board Meeting
Thunder Valley Casino
13th Biennial CRIHB/NPAIHB Meeting
Save the Date: P.L. 93-638 Orientation & All Tribes Meeting
 P.L. 93-638 Orientation July 21& 22, 2015
 All Tribes Meeting July 23, 2015
 More information to follow
IHS Director’s Listening Session
 July 23, 2015
 10:00AM – 12 Noon
 Hilton Garden Inn - Issaquah, WA
Area Behavioral Health: Mental Health Clinical Resource
 Portland Area has limited Mental Health funds available to
tribes this fiscal year, to enhance their behavioral health
(mental health or co-occurring disorders) programming
 Scopes of work must be submitted by eligible Tribes that have kept
mental health shares with the Area office
 Past funds have been awarded to expand clinical resources,
provide trainings, and otherwise improve clinical care
 Applications must be submitted timely. Please contact for more information
Methamphetamine Suicide Prevention Initiative and Domestic
Violence Prevention Initiative (MSPI/DVPI)
 MSPI/DVPI FY 2015 Announcement is available through the Dear Tribal
Leader Letter (DTL) and Dear Urban Indian Organization Leader Letter
Questions may also be directed to
 DTL and DUIOL was posted June 22 2015 and outlines how IHS will
move forward with MSPI and DVPI in the next five years
 All Tribes will need to reapply for funding through a new grant process in
Methamphetamine Suicide Prevention Initiative and
Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (MSPI/DVPI)
 Sites will compete within each Area for funds but will not
need to compete outside of Portland Area
 The same funding formula will be used as for previous years
 Portland Area funding available (determined in June 2015)
 Please see and for
more information.
To Reform the IHS
 CMS ICD10 Coding Training
 August 3-7 and 10-14, 2015 @ NPAIHB
 IHS, Tribal, & Urban (ITU) 25 slots -FULL
 Must have coding experience
 CHEF Cases Update
 CHEF cases submitted (as of 06-30) – 23
 CHEF cases approved – 17
 Total case cost - $1,700,426
 Total submitted - $1,125,426
 Total reimbursed to date - $963,951
 CHEF Balance as of 06-30-2015 - $36M
Portland Area Facilities Advisory Committee (PAFAC)
 Developing a Project Proposal that Demonstrates Readiness for
 Location
 POR/PJD/Business Plan
 Tribal Support.
 The PAFAC is Meeting Regularly and Developing Recommendations to
Strengthen the Project Proposal.
Regional Specialty Referral Network Pilot Facility
 Two Tribes Have Expressed Strong Interest in Hosting the Pilot Project
 Chehalis
 Puyallup
 PAFAC Members Visited Both Locations on May 14.
 Both Tribes Agree With Four Core Operating Principles.
 Any Federal Resources Allocated Will Not be Available for Individual Tribes to
 A Qualified Tribal Organization Broadly Representing Portland Area Tribes May
Contract Operation of the Network.
 The Network Will Initially be Federally Operated.
 Third Party Revenue Will be Used to Improve and Expand Access to Specialty
Care Across the Entire Portland Area
Regional Specialty Referral Network Pilot Facility
 Update to the Interim PAFAC Report is in process.
 Affordable Care Act Impacts
 Comparison of the Chehalis and Puyallup Sites.
 The PAFAC met on June 25th and will Continue to Meet
Regularly Over the Upcoming Months to Review the Interim
PAFAC Report Update and Develop Project
 Upon Selection of a Site, I Will Instruct PAO Staff to Proceed
with Developing a PJD/POR and Business Plan.
Area Dental Officer
 CAPT Michael Donaleski, DDS (Chief Dentist, Yakima Indian Health
Center) Area Dental Officer (Acting)
 Position description has been revised for combined Area Dental
Officer/Privacy Officer position.
 Anticipate classification completed by June 30th.
 Anticipate advertising position July 2015.
 Area Diabetes Consultant
 CAPT Donnie Lee (ret.) currently hired for part-time position as ADC.
 PAO is exploring options for permanent coverage of ADC role.
Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
 22 indicators in GY2015
 Portland Area reports on 6 Federal, 22 Tribal, and 1 Urban programs.
 Final data for GY2015 will be collected on July 24, 2015.
 GY2016- 24 measures
 Influenza Vaccination 65+ will be replaced with 2 measures.
Influenza Vaccination 6mo-17yr
Influenza Vaccination 18+
 Prenatal HIV Screen will be replaced with HIV Screening Ever.
 Childhood Weight Control will be counted in GY2016.
Joslin Vision Network (JVN)
 JVN provides teleopthalmology services providing screening for diabetic
eye disease (retinopathy)
 Found early diabetic retinopathy can be treated, preventing blindness
 What’s New New cameras starting to be deployed (better resolution with more of the retina visualized)
 Consortium of Upper Puget Sound tribes (Lummi Nation, Nooksack Indian Tribe,
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, and Upper Skagit Indian Tribe)
 Portland Area has 6 Federal, 6 Tribal, and 2 Urban JVN sites
 2014
1423 exams (15% increase)
8.7% ungradeable rate (down from 16.4% in 2013)- lowest in IHS
 National rate is ~ 18%
Productivity in Q1 was ~30% lower than in 2014.
Please contact Dr. Rudd ( with any equipment or training
issues that need to be resolved.
Casey Eye Institute Outreach
 Meeting between CMO and PAO Optometry
Consultant (Donald Asay, OD) and David
Wilson, MD (Director, OHSU Casey Eye
Institute and enrolled member of the
Chickasaw Nation)
 Casey Outreach Van
 Provides no cost eye screening for those with
little to no access to eye care services.
 Screens for refractive error, diabetes, macular
degeneration, and glaucoma.
 Looking to partner with Oregon Tribes.
 Have previously conducted outreach with BurnsPaiute Tribe and NARA.
 Contact Dr. Rudd ( if
Influenza Vaccination
 Healthy People 2020 has established a goal to vaccinate 70% of the
US population 6 months and older annually against influenza.
 IHS has committed to work to achieve this goal.
 Portland Area currently collects and reports nationally on influenza
vaccination data for 6 Federal, 24 Tribal, and 2 Urban facilities.
 2014-2015 Influenza Season, Portland Area Results:
 6 mo and older- 43,7% (3rd highest)
 Adults 65 and older- - 63,2% (highest)
 Healthcare personnel- 60.4% (lowest)
 Portland Area Influenza Vaccination Workgroup
 Currently developing a plan to work with Portland Area
I/T/U sites to increase influenza vaccination in our Area.
 RPMS Updates
 Software controlled released June 18, 2015
 Yakama Service Unit installed 6/20/15. Colville Service Unit scheduled for
 Preparing to schedule Area facilities.
 RPMS FOIA Database
 Tribal Health Director letter 05/20/2015 (Next Slide)
 Hardware order submitted and in procurement process.
 DIRM is testing FOIA process with PSU database.
 RPMS Network Onboarding
 Warm Springs Service Unit on-boarded week of June 15th. Warm Springs is the Area
test site.
 Beginning the onboard of Federal Facilities.
 Awaiting full authority to operate before onboarding all sites.
 Sanitation Facilities Construction - Impact
 In fiscal year 2015 (since Oct. 1), Portland Area
DSFC has provided:
 Individual site sanitation facilities to 73 homes,
 community facility improvements that benefit 1,852
 $3,116,028 of constructed sanitation facilities.
Questions or Comments
Our Mission... to raise the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to
the highest level.
Our Goal... to assure that comprehensive, culturally acceptable personal and public health services are available and
accessible to American Indian and Alaska Native people.
Our Foundation... to uphold the Federal Government's obligation to promote healthy American Indian and Alaska
Native people, communities, and cultures and to honor and protect the inherent sovereign rights of Tribes.