The College Search November 18, 2015 Today – The College Search Nov. 30th – Admission Committee – Part 1 (SL) Dec. 1st – Admission Committee – Part 2 (SL) First, how do you make decisions? Next, determine what’s important to you. ◦ It’simportant for each student to understand his/her priorities and preferences before exploring. ◦ Factors in the First Cut - Dependent - Intuitive - Planful Decision Making Cycle Distance Size Location Majors Academic Rigor Students Housing Cost Naviance/Family Connection College Board’s Big Future Guidebooks (Fiske Guide, Insider’s Guide, College Board’s College Handbook, etc.) Outside input (family, friends, teachers, etc.) College Counselor 1800 undergraduates with Div. I sports . . . ideal for a Cannon student who is interested in learning for learning’s sake and athletic excitement. Known as the “Dartmouth of the South.” Very selective in admissions but very generous in financial aid (no loans for needy students.) Located in a small college town. Honor Code is important here, and interdisciplinary and pre-professional and international programs. Largest studies in biology, psychology, political science, theatre. Similar Institutions ◦ The obvious: Amherst College Williams College Middlebury College Dartmouth College ◦ Others: Washington and Lee University (VA) Haverford College (PA) Bowdoin College (ME) Carleton College (MN) Occidental College (CA) Pomona College (CA) If you’re looking for a truly urban campus in the East, you might want to consider School #2. 13,000 undergrads on a beautiful “real” campus in a major city. It has long been known for the high quality co-op program, which places students in 2 – 3 high profile and often paying internships throughout the world. Offers the entire range of academics, including engineering, architecture, business, the arts, computer science, and criminology, as well as merit and Div. I athletic scholarships. Similar Institutions ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Boston University (MA) New York University (NY) George Washington University (DC) Pace University (NY) Drexel University (PA) Emory University University of Miami Tulane University Washington University Vanderbilt University American University Carnegie Mellon University Case Western University Butler University University of Rochester University of Chicago Northwestern University University of Denver If you’re considering Elon University, but you’re also open to going far away, School #3 should be on your list. 4200 students, only 50% from that state. Business, political science and international affairs, and communications are big (Condoleeza Rice is a double alum.) Also, specialization in hotel, restaurant, and tourism management – one of the few in the country. Honors program and merit scholarships. Moderately selective. D1 Hockey is huge . . . also support for lacrosse, soccer, and swimming. “Winter sports rule” as mountain resorts are a short hour away. Greek life dominates. Similar Institutions ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ University of Richmond (VA) University of Redlands (CA) Butler University (IN) Ithaca College (NY) Lehigh University (PA) University of Puget Sound (WA) University of San Diego (CA) School #4 is located in a beautiful college town and offers easy access to both outdoor activities and an easy drive to a major city. Especially strong in humanities, business, communication, and sciences, but also offers many other areas of study. Very laid-back campus of 17,000+ undergrads; Greek system and D-I athletics are at the center of school spirit. Ask about the Honors College experience here. University of Virginia Virginia Tech University of South Carolina University of Georgia University of Alabama University of Florida University of Mississippi University of Arkansas Louisiana State University University of Texas West Virginia University Miami University of Ohio Penn State University University of Wisconsin – Madison University of Michigan University of Illinois Champaign Indiana University University of Colorado – Boulder University of Arizona University of Oregon NC State Appalachian State University Family Connection ◦ Colleges “SuperMatch” College Search College Board ◦ ◦ Lots of options from creating a plan to searching for colleges, paying for college to careers A few words about College Prowler ◦ Student comments and reviews ◦ Interesting information usually on personal opinion versus facts and data The best place to look is a school’s website. Example: ◦ Prospective Students (or “Future Students”) ◦ Academics 1. Sign in to Family Connection a. Under About Me, complete “Factors in the F First Cut” 2. Do your own search via Family Connection or College Board’s Big Future site