Geography of Religion

AP Human Geography
set of beliefs
• an explanation of the origins and
purpose of humans and their role on
• existence of a higher power, spirits or
• Which involves rituals, festivals, rites of
passage and space (religious
Universalizing Religion: attempts to appeal to all
people, not just those living in a particular location
Proselytize: to try to convert people to one’s belief
or opinion
“Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship
is. Missions exists because worship doesn't.”
― John Piper
Soteriology-is the study of religious doctrines of
salvation, which are a feature of various religions
Syncretic: Traditions that borrow from both the
past and the present
Secularization - a process that is leading to
increasingly large groups of people who claim
no allegiance to any church or denomination.
 Some of these people are atheists. Others
simply do not practice. Still others call
themselves spiritual, but not religious.
 Common in Europe and the larger cities of the
 Common in former Soviet Union and China.
A movement in American churches…to
secularize church. Any thoughts?
Key Terms
• Ethnic Religions: concentrated spatial
distribution whose principles are likely
based on physical characteristics of a
particular location.
Fundamentalism - a process that is leading to
increasingly large groups of people who claim
there is only one way to interpret worship.
 Fundamentalists generally envision a return to
a more perfect religion and ethics they imagine
existed in the past.
 Common in the U.S. and in some Islamic
Monotheism: existence of only one God.
Polytheism: existence of many gods.
Cosmogony: A set of religious beliefs
concerning the origin of the universe.
Branch: A large and fundamental division within a
religion. (Catholicism vs. Protestantism)
Denomination: A division within a branch of a religion.
(Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran-Protestant Denominations)
Sect: A relatively small denominational group that has
broken away from an established church. (William JeffsFLDS)
 Universalizing
• Christianity
• Islam
• Buddhism
 Characteristics:
Traced to actions and
teaching of a man, diffused from specific
hearths by followers / missionaries
Major World Religions
• Ethnic Religions
– Hinduism
– Judaism
– all Animistic Religions
• Characteristics: No specific founder,
limited diffusion / no missionaries
Ethnic Religions
Animism (Shamanism) - the belief that all objects, animals, and beings are
“animated” or possess a spirit and a conscious life. Also called shamanism
because of the prominence of a Shaman.
• Such beliefs are common among hunter-gatherers and folk cultures.
• 10% of Africans follow such traditional ethnic religions.
• These beliefs are losing ground to Christianity and Islam throughout Africa.
Nigerian Shaman
• Origin & Diffusion - unknown
– Hearth: Indus River Valley in present-day Pakistan 22004000 BCE
– Collection of scriptures 1500BCE – 500BC
• Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras, Bhagavad Gita
– Over 800 million followers
• Almost exclusive to India, Nepal,
and Sri Lanka
– Sacred Spaces
• Ganges River
• Monistic: One god, many forms
– Brahman: Vishnu (preserver), Shiva (destroyer),
Shakti (mother god)
• Main Beliefs
Karma- deeds have corresponding effects on the future
dharma - fulfill moral, social and religious duties
artha - attain financial and worldy success
kama - satisfy desires and drives in moderation
– moksha - attain freedom from reincarnation
• Origin and Diffusion
 2000 BCE – Abraham formed covenant
with God as patriarch of Israelites
 Moses led people out of Egypt
Diaspora: In 70 A.D., Romans forced Jews
to disperse throughout the world.
 Ghetto: During the Middle Ages, a
neighborhood in a city set up by law to be
inhabited only by Jews.
• Sacred Places
– Synagogues
– Jerusalem
• Divisions
– Orthodox, Reform
• Current Diffusion
 13-14 million worldwide
 Israel, United States, Canada, South Africa,
• Basic Precepts
– Belief in One God
– Torah - original 5 chapters of Christian Bible
(Old Testament)
– Coming of the Messiah still to come
– Atonement accomplished by sacrifices,
penitence & good deeds
– Differing opinions on afterlife
Ethnic Asian Religions
Taoism – The Path or Way
– Founder: Lao Tze
– 500 BCE
– 20 million followers, mainly in China
– Sacred Text: Tao Te Ching
– philosophy of harmony & balance: Tao
– After life: change from being to non-being
Ethnic Asian Religions
• Confucianism
– 6-5th century BCE
– moral code taught by Confucius
• Humanity and striving for perfection
– 5-6 million adherents, most refer
to themselves as having more
than one faith
• Most influential in China
Ethnic Asian Religions
– Japanese traditional religion
– No founder or origin known
– 3-4 million followers
– Beliefs
• Worship and offerings to kami at shrines and at home
• Simple and harmonious life with nature and people
• Many practices tied with Buddhism
Ethnic Asian Religions
– 550 BCE
– Founder: Mahavira
– Indian traditional religion
– 4 million followers
• Basic Principles:
• Reincarnation to attain perfection and liberation
• Non-violence-cause no harm to any being
Universalizing Religions
 Origin
and Diffusion
 Palestine (modern Israel)
 Universalizing
What are the 3
 Roman Catholic
 Protestant
 Eastern Orthodox
 Origin
and Diffusion
 Messiah: Jesus
 Universalizing Religion
Spread by missionaries (Paul, Peter)
 Basic Precepts
 Belief in One God
 Father, Son & Holy Spirit
 Covenant (contract) with God
New Testament - salvation to those who believe in
Jesus Christ and his teachings
Salvation is by grace or belief not works
Believers to heaven with everlasting life
Conversion of others (proselytize)
 Basic
Founded in 30 CE (Jesus baptized by John the
Baptist), Palestine
Bible-Old and New Testament
2 billion followers – largest faith
North and South America
Catholicism - largest branch
 Headed by the Pope
 Ceremonial - 7 sacraments
 ex: baptism, marriage, Eucharist
Eastern Orthodoxy - 11th Century split-Great Schism
 Rivalry between Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul)
 Russian, Greek, Serbian Orthodox, etc.
Protestantism - (1517) Reformation era (Luther-Germany, 95 Thesis/
Calvin, France-sovereignty of God)
 No Pope needed
 individual has direct link to God
 Grace through faith rather than sacraments
Origin and Diffusion
 Mecca, Saudi Arabia
 633 CE
 Founder-Muhammad
1.3 Billion followers
 Sunni (majority)-Middle East and North Africa
 Shiite-Iran, Iraq, Bahrain
Basic Precepts
 Submission to the will of God (Allah)
 Lineage - Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, & Mohammed
(different lineage)
 Holy Book - Quran - built on Old Testament
Pillars of Faith
 Shahada: Creed “There is no God but Allah”
 Salat: Prayer 5 times a day facing Mecca
 Zakat: Giving to the poor
Sawm: Fasting during month of Ramadan
Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca
 Origin
and Diffusion
 Founder: Siddhartha Gautama
 520 BCE
 Hearth: present day Nepal
 360 million
 Branches
Theravada-(Orthodox) Burma, Sri Lanka, Laos
 Mahayana-(all living creatures could become a Buddha) China, Korea,
Vietnam, Japan (Zen)
 Vajrayana/Tantra (Tibetan-Lamaism)
His Holiness the 14th Dali Lama
Basic Precepts
Buddha - the enlightened one
Nirvana - highest degree of consciousness
4 noble truths
All of life is marked by suffering.
Suffering is caused by desire and attachment.
Suffering can be eliminated.
Suffering is eliminated by following the Noble Eightfold
Basic Precepts
8 Fold Path
1. Right beliefs
2. Right aspirations
3. Right speech
4. Right conduct
5. Right livelihood
6. Right effort
7. Right mindfulness
8. Right meditational attainment
• Basic Precepts
 Individuals choose the “Middle Path”
 Buddhist believe:
 not in any God, blind faith, or savior
 what is created is impermanent
 True Permanent Absolute Reality
 uncreated, unborn, permanent bliss of Nirvana