Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper by
matching the term with the correct definition/description.
Check your answers by the final slide.
Questions 1 – 6:
A. agroforestry
B. aquaculture
C. capture fisheries
D. bottom trawling
E. by-catch
F. clear-cutting
1. removal of all trees in an area
2. raising of fish & other aquatic species in captivity for
3. any other species of fish, mammals, or birds that are
caught that are not the target organism
4. fish production in which fish are caught in the wild & not
raised in captivity for consumption
5. when trees & crops are planted together, creating a
mutualistic symbiotic relationship between them
6. fishing technique in which ocean floor is literally scraped
by heavy nets that smash everything in their path
Questions 7 – 12:
A. conservation
B. contour plowing
C. driftnets
D. consumption
E. deforestation
F. ecosystem capital
7. nets that drift free in water & indiscriminately catch
everything in their path
8. regulation of resource as so its use does not exceed
capacity of resource to regenerate itself
9. value of natural resources
10. day to day use of environmental resources such as
food, clothing, & housing
11. removal of trees for agricultural or exportation purposes
12. where rows of crops are plowed across hillside;
prevents erosion
Questions 13 – 18:
A. fishery
B. ground fires
C. long lining
D. greenbelt
E. intercropping
F. malnutrition
13. practice of planting bands of different crops across a
14. devoted to catching, processing, or selling of fish,
shellfish, or other aquatic animals
15. poor nutrition that results from an insufficient or poorly
balanced diet
16. open or forested areas built at outer edge of city
17. use of long lines that have baited hooks & will be taken
by numerous aquatic organisms
18. smoldering fires that take place in bogs or swamps &
can burn underground for days or weeks
Questions 19 – 24:
A. mineral deposit
B. monoculture
C. nonrenewable resources
D. mining
E. natural resources
F. no-till methods
19. excavation of earth for purpose of extracting ore or
20. when farmers plant seeds without using a plow to turn
the soil
21. when just one type of plant is planted in large area
22. area where particular mineral is concentrated
23. biotic & abiotic natural ecosystems
24. resources that are often formed by very slow geologic
processes, considered incapable of being
regenerated within realm of human existence
Questions 25 – 30:
A. old growth forest
B. preservation
C. renewable resources
D. overgrazed
E. production
F. second growth forests
25. use of environmental resources for profit
26. areas where cutting has occurred & a new, younger
forest has arisen
27. forests that has never been cut, have not been
seriously disturbed for several hundred years
28. grass is consumed by animals at a faster rate than it
can regrow
29. maintenance of species or in order to ensure its
perpetuation, with no concern as to their potential
monetary value
30. resources, such as plants & animals, which can be
regenerated if harvested at sustainable yields
Questions 31 – 36:
A. selective cutting
B. shelter-wood cutting
C. surface fires
D. silviculture
E. slash & burn
F. tailings
31. piles of gangue, which is waste material that results
from mining
32. management of forest plantations for purpose of
harvesting timber
33. removal of select trees in an area; leaves majority of
habitat in places
34. typically burn only forest’s underbrush & do little
damage to mature trees
35. when mature trees are cut over a period of time; leaves
mature trees which can reseed forest
36. area of vegetation is cut down & burned before being
planted with crops
Questions 37 – 40:
A. traditional subsistence agriculture
B. terracing
C. tree farm
D. uneven-aged management
37. planted & managed tracts of trees of same are that are
harvested for commercial use
38. when each family in a community grows crops for
themselves & relies on animal & human labor to
plant & harvest crops
39. broad category under which selective cutting & shelterwood cutting fall; selective deforestation
40. creating flat platforms in hillside that provide a level
planting surface, wich reduces soil runoff from slope
1. F
2. B
3. E
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. F
10. D
11. E
12. B
13. E
14. A
15. F
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. D
20. F
21. B
22. A
23. E
24. C
25. E
26. F
27. A
28. D
29. B
30. C
31. F
32. D
33. A
34. C
35. B
36. E
37. C
38. A
39. D
40. B