Multiple Choice I Know This! Best Answer The Picture Oldies but Goodies Says? 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 What is relative dating? Relative dating is the comparison of rock layers with other layers in a sequence to determine the rock’s age What are unconformities? Gaps in the geologic record that may indicate episodes of crustal deformation, erosion, and sea level differences What are index fossils? Fossils, used by scientist, to define and identify geologic periods. What is the geologic time scale? Because the Earth’s history is so large, scientists use the geologic time scale to make it more manageable and easier to understand. How do rocks turn into metamorphic rocks? Rocks go through the metamorphic process by increased pressure and temperature. What is weathering? The process where water, wind, and heat break down rock. What creates igneous rock? Magma cooling during the rock cycle. Define mechanical weathering. Mechanical weathering is the same as physical weathering. Things like ice, wind, water, gravity, plants, animals, humans physically wear away at rocks or the land. Why is it important to stop beach erosion? 1) If the beaches get eroded away we will have no more beaches. 2) Also, the erosion will start to take away the business and homes of people who live on or near the beach. True or False Increasing the surface area increases the rate at which rocks weather. True The more area exposed to the elements the more the rock will wear down and the quicker that process will be. What is abrasion? The process by which rocks rub against each other and wear the rock away (or where sand and silt rub against rock to wear it away). What is saltation? The skipping and bouncing of small particles in the direction the wind is blowing. What is uplift? The rising of regions of Earth’s crust to higher elevations. What is absolute dating? The process of determining a specific date for an archaeological or paleontological site or artifact. What is deposition? The process of dropping, or depositing, sediment in a new location. Describe how each type of rock changes as it moves through the rock cycle. Sedimentary rocks gets weathers down. Through gravity, the rocks gets pulled down into the Earth through heat and pressure to become metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks get pulled down further in the Earth and get heated to be come igneous rock. Igneous rock through uplifting, get eroded away to become sedimentary. If a rock is buried deep inside the earth, which geological processes cannot change the rock? weathering and erosion According to the rock cycle diagram, which of the following statements is true? a) Only sedimentary rock gets weathered and eroded. b) Uplift can happen at any stage in the rock cycle c) Heat and pressure create igneous rocks. d) Metamorphic rocks are created by melting and cooling. b What is the geologic rock column? An ordered arrangement of rock layers that is based on the relative ages of the rocks and which the oldest rocks are the bottom. Heat and pressure create_______________? a) sedimentary rock c) metamorphic rock b) igneous rock d) uplift c What is the most common rock on Earth’s surface? Why? Sedimentary Rock It’s on Earth’s surface (most other rocks are within the Earth) and it is made up of many different types and pieces of rocks combined. What is chemical weathering? Chemical weathering the chemical breakdown and deposition of rocks by natural processes in the environments. List all 4 spheres of the Earth and Give an example of each!! atmosphere (air), biosphere (life), geosphere(land), and hydrosphere(water). How are sand dunes formed? Would a sand dune formed 5 years ago still be the same today? Why or why not? Sand dune was formed through erosion & deposition. No, you would not find this dune in exactly the same position. It most likely grew over time as the erosion moved sand away and the wind deposited even larger amounts of sand in the dunes. List the four processes that change one type of rock to the other. weathering, pressure, melting, cooling