Subject Timetable for 2015-16 HSC Pension Scheme Annual Accounts Circular Reference: HSC(F) 17-2016 Date of Issue: 25/02/2016 TRIM REF: DH1/16/54091 For Action by: The Director of Operations BSO The Director of Human Resources DHSSPS For Information to: The Director of Finance BSO The Director of Finance DHSSPS Summary of Contents: Timetable for production and certification of 2015/16 HSC Pension Scheme annual accounts Related documents: HSC(F) 17-2016 - Annex B HSC(F) 17-2016 - Annex C Superseded Documents: Expiry Date: July 2016 Enquiries: Any enquiries about the contents of this Circular should be addressed to: Andrew Snowdin HSC Pension Scheme Accountant DHSSPS Room D3 Castle Buildings Stormont BELFAST BT4 3SQ Tel: 028 9076 5649 Status of Contents: Action Implementation: 2015-16 Additional Copies: TIMESCALES FOR 2015-16 HSC PENSION SCHEME ANNUAL ACCOUNTS Timetable 1. The purpose of this circular is to confirm the timescales for the preparation, audit and certification of the HSC Pension Scheme annual accounts 2015/16, including the information required by DHSSPS Finance from BSO Pension Services, DHSSPS Policy Branch and GAD. 2. The timetable is set to enable HSC Pension Scheme accounts to be laid before the Assembly by the summer recess (1 July 2016). The timetable is shown at Annex A. 3. Please note that all dates given are the latest dates by which the action must have been taken. BSO Pension Services, DHSSPS Policy and GAD should advise the Department if they are not able to meet dates outlined in this timetable. 4. In order to meet faster closing deadlines the 2015-16 timetable is very challenging. It can only be achieved if Senior Management is fully committed and action is taken to ensure that all parts of the organisation contribute appropriately and on a timely basis to the processing of financial information. 5. It is essential that BSO Pension Services manage the process surrounding the production of the information required for the annual accounts effectively, and that this information produced for audit is of a high standard and has been subjected to an evidenced quality review at a senior level in the organisation. Action 6. The BSO Operations Director and DHSSPS Human Resources Director are asked to bring this letter and guidance to the attention of staff involved in supplying information for the accounts preparation. Should you have any queries, please contact Andrew Snowdin on (028) 9076 5649. Yours faithfully CHARLES BARNETT Financial Accounting Unit Annex A HSC Pension Scheme Timetable for 2015/16 Valuation to be used Timetable 2012 full PROCESS FOR SUPPLYING ROLL FORWARD INFORMATION TO GAD TO ENABLE CALCULATION OF PENSION SCHEME LIABILITY DHSSPS FAU DHSSPS Policy BSO Pension Services It has been agreed that roll forward information will be supplied by Financial Accounting Unit (FAU) to GAD for 11 months to 29/02/16. To enable this, Pension Services (PS) will complete the annual return, Annex B, as at 29/02/16 and send to FAU by 11/03/16. Some estimates may be required. PS Additional information re capitalised enhanced retirements as at 31/03/16 will be supplied by PS to FAU by 04/04/16. PS Membership stats will be completed as usual by PS as at 31/03/16 and be submitted to FAU by 08/04/16. Please note that all interfaces concerning membership statistics MUST be up-to-date. Please inform FAU if this is not the case PS Payroll information also to be supplied by PS to FAU by 08/04/16. PS FAU FAU will produce an accruals TB as at 29/02/16 and use this to submit roll forward info to GAD by 15/04/16. GAD PROCESS FOR COMPLETING RESOURCE ACCOUNTS Annual return, Annex C, as at 31/03/16 to be submitted by PS to FAU by 15/04/16. Control accounts to be up-todate and cleared of any old transactions so that balances are bona fide debtors/creditors or due to timing differences. GAD will produce draft 2016 report for review by 06/05/16. PS/FAU/Policy to review draft report and feedback comments to GAD by 12/05/16. GAD to finalise report by 13/05/16. Draft accounts to be submitted to NIAO/KPMG by 27/05/16. PS FAU PS GAD FAU Policy PS GAD FAU AUDIT AND FINAL CERTIFICATION 2012 full Audit field work to commence 31/05/16. All queries to be resolved by all. FAU Draft Report to those charged with Governance to be issued to FAU (at least 2 days before DARAC) 27/06/16 NIAO/ FAU Responses to be made to draft Report to those Charged with Governance. FAU Final accounts approved by DARAC 29/06/16 Accounts to be certified end of June 2015 (AO 29/06/16; C&AG 30/06/16) and laid before the Assembly by 1 July 2016 FAU FAU/ NIAO Policy PS GAD Policy PS GAD