Welcome to the Florida Atlantic University Online Employment System for FAU Applicants Click on your mouse to go to the next slide or in Full Screen mode (right-click & select Full Screen) click on the at the bottom of each page. To go back a slide, click on the . Click on to Exit. If you have questions, or require special accommodations please call the Department of Human Resources or email joblist@fau.edu Voice or TTY (561) 297-3058 Getting Started After reviewing this tutorial, you will be able to use the system to: • 1) Learn about opportunities at FAU • 2) Create an application for employment • 3) Apply for specific position(s). If more than one position with the same title is listed, and you want to be considered for all of them, you must apply for each individual position number. Applying for only one will not make you eligible for all of the same title. • 4) Attach a resume or other documents to your application for each position • 5) Log in to the site to view your status for each position to which you have applied Items To Gather BEFORE Beginning Your Application Your complete education, reference, and employment information. An electronic copy of any documents (such as a resume, cover letter, list of references) you wish to attach to your application. You can only upload files that are Microsoft Word or PDF documents (by browsing your computer and selecting the file name). If you are using WordPerfect, or any other editor that is not Microsoft Word, you must copy and paste into the “Text” area, or you can type into the “Text” area directly. If you copy and paste, there is a chance you will lose any formatting done in the tool you are copying from. Helpful Hints: • Do not use your browser's "Back", "Forward" or "Refresh" buttons to navigate the site. This may cause unexpected results, including loss of data or being logged out of the system. Please use the navigational buttons within the site. • To protect the security of your data, the system will log you out if it detects no activity for 60 minutes. This will cause ALL the data you entered during that session to be lost. Please do not leave your computer for more than 60 minutes while completing your application for employment. • If you have already created a user name for Florida Atlantic University, please login using your existing user name. Now, You’re Ready To Begin The Tutorial! Frequently Asked Questions • Q) Where do I begin? • A) To begin the application process, please select a user name and password that you will easily remember. You should write down your user name and password. You will need it to apply for other positions or check the status of your application the next time you visit the site. • Q) What if I have already created an application? • A) If you have already created an application with the online employment system and wish to update your information, please click on “LOGIN” (on the left) and enter with the user name and password that you used when you created your application. • Q) What information will I be asked to provide? • A) You will be asked to provide personal information such as name, address, phone number, etc. You will also be asked to provide information about your education and previous employment (at least the last 5 years, the more if possible), as well as contact information regarding your employment history and references. Please gather this information before beginning the application. • Q) What if I do not have a Social Security Number? • A) If you do not have a social security number or if you have concerns about providing your number, please contact the Human Resources Department. • Q) What if I am not ready to fill out the application at this time? • A) If you do not want to complete the application at this time, please click “CANCEL’ at the bottom of the page. • Q) Do I have to fill out an application? • A) Everyone who applies for a position is required to create an application which includes certain information. Any required information is denoted with an asterisk (*). However, the more information you provide, the easier it will be to effectively evaluate your skills, abilities, experience, and qualifications. • Q) What if I want to submit a resume? • A) You will be able to submit a resume each time you apply for a position. There will be directions prompting you how and when to attach your resume. Please note that attaching a resume does not substitute for completing the application form. You can only upload files that are Microsoft Word or PDF documents (by browsing your computer and selecting the file name). • Q) How do I save my application? • A) You must click SAVE AND CONTINUE TO NEXT or SAVE AND STAY ON THIS PAGE to save the information you have entered. If you close your browser prior to clicking SAVE AND CONTINUE TO NEXT or SAVE AND STAY ON THIS PAGE your application and account will be saved, but you will lose the information on the last page that was not saved. • Q) Can I copy selected information from another electronic document? • A) Yes: for example, you can copy and paste the information from a Microsoft Word document directly into the appropriate fields in the application form. • Q) My document was created on a Mac, what do I need to do? • A) If you need assistance with converting files from Mac to PC, please visit the following web page, created by the National Teacher Training Institute: http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/ntti/resources/workshops/digital_file/pdfs/moving_files.pdf Choosing Your Application Type To begin the application process, you will be asked to select a user name and password that you will easily remember. You should write down your user name and password. You will need it to apply for other positions or check the status of your application the next time you visit the site. • 1) Click on Create Application • 2) Choose type of application: (click on corresponding radio button) a. Support Personnel (SP) and Temporary Positions Application b. Faculty, Administrative, Managerial and Professional (AMP) Position Application • 3) Click “GO”. • 4) Questions with asterisks next to them are required questions and must be answered to continue to the next screen. FAU ONLINE EMPLOYMENT TRACKING SYSTEM All newly hired employees will be required to successfully pass a police background check. FAU requires participation in direct deposit for all employees. CREATE APPLICATION You can Search Postings prior to creating application You can LOGIN if you already have a User Name and Password Click the CREATE APPLICATON link to select a User Name and Password and create your application CREATE APPLICATION Select appropriate type of application by clicking on Radio Button After selecting application type - Click GO Or click here to CANCEL CREATING YOUR LOGIN ID Scroll down and enter Social Security Number, User Name and Password. Please select a user name and password that you will easily remember. You should write down your user name and password. You will need it to apply for other positions or check the status of your application the next time you visit the site. Enter SS# Create USER NAME Click Continue button to go to the next page Create a password – you will type this word twice, but only *** will appear to protect your security STOP Remembe r your User Name and Password Creating Your Login ID (cont.) • What if I forget my password? Before beginning your application, you will be asked to enter a question and answer that only you know. If you forget your password when returning to the site, the system will reset it once you answer the question correctly. The question and answer will not be part of your employment application. The question and answer is case-sensitive. Type in a Question to which you will easily remember the answer Click SAVE AND CONTINUE TO NEXT Type the answer here Creating Your Application This process consists of several separate “screens/pages” of information. Each page will also have information that you may need to “scroll down” to access. SCROLL DOWN to access information Enter Personal Information Name, address, etc. Questions with asterisks * next to them are required questions and must be answered to continue to the next screen Creating Your Application (cont) Be sure to SAVE your work (Options listed at the bottom of each screen) You may quit the application process at any time by clicking the “EXIT” button, however NONE of your data will be saved You may quit the application process at any time by clicking the “EXIT” button, however NONE of your data will be saved Once you have completed a section, click SAVE AND CONTINUE TO NEXT ERROR MESSAGES If you’ve forgotten to complete any “required fields,” you will get an error message in red at the top of the page. The “required fields” that you need to complete will be highlighted in yellow. If you’ve forgotten to complete any “required fields” you will get an error message at the top of the page. Required Fields that you need to complete will be highlighted in yellow Once you have corrected each question, click SAVE AND CONTINUE TO NEXT at the bottom of the screen to proceed to the next section. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Note: A “YES” answer to these questions will not automatically bar you from consideration. The nature, job-relatedness, severity and date of the offence in relation to the position for which you are applying are considered. Failure to answer truthfully will be grounds to refuse or terminate employment. Criminal History Scroll Down then Save when finished ↓ VOLUNTARY INFORMATION • • • This screen is the Voluntary Demographic Data screen. The information in this section is voluntary, but is greatly appreciated – your information will remain anonymous and is used for reporting purposes only. The Voluntary Demographic Data that you enter on this screen will have absolutely no bearing on any employment-related decision. When ready, click the SAVE AND CONTINUE TO NEXT button to continue your application. Enter Information (optional) Click on Save and Continue to Next EDUCATION Click on down arrow and select Highest level of education EDUCATION (cont) Complete Education Information Scroll Down and Save when finished ↓ EMPLOYMENT (Click Add New Entry to enter Job History) If you do not have complete access to this information, please gather it before beginning this process You may enter more than ten years in order to show additional experience which may be helpful. Click on ADD NEW ENTRY To enter Job History Information EMPLOYMENT (cont) - Enter Job Information Enter Job History (work experience) beginning with most current EMPLOYMENT (cont) - Click on ADD ENTRY after each job entry Click on ADD ENTRY after each separate job is entered EMPLOYMENT HISTORY - Each Record (Job History Entry) will be listed EACH JOB YOU LIST WILL SHOW ON THIS PAGE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Licensure, Registration, Certificate, etc.) Enter additional information (Licensure, Registration, Certificates, etc.) Please enter how your heard of this position REMINDER –SAVE YOUR WORK Check appropriate radio button concerning employment records of employees in public positions Don’t forget to click on SAVE AND CONTINUE TO NEXT MILITARY SERVICE INFORMATION & PUBLIC RECORDS DISCLOSURE Enter Military Information Scroll Down and Save when finished ↓ APPLICANT STATUS Prior to checking the on-line consent box and continuing, you can Scroll Down and review your application information. If you need to make changes to your application, click on Edit My Information. View Application and Print Copy EDIT APPLICATION INFORMATION Online ‘CONSENT’ Form – Read, Check Box and click CONTINUE You will electronically “sign” your application by checking the box on the left and clicking Save and Continue ON-LINE “CONSENT” FORM (cont) – CLICK COMFIRM TO CONFIRM INITIAL APPLICATION OR CHANGE TO APPLICATION Click on CONFIRM APPLICATION SIGNATURE YOU WILL ONLY SIGN AN ACTUAL PAPER COPY OF YOUR APPLICATION IF YOU ARE HIRED. NOTE: at the bottom of the application view screen you will notice a place for your signature. You will only sign an actual paper copy of your application if you are hired. You are now ready to apply for a position - APPLICATION STATUS If you already applied for a position it would show here. To apply for a position, click on SEARCH POSTINGS on the left. Search Postings If you already applied for any positions, table would show here Important: For your application to be reviewed, you must apply to each specific position (position number) you are interested in. To verify whether you have successfully applied to a specific position, please click APPLICATION STATUS on the left. SEARCH POSTINGS – Click on SEARCH to view all open postings To View All Open Positions Click on SEARCH You may also search by: Classification/Title – Position Type - College/Department by Clicking on the DOWN ARROW SEARCH RESULTS Click on VIEW to view position details and/or apply to position Position # Job Closing Date Position Type Department Click VIEW To View Position Details If more than one position with the same title is listed, and you want to be considered for all of them, you must apply for each individual position number. Applying for only one will not make you eligible for all of the same title. JOB DETAIL Screen – Click on APPLY FOR THIS POSTING to apply for position To apply for this position, Click on APPLY FOR THIS POSITION Position details are listed here To edit your application BEFORE APPLYING FOR A POSITION, click on “MANAGE APPLICATIONS” on the left hand side of the margin. To EDIT your application BEFORE APPLYING Click on “MANAGE APPLICATIONS” CONFIRM You have not completed applying for this position until you receive a confirmation number. Once you finish attaching documents, you will not be allowed to attach more documents. You will be prompted if they are required for a position. If you are sure you have finished attaching all documents for this Posting click on YES. Click YES YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED Write Down Your CONFIRMATION NUMBER for future reference CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just applied for a position. Please write down your confirmation number. Click “OK” and you can see the positions for which you have applied. (APPLICATION STATUS) APPLICATION STATUS – Table lists Positions You Have Applied For To remove your application from a position, click on Withdraw Application link. Positions Applied For Date You applied If you withdraw your application, YOU WILL NOT be able to apply for the same position again. SEARCH RESULTS – To EDIT YOUR APPLICATION To edit your application before applying for a position, click on “MANAGE APPLICATIONS” on the left hand side of the margin. The screen instructions say click on Edit Application, but you need to click on MANAGE APPLICATIONS to get to the Edit function. MANAGE APPLICATIONS CHOOSE APPLICATION EDIT or CREATE DIFFERENT TYPE OF APPLICATION Support Personnel (SP) and Temporary Positions Application Faculty, Administrative, Managerial and Professional (AMP) Positions From this screen you can either EDIT an application that you have already created or you may complete ”CREATE” a different application type. EDIT Current Type To Create “New” Different Type of Application Click GO ATTACH DOCUMENTS - RESUME OR COVER LETTER, etc. Some positions will ask for you to attach a resume, cover letter, references or other documents to your application. There will be directions prompting you how and when to attach your documents. Please note that attaching a resume does not substitute for completing the application form. You can only upload files that are Microsoft Word or PDF documents (by browsing your computer and selecting the file name). If you are using WordPerfect, or any other editor that is not Microsoft Word, you must copy and paste into the “Text” area, or you can type into the “Text” area directly. If you copy and paste, there is a chance you will lose any formatting done in the tool you are copying from. ATTACH DOCUMENTS - RESUME OR COVER LETTER (cont) Click on “Attach” for document type you want to attach. Click on ATTACH for each type of Document you want to attach. ATTACH DOCUMENTS - RESUME OR COVER LETTER (cont) • • To upload a Microsoft Word or PDF document, click BROWSE, then select the file you wish to upload and click Open. Your document must be less than 2 MB in size. Click ATTACH when you are finished. Note: If your document is NOT in Microsoft Word or PDF format, please copy and paste the text of your document in the box and click on ATTACH. BROWSE (click here to search your computer’s hard drive or disc) ATTACH Or, Copy and paste the text of your document here. Note that using this Paste box will not preserve the formatting of your documents (fonts, etc.) ATTACH DOCUMENTS - RESUME OR COVER LETTER (cont) After attaching documents, you need to click on “CONFIRM ATTACHING DOCUMENTS” at the bottom of the screen. CONFIRM ATTACHING DOCUMENTS ATTACH DOCUMENTS - RESUME OR COVER LETTER (cont) • • • Once you have attached your documents, please click the View link to verify that it uploaded correctly. If your document appears to have formatting problems, please click the Remove link to remove the document, then adjust your document as needed by following the tips listed on the screen and reattaching it. ONCE YOU HAVE FINISHED ATTACHING DOCUMENTS, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ATTACH MORE DOCUMENTS View Documents FINISH ATTACHING DOCUMENTS CANCEL APPLYING TO THIS POSITION YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN SUBMITTED When your application has been submitted you will receive the screen below which includes your confirmation number. Please save your confirmation number for future reference. Confirmation Number CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just applied for a position. Please write down your confirmation number. Click “OK” and you can see the positions for which you have applied. (APPLICATION STATUS) REMOVE APPLICATION FROM CONSIDERATION • • You may remove your application from consideration for this posting by clicking on YES. If you received this screen but do not want to remove your application, click on NO. Click YES To Remove Application Click NO if you do not Want to Remove you’re Application Login Screen • What if I have already created an application? If you have already created an application with the online employment system and wish to update your information: Click on “LOGIN” with the user name and password that you used when you created your application. If you already have a User Name and Password. Click on LOGIN Login Screen (cont) If you forget your PASSWORD, click here. Your secret question will be displayed for you to answer. Whenever you return to the Online Employment System, just LOGIN using your User Name and Password If you forget your USER NAME, contact the Employment Office Thank you for viewing this presentation and your interest in Florida Atlantic University!