Template for Divisional PowerPoints

Health Psychology
Division 38 (Health Psychology)
Education & Training Committee
Regan A. R. Gurung (Chair)
Created 2008
Sample Research Findings in
Health Psychology
One of the strongest predictors of who is likely to have a
heart attack among American adults is a hostile personality
trait and a tendency towards hostile interactions with
After surgery, patients in a hospital room with a pleasant
view go home sooner and with fewer complications that
those looking at a blank wall.
Premature infants in the hospital given 15 minutes of light
massage per day gain weight faster and go home sooner
Keeping a diary where one writes about important thoughts
and events boosts the body’s immune system and improves
physical health.
Hostile and conflictual interactions with one’s spouse or
partner can suppress the immune system and increase the
risk of developing colds.
Laughter is a powerful painkiller.
Sample Research Findings in
Health Psychology (cont.)
Some people with asthma can suffer full-blown attacks after
looking at artificial flowers.
People with few friends and who lead isolated lives are twice as
likely to die during a given time period.
After a heart attack, patients who owned pets were significantly
less likely to die in the following year.
Blood pressure decreases when pet owners talk to their pets or
are in the presence of their pets during stressful events.
Men who performed volunteer work once a week lived longer and
were healthier than men who volunteered less than once a week.
Depression is a stronger predictor of heart attacks and poor
recovery from a heart attack than high cholesterol or cigarette
When people watch tropical fish in an aquarium with their full
attention, they lower their blood pressure and heart rate
People taught relaxation and meditation techniques showed lower
blood pressure and less complications during surgery.
The Area
Psychologists who strive to understand
how biological, behavioral, and social
factors influence health and illness are
called health psychologists.
The term "health psychology" is often
interchanged with the terms "behavioral
medicine" or "medical psychology".
Illnesses related to Psychological/Behavioral factors:
Heart disease and stroke
Type II diabetes
Poor birth outcomes
Chronic pain conditions
Infectious illnesses
Actual causes of death in the US *:
Smoking / tobacco
Sedentary lifestyle and poor diet
Microbial agents
Toxic agents
Motor vehicle accidents
Sexual behavior
Drug abuse
Half of all deaths that occurred in the United States in 2000 can be attributed
to a limited number of largely preventable behaviors and exposures (Mokdad
et al., 2000). This is where Health Psychologists are particularly effective.
*Mokdad et al. Actual causes of death in the US 2000. JAMA 2004:291:1238-46
Health over Time
3000 years ago:
• Spirits, Mind, and body seen as one
Greeks onward (e.g., Descartes):
• Mind and body separate
Age of Scientific Discovery (17-19th century):
• Rise of the biomedical model of disease
• Inventions drive health care (e.g., 1668 Microscope)
Beginnings of Health Psychology as we know it
• 1930s Society for Psychosomatic Medicine formed
• 1970s Society for Behavioral Medicine formed
• 1970s Health Psychology formed
• Mind and body are seen as one again
Historical moments in health psychology
-Walter Cannon (1932) - stomach movements affected
by emotional state. Stress increases blood sugar,
epinephrine, BP, respiration rate (“Fight or flight”)
-Framingham study (1948 - ) - lifestyle factors are
significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease
-Hans Selye (1956) – physiological arousal from stress
leads to disease if prolonged or chronic
-Lazarus (1960’s+) – appraisals of events are critical for
understanding health outcomes
-Neal Miller (1970’s) – can learn to control bodily
functions like BP, intestinal contractions, muscle tension
-Robert Ader (1970’s) – classical conditioning of immune
system responses to immune-suppressant drugs
Health Psychology’s Main Goals
Understanding psychological
influences:- on how we stay healthy,
- why we become sick, and
- how we respond when we do.
GOALS of Field
1. Promote and maintain health (e.g., stop
smoking, buckle belts).
2. Prevent and treat illness (e.g. reduce High
Blood pressure).
3. Focus on cause and detection of illness:
influence of personality, cognitive processes.
4. Improve the health care system/health policy.
The Main Approach Used
The Biopsychosocial Model
• views health and illness as the product of a
combination of factors including
Biological factors (e.g., genetic predisposition),
Psychological factors (e.g., personality, lifestyle,
stress, health beliefs), and
Social factors (e.g., cultural influences, family
relationships, social support).
Biopsychosocial Approach to Health and Illness
 Traditional biomedical model has limited usefulness
with current patterns of illness and the health challenges
of the 21st century.
 Integrates biological, psychological, and social
influences in order to understand health and vulnerability
to illness and successfully treat disorders.
 Addresses limitations of a traditional medical model
that attempts to cure disease. We are not healthy until
we become sick. Mental problems are not clearly
distinguishable from physical problems.
Sample Major Theories
• Health Belief Model
• Theory of Planned Behavior
• Transtheoretical Model
• Fight and Flight response
• General Adaptation Syndrome
• Cognitive Appraisal Model
Current Issues
Interactions between health
psychologists and medical doctors.
Cultural differences in health.
Technology and health.
Reducing Obesity.
Where Do Health Psychologists
Health psychologists participate in health
care in a multitude of settings including:
• primary care programs,
• inpatient medical units, and
• specialized health care programs such as
pain management,
women's health,
smoking cessation, and
headache management
• They also work in colleges and universities,
corporations, and for governmental agencies.
Clinical Activities
Health Psychologists:
• Help measure/assess for mental and
behavioral problems,
• Conduct clinical interviews
• Administer surveys and personality tests.
• Design interventions to help:
With stress management,
Educate about disease and illness,
Ways to cope with disease,
Perform more health behaviors such as physical
Research Activities
Health psychologists are on the leading edge of
research focusing on the biopsychosocial model
in areas such as:
Compliance with medical regimens,
Health promotion, and
the effect of psychological, social, and cultural factors on
numerous specific diseases
hypertension and coronary artery disease,
chronic pain, and
sleep disorders.
Health psychology research examines:
• The causes and development of illness,
• Methods to help individuals develop healthy lifestyles
to promote good health and prevent illness,
• The treatment people get for their medical problems,
• The effectiveness with which people cope with and
reduce stress and pain,
• Biopsychosocial connections with immune
functioning, and
• Factors in the recovery, rehabilitation, and
psychosocial adjustment of patients with serious
health problems.
Elaborate on career opportunities in
this area
Describe potential intrinsic and
extrinsic benefits
Describe working conditions
Describe training required
Potential for upward career
Other professional opportunities
Training for Health Psychology
Health psychologists typically hold a
doctoral degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) in
Applied health psychologists are licensed
for the independent practice of psychology
in areas such as clinical and counseling
Board certification is available in health
psychology through the American Board of
Professional Psychology.
Preparing for a career in health
Obtain general psychology training at the
undergraduate and doctoral levels,
Receive specialty training at the postdoctoral
or internship level.
• Predoctoral Internships: Clinical and counseling
psychologists are required to complete a one-year
internship/residency before obtaining their
• Postdoctoral Fellowships: Many university medical
centers, universities, health centers, and health
psychology programs offer specialized research
and/or clinical training in different areas of health
APA Division 38 (Health Psychology)
Webpage: www.health-psych.org/
Major Journal in Field
• Health Psychology:
Careers Page:
• www.sbm.org/careers/