Tech Rich Initiative Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 25th

Tech Rich Initiative Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 25th, 2014
2:30-4:30 A185 Mountain Ridge High School
Committee Members: Lissa Borchers, Jon Devenney, Jaymie Irwin, Andrea Jewett, Alexis LaDuca, Angie McElroy, Diane Milliken,
Kim Rodgers, Lisette Romero, Kelly Romirowsky, Melinda Splitek, Annie Williams, Jeff Williams, Jackie Witzke, Holly Batsell, Patty
Resetar, and Debra Poulson
In Attendance: Lissa Borchers, Jon Devenney, Jaymie Irwin, Andrea Jewett, Alexis LaDuca, Angie McElroy, Diane Milliken, Kim
Rodgers, Lisette Romero, Kelly Romirowsky, Melinda Splitek, Annie Williams, Jeff Williams, Jackie Witzke, Holly Batsell, Patty Resetar,
and Debra Poulson
District Representative: Sandy Luedke
Agenda Items:
 Norms and Shared Leadership – Holly and Patty
o Thank you for participation
o Structure of the group: district leadership, admin leadership, sub-committee chairs, facilitators,
committee members
o Whole group to start each meeting, small group, whole group to wrap up
o Proposed Norms:
 Be clear with our purpose and structure
 Bring issues/concerns to sub-committee chair and s/he will bring them to the planning meeting
 Support team’s decisions once meetings are adjourned -- changes and improvements can be
addressed at the next meeting
 Be part of the solution, not the problem
 Be patient and professional
 Value each other’s time -- start and end on time
 Make important changes as a team
 Be present while at the meeting: avoid grading, personal cell phone use
 Take care of personal needs or concerns in a professional manner
 District Updates
o With summer, consider laying your foundation during the summer -- PD opportunity for improving tech
skills in the My Learning Plan (follow up by Patty and district coordinator), study groups (free) -- this
needs to be followed up on by PD team (Erin @ D/O is contact)or communicate
o PD at SDOCHS is on half days and after school and not during prep
o Any data to support the idea that technology is driving up enrollment numbers? This is something to
look at as a communication sub0committee
 iPad Mini Distribution for Tech Rich Team - Holly & Diane
o Sign-out sheet
o Older iPad holders need to select which iPad device they want to work with
o Sing-in with current personal Apple ID -- will change over later
 Apple Survey Data - Holly
o We are primarily in the substitution level of SAMR
o Pretty accurate
o This is really good baseline data -- where are we at the beginning
o A lot of the survey covers Apple products only
o PD for the PD sub-committee: need to focus on technology skills, foundational skills, with the intent to
o Online resources and communication are high areas of current tech skills at Ridge -- need to consider for
PD focus in the fall
o With PD consider tapping into those who are already tech-savvy to facilitate PD
o Differentiation with tech skills
Diane suggested that SD teachers come and share their experiences with teachers
When does PD actually need to start: timeline is closer to January 2015 (shared by Sandy): bond monies,
infrastructure update
o Meeting with leadership team at MRHS to determine what is actually go to work at Ridge
o 3/7/14: SAMR professional development opportunity
o Early implementation (team member on TR Committee)
o Consider developing a survey that is more tailored to MRHS: look at D/F lists in a TR classroom, look at
attendance in a TR classroom versus a non-TR classroom
o Measurement team: measurement covered in each sub-area
 Sandy shared that measurement is consistent, shared and discussed
o Consider looking at Apple PD link (sub-committee: professional development)
o Dr. Alice Christy has a Google Apps conference at GCU over spring break
Apple TV Update – Jon
o Apple TV -- hoping to do the same thing that SD did -- committee members each get an Apple TV -school purchases 50% and then D/O picks up the additional 50%
o Meeting in March: Jon Devenney will show us what Apple TV is all about at the meeting
iPad Air Status Update - Patty
o Waiting to see about bond override monies
o MRHS wants the iPad Air and not mini’s
o Continue to partner with Jeff regarding status of the iPad Air
o Consider Splash Top application -- control laptop computer with iPad (demonstration by Jaymie and Jon
at next meeting)
o All teachers given iPad mini at the end of the summer
Sub Committees Sign-Up - Jon
o Professional Development for Staff – Annie Williams
 Kelly Romirowsky
 Lisette Romero
 Angie McElroy
o Communication for the Community, Parents, and Staff – Jackie Witzke & Andrea Jewett
 Kim Rodgers
 Holly Batsell
o Deployment (and Pre-Deployment) – Jon Devenney
 Alexis LaDuca
 Lissa Borchers
 Melinda Splitek
o Logistics (Governance/Forms/Discipline) – Diane Milliken
 Jeff Williams
 Jaymie Irwin
 Patty Resetar
Google Folders - Alexis
Current Issues, Concerns and Next Steps - Alexis
o Food for next meeting -- rotate by committee
 PD committee to bring snacks to next meeting
o Agenda Items for next time
 Jackie Witzkie - brief overview of Tech Rich Initiative on 3/7/14
 Add TR Initiative questions to end of data staff +/ Blackboard Application available -- district has to purchase the application - (QUESTION for D/O
to be emailed by Sandy Luedke)
Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 26th