Student Nutrition Program

Student Nutrition Program:
Nutrition Guidelines
Nutrition for kids
How to speak Label-ese (how to read the new
food labels)
Nutrition guidelines
Food Safety
Menu Planning 101
Kid-friendly recipes
What works for you
School age children need to eat well
To support optimal growth, development and activity
To establish healthy eating habits early in life to carry
throughout adulthood
To promote and maintain a healthy weight and prevent
obesity. Excess weight is associated with chronic
diseases such as heart disease, cancer and Type 2
15% increase in Type 2 Diabetes in Children in the past decade
Top Nutrition Stars 4 Kids
Vegetable & Fruit servings
Calcium & Vitamin D
95 % of bone mass
developed before age 20,
“osteoporosis is a pediatric disease
with geriatric consequences”
10-14 years are the critical
years for key messages about
healthy bones
Only half of all children have
adequate intakes for calcium
3-4 servings milk
products per day to meet
Calcium & Vitamin D
Soft drinks and fruit
drinks can displace bone
building nutrients
Iron for Cognitive Development
After 6 months of age, iron rich foods are
Children with anemia have poor cognitive &
motor development and depressed school
Onset of menses and growth spurts increase
iron needs
Iron rich choices
Heme iron is best absorbed:
beef, pork, chicken or fish
Non-Heme iron
iron fortified breakfast cereals, whole grain
breads & pasta,
legumes, seed and nuts
dried fruit
dark green leafy vegetables
Vitamin C rich food
enhances absorption of
dietary iron
Caffeine decreases
absorption of iron
Healthy digestive system
Lowers cholesterol
Role in diabetes
25g/day 4-8 years
26-31g/day 9-13 years
Children & Fibre
Choose 5 servings from
Grain Products and
Vegetables & Fruits daily:
¾ cup bran flakes= 6.3 g
1 pear= 5.1 g
Kiwi fruit=3.1 g
whole wheat pita=4.4 g
1 cup baked beans=19.6 g
Vegetables & Fruit
Strongest food predictor
of chronic disease:
lowers risk of cancer and
heart disease
Rich in fibre,
antioxidants, vitamins,
minerals, phytonutrients
At least 5 servings/day
80% of 6-12 year olds do
not meet this
Reading food labels
How to speak label-ese
Where to find nutrition information
on food product labels?
Nutrition Facts Panel
Ingredients List
Nutrition Claims
Nutrition Facts
The Nutrition Facts table
provides you with
information on Calories and
13 nutrients for the serving
size shown.
% Daily Value = indicates
whether a single serving of
a food item provides a little
or a lot of a given nutrient.
% Daily Value
Puts nutrients on a scale of 0% to 100%
(based on an intake of 2,000 Calories)
Choose foods with a low %DV for total fat,
saturated and trans fat and sodium
Choose foods with a high %DV of fibre, vitamin
A, vitamin C, calcium and iron
Serving size
Listed in common measures you use at home
Not reflective of Food Guide servings
Keep in mind that this may not reflect how
much of the product a person may eat or drink
Ingredients List
Listed in order of greatest
weight to least
E.g. Canned fruit – sugar, pears, water
Vs. Canned fruit – pears, water
Useful for identifying allergenic
products (i.e. peanuts, milk
Nutrition Claims
Highlight features of certain foods
Nutrient content claims- sodium, fat, fibre
(i.e. “Sodium free”, “source of fibre”)
Health Claims- claim how foods can affect
your health (i.e. “A healthy diet low in saturated
and trans fat may reduce the risk of heart
Use with caution
Claims can be used to identify healthy foods
But not all healthy foods have a nutrition claim!
Products with claims may be more expensive,
so be sure to check the labels
Other Health Claims
Other logos or claims put out by companies to
influence you to purchase their products
Buyer beware! May not reflect the healthiest, or
the most economical choice
Knowledge is power!
Extra Extra! Read all About Them!
Unraveling the Nutrition Guidelines
What are the nutrition
2005-Recommendations for School Nutrition Program
providers in Ontario who receive Ministry of Children
and Youth funding
Previously - no guidance around nutritional quality.
Purpose of Nutrition Guidelines
To provide specific criteria for food selection
within each food group to help providers
select foods of maximum nutritional quality.
Nutrition Guidelines
The Nutrition Guidelines provide:
selection criteria within each food group
food group selection for snacks and meals
Veggies & Fruit at a glance
Veggies & Fruit at a glance
Serving Size
 1 medium size vegetable or fruit
125 ml (1/2 cup) fresh, frozen, canned or jarred vegetables or fruit
40/60ml (1/4 cup) dried fruit
125 ml (1/2 cup) juice (note: guidelines incorrectly state 1 cup)
250 ml (1 cup) salad
Veggies & Fruit at a glance:
Fresh/Frozen Vegetables and Fruit
Select a variety of fresh and frozen
vegetables and fruit that are not in a sauce
or syrup.
Choose unsweetened frozen or canned fruit
Check the ingredient list for added sugar
Look for: glucose, glucose-fructose etc.
Veggies & Fruit at a glance:
Canned/jarred vegetables and tomato sauce
Less than 480 mg of sodium.
Look to the Nutrition Facts Panel
Veggies & Fruit at a glance:
Canned/jarred fruit and fruit sauces
Packed in juice and contains no added
Look at the Ingredients list.
Good source of Vitamin C (30%DV)
and/or Vitamin A (15%DV).
Look at the Nutrition Facts label.
Veggies & Fruits at a glance:
Dried Fruit
Fruit is listed as the first ingredient.
No added sugar or fat.
Refer to the Ingredients List.
Good source of vitamin C (30%DV) and/or vitamin
A (15%DV).
Refer to the Ingredients List.
Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
If offered, dried fruit should be consumed as part
of a meal. Brushing teeth should be encouraged
after eating dried fruit.
Veggies & Fruits at a glance:
Fruit Juice
Select 100% fruit juice.
Fruit juices provide the body with vitamins & minerals.
Most fruit flavoured drinks (punches, fruit drinks, “ades”) are
mostly sugar and water.
If labelled “fruit juice” it must contain 100% fruit juice.
Sugar should not be listed in the ingredients list
Veggies & Fruits at a glance:
Vegetable and Tomato Juice
Good source of Vitamin C (30%DV) and/or
Vitamin A (15%DV).
Less than 480 mg of sodium.
Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Activity Sheet #1:
Which would tomato juice would you choose?
Milk : The BIG Pitcher
Serving Size
250ml (1 cup):
 Milk
 Milk & alternative beverage
(I.e. fortified soy or rice
 Yogurt-based drink or shake
175ml (3/4 cup):
 Yogurt
50g (1-2oz)
 Cheese
125ml (1/2 cup):
 Custard
 Pudding
 Frozen yogurt
Milk Products
2%, 1% or skim milk – white or chocolate
Milk alternatives beverages & shakes
Example: Fortified soy and rice beverages/shakes
1) “Excellent source of calcium and vitamin D”
= 25%DV
2) Fat limit of 5g
Milk Products:
Good source of calcium.
15% DV
Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Preferably 20 % M.F. or less.
Look for the %M.F. (milk fat) on the front of the package
Milk Products:
Yogurt and yogurt-based drinks
Good source of calcium.
15 % DV
Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
2 % M.F. or less.
Look for the %M.F. (milk fat) on the front of the package label
Milk Products
Custards, puddings and frozen desserts
1) Source of calcium (5% DV)
2) Fat limit of 3g
- Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Activity Sheet #1:
Which yogurt would you choose?
Grains Galore
Grain Products:
Serving Size
1 slice of bread
½ bagel
Pita, bun, or english
30g (1/2 – 1 ¼ cup)
ready-to-eat cold cereal
175ml (3/4 cup) hot
125ml (1/2cup rice) or
20-30g crackers
1-2 pancakes
55g baked goods
30-40g grain based bar
Grain Products:
Select 100% whole wheat or other whole grain
Some examples include whole wheat, dark rye, light rye, multigrain, or cracked wheat.
Read the ingredients list and look for the word ‘whole flour’ as
the first ingredient e.g. whole wheat flour.
Source of fibre (2g)
Source of iron (5%DV)
Low in saturated fat
(2g or less of saturated + trans combined)
Grain Products:
Example: Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, hot cereal
Source of fibre (2g) and/or low in sugar.
Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Source of iron (5% DV)
Grain Products:
Rice and other grains
Example: rice, couscous, bulgur, barley, millet
Select whole grains and brown, parboiled
or converted rice.
Read the product label and look for these terms.
White rice should be enriched.
Read the product label.
Grain Products:
Source of fibre (2g)
-Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Grain Products:
Source of fibre (2g)
Source of iron (5%DV)
Fat limit of 3 grams.
Less than 480 mg of sodium.
Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Grain Products:
If using a mix, select brands that require
additional ingredients such as milk and eggs.
Offer fresh fruit or canned unsweetened fruit as
topping instead of syrup.
Grain Products:
Baked Goods and Grain-based Bars
Source of fibre (2g)
Source of iron (5%DV)
Fat limit of 5 grams.
Low in saturated fat.
(2g or less of saturated + trans combined)
Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Activity Sheet #1:
Which Cereal Bar would you choose?
Meat Marvels
Meat & Alternatives:
Serving Size
50-100g cooked meat
25-75g low-fat deli meat
50-100g canned or cured meat
1-2 eggs
125-250ml (1/2 – 1 cup) peas, beans or
30g roasted legumes
100g tofu (1/3 cup)
Meat and Alternatives:
Fresh or Frozen Meats
Lean or extra lean and reduced in sodium.
Refer to the label.
Choose unseasoned meats.
Foods should be cooked by a lower fat
method e.g. baking, grilling, broiling, bbq
Meat and Alternatives:
Deli meats/cured meats/canned meats
Lean or extra lean and reduced in sodium.
Refer to the label.
Better choices include turkey, ham, roast beef.
Avoid salami, bologna, hot dogs etc.
Choose canned meats packed in water, not
Fish is a great source of protein and other
nutrients, and low in saturated fat and high in
omega-3 fatty acids
Canned Tuna
Choose “light” canned tuna (Non-Albacore)
packed in water, not oil
Avoid white Albacore canned tuna – this tuna is
higher in mercury
Meat and Alternatives:
Eggs are nutritious.
Eggs should be cooked by a method other than
frying (I.e. microwave, poaching)
If fried,use a non-stick pan to avoid addition of
extra fat.
Meat and Alternatives:
Dried and frozen legumes
Great source of fibre, protein and
Canned Legumes
Less than 480 mg of sodium.
Fat limit of 3 grams.
Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Meat and Alternatives:
Roasted legumes
Roasted soy nuts, whole green peas
Source of iron (5% DV)
Less than 480 mg of sodium
Refer to the Nutrition Facts Panel.
Meat and Alternatives:
Other meat substitutes for vegetarians
Example: tofu, veggie burgers/dogs, soy burgers
Source of iron (5%DV)
Less than 480 mg of sodium.
Fat limit of 3 grams.
Foods should be cooked by a lower fat method e.g.
Activity Sheet #1:
Which Can of Kidney beans would you choose for a
250ml (1 cup) serving?
“Other” Foods
Water should be served frequently.
Some of the foods are higher in fat and/or added
sugar, sodium or caffeine and are low in nutrients
(i.e. hot dogs, chicken nuggets).
If “other” foods are offered, only use one item per
snack/meal. For example when serving toast,use
jam or butter, not both.
Other Foods
Jams jellies, marmalades, syrup, fruit batters,
light cream cheese and light cheese spread
Sauces, dips, gravy, condiments
Fats & oils (e.g. butter, margarine, vegetable
oil, salad dressings, etc.)
Nuts and Peanuts
Varies from program to program
For peanut-related resources contact the Health Unit
List of products meeting nutrition standards
Money Matters
- List of Best Buys
- National Grocers in Smiths Falls
- Quattrocci’s in Smiths Falls.
Kid friendly recipes!
Take a break and have a
Menu Planning
Meals and snacks
Menu Planning
– A snack should contain at least one serving from a
minimum of two of the four food groups with at
least one serving from the Vegetables and Fruit food
Menu Planning
– A meal (i.e. breakfast and lunch) should contain at least
one serving from a minimum of three out of the four
food groups with at least one serving from the
Vegetables and Fruit food group and at least one
serving from the Milk Products food group.
Thank You !