A New Screening Process for Christiana Conser Invasiveness Project Scientist PlantRight, Sustainable Conservation Invasive Ornamental Plant Symposium Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, IL October 3, 2013 Economic impact of nursery and landscape Source: CANGC 2010 industry CA’s Top 20 Commodies (sales and rank values (2002-2008) CA Nursery & Floral Sales (Total and as a % of Total Ag Sales) Drivers of New Plant Global Trade Technological Introductions • Advances in plant breeding and propagation Regional • New housing starts • Consumer demand • Interest in novel and exotic plants • Increased demand for xeriscaping • Water restrictions • Adaptations to climate change scenarios Bradley et al. 2011 Rate of new plant Number of commercially available cultivars introductions (1987 to 2008) 105,000 20,000 Drew et al. 2010 Historical Invasive Plant % of Total Invasive Plants Accidentally or Intentionally Introduced for to California Pathways 2% California Horticultural/ornamental 13% Seed/other contaminant 48% 37% Dye, medicinal, forage Aquarium trade Bell 2007 What is an Invasive Plant? A plant that does not naturally occur in a specific region but whose introduction causes or is likely to cause harm to the environment, economy or to human health. Photo | California Invasive Plant Council, Beth Hendrickson What is not an Invasive Plant? Non-native ornamental plants Garden weeds Comparison of Invasive and Ornamental Traits • Invasive Broad germination Traits • Ornamental Abundant flowers Traits • Establish rapidly • Easy to propagate • Use up limited resources • Grows quickly • Weather/soil tolerant • Weather/soil tolerant • Resistant to pests and disease • Resistant to pests and disease Photo | California Invasive Plant Council, Beth Hendrickson Photo | UC Davis Arboretum Weed Risk Australian WRA Assessment • 49 Questions • Biogeography/Historical • Domestication/Cultivation • Climate and Distribution • Weed Elsewhere • Biology/Ecology • Undesirable Traits • Plant Type • Reproduction • Dispersal Mechanisms • Persistence Attributes • Used in Australia & other parts of the world Photo | AQIS Pheloung et al. 1999 Weed Risk Comparison of global WRA model accuracy Assessment 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% All WRA’s have low accuracy for non-invasive plants 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Invasive Plants Non-Invasive Plants Weed Risk USDA-APHIS-PPQ Assessment • Revised Q37 (NAPPRA-Not allow pending risk assessment) • All nursery stock requires a pre-import risk analysis • Evaluate the ability of a species to spread outside cultivation • APHIS WRA modeled from Australia’s WRA • Impact on imports for nursery industry unknown Koop et al. 2011 PlantRight Plant WRA adapted for screening ornamental plants Risk Evaluation • High accuracy for non-invasive plants •(PRE) Predict regional invasiveness • Screen sterile and non-sterile cultivars • Screen plants early in the R&D process • Rapid screenings, quick results • Provide real-time risk assessment for invasiveness • Updated with new information as it becomes available Photo | UC Davis Arboretum PlantRight Plant Types of screening questions Risk Evaluation • Taxonomy • Cultivar names •(PRE) Invasive history in CA, US, • • • • • • world Climate suitability for CA Difficulty of control Negative environmental impacts Reproductive strategies Dispersal Growth rate Photo | UC Davis Arboretum PlantRight Plant Screening Procedure & Data Collection Risk Evaluation (PRE) Protocol adapted from Gordon et al. 2010 PlantRight Plant PlantRight PRE Scoring Risk Evaluation (PRE) Invasive>19 Non-invasive<14 Evaluate Further=15-18 PlantRight Plant Comparison with Australian WRA model Risk Evaluation (PRE) Non-Invasive Invasive 100% 90% 80% 70% PlantRight PRE had high accuracy for non-invasive plants 60% Evaluator 1 50% Evaluator 2 40% Evaluator 3 30% 20% 10% 0% PlantRight PRE Australian WRA PlantRight PRE Australian WRA PlantRight Plant Comparison with other WRA models Risk Evaluation (PRE) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% PlantRight PRE has highest accuracy for non-invasive plants 30% 20% Invasive Plants 10% 0% Non-Invasive Plants PRE (Plant Risk Evaluation) TOOL Protocol adapted from Gordon et al. 2010 PRE (Plant Risk Evaluation) TOOL Invasive>19 Non-invasive<14 Evaluate Further=15-18 PRE (Plant Risk Evaluation) TOOL Taxonomy Cultivar names Invasive history Climate suitability Difficulty of control Negative environmental impacts • Reproductive strategies • Dispersal • Growth rate • • • • • • OPPORTUNITIES | BENEFICIAL INFO Current taxonomy and synonyms Ornamental and cultivation history, medicinal uses, etc. Native range and regional climatic suitability information OPPORTUNITIES | BENEFICIAL INFO Growth, reproduction and dispersal characteristics Ecological information re: garden suitability Patent information PlantRight Plant Add Climate Modeling To Evaluate the Regional Riskof Evaluation Suitability Plants (PRE) + PlantRight Plant Develop a Web-Based Tool and Database Risk Evaluation (PRE) MS-Excel Web-accessible database Propagators Growers Plant Breeders Plant Buyers Arboreta PlantRight PRE Plant Prospectors Retail Nurseries Botanical Gardens PlantRight Plant Develop Rapid Screening (RS) Tool Risk Evaluation Screen most common plants in ornamental trade (PRE) PlantRight Pre-PRE rapid screening tool Water Use Classification of Ornamental Landscape Species (WUCOLS) Christiana Conser PlantRight Project Scientist Sustainable Conservation cconser@ucdavis.edu www.PlantRigh rg