Test Study Guide

Endocrine System Study Guide
Study your two quizzes & color sheets!
How can light affect your endocrine system? Which hormone in particular is affected?
What is light pollution? What are the effects of light pollution on humans and animals?
Difference between endocrine and exocrine
What are hormones?
What are local hormones? Paracrine and autocrine?
What does a hyper vs. hypo condition mean?
Differentiate between positive and negative feedback. Know examples of both.
What are the 2 main causes of hormone disorders?
Differentiate between the two categories of hormones: peptide vs. steroid. Know the chart!
Differentiate between endocrine and nervous systems.
How does Leptin affect the body?
In the video we watched, why does Teresa overeat even though she has high levels of leptin in
her blood stream?
Be able to label a hormone and receptor model like the models you made in class. Describe how
a hormone fits into the receptor
Know the pictures from your color sheets!!!
o Locations of main endocrine glands
o Pituitary hormones from posterior, anterior, and intermediate
o Andrenal cortex and medulla
Know how to label the thyroid and parathyroid and the hormones made in each gland
How was the guy treated from the Personality Crash reading? Why did his disorder go
undetected for so long?
Know the hormones of the pituitary: MSH, oxytocin, ADH, LH, FSH, prolactin, GH, ACTH, TSH
(you should already have these notecards)
o Where they are made
o Their target (kidneys, skin, etc.)
o Their function
o Disorders
Know the hormones of the thyroid gland: T3/T4 and calcitonin
o Where they are made
o Their target (kidneys, skin, etc.)
o Their function
o Disorders
Know the hormones of the parathyroid glands: Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
o Where they are made
o Their target (kidneys, skin, etc.)
o Their function
o Disorders
Be able to explain how PTH and calcitonin are antagonists and show this by a feedback loop
Know the hormones of the outer adrenal cortex: aldosterone
o Their target (kidneys, skin, etc.)
o Their function
o Disorders – Addison’s disease
Know the hormones of the middle adrenal cortex: cortisol
o Their target
o Their function
o Diseases - cushings
Know the hormones of the inner adrenal cortex: sex hormones
o Their target
o Their function
Know the hormones of the adrenal medulla: epinephrine/norepinephrine
o Function
o How is various parts of the body affected?
Know the hormone produced in testes
Hormone produced in ovaries?
Is testosterone and estrogen produced both in males & females? (yes, just more so in which
How can certain chemicals disrupt the sex hormones?
o Atrazine
Know that estrogen is made from testosterone
Difference between progesterone and estrogen
Why is synthetic progesterone used as birth control?
How is the pancreas endocrine and exocrine
What do the alpha cells and beta cells of the pancreas make?
What does glucogon and insulin do? How are they antagonists?
Type 1 versus type 2 diabetes
o Cause
o Symptoms
o Treatments
What is gene therapy? When can it be used?
How does gene therapy work?
How can gene therapy be used in hormone disorders? (in what cases?)