Unit 1 Lesson 2 - Population Evolution

In This Lesson:
(Lesson 2 of 3)
Today is Wednesday,
September 9 , 2015
What are three types of selection?
Today’s Agenda
• Population Evolution
• Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
• Other important dynamics in evolution across
a population.
• Where is this in my book?
– Chapter 23.
By the end of the lesson…
• You should be able to describe HardyWeinberg equilibrium and use its formula to
solve problems.
• You should be able to identify other dynamics
that can occur to populations and how they
will affect genetic diversity.
• You should be able to explain why places like
Hawaii, Australia, and Madagascar have such
weird life forms.
Quick Genetics Review
• Gene:
– A segment of DNA that codes for a particular protein.
• Allele:
– A version of a gene.
– We all have the eye color gene, but we have different eye
color alleles.
• Genotype:
– The underlying alleles (homozygous/heterozygous) behind
an individuals’ traits.
• Phenotype:
– The outward manifestation of an individual’s genotype.
– In other words, how an individual looks.
Quick Genetics Review
• Complete Dominance (Simple Inheritance)
– Purple flower + white flower = purple flower
• Incomplete Dominance
– Purple flower + white flower = pink flower
• Codominance
– Purple flower + white flower = purple/white flower
• Multiple Allele Inheritance
– More than two traits (eyes: hazel, brown, blue, etc.)
• Polygenic Inheritance
– More than one gene controls a trait.
Quick Genetics Review?
• Locus
– Where a gene is located within a chromosome.
• (it’s a location in the DNA)
– Plural: loci
Why populations?
• We study the evolution of populations
because the population is the smallest “unit”
that can evolve.
– Mutations must be passed on, so evolution
doesn’t actually appear in individuals.
– Rather, the evolution is between generations.
– Evolution is therefore only viewed in aggregate.
• So how do you know if a population is
Hardy-Weinberg Theorem
• The Hardy-Weinberg Theorem was developed by
two separate individuals (independently).
• It is a way to determine whether evolution is
occurring in a population OR how many
individuals exhibit certain genotypes/phenotypes.
– If no evolution is occurring, allele frequencies should
be unchanging.
• Here’s the deal:
– Suppose we have a population of…
– …Blue-Footed Boobies.
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
• It’s not true, but for an example let’s also say
that blue-footed boobies can either have the
dominant allele for blue feet (B) or the
recessive allele for green feet (b).
– In other words, for feet, there are two possible
alleles in the gene pool – all the available alleles in
the population.
• Now, let’s also say that a particular booby
population is not evolving. It is therefore in
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
– This allows us to make some broad statements
about the boo- er, “birds.”
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
• Put bio on pause for a second.
• If I flip a fair coin, what’s the likelihood of
• 50%.
• If I flip a fair coin twice, what’s the likelihood
of heads both times?
• 50% * 50%, or 25%.
• Okay, back to bio.
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
• Suppose, in the entire gene pool for foot color, B
(blue) alleles represent 70% of the population.
– That means b (green) alleles represent 30% of the
• Therefore, those numbers should not change
generation-to-generation if this population is not
• We can also determine the frequency of
genotypes (not just alleles) in the population, but
we need a concept or two first.
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
• To be BB, then, you are 70% likely to get B for
the first allele and 70% likely to get B again.
• 70% * 70% = 0.72 = 49%
• To be bb, it’s 30% the first time and 30% again.
• 30% * 30% = 0.32 = 9%
• To be Bb, however, you could be 30% or 70%
likely for the first allele, and then 70% or 30%
for the second allele.
– This is trickier.
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
• Let’s suppose the sperm provides B and the
egg provides b:
• 70% * 30% = 21%.
• Suppose the opposite:
• 30% * 70% = 21%.
• That’s a total of 42%, so the chance of being
Bb is really B * b * 2.
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
• Therefore, 49% of individuals are BB, 42% are Bb,
and 9% are bb.
– That adds to 100% - not a coincidence.
• That’s just an example. As a formula, the HardyWeinberg Equation looks like this:
• p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
• p = frequency of dominant allele
• q = frequency of recessive allele
• p2 = frequency of homozygous dominant individuals
• 2pq = frequency of heterozygous individuals
• q2 = frequency of homozygous recessive individuals
• Again, what’s the point?
– Either to determine if evolution is occurring, or to determine how
many individuals exhibit certain traits or have certain genotypes.
• What’s the difference between “alleles” and
– AKA what’s the difference between “q” and “q2?”
• Let’s explain it with an example – eye color.
– Suppose you can either have brown eyes (B) or blue eyes
(b), and brown eyes are dominant.
– I can look at a room of people and determine the
frequency of people with blue eyes (that’s q2).
– However, I can’t look at the room and determine how
many blue alleles are out there (that’d be q).
• Some people with brown eyes could be heterozygous, and
therefore carry a blue allele without showing it.
– This is why we need the equation, and it only works if the
population is at equilibrium.
Hardy-Weinberg Equation
• We’re going to practice, but first, some
assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
• To be at H-W equilibrium, a population must:
– Not have mutation (no DNA changes).
– Have random mating (no sexual selection).
– Not have natural selection (no “fitter” genotypes).
– Be large (smaller ones fluctuate through genetic drift).
– Not have gene flow (no individuals come in or out).
• Any violation of these conditions indicates
H-W Practice Problem
• The frequency of the “not caring” allele (N) in
honey badgers is 95%.
• If the population is at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,
how many honey badgers don’t care in a
population of 5000?
If 95% of alleles in the gene pool are N, 5% are n.
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.
(0.95)2 + 2(0.95)(0.05) + (0.05)2 = 1
90.25% are NN, 9.5% are Nn, 0.25% are nn, or in other
words, 90.25% + 9.5% = 99.75% don’t care.
– 99.75% of 5000 is 4987 badgers.
H-W Practice Problem 2
• This one’s adapted from your textbook (p.
• Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare disease caused
by a recessive allele. It can cause mental
disability and other symptoms as a result of
being unable to metabolize the amino acid
phenylalanine, but is relatively easily treated.
• If 1 in 10,000 births in the USA is
phenylketonuric, what percent of the
population are carriers of the allele?
H-W Practice Problem 2
• Okay, this is a bit of a weird one.
• First, let’s make sure we can even use HardyWeinberg:
Are new PKU mutations being introduced? Nope.
Do people mate with others based on PKU? Nope.
Are people with PKU dying off? Nope.
Is there a large population size? Yep.
Is there gene flow? Yes, but other populations have
similar PKU rates.
• Proceed.
What percent of people are
heterozygous (carriers) for PKU?
• Since PKU is recessive, q2 represents the frequency of
PKU-positive individuals.
• q2 = 1/10,000 = 0.0001
• q = √0.0001 = 0.01 (1% of all alleles are PKU)
• Therefore, the non-PKU dominant allele has a 99%
• p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
• (0.99)2 + 2(0.99)(0.01) + (0.01)2 = 1
• We care about the highlighted part because those are
the carriers.
• 2(0.99)(0.01) = 0.0198, or 1.98% of the population carries
H-W Practice Problem 3
• In a population of 1000 Polish Frizzle chickens, 342 have a
recessive phenotype for tan feathers. Determine how many
chickens are homozygous dominant and heterozygous.
• 342 out of 1000 is 34.2%, or 0.342 (q2).
• q = 0.585 (√q2).
• p = 0.415 (p + q = 1)
• p2 = 0.172; 2pq = 0.486; q2 = 0.342.
• But! That’s not good enough. They gave us a starting
population size (1000 individuals).
– So 0.172, or 17.2%, is 172 chickens homozygous dominant. 2pq =
0.486 (or 48.6%) means 486 chickens are heterozygous.
Hardy-Weinberg Takeaways
• A gene pool is the sum of all the individual alleles
(“gene letters”) in a population.
• In order to have no evolution, you need the five
assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
• If there is no evolution, allele frequencies in the gene
pool are unchanging.
• When allele changes are in equilibrium, we can
estimate genotypes in a population.
• If actual numbers show considerable difference from
Hardy-Weinberg probabilities, evolution is occurring.
• Letters are allele frequencies; terms in the equation
are genotype frequencies.
Hardy-Weinberg Tips
• Because heterozygous individuals “hide”
recessive alleles, start your analysis with the
homozygous recessive genotype/phenotype.
• Frequently, but not always, problems require
you to find q2, then q, then p, and then use
the Hardy-Weinberg equation.
• Keep your allele frequencies as decimals
unless percentages are specifically required by
the problem.
Final Hardy-Weinberg Note
• Polymorphism…what’s that?
– Think root words!
• Poly- = many.
• -morph = form.
• So polymorphisms are different forms of an
organism within a population.
– For example, white-handed gibbons can be
either black or blond (not related to gender).
– That’s a color polymorphism.
– There can even be single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs), which are when DNA
bases change at certain points (loci).
• Let’s first try another way of measuring allele
– Lab 8 – Population Genetics and Evolution
• Followed by:
– Hardy-Weinberg Practice Problems (odd numbers)
• Now that that’s done, let’s look at some broad
population-level evolutionary trends:
– Genetic Drift
• Bottleneck Effect
• Founder Effect
– Gene Flow
– Mutations
– Natural Selection
• Directional Selection
• Diversifying Selection
• Stabilizing Selection
– Sexual Selection
Genetic Drift
• Genetic drift has occurred when allele
frequencies have changed due to chance.
• Prevalent in small populations.
• Decreases variation and thus adaptability.
• Non-biology example:
– If you flip a coin 1000 times, what percent of flips will
be heads?
• About 50%, or maybe slightly more. It’s unlikely to be that
far off.
– If you flip a coin 5 times, what percent of flips will be
• Well, it should be 50%, but with fewer flips it’s not entirely
unlikely you could even get 100% heads. Or 0%.
Small Populations
• So how do populations shrink, leading to
genetic drift?
1. Bottleneck Effect
• Disaster, famine, loss of habitat shrinks population.
• Importantly, genetic fitness has no correlation with the
alleles lost from gene pool. It’s chance only.
Bottleneck Effect Case in Point
• Cheetahs:
– Very small number of alleles in
the cheetah gene pool.
• Caused by a bottleneck during
the last ice age (~10,000 years
ago) and more recently from
– Zoo populations and other
captive cheetahs must be
managed carefully to outcross
(avoid inbreeding).
Founder Effect
2. The founder effect occurs
when a new population is
started with a small group of
individuals (founders).
– The new gene pool may not
resemble the old gene pool.
– This frequently leads to
• This is much like a small sample
size in an experiment.
– A small group leads to sampling
About sampling error…
• Suppose I wanted to poll the school on which sport
we all like the best.
• I ask only the football team.
• I then conclude that football is our school’s favorite.
– Nope, this is sampling error.
– Similarly, if a group of birds settles on an island and starts a
new population, but their gene pool does not have the
same allele frequency as the “starting” gene pool, we may
experience sampling error as the birds all appear “red” for
– It’s sampling error because we end up with a different gene
pool composition from the “previous” gene pool.
Founder Effect Example
• Amish people have higher-thanaverage rates of polydactyly
(extra digits).
• It has nothing to do with being
Amish – it’s just that the Amish
community was founded by a
relatively small group with
higher-than-average polydactyly
• Since the Amish usually do not
reproduce outside the
community, the skewed allele
frequency is maintained.
Genetic Drift: Alternate Example
• Here’s something weird:
– We all know DNA can be mutated by UV radiation.
– UV radiation doesn’t just harm our DNA. It can also
mutate viral DNA.
– Some research suggests that UV radiation might cause
the mutations that lead to pandemics.
– The crazy part? In the 20th century, 6 out of 9 massive
flu outbreaks were accompanied by increased sunspot
activity – when the sun releases a bunch more
radiation than normal.
• The acquisition of these novel genes by viruses is
known as antigenic drift.
Okay, next…
• Another population-level pattern in evolution: gene
• When a population’s alleles are spread to another
population, gene flow has occurred.
• For most of human history, for example, people tended
to not move very far.
• Once modern transportation came about, however,
populations that would never have come in contact
with one another now are.
• When these formerly-isolated groups reproduce,
alleles from each “flow” into the other population.
Gene Flow Example
• GMO Plants
• Some of the fear around
organisms, plants in this
example, is that their pollen,
seeds, et cetera, will spread
into the wild.
• You might say the fear is of
GMOGF, or geneticallymodified organism gene
• Any time DNA is copied or transcribed (to
RNA), there are always mistakes.
– Many are fixed but some slip through.
– About one typo in every billion DNA bases goes
• These mutations, over millions of years and
coupled with genetic drift and/or natural
selection, can ultimately lead to evolution.
– They are not always positive. They are random*.
*Random Mutations
• Recent research suggests that not all mutations are
• Jumping genes have been documented across the
biological world, but they were first found in corn by
Barbara McClintock in the 1950s.
• When corn plants were stressed by heat or drought,
mutation rates soared. Entire genes were moving!
– The movements were not random, however.
– Genes went certain places significantly more frequently
than others and their movement occurred as a result of
environmental stimuli.
Natural Selection
• We’ve covered this one, but obviously natural
selection is usually applied at the population
level, not just for the individual.
• Note that there will never be a “perfect”
individual produced through natural selection:
– There are historical constraints (like the existence of
vestigial structures – old adaptations now unneeded).
– Mutations must occur for new and fitter phenotypes
to occur than those already in existence.
– Adaptations frequently represent compromises. One
trait often can’t suit every possible use.
Types of Selection
• Here’s the thing…selection manifests across a
population in a few different ways:
A. Directional Selection
B. Diversifying/Disruptive Selection
C. Stabilizing Selection
• Remember, these are responses to selective
Types of Selection
Arrows represent
selective pressures.
Directional Selection
• When a population’s genetics
shift in one direction toward
an extreme phenotype.
• Example: Male house
sparrow’s black “bibs” are
preferred by females. Over
time, we would expect the bibs
to become bigger and bigger.
Diversifying/Disruptive Selection
• When both extremes of a
phenotype are preferred over
the middle ground.
• Example: Oysters. Being
relatively light-colored helps
blend in with rocks. Being
dark-colored helps blend in
with shadows. Being mediumcolored helps you get eaten.
Stabilizing Selection
• When both extremes of a
phenotype are not preferred
over the middle ground (being
in the middle is best).
• Example: Birth weight. Being
underweight or a big ol’ baby
are not good. A middle-weight
infant has the best chance of
Sexual Selection
• Where natural selection is all about being able to
survive well enough to reproduce, this one’s
about being able to win over the opposite sex.
• Sexual selection is a process by which individuals
more readily survive to reproduce because they
have traits desired by mates.
– …sometimes.
– I know, we talked about this before. More details
now; types and examples on the next slides…
Sexual Selection
• Intrasexual selection occurs
when individuals of the same
sex (usually males) compete for
the opportunity to mate.
– Example: Young male lions that
must oust an older male from his
pride in order to win the harem.
– Example: Buck Fight!
– Example: Koala Fight!
• By the way, the male lion’s mane
serves as a way to defend against
another male’s “neck bite” attempt.
Sexual Selection
• Intersexual selection occurs
when individuals of the
opposite sex select mates
based on certain desirable
– Example: Female zebra
finches that select the males
with the reddest beaks and
legs, and biggest cheek
Sexual Selection Key Points
• Sexual selection is a form of nonrandom mating.
• It can lead to sexual dimorphism
– when males and females differ
• For intersexual selection, females
are using some kind of visual
assessment as a proxy for good
– “If that stud can keep his beak so
red, he must be good at securing
food. He’ll be a great father.”
Balancing Selection
• Balancing selection is a form of selection that acts
to preserve variation, or in other words, preserve
allele variety:
– Heterozygote advantage occurs when the
heterozygote genotype is favored, thus preserving
both alleles.
• Example: Cystic Fibrosis has been shown to prevent Cholera.
– Frequency-dependent selection is a condition when
individuals with uncommon characteristics are favored:
• Book example: Scale-eating fish in Lake Tanganyika Africa
have mouths facing left or right (not both).
• When most scale-eating fish have left-facing mouths, being
able to attack from the opposite side is advantageous.
Heterozygote Advantage Example
• Take a look at these maps and tell me if you
think it’s just a coincidence.
– (The HbS allele leads to sickle-cell anemia)
Frequency-Dependent Selection
• It’s subtle, but look at the mouth directions:
Last Thing: Clines
• This is a “kitchen-sink” type vocabulary word:
• A cline is a “gradient” of phenotypes.
– For example, suppose polar bears get thicker coats
as you go further north.
– North Pole bears would have thick blubber and
mid-range Canada bears, if any, would have thin
– Thus, a gradient.
• I want you to remember this important phrase
in biology:
– “Form follows function.”
• This should make sense to you now:
– Evolution guides the development of the
phenotypes we see around us by selecting for
certain alleles.
– No “form” exists apart from its “function.”
– Everything either serves a purpose or did so
Closure Deux
• So why do islands have weird life forms?
– Islands often have unique selective pressures and
their small sizes lead to increased genetic drift.
– As we’ll see next unit, some islands with lower
biodiversity also have fragile ecosystems that may
not hold up well in the face of change or invasive