The genomes of living organisms vary enormously in size
Four classes of DNA polymorphisms
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
Single base-pair substitutions
Arise by mutagenic chemicals or mistakes in replication
Biallelic – only two alleles
2001 – over 5 million human SNPs identified
Most occur at anonymous loci
Useful as DNA markers
Fig. 11.2
1 every 30,000 bp
Repeated units 2 – 5 bp in length
Mutate by replication error
Useful as highly polymorphic DNA markers
Fig. 11.3
Repeating units 20-100 bp long
Total length of
0.5 – 20 kb
1 per 100,000 bp, or about
30,000 in whole genome
Fig. 11.4
Deletions, duplications, and insertions
Expand or contract the length of nonrepetitive DNA
Small deletions and duplications arise by unequal crossing over
Small insertions can also be caused by transposable elements
Much less common than other polymorphisms
Figure 11.5
Formation of haplotypes over time
SNP detection using southern blots
Restriction fragment length polymorphisms
(RFLPs) are size changes in fragments due to the loss or gain of a restriction site
Fig. 11.6
SNP detection by
Must know sequence on either side of polymorphism
Amplify fragment
Expose to restriction enzyme
Gel electrophoresis
e.g., sickle-cell genotyping with a PCR based protocol
Fig. 11.7
SNP detection by ASO
Very short probes (<21 bp) that hybridize to one allele or other
Such probes are allele-specific oligonucleotides (ASOs)
Fig. 11.8
ASOs can determine genotype at any
SNP locus
Fig. 11.9 a-c
Hybridized and labeled with ASO for allele 1
Hybridized and labeled with ASO for allele 2
Fig. 11.9 d, e
Preimplantation embryo diagnosis of CF using ASO analysis
Fig. 11.1
Fig. 11.1
Fig. 11.1
High-throughput instruments e.g, microarrays
Fig. 10.24
Large-scale multiplex ASO analysis with microarrays can detect BRCA1 mutations
Each column contains an ASO differing only at the nucleotide position under analysis
BRCA1 DNA from any one allele can only be one of four ASOs in a column
Heterozygotes are easily deteted
Fig. 11.10
Primer extension to detect SNPs
Fig. 10.27
Mass spectrometer
Fig. 11.12
Microsatellite allele detection analysis of size differences
Huntington’s disease is an example of a microsatellite triplet repeat in a coding region
Fig. 11.13
Minisatellite detection and DNA fingerprinting
1985 – Alec Jeffreys made two key findings
Each minisatellite locus is highly polymorphic
Most minisatellites occur at multiple sites around the genome
DNA fingerprint – pattern of simultaneous genotypes at a group of unlinked loci
Use restriction enzymes and southern blots to detect length differences at minisatellite loci
Most useful minisatellites have 10 – 20 sites around genome and can be analyzed on one gel
Fig. 11.14
Minisatellite analysis
Fig. 11.15
DNA fingerprints can identify individuals and determine parentage
E.g., DNA fingerprints confirmed Dolly the sheep was cloned from an adult udder cell
Donor udder (U), cell culture from udder (C),
Dolly’s blood cell DNA
(D), and control sheep
Human Karyotype
(a) complete set of human chromosomes stained with
Giemsa dye shows bands
(b) Ideograms show idealized banding pattern
Fig. 10.5 a
Chromosome 7 at three levels of resolution
Fig. 10. 5 b
FISH protocol for top-down approach
DNA hybridization and restriction mapping – a bottom-up approach
Fig. 10.7
Identifying and isolating a set of overlapping fragments from a library
Two approaches
Linkage maps used to derive a physical map
set of markers less than 1 cM apart
Use markers to retrieve fragments from library by hybridization
Construct contigs – two or more partially overlapping cloned fragments
Chromosome walk by using ends of unconnected contigs to probe library for fragments in unmapped regions
Physical mapping techniques
Direct analysis of DNA
Overlapping clones aligned by restriction mapping
Sequence tag segments (STSs)
Fig. 10.8
High density linkage mapping to build overlapping set of genomic clones
Physical mapping of overlapping genomic clones without linkage information
Fig. 10.10
Physical mapping by analysis of STSs
Fig. 10.11
Each STS represents a unique segment of the genome amplified by PCR.
Sequence maps show the order of nucleotides in a cloned piece of DNA
Two strategies for sequence human genome
Hierarchical shotgun approach
Whole-genome shotgun approach
Shotgun – randomly generated overlapping insert fragments
Fragments from BACs
Fragments from shearing whole genome
Shearing DNA with sonication
Partial digestion with restriction enzymes
Hierarchical shotgun strategy
Used in publicly funded effort to sequence human genome
Shear 200 kb BAC clone into ~2 kb fragments
Sequence ends 10 times
Need about 1700 plasmid inserts per BAC and about
20,000 BACs to cover genome
Data from linkage and physical maps used to assemble sequence maps of chromosomes
Significant work to create libraries of each BAC and physically map BAC clones
Fig. 10.12
Whole-genome shotgun sequencing
Private company Celera used to sequence whole human genome
Whole genome randomly sheared three times
Plasmid library constructed with ~ 2kb inserts
Plasmid library with ~10 kb inserts
BAC library with ~ 200 kb inserts
Computer program assembles sequences into chromosomes
No physical map construction
Only one BAC library
Overcomes problems of repeat sequences
Fig. 10.13
Sequencing of the human genome
Most of draft took place during last year of project
Intruments improvements – 345,600 bp/day
Automated factory-like production line generated sufficient DNA to supply sequencers on a daily basis
Large sequencing centers with 100-300 instruments – 103,680,000 bp/day (10-fold coverage in 30 days)
Fig. 10.23
High-throughput DNA sequencing
Integration of linkage, physical, and sequence maps
Provides check on the correct order of each map against other two
SSR and SNP DNA linkage markers readily integrated into physical map by PCR analysis across insert clones in physical map
SSR, SNP (linkage maps), and STS markers
(physical maps) have unique sequences 20 bp or more allowing placement on sequence map
Fig. 11.16 a
Cloning human genes
A pedigree of the royal family descended from Queen Victoria
In which hemophilia A is segregating
Blood-clotting cascade in which vessel damage causes a cascade of inactive factors to be converted to active factors
Fig. 11.16 b
Blood tests determine if active form of each factor in the cascade is present
Fig. 11.16 c
Techniques used to purify Factor VIII and clone the gene
Fig. 11.16 d
Positional Cloning – Step 1
Find extended families in which disease is segregating
Use panel of polymorphic markers spaced at 10 cM intervals across all chromosomes
About 300 markers total
Determine genotype for all individuals in families for each DNA marker
Look for linkage between a marker and disease phenotype
Once region of chromosome is identified, a high resolution mapping is performed with additional markers to narrow down region where gene may lie
Fig. 11.17
Positional cloning – Step 2 identifying candidate genes
Once region of chromosome has been narrowed down by linkage analysis to 1000 kb or less, all genes within are identified
Candidate genes
Usually about 17 genes per 1000 kb fragment
Identify coding regions
Computational analysis to identify conserved sequences between species
Computational analysis to identify exon-like sequences by looking for codon usage, ORFs, and splice sites
Appearance in one or more EST databases
Computational analysis of genomic sequences to identify candidate genes
Fig. 11.19
Gene expression patterns can pinpoint candidate genes
Look in public database of EST sequences representing certain tissues
Northern blot
Northern blot example showing SRY candidate for testes determining factor is expressed in testes, but not lung, ovary, or kidney
Fig. 11.20
Positional cloning – Step 3
Find the gene responsible for the phenotype
Expression patterns in affected individuals
RNA expression assayed by Northern blot or RT-PCR with primers specific to candidate transcript
Look for misexpression (no expression, underexpression, overexpression)
Sequence differences
Missense mutations identified by sequencing coding region of candidate gene from normal and abnormal individuals
Transgenic modification of phenotype
Insert the mutant gene into a model organism
Transgenic analysis can prove candidate gene is disease locus
Fig. 11.21
Example: Positional Cloning of Cystic
Fibrosis Gene
Linkage analysis places CF on chromosome 7
Fig. 11.22 a
Northern blot analysis reveals only one of candidate genes is expressed in lungs and pancreas
Fig. 11.22 b
Every CF patient has a mutated allele of the
CFTR gene on both chromosome 7 homologs
Location and number of mutations indicated under diagram of chromosome
Fig. 11.22 c
CFTR is a membrane protein. TMD-1 and
TMD-2 are transmembrane domains.
Fig. 11.22 d
Proving CFTR is the right gene
Phenotype eliminates gene function
Cannot use transgenic technology
Instead perform CFTR gene “knockout” in mouse to examine phenotype without CFTR gene
Targeted mutagenesis
Genetic dissection of complex traits
Incomplete penetrance – when a mutant genotype does not always cause a mutant phenotype
No environmental factor associated with likelihood of breast cancer
Positional cloning identified BRCA1 as one gene causing breast cancer.
Only 66% of women who carry BRCA1 mutation develop breast cancer by age 55
Incomplete penetrance hampers linkage mapping and positional cloning
Solution – exclude all nondisease individuals form analysis
Requires many more families for study
Disease phenotype is not caused by any inherited predisposing mutation
Decreases power to detect correlation between inheritance of disease locus and expression of the disease
Genetic heterogeneity
Mutations at more than one locus cause same phenotype
Multiple families used in most studies
If different families have different gene mutations, power of statistics to detect linkage will drop significantly
Polygenic inheritance
Two or more genes interact in the expression of phenotype
QTLs, or quantitative trait loci
Unlimited number of transmission patterns for QTLs
Discrete traits – penetrance may increase with number of mutant loci
Expressivity may vary with number of loci
Many other factors complicate analysis
Some mutant genes may have large effect
Mutations at some loci may be recessive while others are dominant or codominant